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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. If your games DO NOT work. Try enabling them to run in Administrator mode.Furthermore, make sure your system is capable of running Vista in the first place. It is recommended to have 1GB of RAM and at least a 2 GHz processor (single core).xboxrulz
  2. Time is a measurement in the relationship between multiple objects. So is movement. Usually people have used time to measure from a predetermined point A or t1 to another point B or t2 (which is where the person wants to go). The difference in that is time, you just subtract t2 from t1 et voila! Time is found! xboxrulz
  3. From that list, I would just highly recommend this: /us/en/UnsupportedBrowserErrorView?catalogId=10001&langId=-1&storeId=10151 Its specs are great and what's better is that it's powered by AMD Athlon 64 X2. xboxrulz
  4. If you're using KDE, use the fonts:/ URL to install your fonts.xboxrulz
  5. If I had a clue as to what had happened, I'd gladly tell you. However, I don't so, so hopefully an admin will tell us. xboxrulz
  6. Try deleting your whole .mozilla folder in your home folder. That should reset everything back to default.Also before you delete. Launch firefox via Konsole or GNOME Terminal and paste the lines here!xboxrulz
  7. As far as I know, whenever you speed up. In comparison to your surroundings, it may seem slow for you. xboxrulz
  8. Domination HQ update One step for man ... a giant leap for xboxrulz ... lol I have 49 more posts to tie with Microscopic^Earthling ... lol xboxrulz
  9. The function existed before, but it wasn't as smooth. Only hosted members and staff can see the credits. xboxrulz
  10. The system runs faster ... but there wasn't any big cosmitic changes so I'm amazed at the code efficiency.xboxrulz
  11. if you only have 64 MB of RAM, I highly suggest you to upgrade since X server + KDE or GNOME requires at least 128MB RAM to run properly.xboxrulz
  12. I think the most important part is that it is finally fixed. That's what's important. xboxrulz
  13. I think OpaQue just fixed this today. The statistic system works now!xboxrulz
  14. You do realize that about 90-95% of all 32-bit software works in 64-bit? Why not just make a list that DOES NOT work as there's more not working than working.xboxrulz
  15. No, time travel will never happen as it defies all laws of physics. Time is NOT linear, you can't go backwards, it's just impossible. Also, you can't fast forward either. You can be faster in relation to others, but you can't jump time.Time is circular, it will eventually end, loop or collapse.xboxrulz
  16. That must be a really ANCIENT computer because I'm pretty sure that any Pentium 4 or Athlon64s can run a Playstation emulator with NO PROBLEM (well, except for the glitches that comes with the emulator, if any). xboxrulz
  17. lol, hate to break it to you, but some electronic stores actually did like Apple, Best Buy, Canada Computers, Futureshop and etc. xboxrulz
  18. I'm quite surprised that you fill up your hard drive that fast. It's best to start cleaning up when your disc has about 10GB left. xboxrulz
  19. It's a better bet that you download a Playstation emulator or another console emulator and just run it on your system. They work most of the time.You should give it a try!xboxrulz
  20. You do realize that the memory card reader is a USB memory card reader that is just built in and not portable. It's the same deal. xboxrulz
  21. However, the key selling aspect isn't the iPod functionality but really for its phone function. Else, what really makes an iPhone an iPhone? It's its interface and features.xboxrulz
  22. I'm quite surprised that u need a 7300GT to play that game. I played even Source with a 6600 and it ran fine.I prefer Source due to its engine and not 1.6.xboxrulz
  23. Which version was Feisty Fawn exactly and I assume Ubuntu?xboxrulz
  24. I just played with Kubuntu 7.10, they fixed a lot of my annoyance with that distribution. It's easier now. However, it's not really customisable which irritates me a lot. Its handling of the sound systems and its sudo is bugging the hell out of me.I think the only true distro that suits me is SuSE (now openSUSE)
  25. lol, I'm glad that you found inspiration from my post skedad. Actually, I don't think I'm that different from your kids since I'm a teen but a child at heart ... lol.xboxrulz
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