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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Sorry, but this is a false problem.virtual machines are installed exactly the same way as physical machines.That's why for instance you can perform a PtoV migration, in order to move all your system from your actual machine to a virtual machine.This means that, in my opinion, if you do simultaneously the installation on both systems (one virtual Linux machine and a physical PC), you boot from the same CD during operating system install and you catch your rpms from the same fileserver, you will reach exactly the same system state, and your LAMP application will fail the same way on both physical and virtual machine.The only difference between a physical system and a virtual machine is inside the drivers, which are not part in our webhost configuration problem.
  2. Ouch!So, currently, the way I am working :In window 1 I am watching the TVIn window 2 I am compressing my pocket recorder to mp3 in order to be able to mail my interviews and workshops.In window 3 I am installing my new system.In window 4 I am writing the current topic. All these tasks have to be running at the same time, and I have to carefull each of them : if I miss the "1 SMS" prompt I will loose my miss on DVD step and I will loose 15 minutes, if I don't see the compression finishing I will have several seconds silence at the end of my record, and if I can't see the window 1 I will never know what Ugly Betty answered to the important question. Till now knew that Linux was the only really multi-task OS allowing four really simultaneous tasks in four windows (ideally four 54 inch displays and currently on a single one ), so if the future is going towads forbidding that in order to work like on an i-phone, I will loose my faith in the Open world and the Open software community.
  3. Ouch! And how will you minimize/close your window? Ctrl-W? Shift-Alt-Left?
  4. You can open a new thread each time you want to. However, what you are talking about is not pertinent with the "annoucements" forum, so you should find another place for it.
  5. Depends from the theme and from the browser you use, mine on Firefox are highlighted.
  6. No real reason to have two accounts. You will have to post twice more. If you want two domain names you can have them on the same account, if you want two websites also. You can only have problems if you have two accounts.
  7. And what would be your life without a computer? Mine was broken and I had to wait for repair during two weeks, very uncomfortable.
  8. Great! Seems a very promissing way. Of course, seems that this is currently for logic-only transistors, no power transistor for sending music to loudspeakers. And the density seems rather low, something like two transistors (and not two billions transistors) on a bottle of milk. But it's a nice way designing things for our future.
  9. I loved XP because you could put it in a reasonnably small disk, you could install it inside a 4 gig disk partition. Windows 8 asks you to have at least 20 gigs free on your hard disk, it will not fit inside my test machines!Concerning the price, simply remember that some tens years ago, a PC could not be bought by normal people, PC stood for "Personal PC" for professional use only, no home users could pay such an amount of money. I guess that this is currently occuring for the tablets. I really love these tablets you can put near their keyboard and the thing looks like a PC, and when you go to your meeting you simply take tha tablet away. Next step is folding the thing four times and put it in your pocket.Concerning the look and feel I don't worry, exactly like Apple dit for the Mac, somebody will someday design a nice interface and everybody will love it, let's just wait and see.
  10. Open a ticket at Xisto - Support, and explain the delay problem, they will ask the commercial team.
  11. Isn't it that you first have to add the filter, then apply it in some place? Like here http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/16573/explanation-for-apply-filters-function-and-its-variables
  12. Open a new ticket explaining that the MyCents are not coming and gently asking them to give you a small delay until the MyCents problem is fixed, mentioning the posts you wrote. and ask them if they could remove the $1 late free.
  13. Just look on desktop systems, where you can open the box while the PC is running.Just think about the fact that some graphic boards have standard radiators, and some other graphic cards need to have their own fan for extracting heat... I simply think that, the most a device works, most thermal dissipation it has. Your PC experiences heating while you are using it, for cpu-intensive things like compressions, or while playing display-intensive games.
  14. On my Dell laptops the battery charger is constantly connected, and I have no temperature nor battery ageing problems.
  15. Rooting seems similar to the "jailbreaking" in the apple world. See more here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And, of course, ask the guy who sold you the android device, but seems rather clear that if you touch this you are not any more covered by any garantee.
  16. Hi,I moved your topic here, in the Hardware Workshop section, although I hope that this is not a hardware problem....
  17. Great idea. By the way, you should always have a backup of all your precisous files, to prevent data loss in case of logical or hardware damage.By the way, your virus should be very kind one, which would allow you copying your files on a USB disk without contaminating them. By the way, I moved this topic here, where it's place most probably is. And sorry for all these "By the Way"s Regards Yordan
  18. First of all, you have to register at Xisto Billing and Support ( here : https://support.xisto.com/index.php ) with the same name and mail you used for registering at Xisto. You will start earning as soon as your first five topics have been reviewed.Secondly, avoid the "no post count" subforums like the current one, they don't earn MyCents. Third, avoid writing one-line posts, they are worth nothing ; they are usually considered as spam and are often removed.
  19. Also, a lot of batteries have to be changed after one or two years, no matter how you use them!
  20. Use the "convert" command in command-line, it's easy to use :For instance, type "Convert c: /FS:NTFS " in order to convert the C: disk to NTFS Format Size.Type "Convert /?" in order to have the "convert" syntax.This is not exactly what you wanted it is not a GUI, bit it's really to use.Of course, you can alsy buy a software like Parition Magic, which will give you a nice interface to perform that type of administrating tasks. And you can also use a free alternative to partition magic, like gparted, see some of them described here http://ccm.net/faq/1391-free-alternative-to-partition-magic this helped.RegardsYordan
  21. And, first of all, try the manual way : type the following in a command-line window : net use * \\\myfolder /user: myuser mypasswordthis supposes of course that your remote IP is, the shared folder is named "myfolder", and the username on the remote system is "myuser" (in your case I guess that it is "Administrator" ) and his password is "mypassword".
  22. First of all, de-activate your windows firewall, this will tell you if your problem is due to the firewall. In that case, re-activate the firewall after the test.
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