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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Who knows odds are we could make the Planet of the Apes movies look real if this was done. What is scary though at a genetic level it could be possible, but really though what would be the point of though, oooh we get free organs!! However, if history serves me correct exchanging human parts with animal parts hasn't been all that successful, and so there are some things we humans should even be doing. Besides there are better things to do then see a half human baby come out of a monkey, disturbing and yet intriguing site to see.
  2. Recently I gave presentation for a class in a Helpdesk class that I just finishing taking, and we had to present a small business like plan for a business to set up support in several ways; communication, tools and staff. I thought I present my bare bones version of setting up a effective Helpdesk support in your business or schools. Introduction Contacting Support -Email -Telephone -Chat Room -Forum Software Tools -Remote Desktop Technology -Knowledge Base Software -Help Desk Software Escalation Procedures -First Level -Second Level -Third Level Conclusion In order for any business to be successful, especially if you are running an IT business, by being able to provide good customer support for any products your business designs or sells. This is because not all users are computer experts and sometimes he or she might run into problems with that product your business is trying to sell. CONTACTING SUPPORT Communication is essential for any business, especially when your customers have a problem that they want to fixed. The three most common ways an IT business communicates with users is through a telephone, email and chat room. Telephones are the most common way for people to communicate, and if the problem is an emergency, they can call someone right away and get immediate support. With that immediate support the problems could be fixed right on the spot or if need be set up an appointment for someone to check out the problem. Although e-mail is another common form of communication, sometimes a user will have to wait one to two days in order to get a reply about their problem. The catch is by using email it could take longer for support to reply or it could be shorter, depending on what the support personnel are doing that day. The next form of communication is using chat room technology, with it support personnel could fix a problem right on the spot, or if the user is looking for information, they are able to copy it from the chat logs, and paste it on another document and save it for later. Another good way as to why your business should use chat room technology is that your support personnel can use Remote Desktop Technology in order communicate with the user. That way if the user is having a hard time a support personnel explanation or following his or her directions, they can help guide the user through the process of what he or she needs to do. With the creation of various forum technologies, you will have a great way to build up a solid base for a good community of staff, clients and outside sources. Also it is a good way to help generate word of mouth support for your business and be able to help customers in looser fashion without any time constrictions and of course members of this forum can help each other out as well that way, they will free up support for them to work on other fuctions. TOOLS As for what tools a business should have for its support staff are many, but again, depending on the type of business you might be running those tool could be different. When it comes to computer related issues some of the best tools could make your support more organized and helpful. As mentioned earlier, the use of Remote desktop technology is beneficial, by using Remote desktop technology the support staff will be able to guide the user around their computer to help solve a problem, or if the problem shows up again the user will be able to do it themselves. Furthermore, depending on the location of the user and or the support staff, using Remote desktop technology will cut off the need to send someone to your computer to fix it, unless the problem requires someone to go to the user's location. With Knowledge base software, it is simple to use once support personnel are familiar with it, and once everyone starts using Knowledge base software, support staff will always be updated on current problems the business might have with the software or hardware. Also as a user they could search your knowledge base and see if they can find an answer to the problem the are having before contacting support. With helpdesk software being used, it will help maintain organization for the IT support teams, and be able to help maximize efficiency with the workload being spread out across the support teams. ESCULATION PROCEDURES With most support teams, it is a giving that each support team has a crew with varying experience at different levels f expertise. If not then your business could be losing customers if they cannot get the answers he or she seeks when they have a problem with their computer. With that in mind, I believe three levels of support are required in order to maintain a proper support team. With First level support, usually these members of the support team are just joining, and so it is usually a entry level position depending on what kind of support is being provided. Usually at this level they can solve most common problems with IT related technology without the need to ask for support by a second or third level support team member. Also if gives a chance for the first level support to be able to learn about the help desk environment and with enough experience be able to move to a second or third level position. A person who is at the second level of support is well knowledgeable in fix most common problems and a few uncommon problems. They also have a good solid knowledge on the software or hardware that they support, and so they could be able to help train or assist with first level support. A person who is at the third level support will have the following qualities; they are able to handle any kind of problem because of the experience he or she as gain through the first two levels of support. Level three support are also experts in the software that he or she supports, and are prepared for solving complicated problems that might require more then one person. In addition, it is worth noting at this level of support that a person would be in a managerial position, and so they would be able to support and train first and second level personnel. CONCLUSION Although this plan is not perfect in any shape or form, but it is a start on how to help set up a support team for a business, and flexible enough to make changes to this plan in order to make a business support team solid.
