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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well usually people who are not testing the RC versions of windows shouldn't even be downloading it just because of how unstable they are. I would doubt they had some features turned off as they wanted to work each version on specific things, but with RC2 all the features should have been turned back on. I believe that was the final RC was RC2, but of course I don't know what they had in there because I don't want to risk losing everything on this one computer that is running XP. As for that benchmarks it is obvious you won't see any difference in the high end computer because of how fast it is. With your older computer you should see some improvement but you really have do a lot things in order to see it, but of course all computers are completely different and so the benchmarks are always going ot be different for someone. Either way with SP3 on its way, Windows XP will be at the pinnacle of this OS life span. In a few posts I mentioned that all they are really doing is combining all the hotfixes and stuff like that, they have a few new improvements, but all SP3 is a giant hotfix patch. So depending on the computer and what that computer is used for, it will either improve the computer or nothing will change. Actually SP3 been talk about for a good 4 years now, but didn't start making headlines well into 2006 and 2007, even though Vista over shadowed all the headlines about SP3 because of how bad it was. In Microsoft's case Vista took the opposite affect and stung Microsoft pretty darn badly because of how everyone has rejected this OS, even with SP1 it still hasn't help Vista's case, and I think the only saving grace now for Vista is Windows 7. Well unless you in a technology business you have to keep updating your computer because your business can't take a chance of a trojan or a hacker getting into your computer and ruin your business, although in my personal opinion I wouldn't be surprise if your computer has been compromised and become a bot for someone. I rather have my computer be constantly updated and secured then be some mindless bot and help a hacker do damage through my computer and my IP address. OF course granted it should be interesting to see if SP3 does any damage, and besides I plan to add a new hard drive soon and so if I can't work out this restore problem I can do a clean install and be completely updated and install a fresh computer. Odds are you downloaded a RC version or you downloaded it from other site claiming to have the legit SP3 and did some tinkering with it, and like I explained above never download an RC version unless you back up your hard drive and then be able to restore just in case something like that happens. Well like I said as a homer user SP3 doesn't seem to be needed, but at the business level, the new security features coming with SP3 will help them out. Of course with WIFI becoming big now SP3 will have some added benefits, but next week everyone will find out if SP3 was worth it or not.
  2. OOH interesting bit of information magic thanks, and for a link to that control panel is here, I recommend doing the automatic searching that way you can find the appropriate driver update. After you install, restart your computer, nvidia control panel will be in your task bar, and then all you have to do is click on it and there is your control panel.
  3. I thought of an ingenious idea, and this is based off a walk through of this school I was applying a job for. They had connected several WIFI routers together within their network in order to boost a wifi signal all over the school, and so if you had a second router connected to this network and closer to you, then your signal should boost a bit. But, expect the connection to be a bit slow because of all those packets needing to travel through 2 routers (if your neighbor has one), before getting to the internet connection. It would cost about the same as an antennae, but if you are not like 6 feet from your neighbor so you don't have to buy 100 foot RJ45 cable and people tripping over it and stuff.OrTell your neigh to move the router next to a window or something to help boost the signal.
  4. Yeah I been keeping a somewhat loose tabs on Windows 7, and I have to say that I am quite unsure of why they would be releasing this so early. As a few reports speculated that is going to be release next year instead of 2010 and I have to say what are thinking, but I came across this one website about a Windows 7 FAQ and it has some interesting stuff. First windows 7 is going to be a update and not a major release, so maybe that is why the above screen still looks like vista. Next Internet Explorer 8 will be coming with this update and so either IE8 will be on a final release sometime next year or they will be releasing it sometime this year as I mentioned in a earlier post. Of course in this new version of IE it could possibly have that ribbon interface like office 2007 has because that crew will be working on that IE, I pray they don't do that to IE8.Of course this site made mention that the searching for files will be easier, windows more secured, blah blah blah. OF course it is funny to mention that some people within Microsoft have dubbed Vista as the new ME, so that tells you a lot about how Vista is a bust, especially at the corporate level. Feel sorry for the suckers who dropped $400 for vista ultimate .
