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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Since hacking became the power house for the criminal underground, the one thing that most hackers didn't have was the hardware knowledge to reengineer the hardware to the point that regardless what they user did the computer would remain open to attacks. Yesterday the first step was taken to actually hack computer hardware to be completely open to attacks as a team from the University of Illinois took an altered computer chip in which it would grant back-door access to a computer and attackers could unleash their havoc. This is a the gist of what they did to make this possible: I maybe good in computers, but to do something like that you need great computer engineering skills to pull that off, and with that being said this could lead the way into actually hacking computer hardware and no longer needing to hack software to get into a computer. What is scary enough they did it off a linux machine, and in a post made on linux AV software it was mentioned you need root access to alter anything, and what would be best to get root access then through the hardware. Now it will take a while to refine this hack, but I don't think it would be very cost effective for the hackers, just because they would have to have access to a chip facotry, or be a computer repairer in order to plant the hack chips into the hard ware. Although it seems possible to hack the hardware it seems impractical just because of what a person would have to do in order to do this correctly, but give it time I guess. SOURCE
  2. Although applaud how linux works its magic in preventing viruses and malware getting installed, I still believe that the Linux OS will have its day when someone finds a critical flaw and launches a nasty virus or worm. I am a bit surprise that the makers of the Storm Worm haven't tried to create anything for the linux OS even though I think all of the flavors derive from the original, and so if one flavor has an open flaw then all of them should have that same flaw. It could be an illogical hypothesis but I doubt it is completely wrong either, especially now that computer companies are now selling linux as a pre-installed OS, but I am not sure what software comes pre-installed with that OS. So their might be an alternative in that software for virus protection, but I am bit upset that spybot doesn't have a flavor for linux as their site mentions that there are too many resources to do it. Which could mean that since there are so many flavors trying to design spybot for each one could take time, and so I would think that you have to be a smart internet user when surfing the net on linux.
  3. I told you it was a scam the moment you IM it me on MSN about it. Heck I won about 30+ UK lotteries and I don't even live there so that tells you something, but I am bit surprised that they didn't ask for your bank account info. Although, I doubt it would take much these days to get basic info and then commit ID crimes under your name.
  4. Want to know the sad thing about this incident, that it is not uncommon for someone doing something stupid like this. It reminds me of a story of a guy getting freaky with a hole in his hot tub, they had to bring the fire department to get him free because of how well that hot tub had suction itself on him. Of course now this guy will be slammed with a sexual predator label of some sort, and force to register as a sex offender because of the fact he was doing this at a school. Heck I hope the authorities are smart and take his kids away as well because who knows what he might do without his table.So in other words this guy just screwed up his life, screwed his family all because he didn't know how to control himself.
  5. t3jem is correct you would want to go with avast as that is the smallest of the free anti-virus programs out there to use. I am shocked you got a computer that old and still running, have you tried upgrading the hardware such as ram, hard drive stuff like that? I bet if you replace the hardware one piece at a time you could gain your speed back. Also do you do defrag your computer, clean out the registry and stuff? Also I would install and run spybot and see if your old computer has picked up anything, and since that computer is pretty old I suspect that you running either Windows 98 or 2000 on that machine as well.
  6. I thought I give everyone an update to my built computer, I installed a new hard drive, and a sweet gfx card, and I zip tied all the wires so it looks a bit neater as well. Hard Drive #2 Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 (Perpendicular Recording) ST3500630AS 500GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive I installed this hard drive today, and for the most part it was quick and easy to set up as the motherboard and vista recognize it. Just had to spend about a good hour in order for the hard to be initialized, and able to be install programs in it as I had to pike around and find the right file permissions and stuff. I am a bit upset though that this hard drive lost 35Gb of space, didn't look into why do that another time, and of course had to buy a SATA cable since it didn't come with one. Other then those little annoyances it works good, can't wait to start moving stuff over on to the other hard drive to free up some space on the primary one. Graphics Card XFX PVT84JUDD3 GeForce 8600GT XXX 256MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 SLI Supported Video Card Installed easily, boosted up my Vista rating from 3.8 to 4.8. Interestingly enough I didn't have to mess with my bios to get this card to work, even though they recommend I turn off my onboard graphics, which I don't have an I was in VGA mode, or I didn't have onboard graphics. I even got a free game out of it, haven't installed it but might later. However, I did have a few problems though the fan is pretty loud, and even when I put my case back together the fan was loud. Wasn't to keen on the fact I had to hook my monitor through an adapter to get this going. So everything works like it should, and so I have to wait to see if it was worth the price tag.
