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Everything posted by amhso

  1. i think that dual cards and multiple cards will definately go down the drain. why have 2 if you can put that much into 1. I personally think they will become smaller and faster. Everything in technology works that way. Think of engines, giant single cylinders...now semi-small v10's and whatnot. Same with computers... processors used to be rooms full of vacuums. Now they're packed in 90nm, and are atleast a million times faster.graphic cards will probably follow the same path. right now, you see the are pretty well sized boards. one day all that may fit into a little processor (cpu sized) and process 100 or more times more information.
  2. google...because that's pretty much the site i visit most. if you checked my history. over 50% is google searches and other services.
  3. D2OL is very productive project on distributed computing.
  4. amhso

    Biggest Newb Here

    you might want to use a desktop full featured linux distribution...?
  5. tribal fusion and casalemedia are very good. but it's like you have tog et 10,000 page views a day. pretty massive. just stick with adsense, work on placement and stuff. i get like 10 visitors a day and and make a dollar or so (per day).
  6. I almost converted the house to use VOIP phones instead of landlines. Vonage...but we if internet was down...then we'd lose phone so we decided on the landlines.
  7. lol. you're site could lack content or something. anyways no dead links is a hard one.Annnyways, all you really need to do is make sure that visitors can see your ads, but at the same time blend them in with your content.
  8. NOT COOL!!!!! ARG I WANT THE GAME BUT I'M GROUNDED.Arg, I pwn at fps games. I really want to play arg, but I'm going to be grounded for years now.
  9. well if you're smart you won't get spyware and viruses. i have not used warez. Most people around here actually go out and buy the products
  10. hey hey. if someone bids .75% for a <- snipped -> ..you only get a percentage of that.anyways google adsense is pretty much the best. my site's down right now, so i dont necessarily get much. stupid other freehosts.}}
  11. im confused. do you mean height? you're talking about taller and stuff...i weight 116lbs and i stand 5'6". I play basketball so maybe I'm taller because of that. I'm 13 (almost 14). Hehe I play shooting guard in one league, and in another league I play center (ahahahaha I'm too small for it, just my team is SHORT).
  12. copyright...anyways i think this is kinda lame. imagine what other search engines you are competing against. how many servers do they have?! how much space do they have for web crawlers..? it's not worth doing.
  13. this site is for people addicted to the computer. they know they could be making more mowing lawns and walking dogs, but they dont want to leave the computer, so they still want to earn money and do this. I make more money on my 50cents a day adsense
  14. Your friend must be getting a lot of unique visitors. To charge 500-700 for a couple days is enourmous. With a much smaller site, maybe 100 uniques a day, probably 10 dollars for a week of banner space. (Prices fluctuate depending where the banner is located. if you put it at the bottom of the page....25 cents a week.)
  15. usually games you run on linux and then if you try them on windows, linux will be better. even if it is emulated. the reason: linux already uses much less system resources, therefore making up for the loss of gaming experience in emulation. Sometimes it even overcomes the loss. Gaming in linux is still good. (The problem is paying for cedega).
  16. take a deep breath and start conversation. just be like, "hey...lalala" or whatever you guys talk about.
  17. my first kiss was a french that like.....the girl i liked, she lived with her cousins. and we're all friends her cousins, she, and myself. and she just told me, "Hey alex, want to see a magic trick?" and im thinking it's just some cheesy one but okay. "Okay." so she tells me "Close your eyes" and just...bam! it happened.2 days later....we made out when i slept over for new years (last night). yeup. kind of fast paced.
  18. i just got one. lol. dad kinda just got it for me in exchange for my old one.
  19. i just think up of lots of content...then *bam* take out my handy dandy NOTEPAD and start coding.
  20. i would say the worst though, is hp. just because they just stop working al the time.also, sony's prices are definately overbloated. probably 500 bucks of each purchase you make from sony is to have the 4 letters S.O.N.Y. printed onto the product.
  21. you can pull down old servers like that. and if you get tons of people to do it at once, you can take down people's networks...i also don't recommend you do that or you'll have a call from your ISP and the FBI knocking at your door
  22. Isn't the microchip just a million/billion lil transistors? Anyways that's pretty cool. one day the power of a full pc nowadays wll fit in our pockets
  23. i have too many computers to post all the specs. i'll just post the main ones. For business and use. mainly my dad uses it. it's more stable than the other computers so we also use it for burning movies and dvds and also online purchases. For browsing the net and listening to radio my linux box which i used to use for programming and such but wireless died. chinese stuff everything else and what i use daily
  24. of course it will work on a crappy computer. this uses ms dos. i mainly use this to test if my connection is working, or if my ISP is down.
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