  3. If the above methods don't work, and everything is correct with the name servers then you will have to put in a support ticket and set it to either high or critical to get it fix as that will be a quicker method of fixing the parked or add-on domains DNS issues. Also I would suggest not to remove and re-add your domains again, because you could wait even longer for the domain to be picked up, and that might not solve the issue, and run into problems like rvalkass and sonesay did when they tried to re-add their domains again.I question that HOST method because you mention "DNS is resolved fully" but you don't go into details on how users should be aware of that, I would have to assume that they would have to ping through CMD to see if this happens or not. Although it does bring up a interesting idea, couldn't that same file be uploaded to the server to correct the problem or a MOD_rewrite?Of course another question comes up would contacting the registar and see if they could fix the IP confliction on their end??Oh almost forget use the Live Chat option as well, that way some tickets could be reduced on this problem and you would be able to get immediate results.
  4. BuffaloHELP missed a major point as well, because of the servers changes and what not you need to clear your browser cache since that data is out of date and no longer able to connect to the old IP numbers. So make sure to clear all your browsers caches and that should help with some of the problems as well.
  5. On Monday May 5th I will be giving one of the biggest, and hardest speeches of my life, and I thought I would give everyone a better that soldiers are not the cruel and EVIL people that some of these idiots out there talk about. Also since I am giving my story for the first time, I except a little respect on this topic. I don't care where you live or what your views are but attack me personally and expect to be severally punished for this is about inform people not so people can be judgmental. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is a soldier?s worse nightmare. We have to live with the images of death, the sounds of gunfire and always being constantly aware of those around us. Throughout my presentation, I will be referring to Post-traumatic Stress as PTSD. I will give you my story about how and why I have PTSD, and once I finish my story everyone here today will have an idea what we soldiers go through on an everyday basis as I present to everyone with this time line perspective. Which includes defining what PTSD is, types of PTSD, and some of the symptoms of PTSD, and once you understand what PTSD is, I will give a historical evolution on PTSD that covers three eras of PTSD: Pre-Vietnam, Vietnam and Post Vietnam, and then I will finally give my concluding statement for my presentation today. My Story As many of you know, I am a veteran of the Iraq War. I went into the war zone in November of 2003 until October of 2004, and what I came back with was a bad back and many bad memories. I will not be giving a speech so everyone can feel sorry me. I am giving this presentation to give you an idea of what happens to a human mind once they enter a war zone. In a war zone, the main priority is survival, followed by living with the fact you might have to kill another human being. During specific points in my time in Iraq my PTSD would begin to formulate and get ready to explode when it was ready to. These hands have seen death, but not in the way that I pulled the trigger of my weapon and killed someone, but in the way that I was asked to help deliver bodies of dead soldiers to the morgue so they could go home to their families. I did this duty twice, and that is all it took to lead me into a dark path of reality that included a lot of pain, and very serious thoughts of suicide. The first time I did this detail I was completely fine, even knowing the fact I was carrying a dead body in my hands. The second time I did this duty it became the longest 5 minute ride in my life as I had to sit in the back of the vehicle with the bodies of people who were killed earlier that day from an ambush. To say the least that was when I suffered one of my biggest emotional breakdowns ever, and it took me nearly an hour to calm myself down and try my best to not think about it. I talked to a Chaplin just to get it off my chest; it helped somewhat, but regardless of talking to him, it led me to an even darker path that I thought I would never go to. I was alone in my sleeping quarters, and knowing quite well what I was thinking about at the time, I took an empty M16A2 rifle and I put the barrel in my mouth. Then I waited a few seconds before I pulled the trigger, and when I heard and felt that click course through my body; I shocked myself back into reality, promising myself never to do that again. There were many other events such as losing a roommate, nearly losing our Chaplin, and having the burden that an Iraqi that was working with us was killed because of his association with us. After getting out of Iraq and soon out of the Army, I thought I could be somewhat normal again, but I was wrong as my PTSD slowly developed during that time when I had my back problems, and then my PTSD kicked in during 2006. I have been able to keep control of my PTSD these last two years, especially in public. Sometimes my PTSD likes to appear when I am in public, and you wouldn?t even know something is wrong with me because