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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Hell that is pretty twisted even if the kids do have some disabilities, I think they new what they were doing to an extent. because they had this planned out to the little detail on what they planned on doing to this teacher. I forget giving them long-term suspensions, I expel them to a school away from society until they figure out what they did was wrong, and potential dangerous. "This is an isolated incident, an aberration. ... We have good kids," Center Principal Angie Coleman told the newspaper." Heck I don't think tis person has watch TV or the read the news in the last 10 years because children have become aggressive in the school environment to the breaking point it don't matter who is in front of them when they turn that dangerous switch on. Of course it makes me think what are the parents doing to make things children act like that, and how that girl snuck that knife in her bag as well. SOURCE Here
  2. DDR I am pretty shocked just because of how DDRII is more proficient in computers these days and word has it that DDR III is out or on the way. Anyway, you made a minor mistake and that your motherboard suprts 184-Pin not 128. which changes everything, head over to new egg and check out DDR400 RAM here.. The corsair are top of the line and you could either drop $80 for 4-512MB sticks or drop &70 for the 2-1GB sticks, and of course it is obvious what the better deal is, Of course if you got a name on the RAM that is installed you oculd see what they have and go with them, but if they look cheap then go with the corsair set.
  3. Usually RAM is supposed universal regardless of the motherboard, however, we would need more info like a screen shot of the RAM sticks themselves, and a screen shot of what it says for your Specs. Also if we knew more about your motherboard that way we could google it and see if we can find any specs on it and see what else it supports then maybe we could better answer your question. In the meantime maybe getting a hold of the manufacturer of the motherboard and see what they say about it could prove to be a better result.However, from the looks of it you would have to get the DDR RAM installed into your computer.
  4. Yes if you do a full back up of your account, and then do a backup of your MySQL databases and then save those files on your computer, then yes you could restore your website. also since I have been out of the loop on cutenews I do believe they have backup feature of there own but not to sure about it.
  5. Although I don't know what you have for warnings, but depending on the type of warnings you got, just do the opposite of of that warning to get it reduce. Most of the time it has to do with how you post in the forums and so spending some time posting in the forums will help, usually about 2 weeks and you will get one unit of your warning reduce or it could be reduce even sooner or later depending how you do on the fixing the problem you got for your warning.
  6. To much of a security risk for Xisto and the other hosts, and also its not officially run by trap as it is more run by the members, although I wouldn't mind having a team with me (2-3 people) to help outnext year. Besides there are polls that do ip one time votes, didn't find them quick enough though as I wanted to get the polling system up as quick as possible.MB that Tennessee thing was for the person who lives in Tennessee who was double voting, so it would be inside joke between me and that user, and no CC I will not give out IP addresses, because of security concerns, and privacy information. If it helps MB the reason I don't want to start it over is that my school schedule is keeping me fairly busy, and no I don't want to give access to my account to help manage it for me. Hopefully when it starts again next year I want to do it in flex as I saw a nice poll in flex.
  7. True I could have done that, but again only two polls were affected by the person who did so I could have just edited them and be done with it. However, I did what was right because after going through the polls, some of them had 7 to 11 invalid votes, and of course I had one person from Tennessee, (Yeah I am talking to you ), go through most of the polls two at least two votes a piece. Yet it wouldn't be fair either to start it over again, and make people vote again, but taking over the reigns has been a bit tricky just because of how busy I was so everything was done quite hastily. You are right about the dial up users however, I came across very few of those and although some of the numbers we close it still is hard to prove that one.I have notice that not all polls have receive the same amount attention though, and best guess is that not everyone know everyone and so that is understandable, of course I now non mods have been voting in the reported post poll, but that is fine. So hopefully those who didn't vote for everything can go back and vote in the polls they did not vote for.
  8. Well I thought I toss a pole update just because we had a mass poller who did some spiking, so I did a house cleaning based on the IP numbers that got logged for each poll. To be fair everyone lost votes to make it as even as possible so if you were winning by like 2-3 votes you could now be losing, however, because I turned the logging on after I started I don't know an accurate count. So with the house cleaning I did it is more or less what has been voted so far.So if you haven't put in your votes in yet plenty of time to do so.
  9. Thank you for all your nominations this year, as we had a well diverse group of members entering this year, and so behalf of myself I thank you all for making this forum great. Nominations have ended Please refer to Voting topic by clicking here.
  10. Well the voting has begin for the 3rd annual Xisto awards and I like to toss a pre-victory congratulations for those made it to the finals, and a better luck next year for those who did not make the cut. Also I ask you all to vote only once, because I should have check this poll script before setting it up, and it seems you can vote more then once and I have check out other ways to set this up as well. I have faith that people will be honorable in their selections regardless of the stupidity I put in for not checking this script earlier. Also some categories had to be randomly filled in and I thank alex for helping me with that and so let the voting begin. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. Out of a fluke I found this software on a tutorial website, and basically your designing for IE by opening several different versions of IE is over. There was a IE software that haslip mention, however, I didn't like the fact it would cuase the browsers to crash. So I found bump into this by accident, and the rest is history, interestingly enough if oyu have Office 2007 installed, you have the option to chance skins based on what Office 2007 has. As for what versions this program supprts is Internet Explorer 5.5, 6, 7, and even 8b1. It aslo has an update button so you can click it just to see if there is a current version for it. So now you can have any version of IE on your computer because with this software it doesn't matter anymore. You can Download it here. So for you web developer's this is well worth it, especially those who hate developing for IE.
  12. Could always move to Destriot , and if I remember correctly your horses(?) would love that Detroit air, and ouch what rip off right there. Of course I wouldn't be surprise as cable and ISP have ot jack up the coasts just to pay off the bills for HDTV and of course installing fiberoptics to replace the old stuff etc etc. Remind me why I shouldn't go back to dial up service??
