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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. hmm...what OS are you running? What version of Firefox are you running? Cause after having a clearer mind and thinking about it I do remember running across this problem and all I did was click ok and waited a few seconds then clicked on firefox again. As for a possible answer on that point hard to say except to press ok and wait a few seconds, but another idea I got is get RAM Def XT, it is a memory cleaner and if you run that program and clean up the cahce to see if that works.
  2. I remember when I got my PS3, crap there goes $500 , but a worthy investment as the games are starting to come out, of course with the lack of games that have been coming out it has giving me plenty of time to do others things, like homework, work and posting on trap.
  3. I agree its am awesome script and haslip your right on the money about an RSS feed, but there is a potential problem I talk to alex about earlier when he showed me his script, gave him the idea on the topic replies , that issue would be SEO. However, after thinking about it and remembering that OpaQue is using friendly seo urls for the topics on the forums I think that setting up a htaccess file for this script. In which it will have the exact link to the post or topic instead of the generate one that is used in the example.To add on buff's idea about customization to this script set it up that there is a text cap and that way you can cap the number of characters in the text field, I know of a javascript that does this with RSS feeds. Also to add to your list might as well add the member info that is on the right site of post to the left side of the image, but I think all you would is the avatar, post count and of course the link to that person's profile.Oh another idea would to be list the last 5 topics/post through a series of Linkss IE something like this:Last Topic:#1#2#3#4#5something like that.Well that is all my idea's.
  4. 1. Basically the profile manager is use to customize firefox for each individual user, such as what skins they are using, what extension are running every time when that profile is loaded, stuff like that. I haven't really got into profiles all that much since I am the only using this computer so hard to say really why the profiles are acting like that.2. That is completely easy ctrl+alt+delete to open the task manager and then click on the process tab and then look for the firefox process and then right click, and select end process and thats it. a Common reason is that might happen if you are downloading something and have the download open and your browser close it will give you that error.
  5. although I like the price tag, but the hardware in that computer is about 3-4 times more then they are selling and so the question is what is wrong with the computer? Yeah I am on the bandwagon of this computer being overkill and sadly Mac computers can put in 16gb's of Ram, of course, companies are hitting at 32GB of ram which. Heck even the dual gfx card are overkill as you only need one 9800 to run a descent gaming machine and the same with 1TB, unless you buy a ton of PC games and even then you would have to buy like 250 copies of Company of Heroes in or to break that hard drive. I take out the Floppy Drive as that is no longer needed, and get a different case I HATE that speak like thing up front, just ugly, but I keep the liquid cool set up though.
  6. Odd's are your account might have been compromise or rather your email portion of your account, I recommend that you check your account and see if find any strange files and also check your coding for any unknown strings. Also I recommend you change all your passwords to your domain panel, cpanel and email accounts as well. Of course it might not be that severe and a spammer is just spoofing your domain and off the top of my had I am not to sure o nthe mx thing so hopefully someone can reply on that issue.
  7. Who is Ron Paul? That pretty sums up this guy and what are you talking about, the republicans already had their nomination months ago with John McCain. So yeah Ron Paul never had a chance just because no one knows him except for like 3 people; you, WM and Misa and thats it.
  8. Yeah chappill is correct, you need to log into your website/cpanel using your Xisto sub domain. the mange page is to manage your Xisto account and your hosting account. You need to use your forum login information to get into the manage page, and if you get there you can log into the cpanel that way as well, but the layout chappill provided in logging into your cpanel the old fashion way.
  9. Thanks sonsay and yeah I was able to figure out why it wouldn't work in IE, took about 20 minutes, but I got it. Interesting enough you just missed one word, and if you take a look at the coding you will see which one word is that. #wrapper-menu-top {background: url('images/bg02-trans-left.png') repeat-y left top;width: 918px;margin:0pt auto;}#wrapper-menu-top-right {background: url('images/bg02-trans-right.png') repeat-y right top;}#wrapper-content-top {background: url('images/bg02-transf-left.png') no-repeat left top;width: 918px;margin:0pt auto;min-height: 200px;}#wrapper-content-top-right {background: url('images/bg02-transf-right.png') no-repeat right top;min-height: 200px;} So Yeah, thanks for the big help sonesay, the website doesn't look as flat anymore.
  10. awwww so cuuuuute , Hard to say what color it will be besides white, but I would say go with Argos, that way he can be a tough little kitty.