  5. Well from the looks of it seems to have change as you now can sign up for a gmail account without the need to be invited by anyone. Just go here and click Create an account now, and your set. It is funny though though that they still have these invites, but I doubt they will turn it off though.
  6. it is done automatically, anything you load in your public_html folder everyone will see. You will need to have at least one html file named index in order for people to see something on your domain, and then you will link the rest of your site with that index file.
  7. If you want to upload your files to your hosting account you need to go file management > click on the folder icon to public_html and you will load up all your files there. Also it is recommend that you get a FTP software to upload files quicker, I recommend SmartFTP, fireftp, or cute ftp.
  8. hmmm... Have your tried the floppy drives on another computer, as it almost sounds like they are damaged in some way or more importantly the reading mechanisms. To be honest, I say forgot the A drives and get your self either 2-3Gb flash stick or a External Hard drive that is connected with a USB connection. As floppy drives are pretty much useless unless the machines are like 15-20 years old, but even then who would be running a machine that old. Unless you really need to use a floppy drive then I would recommend getting a USB version of it, and they are pretty cheap, like this one. so you have some good options to replace your floppy drive, but for back up and restoration purposes your better off with a nice big external hard drive, usually double the size that way you have plenty of room to have a full back up of your hard drive.
  9. From what I know SP3 is supposed to combine everything from SP1 and Sp2 and all the hotfixes between SP2 to the release of SP3. AS for some new stuff I made mention about a topic I made last year about new info about Vista SP1 and XP SP3, I found this article that talks about some of the new stuff in XP. I also made mention my topic that SP3 is said to improve the speed of office products as well. Also check out this somewhat outdated PDF file on SP3 from Microsoft website, about what to expect as well.
  10. SP3 was released yesterday to MSDN members, and next week on the 29th SP3 final will be release. You can install RC version of SP3 but your better off waiting til next week so you don't have to worry about uninstalling the RC then then installing the final release of SP3.
  11. No it isn't true, a computer lasts as long you properly maintain it; my laptop is working on its second year this summer, although I think I aged it by 10 years because of all the work I have done on it. Yeah you can replace parts as easily as you can with a PC, but if you keep it dust free, give it proper ventilation, and maintain the computer through software, these laptops can last until your motherboard blows up.
  12. Alex I pointed that out in the thread about the alignment problem for the icon next to the person's name, of course the icon alignment get severly misaligned in other browsers as well. Plus I doubt it is a beta or there would be more problems with it, and as for moving the user icon to the post itself doesn't seem practical as all that needs to be done is push the user icon down a few pixels to the border of your name and avatar. Or maybe put it right underneath the male/female icon to get it away from opening up both sub menu's as that is hte main problem with this mod.As for changing the location of the icons I would think that would frivolous work and rather complicated as you would have to create two sets of icon coding; one to do the actual rating, and one to show the names of who rated that user. I wouldn't mind knowing the name of this mod so I could look at it though.
  13. Is it possible that your missing the drivers for the A Drive? Also did you try your A drive on another computer to see if they work? Also check to make sure to see if you connections are connected securely and see if the wiring is burnt exposed in any way. Also check to see what your boot sequence that could be another problem. Also did you get any Post Errors at all (series of beeps)?Now correct me on this did you say your hard drive and CD-Rom are not reading? If so could be a problem with your motherboard.
  14. YAH!! I got 25 it is a = signed turned 90 degree's for the pause button on a recording device.#5 is Movie media software called shake.
  15. Been awhile since I done a wallpaper, and worked up a descent black and white vector. Although that was done by accident as I was trying to go for a colorful one, but the colors were not working right with each other.
  16. It would seem that your missing a file, what I suggest is reinstall the drivers from the CD you got with your gfx card, and if you don't have that CD, your best bet is to uninstall the drivers. Even thought you don't mention the name brand of the computer, I would also suggest going to their site and search for video drivers and see if they have any current video drivers that you can download. Or go to Nvidia's website and download the lastest windows 32 bit drivers and see if that fixes your problem or not, odds are it will.
  17. It should have been automatic for everyone has more then 100 posts, but I think due to the lack of activity that the forum didn't pick you up, I suggest getting a hold of an admin and see if they can fix your account, because I don't know if you have to do a steady rate of posting for this permission to kick in or not.