  7. awww Opaqu I can share this award with you, although I am the sexy of the two .
  8. Let see the people that I recognize is Mario Puzo, author of the Godfather, Tito Jackson of the Jackson 5, Michael Jackson's brother, and that is about it. Although the events were just as interesting, such as the execution of Mata Hari, Napoleon going into exile. Of course lets not forget that the 15th of October was the day the worse spammer of all time was born, me .
  9. Well I don't know to many express cards that are used for internet connection, TV tuner's and some recording devices. Like CSP 4 mention the graphics card is built into the motherboard, and so the only way to really change that out if you got some good skills in working in tight places, and able to replace the chip inside, which by the way is not recommended just because of the fact you could damage the motherboard yourself. You could get in contact with the company that built the computer and see if they can refurbish it, but even then it would have to be pretty damage in someway for that to happen.
  10. Usually your credits will appear for a tutorial the moment you post it, but then of course you have to wait for the tutorial to show up, and the only way to see if you got credits for a post is to put it in quotes and watch your credits changes, and then remove the quote tags and see how many you got. Since you didn't have much test in your tutorial you should have earned at least 2 credits tops for it.
  11. Just to let everyone know that the credits have been given, and that you don't talk about them on the forums, but if you want to discuss them with me, contact me through PM or IM. Thank you for your participation and see you in next years Xisto awards.
  12. I was hoping to try look for a free alternative as this might be a one time thing, and spending $70 on software to do one thing isn't very appeasing to me. Since I have a external hard drive that I back up all my files on, although, it barely enough room to move this hard drive back up onto it. Either way, knowing how Norton works I would have to pay a subscription fee in order to use Ghost as well. So keep on posting some idea's as I am still thinking about the game plan to get this all done in one day.
  13. Finally after many months of waiting, we have the winners of the Xisto awards, we had 652 votes, and although some of them were voted multiple times. I did my best to clean those multiple votes up, even though someone earlier decided to go multi voting. So here are the winners of this years Xisto awards Winners Rewards As for the winners of the Xisto awards they will recieve a nice hosting credit package which is based on the hosting credits everyone has donate, and kind donator who match what has made. Over the weekend the winners will be getting their credits, and so in the mean time grab your award banner to be placed in your sig block or your website. I would like to thank all the members past, present, future for making the forums great as they are, without the members Xisto wouldn't be what it is today. I would like to congratulate the winners of this years Xisto, and a congratulations to those who made it this far including the nominee's as well. So Take a bow and see you all next year.
  14. Have you thought that maybe the gfx card isn't work properly, as I had a somewhat similar situation when I built my new computer, and I kept on seeing noise because of the fans in my desktop. What I suggest is to plug this monitor into another computer and see if it does the same thing, and is so RMA a better one as it may have been damage, but I would call support and see if they oculd fix hte problem for you.
  15. You have to remember why would the army spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on eye ware when they could just spend it on businesses that don't do their job . Of course being a supply guy the goal is to make connections with other people especially the supply sergeant, or supply sergeant's from other units. You need to be able to make under the table deals and what not on stuff that is not on the books, and sun glasses are not usually on the books unless a serial number is stamped on them. Beside the only thing the eye ware will do is block the wind and dust from your eyes, because taking a bullet or explosion will not protect you from that.Of course army issued goggles is good enough for you anyway, and so I wouldn't rely on the army provided you with slick shades, and just drop the money for a pair.
  16. Well I think rayzoredge post cleared up your post, and so I would go with the NVIDIA GEForce card, and then find out through the manufacturer what other hard drives are available to replace the 120GB. The reason I would go with this was is that you cannot replace the gfx card in a laptop, unless it burns out and you have to get the laptop completely refurbished in some way. Of course you don't mention the geforce model, and so that might determine what games you can and cannot play, and also depending if this laptop is brand new or slightly used as well. Besides do you really need fingerprint protection on a computer that you will be using at home? GPS maybe, but the finger print is a bit of an overkill for home use.
