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Everything posted by yordan

  1. That's the beauty of the patent laws. If you improve my thing, you still have to ask my permission in order to sell the improved thing. Or I can give you a salary for the time you spent working improving my idea. Simply try copyrighting your modifications. If the judges accept your copyright, I cannot say anything more. But if you have no copyright, we go to court, and the judges will decide.
  2. The problem is : Let's suppose that I have an idea, a ridiculous but funny thing. If I find a ridiculous feature that makes everybody love the thing I am selling, are my competitors allowed to use my feature without asking me for permission ? Especially if there is a copyright on it? If people earn a lot of money with my ridiculous trick, shouldn't they give me a part of that money, even if my trick is really ridiculous?
  3. Hi, Logan, welcome back.
  4. If you have a single file source code, make is the compiling call. If your thing has several source files, and you change the code in a single file, make has the instruction for creating the executable file while fully compiling the modified source code, and linking with the other objects which have not been modified. The makefile describes the dependencies, the way each source file depends from the other ones. The makefile has the compiling instruction (the "cc" line) but it also has relinking instructions (the "ln" lines) and also standard operating systems comands ("mv" the final files to the final place, "rm" intermediate files for instance).
  5. Nice question, have a look at the various menus. Vmware does it, I expect virtualbox to be able to do it.
  6. Could you tell us a little bit more? What did you do there? How did you spend your time? What did you like there? Did you see things you liked a little bit less?
  7. A little bit history. Long, long time ago, a Personal Computer (today named a PC) was sold together with the operating system media (MS-DOS, then Win95, then Win98, Win Millenium, Win XP). At this moment, standard home users felt themselves somehow lost, but skilled people knew that they had to partition the hard disk in order to smartly install the operating systems. Today, the home PC’s are usually sold with the operating system pre-installed. The computer is ready to use, which is a good point for newbies, but most of the settings are not the best choice for a further safe use. What we will do today. As it has been delivered pre-installed, the computer can be used immediately. However, with this initial setup, you have no chance to correctly perform a backup. Two different types of backup are necessary for a smart user : a backup of your data, for instance on a removable media (USB disk or DVDRW); and a backup of the operating system. A backup of your own data has to be done frequently : the pictures you removed from your camera and stored on your PC should not disappear if your PC receives a virus. This operation is usually very fast, because your real data do not use a lot of space on your computer. And the movies you have already seen can be moved to an external drive. A system backup has to be done each time you do a change to your system, typically once a year. A system backup copies the whole system disk to a removable media, in order to restore the operating system from the backup media. If everything is on a single disk (typically the “C:” disk) you have to backup the whole C: disk, on a bootable media, which takes a huge amount of time. That’s why we will split your physical disk into several partitions, in order to have a small system partition having only the operating system and your installed software, and a data partition which will have all your personal data. The recovery media. If when ordering your computer you did not purchase the recovery media, before touching anything, you should create the recovery media. There is a somewhere menu for that, usually the click sequence is start, all programs, recovery media. The recovery media can be a USB flashdisk or a DVD. I had a DVD burner attached to my PC, so I created recovery DVD’s. This operation needed four blank DVD’s. Now, in case of trouble, I should be able to restore the system to it’s manufactory settings. Be careful, restoring the manufactory settings will destroy the whole disk, erasing all your personal data. This is only the “last chance” rescue disk. First of all, backup! Now start the real job. Before touching anything, the first thing is to create a backup of your system disk. In case of trouble, you will be able to restore your system to it’s current poing. For instance if you install something bad, or you removed an essential software you absolutely need, simply restore your c: disk. I used Clonezilla (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ), the free system backup I recommend to everybody. Download the iso file, burn it to a CDRW or a CDR. I often use CDRW’s because there are several steps involving several iso files, so this costs me a single media. If you have a second disk, I recommend performing the backup on the second disk. If you only have one disk, you should first shrink your c: disk in order to manage some place free, and then create a partition and format it. For such a small job, the Windows disk manager can do the job. Now, boot on your CloneZilla CD, and perform your backup. Here below is the Clonezilla splash boot creen, accept the defaut boot settings : Choose device-device, local device, beginner mode, and then save_local_partitions_as_an_image