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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. I have yet to really see any ads on Real Player ... except for that popup box that comes up every once in a while from their Alert centre.xboxrulz
  2. lol, was just kidding ... but we shouldn't change this again. xboxrulz
  3. I have Real Player 11 on both my Windows and my Mac and that download a video functionality is great, but can be annoying ... I don't want it to automatically download crap ... it even downloads flash files that aren't even videos ... like geez! Stop wasting my storage space :@. Unless they fix it, it won't be my default player for anything except Real media.That's the biggest pet peeve I have of Real Player.xboxrulz
  4. I would recommend those who know how to compile the kernel to compile it then, than to wait for the distros to do it, which would take a while.xboxrulz
  5. I agree with ethergeek about Google and their opensourceness... simply because on Jabber, it's quite universal, I can use basically any third party client or iChat to go on Jabber and talk with my friends on Google Talk (which really is just Jabber).However, I'm forced to use Windows Live Messenger since most of them are on the network. Now I use WLM, AIM, Skype and Jabber. If these companies would just all agree and merge their stuff into Jabber, my life would be so much simpler, but in the world of closed source software and everything must be = $$, I don't see that happening any time soon.xboxrulz
  6. Ok, this isn't a big problem since I still got cPanel to check the status, but the server status page that resides with the helpdesk is gone. xboxrulz
  7. I can also agree that Xisto and the whole Xisto network has outlasted EVERY single host I have ever been with so, good job Xisto, and hopefully, it continues to expand. Giving both free and paid hosting with excellent quality.xboxrulz
  8. ughhh... now I have to GoDaddy to fix it again >.<"Geez... lolxboxrulz
  9. NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM doesn't exist ... are you sure it's not NS1?UPDATE: My registar found NS1.COMPUTINGHOST.COM though, not NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COMxboxrulz
  10. Since posting my first specifications, I have bought a new laptop a few months ago. I completely forgot to post its specs here.Name: penguin2Model: Macbook (2,1)Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz 4MB CacheMobile Platform: Napa Refresh (Centrino)HDD: Seagate ST9120822AS 120 GB HDD 5400 RPM 8MB CacheRAM: 1 GB (2x512MB) DDR2 SDRAM 667 MHzOptical: SuperDrive (CD-RW/DVD-RW) 8xGFX: Intel GMA 950 64MB VRAM (can only go up to 224MB on Windows)WiFi: Airport Extreme (802.11 a/b/g/n)CAM: iSight 1.3 MPOS: MacOS X 10.4.11 TigerI'm going to upgrade to Leopard once I have the money and when they fix most of the serious launch kinks.xboxrulz
  11. In the hardware workshop, topics may be talking about the same thing. If you know your topic is going to be the same or similar to another topic, please post a reply there instead of starting a new topic. It'll make it easier for the staff here at Xisto to administer the board and for members to reply to the same topic.For example, I've bumped into a few "Post your specs" or "Boast your specs" ... please just pile them all in the same thread instead of adding a new one.Thanks,xboxrulz and the Xisto team
  12. Apparently many things might happen in 2012, there are also theories that the world might end in that year. Anyways, back on subject, the main problem with the argument is that it doesn't have a specific source, which is important when you're trying to prove something. It's just like telling someone to find the source on Google. It just doesn't work that way. This is a theory I've never heard before, nor has it been proven scientifically. Until I see scientific data, this is just another unproven theory. xboxrulz
  13. I say, a Cell processor laptop ... THAT would be sick .... or just a superefficient PA6T processor-based laptop
  14. lol, if I knew how to PHP script, I wouldn't be asking such a "n00bish" question, right??Thanks for the tip,xboxrulz
  15. I'm trying to set my server's timezone, but I don't know the server's timezone, and haven't found the correct guess....xboxrulz
  16. what do you mean that it has too much Vista stuff? Windows XP is Windows XP, I'm very sure Microsoft won't put a lot of Vista technologies into Windows XP, or else why did they bother releasing Windows Vista.xboxrulz
  17. What desktop environment are you using?xboxrulz
  18. I have yet to see a product that's completely Microsoft's idea (not including acquisitions).xboxrulz
  19. lol, I don't think it's THAT bad. Windows XP is still a lot faster than Vista, that's for sure. I see no problems .... yet.xboxrulz
  20. last heard, the PS3 browser completely supports KBM. xboxrulz
  21. Make sure that you have the latest Flash installed, or else it won't work universally through the system. Else, revert back to original installation. openSUSE 10.3 comes with Flash 9 preinstalled, while the older Flash 7 have many incompatibility and inconsistency. xboxrulz
  22. I prefer PostgreSQL because it's faster and more stable since most people are on MySQL and if it is running a crazy script, then it pulls the whole system down.xboxrulz
  23. Well, actually, his BUS clock already show it, right now it is what ... 400MHz? Even my 6 year old machine has a 266 MHz clock. xboxrulz
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