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Everything posted by yordan

  1. The defect is not moved to another physical location. Simply, the data which should be written on the scratched place, the data are told to be written in another sector of the disk.
  2. Simply create a standard user (name it "leka" for instance), not an admin.Log in as user "leka" and try accessing the valuable date, you will see that they are not reachable!
  3. Now you have to say "Oracle people"
  4. I don't know Ubuntu 12.04 but... whant would happen if you drop the "guest" user?
  5. I would say that you have to do that.My best guess is that the problem is coming from the charger connectors. If you have to change something, it would be the charger. In an ideal world, you would go to a repair shop with your laptop, and the tech in the repair shop should plug a brand new charger and show you that it works perfectly, and then you pay the new charger. In the worst case the new charger doesn't work and you pay nothing for it but you have your answer. Same kind of thing, if it's the charger-side connector on the motherboard, a smart tech could proably bend the faulty electrod in order to create a correct contact again.
  6. An old dream. A lot of people spend time trying to use it. Your personal space ongoogle, available anywhere, from any browser. Docs, pictures, what you want. See here : https://drive.google.com/ Looks very nice.And on your own PC you can install the google drive API for more copy-paste file transfers. Personally I'm not very interested by installing the API, I preferthe "from any PC" feature.
  7. You just put the zipped version of the portable version on a fileserver, ask him to download and unzip and run and tell you what he sees, and that's all.
  8. You can compare Windows 8 installation time on vmware, to XP installation time on the same vmware machine. Then you can see if it's really faster, even if the absolute value is not reliable.
  9. I see, Microsoft shows a page giving the iso download and explaining how to use this iso in order to create a USB flashdisk installator. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17777/downloads-for-windows
  10. Say that you moved it, because no intermediate files are missing. If you copied the files, some files could be missing, and vmware has to re-create them.
  11. As simply as that. Your friends computer connects to the main server and opens a tunnel. Your computer connects to the server and opens a tunnel. Your friends gives you the current password by phone, you type this password on your computer, and you are connected. The software has a portable version, so no installation, if not satisfied you simply remove the files from the computer.
  12. And once you manually remove them, do they definitely disapear, or do you have to remove them each time you open your browser ?
  13. Huh? Please tell us somehow more.Which webserver are you talking about?Is your website working somewhere? On your own PC for instance?Then you simply need FileZilla in order to ftp-upload on your webserver, if the server has a ftp service.Or you can simply use the filemanager embedded in your webserver controlpannel in order to upload your files.If you are using a database, you will also have to re-create the database on the remote system and restore your database backup.By the way, I moved your game here, where it's place most probably is.RegardsYordan
  14. Great idea! This test will tell us if the current Windows 8 version has the drivers for the vmware ethernet adapters, mouse and displays!Please test this, and keep us informed.I will do the test as soon as I can put my hands on a Winows8 CD distro, because I have a veryyyyyy sloooooow network so I cannot do a network install.
  15. Yes, it is, but usually the concerned TCPIP port 3900 is not reachable from outside, you must configure the home ADSL router in order to allow this port. And, of course, your must know your friend's fixed IP address in order to reach his PC from the outdoor network. And of course you have to pay for the VNC license, whereas the teamviewer license is free for personal use.
  16. You cannot say "this does not work", you should simply say "this is still very expensive". Here is an exemple of solar generator, http://www.mobilesolarpower.net/ you can today buy commercial solar generators. Simply, if you need something comfortable, you will need several square meters of captors and a lot of additional materials, inverter, regulator, and of course a huge battery for storing the whole thing. In the near future, we will urgently need this kind of things, when petrol will start being an unreachable resource. And we will have to choose between having a huge solar cell, or stop using my laptop.
  17. The solar device has it's own battery. The battery needs a whole day to be charged, but when you need to charge your laptop the solar battery has already been charged by the yesteday sun exposition. So, you simply have to be sure that the solar cell has sun every day.
  18. Really? You are getting a one-petabyte disk tomorrow? You lucky man. You have a lot of money, a lot of electrical power for the disk and for the associated cooling system. May I borrow some terabytes form your petabyte disk?
  19. Moreover, some people don't have internet at home, some writers simply need a way for typing text at home or inside public libraries. And, of course, from a personal point of view, a PC connected to nothing will have very few intrusion problems. :)And, of course, I must confess that we went rather far away from the topic starter subject, which is "LiveCD".
  20. For a laptop, you need a wide solar charger, because you need at least 150 watts. So, mobile generators for ships are a good solution, very easy to find on the market. But be careful, it costs about $300, probably more expensive than your laptop. But it's simply an infrastructure fee, you must feel this as part of your house, and not a part of your PC!
  21. No, physical bad sectors are not fixable. A real bad sector is a sector with a physical problem (dust or scratch during manufacturation). The low-level format is in charge of preventing the operating system from using these bad sectors. The initial bad sectors are flagged as "do not use this", and are harmless. New occurence of a scratch or a dust intering the disk subsystem will lead to a new useless sector, but the operating system does not know that no data should be written on it. So, an extra toos is need for that. Crosoft Windows allows you to perform a disk check and will flag these sectors as unusable, but if you already have data or binary files there, they are lost.
  22. No reason to have a better performance after reinstallation.If you have already all your staff installed and it workd fine, just keep it like that.Usually, after a fresh install a PC works very fine. And each time you add a new softare it sztarts being slower and slower (adding more things in the registry and starting more services and firing new TSR programs which use all your available memory. So, I guess that if you re-install, it will work faster, and then slow agani as soon as you will have finished installing all your staff.Or simply wait for your next virus-related crash and then having a good reason for performing a format and a fresh install
  23. Not right that. Read the document in my link. You will have to read the files inside the iso file (with any iso reader) and put them on the folder you will mention in the syslinux.cfg and on the menu.txtthis should work for any version, the settings says that the system should boot from inird.gz, pup_*something and vimlinuz, it's a rather classical situation for a linux system. Sorry it's fully manual, but it should not be very difficult for a linux guy.
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