This will perform a partition-to-file backup, and as source choose your system partition, it’s probably the “sd2” or “sd3” disk, you can see it when considering the partition sizes. If you are not familiar with system backup, here is a tutorial for clonezilla : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Secondly, shrink the c: disk The c: disk is generally far too big. Our current goal is to make this disk as small as possible. The c: disk has to be big enough for all your basic software, but no more. Using Windows explorer, have a look at the “properties” of your c: disk. For instance, my c: disk is a 2 terabytes disk, of which 50 gigs are used. 2000 gigs currently, and 50 gigs used. A lot of space is wasted, because I don’t want to put anything important on my c: disk. So, I will choose a more reasonable size. I decided 200 gigs for the c: disk, leaving 1800 gigs for my personal data, texts, spreadsheets, pictures, and system backups. Now we need partitioning software. I use gparted for my partitioning purposes, it has a livecd and/or liveusb version, take it from here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Download the gparted livecd for instance, and burn it on a CDRW. Boot on the gparted disk, here below is shown the splash screen. When the boot is finished, you will see the gparted main screen. Click in the system partition, on my image here bolow it’s the /dev/sda2 partition, you will see the resizing window. Use the mouse to shrink the partition, reasonably larger than the “yellow” used size. Create the new partition Now you can boot your Windows system from the hard disk. As the disk has been modified, Windows will probably ask you to reboot. As we have created a free space on our disk, we can use the Microsoft Disk Manager (right-click on my computer, and choose manage) in order to create a partition on the free space, and format it in NTFS format. This newly formatted disk will probably be your “d:” disk. Almost finished. Now you have to learn how to work with two disks. Remember that your C: disk is a “danger” disk, it can catch a virys at any time and it will disappear during repair. Your “D:” disk is your safe data disk. So, create a “d:\data” folder on your D: disk, and change your Microsoft Office (or other wordprocessing environment) settings in order that d:\data is the default storage place. So, each time you create a document, it will be saved in the d: disk. Also, change your browser settings so that they save the downloaded files and pictures in the d: disk, for instance in d:\download. Going live. Now you are ready for going live. Monthly, perform a system backup off your c: disk. Name your first backup backup1, the second one backup2. On month three, remove backup1 and create backup3. So, in case of problem, like new driver giving bad results or virus successful attack, simply restore the last backup. If the last backup is unusable, m-1 backup is still there. And on a daily basis perform a backup of your data disk. A lot of software’s are available for performing differential backup, but you can create your own one in a very simple way. Let’s say that your photos are in a folder named \photos, and your spreadsheet and word processor data in a folder named \data. These data are very precious, and if you have a hardware failure, you really need to have them immediately available, that’s why I recommend a daily backup for this, let’s say just before poweroff your PC. Create a text file named “dailybackup.bat”, with the following lines : dir j:@echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@echo please check that the USB device is available@echo You must see no errors in the "dir" above@echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@pause@cls@mkdir j:\backups\photos 2>nul@mkdir j:\backups\data 2>nulxcopy e:\photos j:\backups\photos /E /D /Yxcopy e:\data j:\backups\data /E /D /Y@echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@echo Backup job finished@echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PauseLet’s suppose that your data disk is the “E:” disk, and that your USB external disk is the J: disk.The first “dir” allows checking that your USB disk is connected. Then come some “mkdir” in order to create the folder structure on the destination disk. And then you see the “xcopy” command line which copies all the photos from \photos and all the data from \data. What is nice, is the “/D” option. This option will tell xcopy to save only the “new” files, and “/Y” will accept replacing the existing destination files by the recently modified ones. There is a “pause” at the end allowing you to see the results before closing the window. When you run this script for the first time you will see a lot of copied files (you probably have a lot of pictures in the \photos folder). If you run the script a second time, you will see it working very fast, nothing copied because no newer file exists in the source folder. Create a new .doc or .xls or .txt file in the \data folder of your internal disk, and double-click the “dailybackup.bat” script, you will see a single file being backed up, the last file you created. All the other ones are not copied because they are already present on your backup media. So, you have a perfect and very fast script for your daily backup . Now you are ready for real life, do not forget to do your daily backup of your personal data, and a monthly system backup, and you are ready to recover from any problem. My last problem arrived after five years of home PC usage, and I had no backup. Please, don’t be as stupid as I was!