  17. Welcome to Xisto kraiser, you should be able to start a forum here with no problems as Xisto comes with a few pre-installed forums soft, but if your looking to install it yourself shouldn't be a problem either. Well since you didn't say much about yourself I leave you with a message of happy posting and enjoy some hosting.
  18. They failed to mention about the resident spammer, and the junkiest of computer nerds, ***points to me***. You say you don't know about the internet, and that is a very broad topic, I would suggest focusing on one aspect of it, like effective search methods, web site designing, graphic designing, SEO, networking, etc etc. You mention email and again that is a very broad topic because there are different aspects of creating an email. Click the following link on some websites that could help you with the email process; search:email tips.So once you know the the forums, and get to know the members here, posting topics to get help about using the internet, and then begin mastering how to use it properly. So welcome to the forums as usual, and if you need help just post a topic or pm me on something, or someone else, it don't matter just as long as you get the help you need to make you feel more comfortable with the internet and a computer.and SPAM!!! BWHAHAHAHA
  19. Wow that is a big family there, 500 people, shouldn't be hard to start up a community with that many people. Well sorry to burst your bubble but once you do get hosted you have to post your brains out , unless you plan to donate $20, $40 and buy lots of credits. Also should that be a hosted member soon, since your already here as a member? Anyways make sure to check out the Xisto Read me, before getting hosted so you will know what to do when you are hosted.
  20. Not really, but instead it increases the size of the SXS folder as I was almost to 6Gb when I installed the SP1, might be over 6 now because of the recent patches that came out. Of course your should be smaller since yours will come pre-installed, however, because of Win SXS function to help with making software compatibility it will always increase as you install more and more software and what not.As for your question Inhuman it is hard to say really, you could have more then that but depending what you have installed, and you do some deep cleaning, then you might want to get another hard drive ready as you slowly run out of room and what not. Of course as the patches start rolling out for vista on a monthly basis they will be one of the primary reasons that your Win SXS gets larger.
  21. Well if the hardware is about 1-1 1/2 years old, starting from 2007, then you shouldn't have to many problems getting it installed and running, but anything older and you might have problems as the lack of support might make it hard to get anything old then the time frame I mention to work properly. Of course the next catch is that anything recently new, 0-6 months old, should have a nice Vista compatibility sticker somewhere, and if doesn't shouldn't matter much as the hardware companies are get al lthe patches they need to make the hardware work for vista.
  22. That is why I am getting another hard drive, and that way I can partition that for linux as I am going to get both Unbuntu 7.10, and the 8.04 and see how they work out and stuff, but odds are that I might drop 7.10 depending on how much of the current llinux base software that works with ubuntun 7.10 can work for 8.04. Also you can triple boot XP, Vista and Linux together if you wanted to as these two guides (#1 and #2, as for the second guide it will tell you how to dual boot XP and vista, XP and linux, Linux and Vista so check those guides out.
  23. I am in search of some good reliable hard drive backup and restore software that will do several things:-Do a complete back up of my hard drive-Compresses that back up so the size is smaller then it should be (if possible)-Don't need a CD to do the restore process, just use the software to restore the back up that way-Or maybe a way to connect my new hard drive without the need to put it in an enclosure and then USB it that way.As I will be upgrading my hard drive, should be here within the week or so, and I want to make it a smooth process without the need to go through the hell of reinstalling and updating everything. I did find one program that, but not to sure about it called DriveImage XML, that uses XML files to make a back up, and if anyone has heard of this software or used it, maybe you could help me when I am ready to do my transfer. I am no rush as I got about 3 weeks left in the semester and I won't be doing that process until school is over, and so I just need ideas for good soft that people have used and that have given them no problems whatsoever.
  24. Have you tried using a proxy website like anonymouse.org, odds are the school network admin might have have updated keywords that block websites, and might have added hosting or something like that. So I highly doubt they will make an exception just for you. So try using a proxy like hte one above and see if you can get in that way.
  25. As long as that that button goes to an english page and talks about what your site is about then that is fine.
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