of how I completely shut out the world and let this occurrence run its course. My family does not even know that I go through this, but I would guess they have some idea, although, they don?t say anything about it if they do. Although the events were tragic enough to give me PTSD, it is small compared to soldiers who patrol the streets every day trying to keep the peace and trying to stay alive. Now that you know my story, you now realize there is a much bigger casualty rate than just the dead and wounded. PTSD BACKGROUND With my story in mind, the information that I will be talking about will give you a better understanding as to why we suffer the way we do when we come home from combat. PTSD is defined as an anxiety disorder that develops in reaction to physical injury or severe mental or emotional distress, such as military combat, violent assault, natural disaster, or other life-threatening events. There are three types of PTSD that a person could develop based on the severity of the event: Acute, Chronic, Delayed-Onset PTSD. Acute PTSD is usually the shortest of the three types of PTSD, as acute PTSD usually lasts up to three months and the symptoms are either completely gone, or the PTSD goes into recession. Chronic PTSD is one of the most common forms of PTSD for a soldier depending on what their job was while serving a tour in a combat zone. It is worth mentioning that this is the longest of the three types because chronic PTSD can usually last for years with no end in sight, regardless of the treatment that a solider might get. The last type of PTSD is called Delayed-Onset PTSD, which basically means that symptoms of PTSD do not appear in a person until after a certain period of time, usually six months after the traumatic event. Although I don't fall under one category of these three types of PTSD, you could say I am somewhere in the middle of acute, and chronic with a small dose of Delayed-Onset Symptoms. Because of how different the three types of PTSD are, the symptoms can be numerous or maybe a person can get by with just a couple. But because of how many symptoms there are they are placed into three groups: intrusive, avoidant, and hyperarousal. Intrusive symptoms are emotions and feelings that come unexpected or force themselves on to a person. This includes fear, terror, despair, anxiety. Avoidant symptoms are when a person is trying to avoid anything related to that traumatic event, such as avoiding feelings, thoughts, and emotions. In some extreme cases a person could emotionally shut down and depending how long it takes them to break this type of symptom all emotional feeling will cease to exist. Hyperarousal symptoms can be easily described as heighten sense of aware of one?s surrounding to the point they develop symptoms such as anxiety attacks, insomnia and even paranoia. War Origins With that in mind I will now talk about the war Origins of PTSD which covers about 2000+ years of history, but I will sum it up very shortly due to lack of time it will take to cover every single war in that time period. Historical View In the research I was conducting for another assignment related to PTSD, I came through some interesting facts about PTSD. The first of which was PTSD was not called PTSD until 1980, but it had various other names or a description of how soldiers returning from war have changed. It is worth mentioning that PTSD has ancient origins that go as far back as the Mythical Trojan War and the American Civil War. World War I World War I saw many changes on how wars would be fought, with the introduction of tanks, airplanes and bio warfare. PTSD would begin the process here as it was slowly beginning to develop into the disorder that it is today. The first name that PTSD took was called shell shock and was coined by C.S. Myers in 1915, this was due to the exposure of soldiers being exposed to shells exploding near them. The symptoms of shell shock that soldiers suffered consisted of insomnia, anxiety, trembling, sweating and uncontrolled emotions. As for treatment, you could say they were very barbaric. Because of how unknown shell shock was and that many military leaders saw shell shock as a form of cowardice, many soldiers were executed, some were given shock therapy, physical re-education, and even spending time in military prison. However, one Army Major had a humane treatment that was very affective. Arthur Hurst used occupational therapy to help soldiers "cure" their shell shock. He made them do activities such as farming, writing a magazine, and in some cases reenact battles, and through all of these many soldiers were becoming cured of this shell shock. So the origins of Humane treatments of PTSD would begin with Arthur Hurst. Vietnam Let us jump now to about 50 years, when PTSD would begin its true origins, in which many soldiers were coming home psychology destroyed from fighting in Vietnam and developing extreme forms of the symptoms I described earlier. With the help of many doctors such as Doctors Jay Lifton, John Talbott, and Chaim Shatan, Vietnam vets would talk in group therapy sessions about the emotions they were experiencing, due to images and sounds that reminded them that they were back in Vietnam. These three doctors were able to compile enough research to introduce PTSD in 1980, in the 3rd Ed. of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. As for the treatments it was very trial and error, as there were not