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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Where I live I say we had about 50-60 inches worth of snow maybe more since I didn't really measure it or anything, although it was a few inches over my head when the snow plows came in. However, Wisconsin though, man! 100+ inches of snow that is insane, but now it is all gone now YAH!!. Should be a interesting winter this year and see if another Ice Age comes .
  2. Well for someone who was sure to quick to bash a hosting provider without using the support services or properly read the Xisto read me I find unbiased. Like the a previous member said, ignorance is on your part, but of course I wonder why it took you 3 months to get 30 credits when that can be done in a matter of days or even hours. From the looks of it, your account is still active and in which I suggest build up your credits to at least 10-15, wait an hour for your account to be reactivated and then go to https://support.xisto.com/, click on support ticket, select Xisto - Support and then fill out the form and then someone will review and fix your problem.
  3. They were cars, 26th Generation overall as I have European connections of both the French and English kind and that is where the 26 generations comes from. I am also German and Scottish as well and last I knew they went back both 11 and 7 generations and so I hope my great aunt went back even further on that side of the family. As for the imagefilez not sure but I knew it was down when I was on vacation, and pizza box??
  4. I would have spammier then ever in the topic but that would just be plain wrong and warnings and bans would be tossed, threats would be given and utter chaos and what not . Anyway, I am back from my vacation and instead of going through pages upon pages, upon pages of posts which is like 20 some odd pages if I counted the two times I visited. For those who don't remember or rather didn't care (points to that guy), I went on vacation to see my relatives I haven't seen in 3 years . I had a good time and found out that I am the 26th generation of our family line that consisted of some nobles and someone who help conquer Europe with William the Conqueror, how about that? No wonder I am so EVIL ? My great aunt has been work on our family tree for years now and brought us all the way back to about 1050 AD, but I will say this though, that is just a part of my family as my great grandfather on my fathers side made that connection. Expecting to get a copy of that family in the coming months since it is a lot of paper.As for other stuff I picked up a couple of PC games called the Witcher and NWN2, digging Witcher the best though. Also some some good ole fashion racing at my uncles old racing track, and that pretty much sums up my vacation more or less, but either way I seriously needed a vacation especially from you crazy people :DSo tell me what been going on while I was gone and if you want to give me a hug that is ok too .
  5. ***big hugs** Mich does any of your computers have USB on them at all? If os you can move your smaller files over and stuff and not worry about the CD's. As for a the temporary slave, you could get a hard drive enclosure that has a USB connection and that way you can connect your hard outside your computer and move stuff that way as well.
  6. HA HA HA!!! Soon My evil group will control the world bwhahahaha. The coding group is just a puppet group so us Evil members weill be able to more evil things without anyone knowing it was us.
  7. unless your running Vist x64 your wasting a gig of RAM, the gfx card is ok, but 256MB would seem a bit better especially if your running a TV tuner as well, but other then that you have good system.
  8. Good ole color guard, well now you be able to do parades and stuff, who knows you might join the military and become their color guard and be in front of the generals and even the president.
  9. That is what I am thinking to about the free forum makers as well, but of course I wouldn't be surprise if they brute force their way in because of some simple log in, like admin and password. However, some of the government sites I wouldn't doubt they are using full version software and not going to one of these free sites because that wouldn't make much sense, and yeah I would have to agree that XSS could be another factor. Of course they don't tell what version is being used so it is hard to say who is more affected by this.
  10. Although me and religion are like apples and oranges, the moral of the story is to wait for something good to happen, everyone is basing their judgment on the context and not the overall picture. No normal sane person would waste away waiting for the second coming of Christ, although some are fanatical about it, either way, the post is about waiting patiently for the good no matter how bad your life is. Of course, some wait for that silver spoon as well and those are the people that need the attention because stories like may happen but not to everyone.Now to go off topic a bit, as for how content should be posted to forums, the topic has to be related to the forum and have a point to it, and I doubt your the only one to see posts like these on this forum. I think if nirmal were to expand on the the topics a bit more then posting versus from religious text, then maybe it would clear things up a bit.