  8. you need a real panorama software. Irfanview has a panorama menu. But you should have a look at autostich, it's really impressive. http://cs.bath.ac.uk/brown/autostitch/autostitch.html
  9. Sorry, when you said "media" I heard "video media", not "audio media". OK, try these ones and choose the one you prefer : http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/6-linux-music-players-replace-songbird/
  10. I Didn't try it yet, but I strongly suggest VLC for Linux!
  11. I tested the portable version from http://portableapps.com/apps/office/abiword_portable , it works fine with windows XP. And as it's a portable version, no install, so no compatibility version with Open Office. Besides this, it has it's own document format, so probably OpenOffice will not directly read the documents, you have to save the documents in a compatible format.
  12. I don't see LinuxMint in the compatibility Matrix (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.html ) There is a 4.1_4.1.18 distro for Ubuntu 12.04, it should work. There are so many versions, mixing them could give unpredictable effects! Which version did you try ? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ?
  13. I'm not talking about your Guest network settings. I'm talking about your VirtualBox server settings, go to the virtualbox server settings and look at the NAT settings for virtualbox. Usually the NAT settings point to services using the Ethernet card attached to your DSL router, but something could be wrong, simply have a check.
  14. Back in those days, yeah, but still today! How many mails or SMS do you receive every day? Mail is so naturally part of your daily life, that we don't realize any more how important it is. It's a strong way for being linked to the external world. I have seen people sending mails from their smartphones, simply asking "where are you?"/"I arrived, I'm just at the corner of the street, I can see your car". Simply imagine how you would feel if you spend a couple of weeks without mail access!
  15. In windows exactly as in each operating system. make is part of your programming environment, it's part of your way of thinking. Each time you write down a c program file, you write down the corresponding instruction line to be added in the makefile. Simply, the programming environment is not delivered for free when you purchase Microsoft Windows. You have to buy the Microsoft C Compiler, or install a free alternative. And the way to choose this programming environment is it's compatibility with the Unix "make" syntax!
  16. "make" executes the instructions in the "Makefile" or "makefile". You can look what is in that file, you will see a lot of things. Compiling, linking, moving to the correct place. And also a lot of restart points : so you can issue "make clean", "make install" for instance. This is very useful if the source is a project involving a lot of files, if you touch a single file, "make" has the instructions for recompile only the changed sources, and link will the old object files and libraries in order to obtain the new executable program.
  17. NAT does not link to the hosts Ethernet. NAT uses the host as a router, so the host has to start the NAT translation and routing, as well as DHCP and DNS.
  18. I don't have linux mint 13, so you will have to do the job by yourself : go to each of the googled results, test the game on your computer, come back here and give us your feedback! By the way, your first task : find DOOM and DOOM2!
  19. Do you remember, some years ago, people did not ask "do you have internet?" or "do you have an email?" Pople asked "do you have hotmail?" People bought an internet connection only in order to read their mails, and "hotmail" was the first provider they were thinking about.
  20. That's the magic of the open world, the c compiler is available for free, already installed in most of linux machines, some designers simply give the sources of their files, with a "makefile" ready for a gcc or a cc compiler. "make" is the standard way in our world for leading a whole task, including compiling, adding libraries, moving to chosen places and finishing the installation. As you guess, my makefile only has "cc brol.c", but most of real makefile have several pages of code, each bug leading to an addidion to the next release!
  21. This means that the NAT services are not started. You will have to modify the virtual machine settings, choosing direct access to the LinuxMint Ethernet adapter (I guess it's eht0).I only tested it on a Windows physical machine, and it worked fine, so I guess that it should work fine on a Linux physical too!
  22. That's right, backup first, just in case.
  23. Loot at the syntax of /etc/fstabYou simply have to add an entry for each filesystem you want to have automatically mounted.For instance, have a look at how /usr is stated in fstab.Of course, this is the standard way for any Unix system. There is probably a gui for helping you in Linux Mint, but you should also learn how fstab works.also "cat /etc/mtab" should help.
  24. OK, now comes time for some philosophy. Does what you describe mean immortality for myself? Or does this mean immortality for a backup copy of my current thoughts?I think that making a backup copy of myself (a "pirated" copy) will not make me be an immortal, only my copy will be immortal, so this is useless for me. Il will die, and a computer will start a new life. So, absolutely no interest for me, and I'm even sure that my carbon-copy will see no benefit having duplicated my brain, a smarter guy would be more helpful for this purpose. And, of course, a nice boy like me will not be happy being hosted in a giant computer box!
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