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Everything posted by yordan

  1. The c: disk most probably cannot shrink/expand itself, of course you can try to do it from the Microsoft Windows disk manager, try left-click on the c: partition and choose "resize".I prefer using gparted. It's a free and very efficient partitionning tool. You get the livecd/liveusb version here :http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php/ You boot on the gparted media, and you have a graphic menu where you click on a partition and you can drag/drop it's boundaries or directly type the desired partition size.Simply, before starting, remember the windows partitions names and sizes, your c: disk will probably be identified as "sd3" on the graphic gparted display!I just used it to resize my c: partition yesterday, it worked like a charm!RegardsYordan
  2. And also I hate these modern things that don't work. First you will have no "start" button because it's replaced by a key on your keyboard.At the same time, the hardware "keyboard" slot on the PC disappears, you have to use a USB keyboard. And third, the USB entry is disabled by the Windows operating system in order to save energy, so you loose access to your computer, you have to do a cold start. If you are lucky, because in case of bad luck the computer can restart in the exact keyboard frozen situation because it was the last "good" configuration.Gosh, I hate all these new things where hardware and software changes do not match, all the designers should put their brain together once in order to choose the things which will lead to a clean situation for the thing they are preparing us for next year of for the year after the next year!
  3. Standard people will first have to get used to Windows 7. And with the pain with the "windows" button unusable when the USB keyboard is powered-off by the energy-saving policies! No keyboard and no "start" click-able button, Crosoft will have to urgently find a workaround. Maybe a "fixit" update adding a "start" button?
  4. As far as I remember, the vemware tools are a CD materialized by an iso file. Maybe the automount does not work correctly on your virtual machine, so try directly assignining the iso file as a CD to your virtual machine and install from the iso-mounted CD.
  5. Did you now that USB3 ports on a PC are not labelled "USB3"?There are labelled "SS", meaning "SuperSpeed".So, if you have a USB3.0 device, connect it to a "SS" port!
  6. Sorry, but this is partly false. During the night, plants consume oxygen. That-s why you should not have flowers inside your sleeping room, for instance, you will have to compete with them for the oxygen, if your door and window are closed!
  7. Obviously this model helps creating a new application in a very short time with a lot of actors. Feelay had a great idea, here should be the startpoint of such a project. Unfortunately the delay was stated before gathering the team, I hope that it's not really to late?
  8. I know that I am young, handsome, very smart and helpful to others. I'm pretty sure that nobody will even think about seeing me as old, ugly, selfish or paranoid!
  9. The real point is not if you like the results or not. I would say that the real point is : do other people agree with what the test says about you?
  10. MVC ? Marvel Versus Capcom?Most probably "Model-View-Controller", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller
  11. You want to know how they manage to give us so much space for mails?I guess that google people calculated how much a user costs (cents per storage meg) and how much a user brings money (each time you read your mail, you see ads on your screen). More disk space you have, more mails you will keep, and a mail you store is a mail you could probably read again, seing more ads.I think that it's a simple price/perfomance ratio, they estimated that giving more disk space will make more people choosing google as private mail supplier, hence they will push their IT people to also choose google as their business mail supplier.
  12. Precisely. And also, remember, exactly as like a normal added hard drive, you can give it to another virtual machine, and then if you already initialized and formatted it, the other virtual machine will find it already initialized and formatted.
  13. You start vmware, you go to your partition (without startiting the partition), you go to settings, disks, add a disk, and you choose where the disk will bee on the physical machine, you choose the size, and that's all.You will see that the virtual machine will have a new disk when you will start the VM.Of course, this will be a blank disk, exactly as whe you add a physical disk to a physical machine. You will have to initialize the disk, create the primary partition and format it.
  14. If it's important, you can know that the message has been sent. Hit the "options" button before sendindg a message, and check "confirm delivery". You will receive a mail saying that your message has been delivered. you can also ask confirmation that your message has been read. By the way, if your message is not in the "sent" folder, have a look in the "unsent" and in the "draft" folders, sometimes your oulook mailer is not connected yet, so your message is waiting connection before being sent.
  15. Ok, now I see what we are talking about.We are not talking about the right-side menu in Windows Media Player, we are talking about an option of the Windows file eplorer, when righ-clicking on a filename.Sorry, most of these options I also find useless, and I simply ignore them, except copy, paste, delete or scan with antivirus.I'm sure there should be a mouse setting menu somewhere, defining the actions on right/left/center click, somebody should have a look around there.
  16. While the program is running, while you are using windows media player looking at a video, try ctrl-2, then back to ctrl-1.
  17. You have to monitor the swap space, twice the memory is the rule-of-thumbs for beginners, skilled admins monitor the swap space when they want to save space but want to avoid crashes. When your swap space is 1% used, don't worry. When it comes to 60% used, with used space increasing, you have to urgently do something, stop some processes or add swap space.
  18. OK, we are completely in-phase. The mentionned 256 megs swap space is really too small!
  19. Unix system admins use vi daily, at least ten times per hour!
  20. Nice point, and nicely said.Nevertheless, keep in mind that the swap partition is not necessarily "small", and I would say that 250 Megs is definitively too small. One very simple rule for the swap file size, is that the swap area is about twice and a half the main memory. So, if your hardware has 2 gigs memory, the swap space should be about 5 gigs. You feel this far too much? Simply have a look at your current paging space on your Crosoft Windows. Usually you don't choose this size, but it's often 7 gigs if you have 3 gigs main memory. If you do not have enough main memory on a Linux system, everything slows down because you start using the swap space. And what happens if your swap space is full? The Linux system simply crashes! That's the reason of the two-and-a-half rule. Of course, you can monitor that, and shrink it if you measure that it's too large, but usually it's not!
  21. When you start learning Unix for professional purposes or at the University, you learn "vi".vi is probably the worst text file editor you could imagine, but it's the one all Unix manufacturers accepted to be included for free in each Unix distro, so each of us has to learn how to use it.By the way, exactly as Crosoft Word, vi has very few things you really need to know.You only need how to delete a character, add a character, insert a character, and save your text. It can do far more than that, but most of people can survive with only that.
  22. When you buy a commercial version of Linux, or when you buy Microsoft Windows, included is a license for commercial disk or other devices drivers. When you obtain a free version of Linux, you pay no license fees for commercial drivers, that's why these drivers are not included inside the free distro.Some manufacturers start adding free drivers for Linux, hoping that they will sell more devices, let's hope that this way of thinking will keep growing.
  23. OK, you can laugh, this is poorly said, but it's a problem a lot of people among us really have. Each of the tools I use is on a bootable CD/DVD, saved as an iso file. Each time I want to use such a tool, I must first burn this iso file to a rewritable CD, then boot on that CD and do my job. The next job needs another bootable CD, so another iso file, so erase my rewritable media and burn the other iso. Things could be far simpler if I could boot on a removable media, which would lead me to a menu where I could choose between several iso files, and then boot from that iso file as if it were a bootable CD on my CD reader. There are several methods for creating a bootable USB drive from an iso file, but this is not the iso file directly used, this is a bootloader loading files extracted from an iso. Which means one iso, one USB drive.
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