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Everything posted by amhso

  1. there's always terminator...they got totally owned by robots.
  2. 25gb = good. w00t i can backup everything on a single disk! If blu ray gets popular then the price will drop a ton, down to the price of dvd's in a few years.
  3. i dont think it's worth it. it will end up costing more than just buying one. desktop's can be done this way for a cheaper cost because they are more common and parts are much cheaper. Laptop ram and harddrives cost a lot. purchasing the parts individually to put together is going to cost more.
  4. Another super controversial topic. It's a hard one to answer from a logical viewpoint. We haven't had any contact. If there have been other civilizations (which is entirely possible), they probably blew themselves up before they were able to travel in the universe. I believe mankind may follow the same fate.ancient people could have made those mysterious structures...by pure genius. It's a possibility, and because egyptians didnt have writing back then, it could have just been done like that. I guess it's not likely, but it could have been done by drawings. Maybe mathematics came before written language. We did have fingers back then right?Or else....some alien dude came down and gave us blueprints.
  5. well getting more visitors=more page views=more chance of people clicking on your ads. My spudgun site usually gets around 120-150 page views a day, so i get 1-3 clicks a day. figure around there. of course, if you do actual work on the ads, blending them in, and other stuff, you can get a larger percentage of your viewers clicking on your ads.. there's a lot more to advertising than just slapping your ad on. read the google tos.and no offense, a cleaner and more professional looking design will help get more visitors and ad-clicks.*EDIT* Put your ad in a more relevant place along with being integrated with your site, (colors, theme, and placement into the template)
  6. wow it's a very smooth site. although i dont play COD2, i like it. What programs did you use to create it? Macromedia Flash? I would like to learn how to make a nice site.
  7. Although we don't admit it, part of our modern environments, we already have malicious predispositions towards some races. This tendency for bias-edness starts when we're younger and exposed to new people, and it's those types of people we meet that influence and mold our demeanor towards them in the future. For example, if you got "jumped" by a mexican group as a child in highschool, you'll act differently towards them in the future. So i believe that even though racism is fallacy in the human, it's inevitable.
  8. I got the Apple Ipod Nano for free-of-charge because the company my dad works for got a sales record, so they all received bonuses...including buying a bunch of ipod nano's at the company.
  9. my dad just got an L7 so i get his samsung slider (i don't know the model). Reception from asian unlocked phones is pretty terrible, atleast where i am currently residing.
  10. in other words..buy from a reliable source, such as dell or Hewlett-Packard. Good stuff. They always provide 1-3 year warranties...except hewlett-packard's stuff really breaks a lot. Yup.
  11. if you work out, it may not be all fat you know? It could be all muscle. But it's good to know anyways. The doctor told me i was 3 pounds overweight. I don't think 3 pounds counts. After working out for 8 months...gained like 10 pounds though. Weee.21.8...i guess not. :-D good weight anyways...
  12. gallery? If you want to make a gallery....try coppermine? please be more specific about your enquiry.
  13. it's a good idea, and a start. I think you should create a simpler, but more attractive layout to keep people on your site (and maybe a banner?). The topic of this post confuses me, is it showing the site or discussion about linux. If it's showing the site, this is in the wrong forum.but this is very good, hehe spreading linux around. I can't even get wireless to work on linux yet
  14. i dont think this is a virus at all. I had this problem recently, and it was cuz i pressed a button wrong or double clicked something. I forgot, but then i just un-did it. Try double clicking the border, or else press soem buttons.
  15. the theory is correct, we'd need something to record our cell organization and dna and all that ton of info....and then be able to recreate it. one thing though, is that what about our brains. If you built someone (assuming you could create cells and life) exactly the right way, you'd get everything but the memory stored inside the brain. You'd be like a full grown *person* sapien with a blank, empty head. If you think about what we can imagine now....it's hard to think of a conceivable way that teleportation is even theoretically possible
  16. i think all we gotta do is make a fuel that's strong but abundant and we can go anywhere....just pack more fuel.
  17. they already plan to put lots of plants because there is a TON of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere there. The plants would help produce oxygen, but then we also need nitrogen. Our air is composed not only of oxygen, just we USE the oxygen. If we go to Mars and dump a ton of oxygen, it become toxic.
  18. geforce 2 is maybe 7 years old. Onboard graphics may work on lowest settings for WoW. What you should do...is go to your local fry's electronics store (or target) and get a cheap card, Radeon 9200 (30 dollars now? USD), and you're set to go. a 4x CD drive isnt even made anymore. almost all CD drives in production are atleast 48x. Heck, they don't evn make 4x DVD drives anymore really.
  19. inspiron's suggestion of keelog.com is a very good start for making your own electronics, very educational. But keep it that way, you can get into tons of trouble for using these for malicious purposes. If you're a guardian, using one to watch your children is different than putting it on your professor/teacher's computer and using the information your gather for your own use. if you want to make a software keylogger, then i suggest you learn programming. The same rules of privacy apply into software, don't use it for anything but educational purposes. Learn C++, Python, or some programming language, and eventually you'll be on your way. the hardware way may take a couple dollars out of your pocket, while programming will take a chunk of time. Those are pretty much the only 2 ways to *make* a keylogger.You can probably download one somewhere, but chances are it : 1)contains virii, 2)doesn't work, and/or 3)it's detectable and therefore....you screw yourself over.be smart about it.
  20. I relaly like the layout, how the picture blends into the menu. It's very good looking, and i like the top images box.
  21. w3schools is the besdt place to learn to make webpages. Since they make all the standards it's pretty logical to learn from them. They also have certification. I also think their scripting tutorials (php, xhtml, etc) are very good and have tons of examples and references. That's where i learned html and css from.
  22. sweet i wanted to do this for a long time. there arent many places out there that have information about panoramas. I actually want to make just a large picture by stitching, but my friends want me to make pano's as well. It's fun, as I'm just getting into photography
  23. If you're on broadband, you pobably won't be allowed to host a steaming server off your connection because you share the connection with many other people. If you have slower connections, running a shoutcast server will probably slow everything else down. It's fun though, people can try it out, play your own music with your friends and whatnot. I'm going to try it when i get home from china.
  24. a million bucks? impossible. You'd be better off selling cotton candy at a fair. Maybe 20 dollars...but these online things don't even get paid a million for the ads, how can they possibly hand you a million dollars. even after the giant pyramid, the advertisements probably barely pay up.
  25. I would say the biggest difference is that when microsoft wants a bug fixed....it's instant, they have so many workers and so much $$$ that everything happens faster. When linux wants it done, it takes between hours and days because it's community driven (which may bring better quality, but over a longer period of time ).
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