many effective ways that I could find that helped soldiers get rid of this unknown emotional pain they felt. The only thing that helped most soldiers was time. As mentioned in a 1990 survey about Vietnam and PTSD, Thirty percent of the three million soldiers were coming home with PTSD. When that survey was conducted again in 2006 on Vietnam Vet, the percentage had drop to 19%. Of course it is worth noting that treatment of PTSD has changed over the last 30 years, and so many soldiers were outright cured, or in complete control of the PTSD that was now a part of their lives. Another interesting thing to note, is that some argue that only 15% of those soldiers saw actual combat, and that many might have been misdiagnosed with just stress related symptoms. Especially those who have jobs in the Quartermaster Corp that had develop PTSD. Iraq As we enter the 5th year in the Iraq war, the casualties are building up to over 4000 U.S. soldiers dead, and hundreds of thousands wounded or permanently disabled. Out of the survivors of the Iraq war it was noted that in 2006 that 16% of the soldiers in Iraq have been diagnosed with PTSD. Out of the 16% diagnosed with PTSD, the most susceptible are the soldiers between the ages of 18 and 24. While the older generation of soldiers who are in their 30 and 40?s as they are the least likely to develop PTSD because of experience of being a soldier. This is due to many factors, one of those factors is moral judgment, in which a person between ages of 18-24 are still developing a sense of moral judgment of right or wrong, and that it could be easily twisted if under the right circumstances. One of those circumstances would be going to war and being able to kill someone and live with this fact. This one of many moral judgments that a soldier on the front line has to make when in a firefight with the enemy, and being to mentally turn off that hesitation before pulling the trigger. The symptoms have not changed all that much since Vietnam, but more of the common symptoms from soldiers in Iraq include loss of appetite, flashbacks, and nightmares. However, thanks to many years of research and studies, being able to treat PTSD has become more effective with the help of various therapies. Therapy There are three types of therapy that can be used to treat someone with PTSD; Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Pharmacotherapy. When a therapist uses Psychodynamic Therapy to help a soldier with PTSD, they are making him or her focus on the memories of that traumatic event. By doing this, the soldier will be able to bring out their intense emotions, almost reaching the breaking point. Afterward, the therapist and the solider will talk about what triggered those emotions, and find a way to prevent those memories and emotions from going further then they need to. Almost like being able to force your mind to switch off before it reaches the breaking point, and then be able to move on each time those memories are triggered. Cognitive-behavior therapy is considered the longer of the treatments, because of the extensive training one must take in order to control their PTSD through specific techniques and training. Some techniques a therapist would use are ?relaxation techniques, stress inoculation training, cognitive restructuring, breathing retraining, biofeedback, social skills training, and distraction techniques?. By using these techniques, one would assume that a soldier would be able to calm him or herself after a brief time after a PTSD occurrence. While it is not a therapy per say, Pharmacotherapy is using drug treatments to help with various aspects of PTSD. Depending on how severe a soldiers PTSD is, they will go through a trial and error process to see which drugs effectively target specific symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Then once these drugs take effect, a soldier will either go through a short-term or a long-term drug therapy usage depending on how well their bodies are accepting the drugs. As for the drugs that have been given to soldiers who are diagnosed with PTSD, anti-depressants have the most effectiveness because of how they chemically alter a person?s mind. The most common anti-depressants that are prescribed to soldiers are Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil because of how optimistic the results were after an extensive study into what these drugs would do for a soldier. Conclusion For soldiers with PTSD, Plato?s words ?Only the dead have seen the end of the war.?, does bring some truth to the fact that the only way to stop the suffering from severe PTSD, would be to end one?s life. For soldiers, like me, who were not in the front lines and suffer small doses of PTSD, being able to overcome the pain and suffering has been my greatest challenge. As soldiers of the three eras of PTSD try to live on with the horrors that they have seen, being able to help them should be the goal for the government, which has not seen PTSD through their eyes.
  6. I highly doubt it since everyone made up those lost credits during the down time, and could easily make that up in like 2-3 posts to begin with. However, I think the primary concern for everyone, especially with high search rankings and visitors, is trying to get back up there as fast as possible. Or you could be starting over again trying to build up for that lost, and so I wouldn't be worrying about credits since that is easy to make up.
