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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Kahboom ? Nice workgroup name?@Ahsani : also be sure to tell Windows firewall that the new network is a trusted one!
  2. Please use other IP addresses. Usually, 192.168.1 is your Ethernet switch, or your internet router or your wireless access point, or any thing you are using for going on the Internet.So, it's better to leave the "obtain the address automatically" which will automatically give you a valid address.Or use your own, but rather higher than the addresses usually given by your DHCP device, let's say and 49.And, yes, you can see two networks, one having been automatically detected by the DHCP client, and another one detected by the embedded Windows anti-piracy gadgets. If you cheat with IP settings, Windows will try to kick you out.
  3. Watching the TV while surfing, so not really "listening to"
  4. Click the "Xisto: Open discussion" written in white characters on blue background on the top, or go to http://forums.xisto.com/index.php
  5. Just click your myCENTs value, it will lead you directly to the Billing and Support Credit page.
  6. Maybe they also precisely don't want you to download the files?
  7. I would say that you can't do anything harmful with a vacuum cleaner. So, I would first try with the vacuum cleaner, and see if it changes something in the cooling behaviour.
  8. My laptop has only 200 megs memory, I feel very poor on that point.
  9. This means that Ubuntu users have more problems than other distro's users ?
  10. I you really need to have the files on your PC, you can use an offline explorer. WinWget portable did the job on the first video, it downloaded the mov files in the tutspremium\courses_$folder$\30DaysJquery folder, and VLC played the mov files without any problem.
  11. Ah, death-Rally on old DOS computers... costed me a lot of keyboards.
  12. Wow! Pizza? Magma? I would vote for them simply because of their name niceness.
  13. By the way, did somebody else already successfulloy test this method?
  14. Did you try the standard Microsoft backup?Did you try crashing your OS (getting a virus while surfing and try to restore your system from the Microsoft standard backup ? Most of people I know were not successful, and they used a third-party environment where you boot on a recovery media and recreate the system disk on from data on the backup media.
  15. Nope, that is false. You configure the desktop only once, granting access to any computer, and to a know user which has a password. So, you configure it only once on each system in your house, and your laptop can remote desktop to any computer. This is not the only way to do this, but I love it because it's a standard Microsoft Windows feature, so it's supported on each Windows system.
  16. OK, what you want is a Linux administration very complete tutorial for your LInux version. As a matter of fact, each Linux version has it's own way of being administrated. For instance, in the Linux systems I use, inside the something.tgz file, if you uncompress it, you find a file named something.rpm, you simply click the rpm file or in a command-line window you type "cd myfolder ; rpm -i ./something.rpm", and this is supposed to be fully explained in the embedded readme file.So, you should have a look for a DVD with tutorials for administration for your Linux version.
  17. This is very easy using the Remote Desktop facility.Have a look here, for instance : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ your computer you start the remote desktop. It asks you the remote computer username and password, and you are on the remote computer, with keyboard, mouse and everything.Before that, the remote computer must enable remote desktop access, grant connect to the user, that's all.
  18. Wow!Quite a lot of needs!OK, first of all you should forget a lot of "obvious" things which are not so obvious at all.Drivers is one of the main problem in personal usage field. For instance my printer does not have drivers for windows seven nor windows vista. So, thinking that windows has drivers for everything is false. You are supposed, before buying some device, to look if drivers for your version of windows or your version of Linux do exist, else simply do not buy this device.Secondly, there are some standard ways to do in Linux world. And most of them are not available through videos, they are available from books or from tutorials on the net.The first thing is that polite people, when they pack a software like adobe flash player, usually put this in a .tgz file. Usually you have first to unpack that file, and then see what are in the unpacked package. Usually it is a something.rpm file, you simply have to click on it. And usually there is a readme or README or readme.first or readme.install or readme.something.txt file saying how to install it. If this software is not packed that way, you have to go to another place.Also communication between PC's can be something rather complicated if you want to have several networks on several machines.For instance, if you want your Linux machine to be on a separate system and share the internet connection available on a PC with a USB dongle, you have to install a (preferably free) proxy server on your PC and configure your Linux machine to use this proxy. However, if your Linux machine is a virtual machine on the same PC, simply use the NAT facilities coming with the virtual environment, everything will work fine without any pain. When installing, Linux will see the NAT network as it's main network, and will access Internet normally.NFS is the standard Unix (so also Linux) way for sharing files between Linux and other Linux or Unix machines. If you want to communicate with the Windows world, you will need to configure a Samba server (or client, depending if the shared files are on the Linux or on the windows machine). And you guess that this inter-os communication question is not a Linux problem, because in a pure Linux world it does not exist. The problem is if you want to make two different world communicate without any misunderstanding.So, maybe, instead of saying "I want a video explaining everything immediately", maybe you should ask one thing after the other one. For instance, ask "how do I install flash on Linux?"
  19. First of all tell us what you really want to do on your main OS.If you want to use it as most of people use their Windows system, then it works the same way : you click and you wait.Terminal commands are for advanced users, exactly as on Windows systems.Do you use "cmd" line commands on your current computer? If yes, which command lines do you type ? Quite a lot of command-line instructions are exactly the same:- mkdir- rmdir- cd
  20. Both are related to your Xisto account. Simply Xisto is more devoted to technical questions concerning computer science.
  21. Precisely. You order paid hosting from Xisto, and you pay with the MayCents you earned while posting.
  22. waf :! "LISTEN :80"Very nice. I used to add one LISTEN line for each NIC I had, your way is really smart. Thanks.
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