  13. Haslip to answer your question the dolphin community script is a open source (though you need a license) social networking script, that lets you upload videos, photos, have blogs etc etc. You can find out more info here about this script. As for what kind of help do you need haber? As the installation is pretty straight forward if you follow the steps appropriately, just make sure to you pay attention to the permissions, as I wasn't and had to delete everything . If it is not about installing the software your better off looking for support on there site, and if your looking for installation help just pm contact info for either msn, yahoo, or gtalk and Italk you through it.
  14. Yeah that is what we learned in my computer hardware class, sometimes betting a new printer is usually cheaper then trying to repair it, just make sure your computer can accept the printer. As sometimes older can't accept the newer printers because of the technology gap. Haven't you thought of moving up to a broadband connection at all Mich?
  15. Well out of curiosity of your question server I look to see what the ratings system looks like as a guest based on the full version and not the trap feedbacker. A user would have to be logged in an order to be able to rate a topic, and with how trap feedbacker is set up it would make it seem impossible, although that isn't the word I want to use with this situation, because guest is basically emailing a post to be added. However, the idea I thought of which includes a bit more work for hte mods who approve these messages is that the user who is using the trap feedbacker could select a rating for the topic or rather the original poster of the topic.They could be prompted in a series of check boxes on what posts they like or did like based on the ratings system, and then whoever approves the messages, can log into trap feedbacker and then select those options. Yeah it sounds like a lot of work but it would be the only way not to compromise the trap feedbacker account. Of course that means that there would have to be some tinkering with how lofi view looks, and since it has been a few years I don't know if there is lofi script. Of course the other idea would be to prompt guests if they like rating posts and what to register with the forum and go from there.Also one of my questions have been answered about how the list view is set up has been answered as well.
  16. Of course the other catch using other fonts is that other people need to have them for them to be displayed, however, it would seem that CSS3 is now fixing that little problem. Although this document is like 6 years old, it would seem that if you implement CSS3 coding into your text it would make my last statement untrue. Here is a list I believe to be current on what fonts you can use regardless if you have them installed on your computer.
  17. Yeah people have been asking all day about it, actually I was the one who started the who, what, where, why, and how this morning about what is up with the credits and then each explanation came up for every person that asked what happen to their credits and so answer was patch together with the help of haslip and some other inquiries of mine on what is up. Heck some people got put in the negative by this which surprises me that I haven't seen posts from those with suspended sites.
  18. Well from my understanding the spam forum was pruned today and so anyone who had posts there lost credits, right now only few people have lost a few credits, but who posted a lot in spam related topics lost a lot of credits today. Hopefully a more detail explanation will be given about this later.
  19. Yeah memory has improved somewhat, I once spike firefox2 at almost 500,000 bytes the other day, well odds are all these extensions were the cause of it Still it takes firefox 3b4 a little longer to use memory so a lot of hole have been patched to fix the memory problem. Of course I wouldn't doubt most of those holes are coming from the extensions either but I guess we will findout once everyone starts updating them to firefox 3.
  20. You right click on your desktop > click on properties > click the appearance tab and your font options then, and you can click on the advance tab to get even more options. So that is the windows method of changing the font size.
  21. I thought I would give everyone an update as many are asking when the voting will begin, well it will begin this Friday at 12:00 am (-5GMT) or east coast USA, and will last 3 weeks. Also I went through the lists today and started cutting people who did not have more then one vote in each category, and surprisingly enough with so many people entering there were plenty of ties, and so on Friday I will be randomly picking some one from those ties to fill in the third spot by using a random number generator.So if you still haven't got a chance to put in your nominations you have until 11:59 -5GMT thursday, and since I start cutting names any names that don't make it within the top 3 names will be cut from the list.
  22. Well when I was in basic training I didn't have much to read but I picked up the bible and I believe I got through the first two and a half books then of course stop just because basic training was getting more intense. I did curious has to how this bible in year could get accomplished and I found this website that lists all the different versions of the Bible and what to read on what days.
  23. If your going to talk anti-virus software there is a topic about it already, and yes you can post the name of the software and the link just as long as the link doesn't go to some warez site but the actual anti-virus software website. And since your talking about AVG i think it is ok, problem is though it is not effective like it should be because I have it installed on my sisters computer and windows hasn't accepted AVG as a proper anti-virus program. So if anyone goes tips on on to make recognize that that could be useful.
  24. Last I remember it was a little over two gigs, but a couple of programs where installed but regardless they wouldn't have taken that much anyway. Interesting that you brought up the righting I believe mine was at a 3.9 when I did it, but course when I build my computer I build for cost effectiveness, although $1000 isn't cost effective, but to run vista I had to buy parts that were compatible with Vista which was like the Monitor and I think the motherboard and that was it. Of course I bet if I dropped in a graphics card I could boost that rating just a bit. Of course I am not to worried about that computer blowing up anytime soon since my parents mostly use it .EDIT: For my Winsxs folder I have 31,046 files and 8,012 folders, I bet it would be a lot more if I moved everything my laptop to the desktop which would be about 10gb of software and files related to that software I bet I could push the Winsxs folder to at least 7-8GB. However, I won't be using my PC much until next semester when I install linux on it.
  25. I would have to say Mac uses less processes then windows does, and so there is more processor speed to work. However, I am not to sure what are the real reasons as the results are opinion based, and I haven't found any facts about why it seems Mac is more suited for gfx design then PC. Still I think it has to do with how much more the processor can use in a Mac then a PC. As for a interesting Mac vs PC war check this site out, some of the stuff maybe old but I didn't check dates. However, in my googling these are the brest results I could fine search:Mac computers good for designing graphics
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