  11. The funny thing about all this is that people are saying that gas won't be hitting $4 a gallon by this summer, yeah right, heck I wouldn't be surprise if it don't spike to $5 a gallon by the end of the year. I swear OPEC has terrorists connections somewhere or they wouldn't be refusing to increase output, maybe that was Osama's plan from the beginning by starting this war he believes the economy would cripple this country and possibly the world. Of course, I am not surprise though, America has screwed so many countries the last 230 years, starting with the French, that eventually someone was going to find a way to pay us back in some wonderful fashion.Maybe I should get some cardboard boxes and prepare for inevitable, and what I don't get is why the stock market hasn't crashed big time because of this but either way I don't want to know why as it will take to long to explain and whoever explains it to me would be speaking pig latin to me on that. Of course the big question is with all these billions being made I want to know where all this money is going, oh I know the politicians who got stock on oil, heck maybe I should purchase like 5 oil stocks and make my money that way .
  12. oops , yeah I want the center shadow, but I still want the original design from the attachments, so basically your transplanting drop shadow from the link to the attachments.
  13. Well I am in a need of help, I want to add this cool drop shadow effect to a website I am building, but unfortunately for me I can't seem to get it right. I want to apply this drop shadow effect to this website default.css index.html The first person to effectively apply this drop shadow to this website will get a 50 credit prize All the files are provided, you have to download the OSWD file to get the images and style effect, there is no rush but if you can get it done right away I be much appreciated.
  14. Go Speed Racer Go Speed Racer Go Racer GOOOOO!! Talk about memory lane, most of were not even born when this anime came out in the 1960s, well maybe a few people . I was pretty pessimistic about this movie just because only people in their late 30s early 40s would remember this cartoon. There were reruns of this cartoon back in the nineties on cartoon network at like 3 or 4 in the morning, give or take . On that note lets break down the actors; overall I think they did a descent job but personally I think John Goodman and Susan Sarandon stood out in their supporting roles, and as for Ricci she was ok, although she could have done better with the character she hit hte facial expressions well, but I thought she lacked emotion. You could say the monkey was better , but I would say as for the villain, Roger Allam, hit that spot well, and you will remember him as the news guy in V for Vendetta. As for the story, hard to say really as there are no real spoilers to movie if your familiar with the anime except for this time they don't reveal who Racer X, but we all know who he is. Although you could say that this was the beginning of his grand racing career. Now lets get to the meat of this movie, the cars and all I have to say though only computer technology could make these cars do the things they do, since it would cost MILLIONS to make a car turn and flip like that, and of course the lack of gravity to. Special effects is what made this movie and also the coloring to, little bright, butt it works as it has that 60s-70s tone to it I guess. I would say that a new generation of speed racers will come out of this movie, until they turn sixteen and become EVIL teens , of course it would be interesting to hear what the hardcore speed racer fans thought about this movie. Wait! I have click here to see those hardcore fans, and I would have to agree to some extent, and that leads into my box office prediction and sadly to say I doubt it will make much even if the directors of the Maxrix did this movie and so I would put it at a disappointing $10-$15 million opening weekend, and topping at $40-50, which means it could be a bust because it cost at least 100,000,000 to make. However, I think the rest of the world would be able to cover that $50 million needed to break even, but who knows I was completely wrong on Iron Man and so it should be a interesting sunday to see what Speed Racer makes, and see how much Iron Man takes in for its second week now that it is on the net for illegal downloads and what not. Movie Previews The Incredible Hulk Star Wars Clone Wars (going to be a sick movie right there)
  15. Oh come on, if you didn't leet speak programmer then it wouldn't be so hard to remember , and you already heard my comments about the name change so I won't go into details about that . Clever guy?? maybe .
  16. Nah all SP3 was a major Hotfix pack that covered everything from the last 7 years, and some network related items. Sadly no, XP wasn't going to get a visual upgrade either especially if you want the Vista look, and you want that your XP to look like vista, don't know why, you want to download the transformation pack which you the latest is right here. It is a service pack or rather the ultimate service pack just because it combines everything in a nice 342MB file. It is funny though, that if you were to install SP3 it would remove all the old individual patches, and thanks for for letting me look into that if SP3 did or not. Also if your having problems with the windows update or the Check build version of SP3 try this version out and see if you can get SP3 installed on your computer.