  18. Well from what I surmize about the Winsxs folder is that folder is used to fix the compatibility problem, along with using the new search indexing as well. Of course I did a little searching just to see if I could move that WinSXS folder to a new location, or rather to another hard drive, and to answer that question no you can't or you will not get updates, and if you have installed SP1 you will blue screen of death the computer. So I might have to do a back up of that computer one day, and move everything to the bigger hard drive, and at 250 gigs that is going to take forever .
  19. All I did was updated my list, if you notice the dates on my post about the gfx card and hard drive, and then compare it to the "This post has been edited by" time stamp they are roughly the same. So to answer your question it is graphically quicker since it has a 256MB cache, and thus doesn't take away from my 2GB of RAM.
  20. That is a lot, but most of them seem really unnecessary, especially the ones that have ?'s. However, I wouldn't doubt that uses this ASCII codes to help parse coding in either software or online web applications.
  21. If you find something in that range you be fine and well off with a speedy computer. Like this one for an example and the only thing really wrong with it is the smaller hard drive the one you have posted here. Of course, if you want to feel really special, go drop about $5000 on a alienware notebook and you can push the processor to 2.8ghz. Unless you seen the hardware a alienware notebook has then maybe, but my XPS is at 1.84Ghz and it feels a bit sluggish. Even though this computer is like 2 year out dated, but pushing a notebook to 3.0ghz+ is over kill as it will most like blow the computer right up.
  22. Not bad, execept for the hardware you have I would expect the processor to be a bit faster then that, and 3Gb seems a bit much, although again that could help make up for the lack of a fast processor though.
  23. Well as one of the gurus to the whole xisto experience, minus hosting on Xisto - Web Hosting, the only strings attached are the rules of Xisto hosting, and computing hosting, if you know the rules, and understand what you have to in order to get free hosting here. Then you have found the right place for all your hosting needs as we have a great community for support with everyone able to contribute in some way. Transferring your free hosting to paid hosting is easy as the Xisto - Web Hosting team will be able to od that for you, the hosting is always backed up and so if something goes wrong they can restore it for you, and computing hosting are pretty cheap and get a bit more expensive when you get to the bigger ones. Though the xisto servers do have down times to either bad weather, bad scripting, or server load issues, but usually you don't have to wait long, but we do get the rare few hours for the servers to come back online. This place is great I have been here since nearly the beginning, and I haven't bothered looking for any place else. Xisto is like second home that I alog into everyday just to chat with people, and do some posting. I Think you should check out the reviews on this hosting directory that Xisto is popular on, as you get a wide view of opinions on how this web host is.
  24. Contractor, your assuming that I meant that for everyone who uses firefox in reference on how the new book mark system works. I highly doubt everyone will switching over to the new bookmarking system, I am saying that it cuts out the needless clicking that needs to be done in order to get to a website. I have so many bookmarks that is insane, and most of the time I don't use them except for a need to reference to them from time to time or working on a project. I would assume that you read all the posts in this topic and see some people mention why they hate firefox, granted I can't force them to change sides, but give them an idea of what they can do more with a browser. Now your really assuming that I was being insulting about the cookies deletion, and how wrong you are on that. I was pointing out why someone could do in order not to see the navigation bar like that, mind you that it will do that for the bookmarks, but for websites that are not listed they won't show up. I could be insulting and say "don't be stupid and just delete your cookies, or if you don't like it don't use it". Or I could be really jerk and insult you for putting words in my mouth, but that is not how I work.Besides everyone has their different reasons for using a browser either work related or home related, the way the Mozilla crew set up this browser is cut down on the time needed to do all that clicking.
  25. Wow I can't believe it has been 5 months since I posted this topic, and I can now say I can actually get yahoo messenger 9 to work on my computer. Since it seems they were able to figure out why it would allow my password for some reason, and if I remember my version numbers right that was yahoo, and this one is, and so if you haven't thought about trying out the new yahoo for either XP or Vista you hsould as the vista one is pretty good, FYI need to have vista running in order to use the vista version of yahoo messenger.
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