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Everything posted by amhso

  1. a "cheap" computer to run hl2 and css "smoothly". 2.4ghz processor is enough, but you're going to have to spend atleast 150 dollars on a graphic card...so including all the other junk...around 500-600 dollars. pentium 4 or amd 64 3200+ s754 (but you might as well spend an extra 50 bucks and get 939). 9800 pro or maybe x800 or x850. nvidia 6800 or 6600. i answered your question, but you might need more information than that
  2. you can use php to insert certain things into all pages, such as logos. take a close look at the source of my spudgun site (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). I use a file claled "php" which inserts information into all the bars for ever page.
  3. did you mean moralling incorrect?it's good for humankind but it's not the best way to treat animals.
  4. don't fix or clean the files. quarantine/delete them. If all else fails...learn about the virus you have and go into windows safe mode and delete the virus yourself. If ALL else fails...reformat your computer.
  5. heh....you know another guy makes over 100K yearly. 30k a month i dont think so...maybe 30K a year. Problogger.net has tips on it. He uses both adsense and chitika ads. You can't only have 1 site to be that successful though, you need a dozen well updated sites.
  6. But you can just get your parents or siblings or whatever to make an account and get more domains.
  7. The reason why IE has the most virus and browser jacks is because it is the most used. If firefox continues to grow, other adware companies may target their ads and toolbars to firefox. This also goes for OS wars, not just browser wars. Most virii are made for windows and not macs because there are more users using windows. Linux is community fixed, so soon after there is an exploit for linux, people quickly work and patch it.The whole meaning of this? The browser is more secure when it is less mainstream. New IE may be good when it's out of beta, and it also supports tabs, so tab browsing users may switch.
  8. I use PC. And i wish all other games were made for PC also. Mainly because my PC performs better than mot consoles (even if xbox360 comes with all this fast stuff, the games I've seen for it really suck). And with multiple monitors you can do other things. Internet, chat, webdesign, games, everything in one. Less hassle for me. but what I use to do is get a TV tuner and play everything on the computer.
  9. pro gamers dont get paid much but just get sponsored. if you win tournies, endorsement. I wanted to go cpl (i went to cal-m and cal-i) for CS:S when I turn 18, but i got grounded for pretty much forever and I got other stuff to do. Professional gaming kind of sucks. You're going to get bored of the games before you get any good.
  10. make a quality website...or else..adult themed sites make lots of $$$ through referrals..but that's not allowed by most hosts.also, if you have a nice site with lots of visitors, make your downloads onto megaupload.com and get a dollar for every 1000 downloads (you need 50,000 downloads in your first 3 months to even qualify though...)
  11. well i dont know any...but in linux, when you set it up, you can partition your harddrives. Or else just buy partition magic.
  12. it works again and then stops working and now it works. hopefully for good.
  13. neither even load for me. I have proxies off in Firefox
  14. The first one did. It worked temporarily. I can't use spudguns.trap17.com/cpanel nor ftp.spudguns.trap17.com . I keep getting connection refused from host. Is there a filter running that is blocking my IP?
  15. with firefox you can enable pipelining (and other hacks) that improves connection speed tremendously. It's actually just a matter of preference if you REALLY care about smooth browsing. Some people just browse the net for the net...which doesnt need tabs or any features at all.
  16. I know that all those free gift things work. Well most, like the ones of gratis gifts. You can do those and then sell the product that you receive for money. Or you can just use them. Also like snlildude87 said, making a website with lots of content and well done layout, can earn you lots of money. Many people on the net with 6-12 quality sites that are well maintained earn up to 6 digits of $$$ a year. check out http://www.problogger.net/ . That's mostly blogging too!
  17. if you host your own site, and it's not a 1,000 uniques a day site, then you can just host it on the computer that it's on. It doesn't slow anything down by much. For windows users, abyss webserver is easy to use and very small (not even a mb i think). Google it!
  18. only goes to Xisto's homepage. ftp.spudguns.trap17.com does not work for ftp connection and spudguns.trap17.com/cpanel nor spudguns.trap17.com:2082 work for cpanel.
  19. i have 8 credits. I can view my site, just i can't login to administrative stuff. I was talking about logging into the IP of their server.
  20. Alright, I've had enough of this. In my other thread about this issue, your other moderator told me to try logging in by IP. Now you closed the other thread because now you don't want me to login by IP, and that's the onyl way I could. At the moment, only IP works. logging in to ftp by spudguns.trap17.com doesn't work, nor does cpanel. I can login by IP to both FTP and Cpanel. But if i change anything when I'm logged in like that nothing changes. I guess it's time to switch hosts, 3rd thread now.
  21. also, same with the cpanel. everything i change in Cpanel or FTP doesn't change my site.
  22. When I upload to, it uploads there but it doesnt change my site. Is that a backup server or something because my site isn't getting updated. I can connect to there though. I tried connecting to spudguns.trap17.com and ftp.spudguns.trap17.com . Neither of them worked.
  23. all of the cpanel logins refuse connection with me. ftp choice 1 worked for me, thank you.it works now. thanks for the support, Xisto!
  24. Starting this week i have not been able to get into FTP nor Cpanel of my site. Reason?
  25. click prices go from .01 to a couple dollars each! the cost per 1000 impressions really doesn't pay at all. I've received thousands of impressions but didn't get paid for them.
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