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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Still the same old First Principle.If you want something not to be heard, don't shout it on the street.If you don't want some picture to be seen, don't post it on the web.
  2. OK, algo, I removed the ban.However, please stop your spamming games, else the ban will come back and will stay definitely.
  3. Huh ? Your comparison is not completely honest. You are comparing the most modern smartphone, with a previous generation PC.Now the current PC's you buy in a supermarket have 4 ou 8 cpu's, and at least 4 gigs memory and 1 Terabyte disk.
  4. Of course. However, quite a lot of applications work only with IE6. For professional purposes these people need to stick with IE6. And, of course, I just wanted to show that the PC and the router are able to reach the modern-stytle websites, and I'm happy that this demonstration was possible without touching the Crosoft install by itself.
  5. You are partly right. However, you will hardly find inside a mobile device as much room for cpu's, memory, hard drives, cooling power, as well as a comfortable keyboard and a 22-inch screen.
  6. Today"s funny thing. My friend could not connect to his gmail mailbox. I came with my Firefoxportable on my USB stick, and I showed him how to use it. So he could simply use the Portable Firefox where his PC's Windows Internet Explorer could not work correctly. So, a fast diagnosis without installing or uninstalling everything. Then I said : "You have two solutions : 1) You upgrade your IE version to a more modern one, but you could have problem with your favourite websites which work correctly with IE6 only 2) You work with my portable Firefox version, if you happen to not love it any more, simply remove the folder."
  7. When I am on a friend's computer, I don't want to install things, putting strange things in the Windows Registry. That's why I use the portable version of Firefox. If my firefox does not work any more, I simply remove the files from the PC and I am back to the previous stage. If I want to debug, I uncompress the original file and check that evrything is OK again. Then I add my "profile" folder, and see that nothing works again. Which means that the problem is coming from my own local settings.
  8. You know, each guy can create his own Unix on any hardware. Providing that you have a C compiler on your hardware, students at school learn how to compile (three main steps) starting from a very simple source and enriching it at each step. Of course at the and you need to add drivers, which is quite another question.But a question directly related to your vmware previous question. You can do anything you want provided that the vmware team guys added the drivers for that. For instance the vmware network adapters relying on the physical adapters of the host system.
  9. The Guy who made this particular form of Unix had Linus as first name, that's why Linus's Unix is name Linux.
  10. At least no computer expert answered your question in less than one hour. And due to the way you express yourself, I guess that nobody wants to share some knowledge with you. Of course, your problem is a rather simple one. Each computer comes with his own XP installation CD. A laptop does not boot from the same install CD as a desktop, because the hardwares are different, so the drivers are different, mainly from the display and motherboard point of view. You simply have a Windows XP CD which does not match your laptop hardware. Where did you get this laptop and this CD? The best way to solve your problem is to go to laptop manufacturer's website, go to the support section, and ask them to provide you with a new installation CD for your very precise laptop, the model references are probably written under the laptop. Of course, this kind of requirement is a free operation during the guarantee period. After that, you will have to pay a little amount of money for that. Also check that you don't have any hardware problem, i would test this with a LiveCD like Mandriva One CD ; if you are able too boot off the Mandriva one CD and are able to surf on the web, then you have no hardware problem.
  11. Of course, but you are also in the "your voice, your review", where we ask you to review a very precise website or websomething, and not talking about "in general".Or were you talking precisely about x10hosting ?
  12. Unix is the today's standard. It has different implementations, depending from the hardware on which it is.It's named AIX on PowerPC, Power6 or Power7 processors.It's named Sun-OS on Sun systemsIt's name HP-UX on HP systems.And it's named Linux mainly on X86 or compatible systems.The main Unix divisions are ATT-based Unix systems and Berkel-based Unix systems.Linux is a "almost" pure Unix, with rather few deviances from the standards.Unfortunately some very important commands, like "shutdown" are different in Linux, which makes me very angry when I powerdown a system instead of rebooting it.
  13. This is not due to the virtual environment. You will have exactly the same problem with a standalone physical system.This is a very common decision in the current way of installing machines, some people think that you should never be able to directly log in as root. So some Linux system installs prevent you from directly logging as root. -----------------------------------------EDIT------ concerning the root login, follow the following tutorial : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It will show you how to grant connect in graphic mode to the admin user root. This tutorial was mentioned here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I did not try it yet, but it should work. Also have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and, of course, before doing this, backup your vmware machine, just in case. If you are successful, drop the backup in order to save disk space.
  14. Just installed portable firefox 10, the beta version. Now the portable version has national language, till now the portable versions only had English Menus and English popups.
  15. We are hosted on the Xisto computers, here are our TOS, have a look : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ have exactly the same TOS as the paid hosting customers, no trap, no trick.
  16. Huh? What are you talking about? Yes, I had a look, and saw this :
  17. First of all do not change your current OS toward a new one you don't master yet. You should first try on another machine which could be sacrificed, in order to test the new OS and see if it meets your purposes.
  18. Last time I used co.cc, Xisto was not shown in the browser, as far as I remember there was an option "hide URL" in the co.cc configuration menu.
  19. username.co.cc is defined at co.cc side.username.astahost.com is defined at Xisto side, nothing more to be done.------EDITIt's exactly as simple as that.Your subdomain is something like yourname.trap17.com, you want to create a website in the sandbox folder, at Xisto side it will be reached as yourname.trap17.com/sandbox and at co.cc side you ask yourthing.co.cc to point to yourname.trap17.com/sandboxIt shoud work fluently.
  20. This is a somehow violent solution, it's a "chmod 777", but it works.A smarter solution is to read the install doc, which says the permissions to be set on some temp folders.The reason for the problem is that the owner of the files, the guy who did the ftp, is not the user who starts php and mysql.You know, Unix has rather few protections, but enough for preventing us from working comfortably!
  21. 1) open a ticket at Xisto mentionning the message IP Address (ns2.astahost.com) is listed in the Spamhaus Block List. because it's probably an abuse problem which has already been solved by banning the bad user, but the blacklist has to be cleared. 2) No problem with both a subdomain and a co.cc domain name simultaneously.
  22. He says that he is using a cooling pad, so he should not have cooling problems. Definitively this looks like an obstruction problem, an the vacuum or dust blowin solution is the right way to go.
  23. The speed is not the current problem. The virtual machine is here just in order to test a Linux website on a Windows host. Vmware is there in order to have simultaneously a second operating system on a single keyboard-mouse computer. And I remain pretty sure that you will have to set the LISTEN parameter, else apache will listen to the localhost machine and will ignore all remote queries.By the way, starscream is right, you would get better performances with a local portable WAMPP setup on your windows machine, than dividing your cpu power between your windows host and your Linux VM. You should try this portable WAMPP things, if you don't like it you simply remove the concerned folder.
  24. The problem accessing the virtual machine is the same you will face accessing another machine. You have two completely different machine, a ubuntu machine and a windows machine.Your website can be accessed from the ubuntu machine and not from another machine. This is because your ubuntu apache server (I guess it's apache) is listening to the local machine and not the network machine.So, you have to find the apache configuration file (I guess it's named httpd.conf or a similar name) on your ubuntu server, have a look at the LISTEN instruction, and ask to LISTEN your IP address (if it's a fixed IP) or your hostname. And stop/start your apache server (apachectl stop and then start, or reboot your ubuntu server).Then, you will be able to reach your webserver from another system, namely your windows machine.
  25. Please do not post copied text without quotes. Posting copied text is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban.I did the quoting job today, next time I expect you to do it by yourself.
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