  11. You may want to try this out and see what happens, and I remember my frames correctly, you need an absolute path to your file and since your running this off your computer it would have to be something like this <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title></head><frameset rows="30,70" frameborder="no" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame src="file:///C|/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Dreamweaver CS3/UntitledFrame-2" name="topFrame" scrolling="No" noresize="noresize" id="topFrame" title="topFrame" /> <frame src="file:///C|/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Dreamweaver CS3/Untitled-2" name="mainFrame" id="mainFrame" title="mainFrame" /></frameset><noframes><body></body></noframes></html> or to shorten it up a bit it would look like this <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title></head><frameset rows="30,70" frameborder="no" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame src="../~Sai/wiki/top.html" name="topFrame" scrolling="No" noresize="noresize" id="topFrame" title="topFrame" /> <frame src="../~Sai/wiki/links.html" name="mainFrame" id="mainFrame" title="mainFrame" /></frameset><noframes><body></body></noframes></html> The same goes for your website you would want your source frames to look like this <frame src="http://http://ww38.yoursite.com/frame1.html&%2334; name="topFrame" scrolling="No" noresize="noresize" id="topFrame" title="topFrame" /> <frame src="http://http://ww38.yoursite.com/frame2.html&%2334; name="mainFrame" id="mainFrame" title="mainFrame" /> Hopefully that helps connect your website together, and if you need any more help check this website out on frame sets and using frames.
  12. Well the question should be how will President McCain do as president? Regardless if if Obama or god forbid, Clinton, Pre-Civil War America and Post 9/11 America will not vote for them, or rather the the majority of them won't for those two. I will not be surprise if there are several recounts to make sure the Republicans are not tampering with the votes like they did with George Bush and Florida. Although I don't deal with politics just because how corrupt politics are, everyone knows Clinton screw her self and she is to stubborn to realize that, she should give it up now as they already mention even if sh wins everything by June, she still will not have enough to win.Now if the biggest miracle happens and either of them are elected President, expect the CIA or FBI to take them out albeit with some crazy person or maybe a Iraq veteran who snapped. Of course the next question that is on everyone's mine is how will this President do because quite frankly, I won't be surprise if he or she quits. Bush screwed this country and everyone and who knows how long it will take for our country to recover from this 8 years of hell.
  13. Rival's HA!! and technically we are not the first group but rather the 1st unofficial trap group, since GFX crew and the Spam patrol are official groups and what not. I bet you want your own forum color to I bet, let me guess, green? Of course I made mention on gtalk it needs a little SM (Maverick Programmer). I would have gone Wizard, but I need about 20 more years for that to happen.
  14. Since January, hackers have hit hit over 500,000 website, with everything you could possible imagine; viruses, trojans, malware etc etc. As for the types of websites, sadly to say, these websites who are getting hit are running PHPBB forum and the worse part is htey don't mention which version of the phpbb forums are getting hack. So it is safe to say any version below 3.0 is hackable and maybe even 3.0 itself. As for some of the stuff that is being transmitted are old and new, but one trojan has been identified and it is the Zlob Trojan or rather variations to the Zlob Trojan. The last major attack happen 3 weeks ago, as government sites and United Nation websites received the blunt of this attack and as usualy the blame was being password around such as Microsoft's IIS and SQL server, but Microsoft denied that a couple of days later. As for how this process is done it is pretty simple: So I if your one of those heavy forum modifiers you better want to make sure the holes and patches are fixed or your website will be constantly compromise and what not. So you may want to get a hold of phpbb support or check out hte forms to see what is up with this problem and finding out how it can be fixed. SOURCE
  15. The stats -300,000+ computers infected -50% of the spam world wide -60 billion spam a day This is considered by some to the be a superbotnet of the 21st century as it even dwarfs the Storm worm by such a large margin that everyone is concentrating on this bad boy because of the fact that Srizbi produces more spam then any of the current botnets that are out there.. As for how this botnet work this quote says it all: Which means that any spam that you see in your email account is coming from Srizbi, and I wouldn't be surprise if it has taking over the infamous lottery spam and the money transfer spam as well. It is worth mentioning that they predict that one day Srizbi will calm down just like Storm is, as the Storm worm is taking only 1% of the spam intake at the moment and that started last year though. So one would assume that this bad boy has plenty of growth and I wouldn't be surprise if it caps a million computers by the time it gets dethroned. SOURCE
  16. I found this trick today, and there is a big warning because of what it will do and that it my crash your browser. I haven't tried this hack out yet, but I let someone else be my guinea pig for that Of course I got too many extensions as it is so I couldn't even begin to find out which one is going to bust the firefox browser, and so try this hack out and post your results.
