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Everything posted by amhso

  1. microsoft certification is retarded. All you have to know is how to run bootdisks, and know where stuff is in windows (sys32 and whatnot). Linux certification is much harder and much more useful in IT.
  2. what if their impressions were like google. they didn't pay you for the impressions even if they count it.
  3. nope on the second plan. I usually have 1 and a half gigs to 2 left.
  4. okay, thank you guys! needed that to monitor if i am going over or using a lot
  5. I've seen other people suggest this at other post for hosting sites, and I believe that this is a good idea (atleast at my point of view). For the people that have many credits and contribute more than they have to for hosting, wouldn't it be good if we could upgrade our bandwidth...like per month. Have a sort of forum shop to purchase additional bandwdith for a certain ammount of credits, and just for that month, not permanently (or else people could over time, get an overly rated ammount of bandwidth).
  6. google adsense isn't hard, you don't need a popular idea either, you just need lots of content. my site about spudguns isn't big at all, and not as many people search for spudguns compared to web design, but i update constantly and add lots of pages and pictures and media, so i get visitors (between 15-30 uniques a day), and that's okay. I get between 10-15 dollars a month (although ive been trying to promote to get more people). Google adsense comes in slowly though. First month or two will be very slow. by the way, can someone PM me if I am allowed to use the same adsense account for multiple sites...and if i am even allowed to make more than 1 account.
  7. i wish there was such thing as roll-over bandwidth (like minutes). Is it possible to have an upgrade system for posting. to get more bandwidth, just for the month or soemthign?
  8. yeah the thing is is that i think your visitors have to click those bajillion ads...
  9. When i check my bandwidth meter each day, it says zero. Then some days it automatically jumps up to 500megs and then after another week to 700 megs and so on. Why doesn't it update as I go. I never know how much bandwidth I've used.(is there a way we can upgrade our bandwidth?)
  10. I wish i could buy that stuff. I'm a ram freak, i want like....4 gigs of ram. and that 3700+ is looking so good and they're so cheap now (for the price i got my 3000+...T.T)
  11. flash is in many stores, but probably not in big stores. Fry's is almost guaranteed to have it though, or else look in small computer shops (very expensive!)
  12. trebucets are really confusing and costly.In reply to dogomchawi, my spudgun shoots batteries over 200 yards, and shoots blunt objects through wood and whatnot. The weakness is how they are designed
  13. in my opinion, keeping a computer on all the time is fine. as long as the room it's in doesn't turn into an oven or microwave (like mine, and that's why i don't host servers at home). And someone earlier in this thread said that keeping electronics on and warmed up is better. That's true except for memory, your ram slowly uses up more and more of it as processes continue their work, so eventually, your computer will run down to a slug. restart it atleast once a week or better, every 3-4 days.This about it this way, if servers can be left on 24/7...so can your computer (your computer generates probably less heat than a server does)
  14. I prefer RTS because it's faster and usually more pressuring to play
  15. switch were you referring to your cpu? i think he is talking about his chipset, not his processor.
  16. i had a friend who had the same problem, but he downloaded a virus and it deleted his system32 folder, so he got to the logon screen, would click his user, then it'd shut down. you may have to reinstall windows again, or else do a repair and get missing files (if this is the case)
  17. bureX that was pretty thorough, and many reasons why this could possibly be crap. Many other programs have similar TOS though.
  18. i guess it's better than nothing, ill use this till i get a .org or .net
  19. for your main uses such as program files and whatnot, why partition. Usually partitions are used for separate OS's. Making so many partitions may slow your computer down substantially. If you still want to do this, defragmenting your harddrive would be a smart thing to do, because making so many partitions on data that is already there could lead to data loss and corruption.
  20. i actually like samma's, the character and the background blend nicelySaint micael - 1Samma - 1Avalon - 4Acidglow - 0Mayank - 0Reaver - 1
  21. i was getting a steady income of a few dollars a week and suddenly...fall, haven't earned a cent in almost 2 weeks now.
  22. how'd you earn so much? im stuck at 13 dollars. anyways i dont believe that you can make 500 dollars a day, then everyone'd be millionaires in a year.
  23. i posted my how-to on this. or atleast a what-is i think. use the search dude.but being a mod he should have used google or search feature.
  24. they are the same company. this is a retarded question. either they both are good or bad...
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