  7. **Starts Black Sabbath Iron Man Music*** Well I just got back from the movies and take a guess what I saw? No it wasn't Barbie Destroys the World, ug that would be career suicide too, nope I saw Iron Man and I will say this. It is in the same category with Spider-Man and X-men movies, because it was that good, with some great comedy, great action, some emotional parts as well. I have to saw for the problems Robert Downy Jr. has had in his Hollywood career, I believe Iron Man and the other movie that is coming out soon, his career is back on track for some greatness in the next couple of years. This is a Big spoiler, and I only found because this guy mention that he found it on the net, and of course you will be going SWEEEET!! when you see who it is. Now that I ruined your hopes with that huge spoiler, but of course if you watch the movie they practically drop a hint to it, but anyways on the review. Like I said RDJ does a good job playing the Tony Stark Character, who by the way is a cocky Billionaire weapons maker etc etc. Although they wanted to keep with the times, and odds are a good reason because I don't a 70 year old Iron Man would be such a big hit, since his origins start at Vietnam and not Afghanistan. I guess that is my own issue with that and what not, but other then that when you see you own weapons being used for mass destruction you be surprise to how quickly one changes their mind, like Mr. Stark. I give it a nice 10/10 especially since it was two hours and some change, felt like hour and like 40 minutes since it seems quick, but it wasn't. Put it like this, George Lucas, worked on special effects and sound so that's like $20 million at least , and on that note I take a shot on how much it will gross this weekend and overall. The big factor is grossing this movie is Grand Theft Auto 4 which game out a few days ago, the Iron Man video game is sure to take a big hit on that, but as for the movie maybe, maybe not, but I say for this weekend $40-50 Million with about $120-130 million when its run is over. Of course I hope I am wrong and it makes more
  8. Well it works well wit ha qupis account I give you that, I say drop the grey background and pick a different color, maybe that orange you use for the text or use a dark green. I don't know why but the banner seems off to me in some way, could be that I like my banners to take up the area that they are in, not much for a gap in banners like the one you have. Either way it is an effective use of qupis hosting.
  9. Yes, the gamma is server is down right now and that you check out this topic http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act&pid=387625.
  10. It is up to you really as I have like 5 different browsers installed and use them for various things, and unless you don't have a ton of extensions that you use on firefox, which also increases memory, then move on to FF3 beta 5 as it is stable and pretty much the final beta that I am aware of before final release.
  11. You may want to refer to this post as well http://forums.xisto.com/topic/57771-topic/, as there are more details on what is going on.
  12. Misanthrope I believe your really twisting the words around and making xisto look incompetent, if you haven't notice, Xisto alone as 40,000+ members, asta has about 20,000+, and not to mention a few thousand paid clients as well. With what I know about the support, there are not that many people working the back end of support and so a list priority has to be made. That being the fact sending at least 75,000-80,000 emails is going to take up a lot of resources and time to reach everyone, and that was time Xisto could not afford. Also I believe the post is referring to Xisto - Web Hosting clients using the forums and not the regular Xisto members, and for informing everyone through an email would seem a bit unnecessary now since a post was made on whats going on right now.From looking at the post it seems that they were not planning on this happening and if they didn't I doubt they were expecting the problems that they were having especially with gamma. I don't know the reason why gamma is completely down now, just saw the server status and I know earlier that only the Apache and the internet connection were down. So wait it out like everyone else is with patience, and remembering the world isn't perfect or there would be only one hosting company making billions.
  13. Well I finally found the nTune software by itself, and I would download it and install and see if it picks up anything. It is funny that I didn't try to google this the first time I posted , well here is the link and enjoy. http://www.nvidia.com/object/ntune_5.05.54.00.html
  14. If you have hosting through trap your on the gamma server, and as for your settings they should be Name server 1 ns.computinghost.comName server 2 ns2.computinghost.comand nothing else, the Xisto DNS are no longer in use and so you can remove those and push ns2.computinghost.com up to the second slot.
