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Everything posted by amhso

  1. most reward sites that require credit card number and referral are real. there are other sites that are full guides to these programs and have several links. The owners of those sites have received dozens of rewards. If i was older, I would do these, you can make a lot and get a lot free from them.
  2. this controversy reminds me of the matrix. In all, we could be hooked up to computers, and then when we die, we're liquified and fed to other people. We could be in a digital world right now. natural disasters could be virii, and robots could be controlling our minds in the outside worldanyways how likely is that? hehe.
  3. most of the money yuo pay is for security. the more money you pay, the more LIKELY someone would work harder on it. Although many kids nowadays can make a professional site, and would do it for a lot cheaper. You can always hire a freelance webdesigner which would be cheaper by far.
  4. deviant art is a good place for anyone to display their art. don't you also get commission if someoen buys a print of your artwork there?
  5. someone's eventually going to come around with strong homemade filters/boilers...so that we can just get a bucket and fill it with ocean water...and end up with tap water. and the water in stores will be fine..and we cant really run out of water from springs, because of rain.
  6. you take the word "hacker" in a different sense that a whole other community does. That kid could be a programming enthusiast like many of you, that likes to find problems (what the term "hacker" means). This kid could be like that, just as many kids today can program exploits at the age of 12 to 16. He was just there to find a problem with a search engine, instead of like a word processor.
  7. Then...you update? right? haha....it's kinda logical that they make new versions because of 2 reasons:1)New features2)Security issues.in your case it's number 2, so i'd follow their suggestion and just update
  8. water cooling is not always component - unfriendly. There are submersed computers too. The liquids usually used are anti freeze and non-conducting. Water is just used, because those liquids dont absorb heat as well. If you use solid copper water blocks witha long waterway, you can cool your PC down pretty well, and possible overclock a TON.
  9. There are several private groups and sponsors working on flying cars right now. This isnt the only one. If you go to HowStuffWorks they show many examples of waht people are attempting with flying cars and vehicles now.
  10. the layout itself is very neat and good. I think the colors are a little bright, especially to what game it's themed to. hehe.
  11. im not completely understanding this. so 10 is a triangle number?
  12. that's what i was talking about. they'd send virii to tons of computers. at a certain time, those computers would quietly attack the servers and therefore also confusing the security experts about where it came from.
  13. wow that was very detailed uentil. dos is also illegal (duh). Often, "hackers" (more of "crackers", but the public refers to them inaccurately as "hackers") use multiple computers...usually on separate networks, to perform the DOS. More computers, the more requests it sends to the server, often crashing or heavily loading the servers.
  14. it's not just any garbage in back to the future....it's organic materials. LIke a banana.
  15. i think these systems are sometimes vulnerable to hacks and exploits. they are easy to use and install, and look pretty good, just you're not learning much web design from them.
  16. spyk3z there are many more applications that should be plain to see. architecture and design will have a lot to benefit from this kind of technollogy. They can produce their works 3Dimensionally before they actually build. It provides an excellent visual aid
  17. exchange links with other site owners. or else you can pay for ad space on some bigger sites. free link exchanges are a good way to get started
  18. I think you should get a more professional looking layout. the red and colors and the overall style looks very un-professional and unappealing to new visitors.
  19. i was like 4 when i thought about this. a way we can confirm that we probably all see the same colors is how they match on lets say, our computer screens and interfaces. if my blue was your red, your blue my green, wouldnt our desktops seriously be un-navigatable?
  20. there was a scene in Aeon Flux with something like this where the main dude gets shot and she patches him up with these skin patch thingies. kind of cool, but looks painful and just...iono i dont see a feasible way this would work. you'd have 2 bits of DNA in you...and your body would be like, what the hell how should i grow, what kind of proteins should i make?
  21. that's kinda stupid. first of all. it's pretty useless upside down. and quality is probably terrible. sound quality is more important to me than looks. and it's not it's a camera or anything, i'd rather just hold it and have speakers connected.
  22. John Cage wrote a piece called 4'33" (The name refers to how long it is played, depending how long he played it, he'd name it different). It was a creation inspired by a visit to harvard. This "classical piece" contains 3 movements. But it's not as complicated as any classical piece would seem. It consists of 4'33" of silence by the performers. I guess this sounds pretty retarded. I think so too. But there is a concept behind this "song." Having people listening to themselves, the sounds they make, the sounds their neighbors make. It also brings up the question, "What really is music?" Many composers have said that "rests are also part of the music." Does that count for an entire piece of silence? Some think so, some not. It's a controversial component of classical music nowadays. Was John Cage smart to make such a piece. Although many of his other works were very inspirational, this seems like a veer towards another idea. (There have also been other relations to the number 4'33")If you want, go ahead and look on wikipedia for more.
  23. newegg is good or just oder a built computer. Unless you're building a performance computer, ordering from Dell or a computer assembling company would be cheaper for value.
  24. make your own hardware keylogger. keelog.com or something, just google it up. anyways you're not going to make one in VB. it either won't work, or will just suck.
  25. besides the washer there's nothing special about this? It's not sooper small, or compact, or anything? I don't see why I'd go through the hassle to go to froogle and purchase one if it's like every other fash drive.
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