  17. Scary enough all a trojan needs is a single HTML file to work its way through. I should have mention that in the part were they had an idea how the plugin got infected. Thats all it takes for a website to get infected is just a single html file and when that user either goes to the website itself or that page his or her computer will get infected.
  18. To answer Ashley's question, they saves lives its that easy, but there are some circumstances in which a seat could kill you, but either you were driving really fast and went head on with another vehicle or you get trapped in a burning vehicle or under water. Although I don't think Cerebral is here anymore, but people need to be reminded of these things because it is a fact people simply ignore this and don't wear their safety belt, even if they are going 500 feet to a store or a neighbor's house, but all it takes is a split second of not paying attention and you could have a serious car crash that usually results in some sort of fatality.Pleno you reminded me about the infamous Driver ed video's one was called red asphalt or some corny names like that.
  19. Coolcat is correct that would be the biggest issue in allowing people to delete posts or topics, because everyone who posted there would lose credits 1.5x over for every post they made, and so alex's post covers that fact when you someone has a problem instead of asking for the topic to be delete is to put the solution, report the topic as resolved and then have it close. For all you know other people could be having a similar problem and if they see a similar topic and has a effective solution then you really benefiting the forums and the users as they have a good source of information to rely on.Yeah it is understandable how easy it takes to just to delete a post once a solution is found and don't require any help, but a forum like this can be used as a giant knowledge base to help other users out and not forum members. Also since this is a hosting website it has many more benefits because now the users don't have to keep on posting the same topic for a solution that is already on the forum.
  20. This piece of news only affect Vietnamese users as the Vietnam language package was infected with malware trojan called e Xorer, and so if you downloaded this language pack in the last few weeks run a scan and the trojan should be picked up. Although this trojan is only a couple of months old and so I don't think everyone has something for it, but check at your vendors website and see if they have a solution for it. As for the cause of this infected plugin, they assume the authors computer was infected at the time when they upload this plugin to the mozilla website. SOURCE
  21. Heck it looks like I am out of business after reading this little article, this botnet, which is connected to about 300,000 computers sends out a whopping 60 billion emails a day or 50% of the spam that gets sent out. Srizbi also goes by the name of "Cbeplay" and "Exchanger," and is considered one of the ultimate rootkit programs as well, because it disguises itself as rootkit and then goes straight into the kernel with complete anonymity . On top of that supposable it has a small program that deletes other rootkits, and thinking about a book in which a computer could delete viruses, this could be a very dangerous botnet if they don't squash it soon. Right now there is no info on how this bot can get blocked or removed, but because of where this program like to lie in, being able to remove it successfully is pretty low at the moment. As usual make sure you know the attachments your downloading from your emails or you computer will be used as a spamming machine. SOURCE
  22. I second that nomination on phpmyadmin being seen, so Xisto accounts should be at like 99% in usability with the exception of Fantastico. I think server sent that ticket either yesterday or the day before, and so odds are it will be a couple of days before we see fantastico up and running.
  23. Well to crush everyone's dreams just a bit, but the point of the main page in a hosting company is about SEO, especially if your doing both paid and free. Look at godaddy's website you notice how cramp it is, but of course granted its been 3 years since the main page, but the challenge is to make the main site SEO loaded, but of course thanks to the forum, most of the hits are coming from the topics and post that are made here. Of course, there was a whisper that Xisto was going to get a radical change, but I haven't heard to much about it.So the website would have to incorporate several things: speed, style, SEO, user friendly, Web 2.0, web standard and you do all that and OpaQue approves the design it would be that simple.
  24. I like to make a small correction this service pack is not the retail version of SP3, it is a debug version, meaning that only a specific type of computer that has Windows will accept this version, and no it isn't on the windows update either. So basically I passed off some bad news on SP3 so now it is just a matter of time as the correct version of SP3 shows up.
  25. Well after a week delay because of some conflict Microsoft finally releases XP SP3, and at a whopping 342MB plan to wait awhile to get this bad boy downloaded. I had downloaded it from another site, legally of course and to be honest I did not see any improvement whatsoever on my computer, and so if you don't care one way or another about it make sure to disable your automatic updates or deselect it from the options when you want to update your computer. That is my experience with SP3 it wasn't to earth shattering but who knows for those with older computers it might work better. You can either download it through here or go through windows updates. Download Link
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