  15. I found this interesting article the other day and I was looking at the programs that were mentioned and I have to say that some of them I agree with and some I disagree with, and I try to explain what I like and don't like. In this group of features I would say that the first two really defeat the purpose in several ways, one each concept is completely different as the first one lines everything up in one window, while the other one creates a separate window altogether. So combining both features into one operating system is completely a waste of resources and space. However, if I were to chose I go with the first one just because you can minimize the program in a small thumbnail and be able to double click another program and be there instantly. As for the second one, I would think it would be treated as a loading screen and so you have to wait a few seconds for that virtual workspace to load up before you can do your work. What is funny about this program is that I hear this all the time on sports radio, but my main concern is the security for this program, and the fact it seems that you need to have both computers running at the same time to use this, or maybe with this soft it lets you boot up the computer in some way, don't know how if you have the power off. As for a necessity for this piece of software, I would say depending on what you use your computer for and where your working determines if you need this at all. To start off with number 7 to simply state that is already taken with remote desktop and the fact msn messenger does this as well, granted I wouldn't mind other IM clients to have this as well, but then Microsoft will get into a hissy fit about it and junk like that. So all this feature is really doing is hooking up the IM client with added feature and so it isn't really necessary to have, and neither is paying $40 a month for it online either. Hands down I rather have this over system restore any day, of course it brings to question how viruses and malware work against this feature. Since it would seem that if you get rid of the bad stuff and need to roll back it would most likely reappear again, but of course I don't hear to many reports on Mac attacks so I guess you would need to see this on a Windows environment and see how it handles. As for system restore it sucks as it takes up a lot of hard drive space, and makes getting rid of viruses and malware harder if you don't disable it when you clean your computer. As for the other two programs think it is a waste of feature space, no real practice purpose for average users, and with the online applications that do these reminders for you and stuff I don't see the point of wasting about 20-30MB of hard drive space. With group #8 is waste of space, #9 will have to many problems with software vendors, #10 would be a resource hog, but that is were it ends as #11 is a must have, I downloaded RocketDock and it pretty much cancels out the need for a start menu and excessive use of the short cuts. Since everything I commonly used is right there on my screen I just have to click it once and I am there, and I don't have to worry about clicking this or that to get a program running. Also with RocketDock it is very customizable and I would recommend that if you want to save yourself a few clicks and install this program. With number twelve I see its usefulness as I can vouch for the need to print scree, open photoshop, paste, crop, save and upload. So I wouldn't mind seeing this as a feature, especially if you get these memory errors or having problem with software or the hardware itself. I can't really base opinion on number thirteen just because I would have to see it in action, and I won't be getting a Mac any time soon. I could see the benefits in this feature especially for multi-taskers, but like I mention I would have to see it in action. #14 seems another one of those resource hogs and a giant application dock mixed with a picture viewer. With number fifteen, XAMPP, need I say more?No opinion on 16, and I see complications with number 17 especially with the software companies and lets not forget everyone hated it in Office 2007 or at least how that ribbon was used. As for 18 I would say if someone could create a software that doesn't require 2000 files to run, Adobe software, then installation will be quick and there wouldn't be so many security problems, office software. However, everyone programs differently and so I highly doubt you will get a universal agreement on doing that. Of course now if you purchase a thumb drive you can now do use certain programs without the need to install them which I find convenient, to extent, but I find it impractical, for me at least, to plug it in, wait for the software to load, download the software into the USB drive and then run it. Overall there are features I wouldn't mind and there are some I don't see using myself, but if I can uninstall them in some way then add all the features you want, but if you make the OS bloated like Vista then really why even bother selling a crappy product everyone will hate. Source
  16. To answer your question, yes, you can use any FTP software that can be downloaded, you can even set up your computer so you can do a ftp connection through explorer and not have to worry about any software whatsoever. As for recommendations on what software to use, I recommend checking out these topics to see what everyone recommends: Topic #1 Topic #2
  17. The servers were migrated since yesterday, and so there was down times all over the xisto network as they were moving everything to some new server storage. Odds are it will take a couple of days for everything to be cleaned up and back to normal.
  18. OF course the other reason you won't see an older version of the credit script is that each script goes to a specific version of the board, and right now the only way to get an older version of the forum is to download it from some website and we all now that IPB stopped being free since 1.3. Of course this script is tailored to the hosting software set up OpaQue has as well so you would have to do lots of editing to the script to actually make it work correctly, and of course most of who been here when the credit system was started, it was no easy task to do. As the credit system had to be adjusted each time there was a problem, and I don't believe there are any original files from the old set up either so it will be even harder to produce a older version of the script.of course there might be no way to cheat the credit system, but there could be a way to find a security hole though because of how spread out this script is and how many different programs use this to run everything, and so that would be another major reason why not to bring that script out in the open.
