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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Ha-Ha! dumb TV versus smart TV, ubuntu mobile versus android mobile, TV versus tablet, quite a lot of nice challenges to come
  2. yordan

    Hi Im New!

    Ouch! English algo instead of Spanish Algo!
  3. You should be able to try it : rename 'C:/.../Apple Computer/MobileSync' to 'C:/.../Apple Computer/MobileSync_sav', and create 'C:/.../Apple Computer/MobileSync' as a link to 'C:/.../Apple Computer/MobileSync_sav'It should work. If it does not, simply remove the new link and remove the "_sav" in the original folder name, this will come back to the standard situation with very few effort.I hope that there are no internal bugs which could prevent my trick for working, so maybe it could be safe to have a system backup....
  4. Manuleka gives you the best way. Look for a local retailer, and go there with your laptop and tell that you will buy it only if works with the native blootooth of your laptop without any dongle. They will probably accept to let you try it, and if it does not work correctly they will give your money back because you simply unpacked the thing and used it five minutes!
  5. There is an option "number of results per page" which defaults to 10, but you can change it to 5. It's in the "options" settings of the google page. It does not work for "instant search"
  6. Thanks. You know, we want to keep our website a reputation of serious, that's why we give paid hosting plans for free to people who post on our forum. However, we want to keep the topics as serious as possible. And today the word hacker has to different meanings. Originally, it meant a guy knowing a lot how computers work, and wanting to still know more. Unfortunately there is another meaning of this word, which is synonymous of intrusion. We don't want to help intruders, by any means.
  7. Hi, Coziboy,You first posted this topic in the "Tutorial" section.Your topic is really not a tutorial!That's why I moved it here, where it's place most probably is.RegardsYordan
  8. The MyCents will appear just above your "Warn status" as soon as you will have written five interesting posts (not one-line posts like these you write till now!). However, if you could change your "interests" in your profile, we are not a hacker site....RegardsYordan
  9. Have a look at our TOS here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Also remember that you pay for a give bandwidth. And also please remember that you cannont post on your website any material for which you don't have the copyright, so no movie no mp3 from youtube or from somewhere else.
  10. I guess that, what Horus was saying is that, if you use a mail address for gaming, you will get a lot of spams. So you should not use the same mail address for gaming and for professional uses, because your professional mails will be hidden by a lot of spams.
  11. Ouch! I forgot "gifts" in the poll!
  12. Your first posted this topic in the "computers and techs" forum. This text does not really concern computers.That's why I moved it here, where it's place most probably is.RegardsYordan
  13. Teamviewer has a standalone version, it does not necessarily require installation. You can install it if you want to, but you can also use the standalone version. I prefer the standalone version, that way I don't modify my friend's computer settings, when I finish my job I simply remove the folder, or leave everything until the next need.
  14. Precisely. For distant computers, Team Viewer is a nice solution. It also has a standalone version, which is very comfortable. And for the local network (in your home network or in your office network) the starter topic solution is still the best one, it has the most comfortable graphics and mouse/keyboard behavior.
  15. How-How-How!Merry Christmas folks.Will you be celebrating Christmas?
  16. Yeah, OK, but the start topic initial essential question was : how are you currently surfing? With ms-dos command line instructions, or with windowed graphic browsers? "286" is the physical layer, but what man-machine interface are you using? Smart command lines, or dummy click-click things? Regards Yordan
  17. Money was first a way for materializing work exchange.You help me building my house, I help you taking care of your garden and your animals. This was easier while giving work against money. Lazy people have less money and have to work harder if they want to get enough food.Of course, as in most of generalized systems, a lot of deviances come on top of this, and some people have a lot money while doing absolutely no work.The real problem is not money, the real problem is he human nature.If the system were based on apples or pieces or bread, the problem would probably turn being exactly the same.Of course, this text is only a piece of philosophical thinking, there is no easy way to check if suppressing money will make people in a given land feel really better.
  18. Sorry, but I don't really understand your question.This is also the frequency for most of mobile phones, are you afraid when you see somebody using a GSM telephone ?And why do you name it "poor man WIFI" ? Do you think that rich people don't use wifi with their laptops ?
  19. Good news! Congrats! You have golden fingers when touching computers!
  20. That's why I would rather suggest that the second guy should be on a separate PC, remotely connected to the first one through vnc or Terminal Server.
  21. Isn't there a brightness or contrast button near your screen? You could have accidentally changed the settings or pushed some invisible buttons?
  22. Do you nevertheless see something on the broken laptop screen? Is ita d possible to type alt-ctrl-del and click on the second display and make it default?By the way, I did this on a desktop system, and it worked fine. But when the system went back to my friend's home, my display was still the default, and his one did not work. So I will have to come back home, connect my display and remove it from the default settings. ---- EDIT----By the way, most of latpops can duplicate the main screen, it's the key with the two monitors, on my laptop it's F8 combined with Fn, try it.Also connect your second display and simply close your laptop, the display should move to the second screen.
  23. That's the real problem. Seems that the hardware is a standard PC with a single mouse/keyboard and two displays under Crosoft Windows. So we need a way for adding a second keyboard, a second mouse associated with the second keyboard, both clicking and inkeying on the second display. So, a single PC with two persons on two keyboards and two mices simultaneously working on two different displays.
  24. Please try avoiding mistyping, words like "poloar" or "did ou like it" are rather painful.
  25. yordan

    Hi Im New!

    @Velma : This is more complete than what I learned at School.At school, in Spanish class, I learned that "algo" means "something", which is included in your the more enlarged definition you found.
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