  17. Finally after almost two years of bringing this to the court the woman had charges filed against her and for what she did. She has 4 counts for this horrible crime.one count of conspiracy and three counts of unauthorized computer access, each with a max of 5 years per count. Personally I don't care what advocate groups say about privacy and what not; a crime was committed and people involved should be brought to justice. This woman ended a child life, destroyed her family (parents are divorce), and all she can say I didn't mean for it to happen. What a cop out as she knew what she was doing, and in my opinion internet privacy should be allowed to an extent but when crimes like this happen people should be revealed and then be brought to justice.
  18. Well not really surprise that hackers are targeting this game after scoring $310 million dollars in the first day, and what gets me is that people were downloading the pc version days before it came out, So either complete stupidity on the fact people though it came out early or the fact they didn't know that these games would loaded with malware goodies. Nonetheless, I think its time gaming companies start taking cheat codes out of games and write protect files and that way they can't be over written. SOURCE
  19. Well it seems Google is going ahead with service even though the huge security risks that are involved in this program. Of course, they are well aware of the problems that come with this, but even if they got military grade security on their servers, there is far to much risk having your medical records floating around on the internet. However, its not like they have been circulating on the net for years through computer databases and what not, and that really surprises me that hospitals haven't been attack or if they have, they been keeping it hush hush for years. Although the random computer getting stolen is always the case for concern. As for the future on how this will work out, hard to say, but as long as the security experts are 1000 steps ahead of everyone else, I guess it could become better as the millions are put in this program. SOURCE
  20. Well what do you expect, she's the next big teen idol and I am waiting for that accident sex tape when she turns 18 or tells everyone she's pregnant. She already did the risque magazine cover, the selt belt incident in the disney movie. Heck I think she is hanging out with Lohan , either way everyone is going to copy the next big thing, especially those who are bigger then that next big thing.
  21. Yeah I would limit at most 3-4 lines jsut because someone can pack a lot of text into those two lines. I am looking at your lat post about Diablo and I did a few resize tests to make sure about this, and I was right that the div shrinks or grows with the browser. So with that in mind it would fit perfectly with one of those skinny website layouts.Which leads me into the next idea and this might be a bit tricky, not to sure, but take the lasp 5 things posted concept and then apply it to the original itself, meaning that either you have 5 individual image links directed at 5 different posts or just group them together. I think you see where I going with that blog like feature I guess.
  22. I would have to disagree that javascript is great at making forms, yeah they can produce some nice little features, but once you get into PHP coding a form in javascript seems 10 years ago. I was thinking though why wouldn't you just code so you can password protect the fold through the hosting admin panel. I know Xisto cpanel has a folder protection process and so if you code the script to follow that password then it saves you the time of trying to hardcode the group of files within that folder. Of course, I think with a bit of tweaking with javascript and php password protection scripting you might be able to add a second layer of protection
  23. Yeah I was big advocate of cache old topics back in 2007 just because of how much activity there was going on and on top of that topics were getting repeated, but there is a problem with cache topics and that is they would be close and so people wouldn't be able to post in them. Although would want to post in a topic that is already out dated by 3-4 years and so looking for it would take a while to look for a simlar topic if the search engines don't pick it up. Now though with Xisto feedbacker online it don't make sense to do it anymore.
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