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Everything posted by amhso

  1. i really like it. it's very artistic and although the colors are bright-ish, it fits together nicely.
  2. you can get this game for like 9.99 at target now. i never got into this...final fantasy-style games where you take turns with multiple characters never really attracted me.
  3. yes i have started my computer before with a ... blue screen not a black, but yes there is risk, obviously. i did put a disclaimer i think.
  4. i have a website about spudguns which was doign great until recently i havent posted enough on Xisto to keep my site up so i lost a ton of visitors. my other website is about bikes and biking (mountain). yeup. that's about it. in the future i plan to do an animation site with my friends and music too.
  5. or find some coupon codes for reliable sites liek godaddy and registerfly.
  6. maybe it's just my personal experience of having a power supply just pop when you pull the plug.
  7. im the dummie on april fools day. i dont know any good pranks.. except changing names on stuff...and switching the broom door signs (that's good though.).
  8. everytime i've used active X on the net, i end up with spyware. beware of using it though. only use them from a credible and safe source.
  9. yeah, you can go pro if you were any good. I played it since beta and i went pro until parents grounded me for life. cal-i, but parents didnt let me play on weekdays so i couldn't play in tournies anymore after 6th grade (2 years ago). anyways i wanted to go pro but that's in the trash. anyways dude, you don't onlyhave to play CS....maybe get something new? quake 4 or something.
  10. pulling the plug or just shutting it off with the power button is no good. many components on your pc don't get a time to cooldown. an example is the harddrive. it's spinning at 7200+ rpm. if you just pull the plug, it may just keep going. kind of like a car. if you just kill a car at 100 mph...it'll keep on rolling. take the time to shut it down properly.
  11. good advice, i would also say havinga fair ammount of content before you launch the site is good. everyone is turned offby a nicely designed site that has a bunch of "under construction" pages.
  12. heh my dad was just talking about this last night. we personally do it cheap and either just write on the actual disk or stick a giant sticker on there with the image.
  13. i thought there was a forum for invites and stuff...
  14. amhso

    Biggest Newb Here

    yes, i wish i knew about ndiswrapper earlier. I just don't know if it does a fast enough job at emulating the windows driver so that there is no loss in performance. Wireless is the only thing keeping me from converting to 100% linux. and amezis, if you meant if there was a manual for ndiswrapper...there are like 10 that are the only links on that site. if you meant a manual to his linux distributions, usually distros only have manuals for installation. not network specific information.
  15. really....i think these types of games are a waste of time. the music you can make is very limited.
  16. you kind of have to read the other people's posts to make a decent post...
  17. i think you will get taxed as soon as you reach the minimum to get taxed....in california if you make under $2000 or something...you don't get taxed.
  18. you don't have to be so cheap to use free templates.....make your own. if you're going to have a money making website, you should atleast know html/css.anyways domain->hosting->site->advertising
  19. good tutorial. i recommend getting kudaz programming editor...although iono if it supports VB.
  20. dude don't bother fixing this. it's most likely because IE is not w3standards compliant. view my spudgun site with IE. IE does not interpret stylesheets correctly and it's not your fault, it's Microsofts.
  21. it takes a dummie or a badly moderated channel to get taken over. just like computers. if you have a well protected firewall and hardware firewall and whatever, of course your chances of getting hacked go down.
  22. personally, i don't like rpg's like final fantasy style. so i dont really think this is a good game. out of this style of game, i liked xenosaga the best.
  23. I'll be like a fortune teller. the fire could be mistakes that you make, that cause problems later on (consequences). To avoid the consequences, you may lie to parents/people or just create temporary fixes. But eventually it all adds up and you end up with lots of stuff...like lots of problems.
  24. sounds pretty neato. I kind of do the same thing automatically mentally when i listen to music.
  25. ive read that flashing lights can cause dillusions and damage many people's brains.
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