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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I am with some of the other posters, this website doesn't go with the current trend. Maybe 10 years ago with the repeating image background and stacking everything on top of each other. What I recommend is that you get yourself a nice organized template to give your site a cleaner look. I recommend check out this website for some good templates to your site a more cleaner look. Also, not to keen on the banner either, because of that constant flashing, maybe if you had the text stay put and animate some lighting bolts then it would look better. I ran your site through a validator you have about 180+ errors, mostly from the java applets from the look if it. Another recommendation is have a page for each applet that way your main page won't take long to load. Also your chat page is down so you might want to fix that as well so don't forget to check that page. Other then those problems, your off to a start just need to work at designing your site a bit more.
  2. I am bit surprise you didn't mention ot make sure your email accounts have complex passwords so hackers can't get into them like with an easy, common password such as god or admin. Of course if you plan to sign up for a service it is recommend that you have a dummy email account so all the spam and other wonderful will go there, and not to your primary account.
  3. Well it has been a few weeks now since this mod was installed, and it seems to be working out great for members, although, I think a detail description of the ratings should be made because some people don't understand the ratings as well as they should. As some just randomly click on a rating not thinking about it. Of course I am still waiting for the names to have links to the posts and not the person's profile.
  4. Well there are some posts that don't require lengthy answers, but that is why the rules try to force members to make their posts longer, that way you can add more detail as you keep thinking about it, and talk about the topic more and stuff like that.As for the post question it depends really some people, can get the 30 credits within 10 posts, and if your a tutorial writer, you could get 10 or 30 in 5 posts. The post count is for the old system that Xisto used when OpaQue first started out almost 4 years ago.
  5. That is why we as Earthlings continue to use science to explore the universe in hopes to find life that is just like us or even more advance, however, in order for Earthlings to truely explore the universe we nned to band together, and let go our pride and put all our sources together in order to create a space that is fast like the Enterprise in Star Trek, powerful defense capabilities like the Death Star in Star Wars,, and cost effective to not bankrupt the world 100 times over. Scientists specular that when asteroids were crashing into earth a few billion years ago, that one of the asteroids carried the human genome, and when it crashed into earth the process of human life would begin from there. Of course, it is the tales from science fiction stories that made us want to keep on exploring and seek out the answers to our existence, and the existence of the universe as well.
  6. I would have to say final Fantasy series, Ultima, Dragon Question, Dungeons & Dragons are some of hte best in the RPG world. Although many rpgs are converting to online playing, I still prefer the old stuff that I play from time to time when I get the chance to.
  7. Any thing from the 1960 to the 1990's was the age of cartoon's, and although anime is cool and all and the anime style is unique it still won't replace the old shcool cartoon's Like Tom and Jerru, Looney Toons, underdog, scooby doo, popeye stuff like that. Don't get me wrong today's stuff is good but I rather see more of the classics come back.
  8. That is the best part of fantasicto software, you just have to name the folder, set up your admin info and you are set. As for your joomla question the current installation is (1.0.15) as that is the most stable version fantastico software has right now. So you would have to wait until Cpanel updates the software, which it rarely does because I don't know the last time the fantastico software has been updated. However, your better off installing the software yourself because one it is up to date, and so you own't be plague with security problems that the older versions might have.
  9. I am a dreamweaver, and note pad person after 10+ years of trying out trial, freeware html programs to help in my web design needs. As any program that comes with a bunch of free scripts is trashed because most of those scripts are useless no one really uses them anymore. In the sense that most of those script have tons of junk code in them, like front page, and word if you use them as html editors.
  10. Of course what is pretty freaky about digital frames is that a lot of them are producing nasty little viruses and stuff, and once you connect your computer through the USB port, odds are you could get yourself infected with it. People speculate that it is an inside job or the fact maybe the designers are coding in such that htey could sneak in a virus or two into these digital frames. So before purchasing one of these digital frames you make sure it is clean first.
  11. Happy Trap-Day Damen, I remember my first three trap-day's, cake, kegs of (root)beer, nacho's, lots of music and dancing. Oops wrong party, but enjoy the fun I can't wait for my forth trap-day as it will be tons of fun.
  12. That is why most people have a digust for Islam, just because some take it to far (Extremists), and also the fact most of the world treat women with respect while Islam still sticks with the old ways. Women are the reason men are exist, not to use be used as a baby making machine and stuff like that. That is hte problem with all men they think they are the greatest because they are stronger, and they do all the work, please men need women more then women need men. It is obvious can do a lot if not better then most men, the only thing men have is big, fat muscles that can snap a tree branch in half.
