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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Moderators don't have server-side access unfortunately. You must direct it up the chain to administrators.I'm sorry.xboxrulz
  2. At this time, Gamma's MySQL database crashed, that may explain why you might not have access to many things. Also, last check, the server was overloaded.I'll forward this over to Xisto.UPDATE: MySQL is back up, but the server is still overloaded.UPDATE2: The server is back to normal.xboxrulz
  3. Sparkx, according to records, you have not been banned. What server are you using? The server I'm on is still up and running.xboxrulz
  4. If you are not ready to jump to 64-bit yet (which most people should be, only people with Windows is still stuck there on 64-bit processors), then you should just simply go back to 32-bit to ease the confusion. However, if you must use 64-bit, then you will have no choice but to either ditch 16-bit, which should be ditched a long time ago or follow turbopowerdmaxsteel's (man, your name is long) suggestion and install virtual machines. All 64-bit processors have hardware virtual machine support. That means that the CPU is capable of making virtual machine faster instead of going all software-emulation, the hardware can also do some emulating.Plus, you get a much better X86-64 support on Windows Vista than you do with XP. The XP x86-64 support is like beta and Vista is the real thing.xboxrulz
  5. goodluck wutske . I'm not sure if anything changed for 10.3, but I highly doubt it.Post your success here if you want ;)xboxrulz
  6. On Macs, they just automatically place the same wallpaper on both screens. If you mirror them, they are the exact same (as well as its contents), so for me, "big whoop" ... lolxboxrulz
  7. As I thought I had no hope (at least until last update), today I have reached an unprecedented achievement, one that no other member has done. That is to tie the "top dog" of the Xisto forums. Just one more post and I claim the 1st place for the most posts. UPDATE: I have since taken first place ... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! ... lol xboxrulz
  8. I'm very sure that the oil companies have a hand in this because they have already killed the electric car, which was spurring up in California before the oil companies forced GM to take them off the streets. Thus, I'm pretty sure they are doing the same thing to some sort of advancement and maybe even COLD FUSION! If we ever reached cold fusion, one power plant might provide enough energy to power the whole planet. Including parts that don't have power right now if we can make it that efficient. However, no one knows how far we can produce until we have reached absolute cold fusion (without losing any heat at making energy).xboxrulz
  9. However, the only real problem is that Norton now-a-days bog down the system and clog it up, which is a very problematic thing, but many people don't realize the problem.xboxrulz
  10. I didn't think people would post non-virtual games here, but oh well. For me, I haven't played chess in a long time, I usually play Chinese chess instead.xboxrulz
  11. I would simply use FireWire, just to free up some USB ports for devices that can't use FireWire. Best to buy cases or prebuilt drives with both functionality built in. This is especially true for laptops. Since laptops usually have only 3 or 4 USB ports (or 2 if you have a Mac)xboxrulz
  12. compiling a new Linux kernel has become easier in recent years than before. Of course, there are some digging required before you should EVER attempt at recompiling your kernel. First, you must extract your tarball, then you just repeat some of the steps including inserting this command: make xconfig (You must have X server access) Then you simply do make clean && make install Afterwards, issue the mkinitrd command. There shouldn't be any further tinkering for openSUSE. This is how I did it in openSUSE 10.2. Of course you need root access to do all this! Remember, by using any tutorials here, it is at YOUR OWN SOLE RISK! We cannot be held accountable for faults here. xboxrulz
  13. I would actually recommend you buy a separate drive and buy an enclosure and assemble it yourself if you want to save money. Buying a pre-built drive is usually more expensive than you assemble it yourself, mainly because you get to choose what drive manufacturer you want and the case manufacturer.xboxrulz
  14. If you read his quote, it did say that that his desktop screen is dying. Laptop LCD screen dying is a rare occasion. Usually it takes them years to die off. My old Samsung laptop took 6 years for the screen to observe such problems. xboxrulz
  15. Hey Jeigh, how was the celebration in New Brunswick?In Toronto, we had flocks of people congregating Nathan Phillips Square. (Personally, I wasn't there, was busy watching Air Farce Live ... lol)xboxrulz
  16. Make sure that you're NOT running the installer in Windows 95 compatibility mode. Actually, just don't run it in any type of compatibility mode.xboxrulz
  17. I would like to say Happy New Year from all of us at Xisto! Let the new year be one of the best yet!I chose this time of day to do it so we can ensure that everyone already passed that 00:00 mark ... lol .Have a great one!xboxrulz
  18. I've learned how to use a computer when I was like 3 for like basic games on Windows 3.1. I still remember in order to boot Windows, I had to type WINDOWS in what I know is DOS ... lol. I truly learned how to use a computer when I was 7 or 8 at school where we used old PowerMacs with MacOS 8 or 8.5 installed. From then on, I grew to love Macs. Especially when MacOS X arrived, I was even more intrigued. After learning Linux in 2003, I finally understand the beauty of its core design of how the system works as a UNIX system.Ok, less geek talk, do I recommend Macs? Hell yes, with the power of UNIX and the rising numbers of Mac users, it's the best time to switch. Yes, some people say Macs are expensive, but you must weigh in what components you're getting. Even the Macbook is outfitted with a processor similar to a PC in its price bracket, so the price is almost the same. Especially since now you can even install Windows on your Mac, you will seriously never need another PC again. For shortcuts, my general rule of thumb is that most of the Mac shortcut keys are just a bit different. Replace the usual CTRL+ shortcut keys with CMD+. For example for copying text, you hit CTRL+C on a PC keyboard, on a Mac keyboard, it's CMD+C.xboxrulz
  19. to be more exact, most servers that runs UNIX (UNIX-like) have cPanel as the control panel. xboxrulz
  20. Indeed laptops have became more and more powerful. Especially now Intel finally realizes that they hit a temperature wall after their infamous frequency myth. (The faster the processor, the better, which is only somewhat true). xboxrulz
  21. It really depends what control panel the host installed. You must consult with them. A good possibility is that they are using H-Sphere, Plesk, or Helm.xboxrulz
  22. I fully agree with you. After the IE 6 mess, I lost all confidence in Internet Explorer. The only reason why I use it now-a-days is because of websites that don't work on other browsers (I call them idiots for making it IE-only). Other than that I'm happy with Safari and Firefox. xboxrulz
  23. I suggest an important overhaul when you can't upgrade your RAM anymore. Actually, right now, you should head out and rebuild that machine. If you buy a new HDD, CPU, GPU (low gamer's grade) is about $400 CAD and you could still play games like Crysis with decent graphics and speed. All CPU, GPU are AMD/ATI for that price. xboxrulz
  24. I suggest an important overhaul when you can't upgrade your RAM anymore. Actually, right now, you should head out and rebuild that machine. If you buy a new HDD, CPU, GPU (low gamer's grade) is about $400 CAD and you could still play games like Crysis with decent graphics and speed. All CPU, GPU are AMD/ATI for that price. xboxrulz
  25. Ummm... I'm pretty sure that VIA and other X86 manufacturers would go down the drain before AMD does. AMD is the world's second largest x86 chip supplier. Also, remember, if worse comes to worst, AMD can stop its x86 manufacturing (hopefully that would never happen or else we're stuck with bad chips forever) and go over to making GPUs permanently since they did buy out ATI. Yes, AMD does sell them as Black Editions, but the Phenom as I stated above also lets overclocking easy. However, the details about its multiplier unlock ... I'm not sure. xboxrulz
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