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Everything posted by amhso

  1. heh i don't know. Just the google adsense account says like 3000 impressions, but my cash is all from clicks
  2. This is going to be somethign like browser or console wars. If you get the equivalent of both, then just get ram. there isn't much difference between a 3.0ghz pentium m and turion 64 3000+, unless you start using programs with 64bit support. I think any processesor above 2.4ghz is fast enough when with a lot of ram.
  3. I've gotten a few thosuand impressions now on google, but I didnt get any money added to the balance each time i reached another 1000 impressions...So do they pay for 1000 impressions? If not, why do they have the counter?
  4. Virus's come to you because you make bad decisions and download bad things and go to websites that are loaded with scripts and whatnot. The difference is taht there are MORE viruses and adware for Win XP than any other OS.
  5. RAID just make things faster/more reliable for servers and sometimes normal systems. Some people that can't afford getting fast harddrives for gaming use RAID.
  6. Razor, i meant that in most cases, pneumatics are stronger THAN combustions. I can;t imagine myself shooting a person, it'd go into them..
  7. Yeah i have ben to those sites. JohnBoy, when you shoot a spudgun, it either uses the force of air pressure or combustion. Think of it like a cannon (combustion), you put the gunpowder in (the "fuel") and a cannon ball (the spud) and light the fuse (ignition) and the pressure from the explosion shoots the cannon ball.and for pneumatic, think of 80psi of air escaping througha one way tunnel (the barrel) which has an object in it, it pushes the object.
  8. You do not need 2 of the same harddrive. It treats all harddrives the same. So you can't make a 120gb drive out of a 90, so if you ahve a 120 and a 90, it treats them both like 90's. But it would be smarter to get 2 identical drives, atleast in size.
  9. The stuff there is very expensive. Only difference is that they have a few products that very few places have. Such as the keylogger and those other fancy computer gadgets.
  10. thanks for adding that moogie, i didn't know about IDE drives.
  11. also make sure that you set it as slave, not master, since it's a second drive.
  12. it's really nice for a first sig. my sigs are worse than that, so don't worry about it. thing is is the cut out character sticks out a lot fom the background. make it blend a little more, not like smear it, but just so that it fits "into" the background.
  13. ive gotten 2 dollars a click before. the prices vary for what the advertiser pays.
  14. Spudguns, what are they? People think they only use potatos, and they find that stupid. Others think that they are only air powered or only combustion. And many don't even know what a spudgun is! A spudgun is a recreational launcher made to shoot a "spud" (or other ammunition) over far distances. This is accomplished by one of three ways. The first is by air pressure (usually the strongest), called pneumatic. The second is combustion, igniting a fuel to build pressure and launch the projectile. The last is a hybrid launcher, a mix of combustion and pneumatic spudguns. Combustion: Usually very simple in design, just a chamber and a barrel. Of course, they get more complicated in design as they get more advanced. There is also a need of ignition, usually a barbecue lighter or a spark. The main fuels are: hairspray, propane, WD40, and other liquids/gases that ignite. Believe it or not, these are weaker than pneumatics. Pneumatic: Sort of complicated but usually cost more than combustions, due to having to use valves and such. These use airpressure, either a handpump (which is sort of dangerous, because you don't know how much pressure you have) or a compressor (which is easier and safer). These can launch potatos at recorded records of 750 yards!Hybrids: These are very rarely made, as they are the king of complications. So much can go wrong with these. These are recommended to use sch80 pipes since the pipe has to handle lots and LOTS of pressure. These are spudguns. Look them up on google and you'll find more targeted and detailed information and certain spudguns.
  15. im at around 12-15 dollars. i havent got paid, but it's google, one of the most respectable web companies.
  16. Using RAID can improve performance or security of data and data transfer on any computer (that has drives that support). RAID is a system for sharing or duplicating data among various harddisks. Depending on which level one sets RAID up a person can get increased data integrity, fault-tolerence, and/or capactity than single disk drives. RAID also makes the computer see multiple drives as one logical drive. RAID is typically used on servers, either to provide more efficiency or to backup all data. The most common levels of RAID are 0 and 1. RAID 0: This level is usually set up to increase performance. Since it spreads the writing onto 2 or more disks, the writing speed is faster and each drive has to write less. It also combines all the drives. The thing with RAID 0 (and many other levels of RAID) is that if you have a 100 gb harddrive and a 120gb harddrive, the computer will see them as one 200 gb harddrive, not 220. This is because in order for RAID to function, it makes the drives equal. This level is not redundantRAID 1:RAID 1 creates an exact copy (mirror) of all data writen to one disk onto 2 more or disks. This is commonly used on servers as a form of backing data up. Therefore anything written or deleted on 1 harddrive will be deleted/written on another. RAID 1 also increases performance even though you lose the use of the other harddrives. Since the computer provides sectors when looking to run a program, the search is split among the various harddrives, cutting seek times in half. To get the full redundancy benifits, use independent disk controllers (1 for each disk).Those are some basics on RAID. Another thing is, most SATA drives are RAID ready, and I am not sure if IDE or PATA drives are able to run RAID.
  17. also get access to the settings in your router and forward ports 21 and 80 for webserver, and maybe even 2082 (cpanel).
  18. limewire is as illegal as any other p2p program, like kazaa or napster (which is now legal because you have to pay). Any p2p program, whether pay or not (such as Limewire Pro, as cragllo said) is illegal. The difference is if you pay for the songs you download or not. and it depends on what you download. If a private band gives their music out for free, you are probably allowed to download it. If it's a band like Green Day, it's illegal. The conceptions on if you pay for the program, it is legal, if not it's illegal, is not the case.
  19. dual xeons is cheaper than a dualcore amd opteron.... like 400 dollars for 2 physical processors is better than 400 dollars for 2 in 1 processor. 2 separate processors is faster.. and with HT since it is intel. anyways they are good, but primary investment would be in ram.
  20. i like the posting just fine (just it's a lot of posting to keep it up). Other places require less posting, but their servive and support sucks. Good free host=Xisto.com
  21. you know, most modchips nowadays can run in invisible mode, so if you have a game that requires there to be no modchip..the modchip just sorta "sleeps". Other older modchips have a switch.The only reason i consider buying a modchip is to play foreign games and dvd's.
  22. The reason why they put 3000+ because they run on a different theory. AMD's specialty is making them run at lower clocks and emulate the actual speed they run at, conserving energy. AMD's have 2mb L2 cache as well, maybe you should do a little more research on a topic. Almost every new AMD 64 cpu provides 1mb L2 cache now. And the biggest difference between these 2 processors, is that for 3000+ you get at the same price as an Intel 3.0ghz, you get 64bit capabilities. You don't seem to get that's the whole new thing. In a few years, most computers will probably be running 64bit. Most servers nowadays run on 64bit processors, but AMD has made the headstart to have them at home for the same cheap price. Xeons and Opterons have used 64 bit for a while, but to get one of those for home use is a waste of money. That's why AMD has their Athlon 64's.
  23. I personal think basketball is the only sport i like. I play it, but watching any sport to me is boring. I play shooting guard in local leagues.
  24. heh, welcome to Xisto!i take japanese at my school, but i know very minimal ammounts.
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