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Everything posted by yordan

  1. We should not mix the problem.When my Windows host has 2 gigs free, this means that I can give 2 gigs to a virtual machine. As long as there is a lot of memory free, we are testing the cpu performance. The disks in the PC can be accessed by a single process which exhaust the whole disk bandwidth. This means that you can comfortable work on your native host, or on your VM machine, but not simultaneously on both - except if you have fiberchannel adapters connected to a decent SAN. So, do not mix cpu-access problems and lack of memory problem. My friend has a 8-core laptop with 64 gigs memory, on a virtual machine he opens a big Excel file ten times faster than I do on my native XP laptop. Of course this will not make me switch to a bigger laptop, I simply know that if I had far more money, I could work far more efficiently. Simply waiting one hour costs less than finding $1000.00 in order to buy a bigger hardware!
  2. And the probloem with "Fresh install" is different from "first install". After the first install on a Crosoft DoDows machine, a lot of things are written on the registry and in the system settings places.a Of course, this is also the case on Linux machines, simply the storage places are different. So, what you think being a "fresh" install is replacing some file by other ones, but system settings don't change. That's why, each time it's possible, I use a portable version of FireFox (or chrome), in case of trouble I remove my folder and uncompress the portable software again so that I'm back to the initial settings.
  3. If you often have this problem on a virtual machine, and the Opera developer is available for working on your problem, give him a snapshot of your virtual machine and he will have exactly your problem at home.
  4. I think that there should be at least a small effect. Vmware people claim that there is no difference in perfomance between a virtual machine using a given hardware, and the same operating system using the same hardware. Some colleagues claim the same thing. Else, the whole cloud thing could not work, if too much power would be lost. And, of course, if the thing is made correctly, this could be true. Crosoft Windows uses a driver of the native machine in order to access the disk. The OS inside the virtual machine sends requests to the vmware daemons, which pass the request to the native system drivers. So, at the end, the same drivers are used the same way to access the same devices. There could be a bug making a need of retry on the SCSI or IDE channel, which would make a loss of performance, but the bug will be solved in the next vmware release. There could be a very simple test. Create a 10 gig partition on a native hard drive, and make a disk benchmark test on it. Then give that partition to a virtual machine and perform the same test. These two tests should give the same result. Of course, in order to be valid, the test should not be performed on a partition, but on a full disk, using the same full disk for the native system and for the virtual machine system. If you see a difference, you are rich : you sell your test to the VM designers and help them solving the problem, and you will receive a lot of of money for that very good job. -- EDIT -- forget this, I will contact them and I will become very rich
  5. If it's a VM, it's on the hard drive! It's supposed to be as fast as the hard drive of your physical machine. The only difference could be if the vm hard drive does not correctly manage the Windows8 disks. If this is really the case, it will be fixed in the next vmware release, because Windows 8 will the one of the major releases for the professional systems clouded by vmware.
  6. In my opinion, a standard guy has five fingers, so he can efficiently use no more than five buttons. Moreover, if he wants to be able to move the mouse, he needs two fingers dedicated to mouse moving, so only three fingers are available for buttons. Of course, this statement does not apply to fps shooting games nor to space-rockets adventure games, where you keep the mouse with two hands for more precision, and then you have ten fingers available, then you can devote each finger to each of the weapons you acquired. You needed so many time for earning the money in order to acquire that weapon, you have plenty of time for deciding which finger will use this new weapon and which movement will better optimize your placement for using it. So, my definite opinion is : For stand one-hand mouse users, a two or three button mouse is enough. For two-hands mouse users, up to ten buttons can be managed. But you will lose time when switching from mouse-handling to keyboard-typing. So, if ten buttons is not enough for your game, switching from mouse to keyboard will be really time-consuming and you will suffer a tremendous lack of performance.
  7. Nice problem!What is your purpose? Why do you need to transfer the info from one grid to another? Creating a fail-safe with automatic update on another platform?
  8. Are we talking about the original DOOM, or DOOM2?
  9. Ha-Ha!So, we know : the price range is between $5 and $60. Now we need a skilled gamer to clarify the price-performance ratio, and tell us if we can plot the curve and see a linear or a hyperbolic shape.
  10. For instance when his DSL router is broken?I also needed this when I was out of my office, in a place where there was no public wifi available.
  11. OK, Bob said "the biggest backup". And, of course, the web is not a single website, each system needs to have a backup, and we can imagine that the biggest single backup somewhere is 20 terabytes, which of course needs to be multiplied by the number of single copies (monday backup, wednesday backup, week-end backup, monthly backup at least).
  12. That's a modern feature.Some tens of years ago, it was normal to wait until three other persons are free for playing cards.Today, if I want to play, I want to do it right now. It's possible with online games, without waiting.It's a modern times feature : we want everything immediately.I still think we can mix both : playing online as soon as I want, and playing around a table with my friends as soon as they are available, maybe next month.
  13. Seems to be a network problem : the site responds too slowly.Check your network, try a ftp upoload for instance, and see if your networks responds correctly.
  14. yordan

    Map Web

    Seems that you need a (x,y) matrix. Capture the mouse position. And, if x is between a and b, and y is between c and d, call chapter 3.
  15. Can Youtube be used for something other than entertainement?
  16. This is part of the war : when I have to choose between several smartphones at similar prices, I will not choose the ugly one, I will take that one which has a nice design.
  17. I hate these square tile icons! Is this really the new way designers think that we will love looking at our phones?
  18. You want to know or to change the properties ? To know the properties, just type ipconfig /allOf course, it's "ifconfig -a" if you are on a Unix or a Linux system! And, to change the properties on a windows system, what about righ-click or left-click on the small network icon? Or right click on the "network" icon on your desktop? That's what is done by most of the sytem administrators which happen to be as lazy as I am!
  19. Really? Are you asking about network management inside a disk management topic?
  20. Quite true. Unfortunately, the teacher asked the student not to use "diff", in order to learn how to manage recursive commands and how to pass variables to scripts.
  21. If you read the example you will notice that it adds +1 to the counter each time somebody enters there. So, if you put it somewhere on your main page, it will tell you how many people read this page. If you clear the content of the file each morning, at the end of the day it will tell you how many people today. If you don't clear "alle.txt" it will tell you the total number since creation of the file.
  22. Which Operating system are we talking about, here? Windows XP ? Linux?
  23. yordan

    My Databse

    If you don't have time enough for posting, have a look at our sister site qupis : http://forums.xisto.com/qupis/ No posting needed on qupis, only a small add on your website page, no problem for the database. Regards Yordan
  24. if you are hosted at Xisto, there is a joomla installer in your account cpanel.
  25. Great news, problem solved. So, everything is fine again.
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