  19. Well at least you got your IE problem fix, and as for your firefox problem, you can't do anything about the memory leaks unless you install and run firefox 3. Depending on how many extensions and tabs you have open the amount of memory will keep on increasing in firefox 2, however, if you just hae on tab open and you spend a few hours on firefox 2 the memory will increase over time. So the best solution is to close out firefox and then run it again to refresh the memory that way.
  20. Yeah it is Limewire, the P2P program has never been safe since it has been out, I used it early on after replacing it with another P2P program that was just as bad. I bet if you uninstall Limewire, delete all the fires you got from limewire and then run spybot, and a good antivirus software, McAfee Security Suite, your internet explorer problem will go away. Yeah cracks and stuff like that are the major source of trojans and viruses and malware, and so you could blame your brother for screwing your computer up.However, in order to clean your computer properly you need to go into safe mode, disable system restore, and run spybot and a good antivirus software in order to clean your computer. Or you could completely reinstall your computer to clean up your program.
  21. Nothing really special just used keywords fro myour description and google this search:multiple iexplore.exe processes to find out see what kind of stuff would show up and odds are I would have find something about trojans in the first couple of links, which I did. I should warn you that there are so many ways to help fix this problem, and since I am sticking with spybot I would check this thread out. Also some other questions I should have asked early, what software do you have installed that way we could find out who it is that got you this little problem, most likely a download from a P2P program. Of course curious as to what antivirus software you have as well for this system, and maybe that will determine why nothing was picked up.
  22. Just end the processes for those iexplore.exe that is all you can really do. I did do some searching when you and it seems these trojans are common for your IE problem; "Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Small.acp" or "Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Small.nz. I recommend googing those two trojans and see how to remove, and then run them and see if it solves your problem. A question though what are your system specs and how old is your computer?
  23. Well first off rundll32.exe is a normal process as it is used to run DLL's, it is not uncommon to have two of those process to be running though. I think your problem is that your RAM is at its breaking point if your displaying lag times with your internet explorer, and the same with firefox it has to be a lag time with your connection in some way. What I suggest is download, install, update, and then Run spybot and see if it picks up any trojans or malware that is installed in your computer, and if it does odds areit will help solve your problems.
  24. Either your looking at the wrong website or your not searching good enough, Dell still sells computers with XP installed; XPS M1730, Inspiron 1520 are laptops that can have XP installed and as for Dell Desktops Inspiron 530s, Inspiron 530, XPS 210, XPS 630. I know alienware computers have XP as an option for there laptops and desktops, of course plan to spend $3-4000 for one of their computers though. In my honest opinion if you don't use vista on a regular basis it seems to be a great system in the sense that I don't do anything with it as all my software is on this computer, and I haven't had any hardware problems either, the boot is lagging a bit but other then that it runs fine for me. Correct you only can install one copy of XP per system, or rather per serial key for full activation. So yeah you would need to wipe out XP from one computer in order to use it on another. You have to remember though that if you buy a company brand computer that if you run another operating system besides the one that comes pre-installed you could void warranties and stuff like that. that is a bit sneaky, but I don't see people putting the effort into doing this though, although if you had vista ultimate you could get like 2 copies of XP if you search for the best prices. I know Dell does linux preinstalls but not aware of linux/dos combinations, but I doubt no pc company is going to spend the resources to to have dual boot pre-installs though. If your computer is good enough to sustain a dual boot, then just dual boot another operating system and don't use vista except to update it and maybe make software comparisons.
  25. Well no wonder we had those two new Firefox versions so quickly, but I wonder if that will push back Firefox 3's release date at all because of those big security holes that have been found. Well I figured it would just be a matter of time before Firefox started to have its underground hackers go after it and so I would assume that Firefox 3 will be receiving a lot of updates once the final version is release. Of course, I can't talk about this without mentioning the other side that the mozilla team has spent about two years and some change on this version of the browser, but to do an 180 once again, they mostly focus on the memory issues that I am aware of so there could be some security holes they they might have missed. As with safari I am not surprise just because they lack a lot of the security features needed to have a secured browser, but I guess after these attacks Apple will be thinking about adding some security stuff to safari in later editions. The same with Office as that software has always had security holes in them, reminds me though that I should update office 2003 on my vista computer just to make sure about that.
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