  13. That is why I am here to break your hopes and dreams, first technology wise standard home computers are not fast enough to carry that kind of load. Second the costs would be huge to set up and maintain that kind of network; means that ISP would have to double or triple the monthly price tag to have that kind of speed. Also the thrid problem is location, small towns, or moutain towns are still in the 56k and DSL range for speed, just because it would cost cable companies to much money to set up lines and stuff. Only people that would benefiting from this kind of speed would be Microsoft size companies, governments, and military installations. An average home user would only need 5-8Mbps tops as the rest would be overkill, and start creating server load havoc as well.
  14. I would like to point out that you can find all the bbcodes at the bottom of the shoutbox by clicking on the BBcode link, as there are a lot more ways you could customize your sig block or even posts themselves. You could say this is a quick reminder of some of the bbcodes this forums has or uses.
  15. Why don't you create a profile website, and then network your blogs into your profile website. Since you have several different blogs it would be a good idea to maximize your viewers, and allow new people to see what you blog about and stuff. Then that way you could maximize ad revenue as well if you place ads on your blogs, and of course if you link your blogs to other blogs you will grow a nice audience to read your stuff.
  16. Not all websites use CMS software for login scripts, as some log in systems are very specific like the posted above, on top of that a CMS log in system is pretty limited to just that software, and so if you have a network of websites, wouldn't it be more prudent to have a universal login system instead of creating several logins under the same site? That is what yahoo, Microsoft, and I believe google are working on a universal network login system in which a user just has to login once and they will have access to all the services.
  17. Last I heard was that this project is tanking, as hardware providers are leaving, and countires are canceling their orders because of the delays with production and of course the rising costs of this machine. Heck I wouldn't be surprise if they shut down operations because of the lack of support and of course all these problems as well.
  18. No there is a difference between legal and illegal adware. best example would be google adsense and the way they set up their adware system. An example of bad adware is when you install unknown software and you keep getting these pop up messages and stuff like that. However, with shadowx post what this company is doing is crossing that fine line, especially since it concerns people's personal security and Identity. Now that brings a question what are American ISP's doing with adware like this? Although the regulations are very tight I highly doubt American ISP use outside adware companies and just produce their own advertisements.
  19. Well there are several reasons why person would want to build their own login system without the need to install large software on their hosting site. Another reason it is a good way to learn how to program in php and be able to pick up on things, like functions if/else statements and stuff like that. Also you could build your own CMS software by using this as part of the scripts. Mind you this would have to be completely rewritten in order to be compatible with php5, and make it more secured as well.
  20. Chiropractors vary in prices, however, if you have health insurance, and chiropractors are covered, then your fee's will be reduce. Your best bet is to call around local chiropractor's and see what they change, what insurance they accept and stuff like that. Actually you shouldn't even be taking someone elses drugs, that is why you need to go to see a hospital regardless if you think they going to cut out an organ while your sleeping. As for the drug itself no idea, not much for drug names and stuff like that. From what I know direct heat is a lot better then indirect heat, because of the fact the heat would spread out and not concentrate on that specific area. You can also try sitting in a hot tube for about 30-45 minutes that will really loosen your muscles up.
  21. You were my favorite garbage man, now who am I going to go to so they can remove my spam? WHO??!!! Well don't be a stranger, and heck if oyu want garbage you can donate them to the Xisto awards pool if you want.
  22. Well when I had my back problems I was on a hard wood floor with a heating pad a few hours a day, that help somewhat, just because I herniated a disk before that. Of course, I pump in enough advil in my for 8 months I could have OD 10 people. However, you didn't mention if you went to get an xray or MRI done on your back, as that is usually the first thing you want to do. Also, visit a Chiropractor to unkink your back as well.
  23. I have been a long time yahoo user and since I use my yahoo email for my primary use, I do have gmail, and hotmail as well, but I rarely use them unless I have to send a large file of some sorts to people, or that is the only email that a person uses.
  24. shadowx hit the spot, as it is a new ratings sysmte OpaQue added to the forums recently, and basically the icon next to your name will choose an icon that is been giving the most ratings. If you click on mine you will notice that I got more thanks ratings then anything else, and so the icon can change depending on what your rated on the most.
  25. You could just use Windows movie maker, as it gives you the basics for everything you need to slice and mix movies and audio together. Only problem Windows Movie maker has is that it lowers the quality just a tad so remember that when you edit your videos with it.
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