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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Not bad, render could use some blending for the grunge effect and as for the fog drop the opacity down to like 90-93% and your fine.
  2. Well I know Kurt Warner is the only NFL player who came from the AFL to make it big, as in winning the Superbowl Big, but its not the matter of wannabe football players as the CFL and Euro Football league is places were NFL players keep in shape. You be surprise how many NFL go back to the small leagues to play, because its not about the cash its about the game. Yeah AFL is a cheap version of of the NFL, remember the XFL, I doubt anyone but me remembers that football league.
  3. I wouldn't mind doing that myself as was one of my stupid dreams as a kid and go chase a tornado and watch it destroy stuff in its path, but alas I didn't get into meteorology and all that other science stuff, but I still watch the movie Twister from time to time.
  4. Not really, not everyone was fond of IE7 because of the mistakes it made with standards, IE8 on the other hand is fixing all those mistakes and so the same concept with Windows 7 is doing that for Vista, Lets hope that Windows 7 makes everyone feel better about having Vista on their computer. Well but vista through a corporate enviroment and your opinion might change as that is where most of the complains are coming from and the small group of hardcore computer nuts. Well you need to have a fast processor 2.6-3.0Ghz, and a big graphics card, at least 256MB, in order to take up some of the RAM the GUI uses. As for the hard drive you might want to look into the 10,000RPM ones even though 7600RPM is still good to run vista. Although the name is there but linux has a program to run windows games, just can't think of it right now as my brain is fried at the moment. I am that camp I haven't had too many problems with Vista, just because I haven't use it all that much, need to set up a day to reinstall Vista on my new hard drive though so I can use my 500 Gb hard drive more effectively.
  5. I recommend checking out http://www.pixel2life.com/, they got some good tutorials, however, I got links for actual ajax scripts you can download and stuff. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.ajaxrain.com/index.php Those two websites should help you out greatly.
  6. I would like to know what you be drinking EngrJayze, because excessive amounts of alcohol can kill you, its called binge drinking my friend.As for the person who posted this topic have they check out your liver for damage as well because lots of alcohol can screw that up as well. Also if you haven't yet, quit your job because you have a drinking problem and that enviroment will not help you, also I recommend going to AA as well and I would get a second opionion on that stomach folding operating, but for the hernia you need to get that fixed immediately as well.
  7. Nirmal this is offer is only good for .com, .net and .org and so .cc cannot be accept at this time, unless that has change, but I haven't seen any updates about adding more domains to this offer.
  8. No his numbers are correct, I would try this, install glary utilities, go to the modules tab, then go to Clean up and Repair, then click Uninstall manager to do a more effective install. After that do a registry and disk cleaner, and then try installing hte latest version of thunderbird, which is and see what happens.
  9. Welcome to Xisto and I take it your a Undetaker fan , and I on that note I say welcome to the forums and the Xisto community and enjoy your stay here as long as that maybe.
  10. You be surprise Bluebear, I wrote my introduction three years after I join this website, it was fun to do just to give everyone a current idea on who I am stuff. Anyway, welcome to the website and enjoy your stay here as we have some great members, topics and hosting here for you to enjoy. I suggest rereading the Xisto read just in case you missed the first time or it could have been updated last time you logged on here.
  11. Heck you be surprise how stupid some teachers are, I saw this program in which a student was suspended for wearing his countries flag on his bag, however, after a "white" made soem insensitive comments that started a fight. However, the the teacher suspend students who were fighting with this girl but she didn't get punished whatsoever. Those punishments got suspended after a smart adult review the situation, and I find it funny when teachers try to be all hardcore and strict and end up becoming a laughing stock. I don't mind punishing students for bad behavior but I find it sad when students get suspended for three days for chewing bubble gum or something stupid like that.
  12. Your right it is still there, whats interesting though that this error shows up when you have a topic listed and it isn't there when you have no subscribe topics.
  13. Actually Haslip I have to disagree with you on that as there are php functions for pdf or setting up pdf like documentation and it has been around since PHP 4. here is the link for that documentation http://de1.php.net/pdf As for the firefox mod your thinking of biitu is called PDF download and that can be downloaded here.
  14. I would have to agree that purchasing credits would help you out, but if you have someone helping you out with your site they could help out and post for you when you don't get a change to.
  15. I don't know it looks a bit plain to me, I think it is the lack of color on the site that makes it that way. I would understand keeping the website simple if you have a forum, which you do, but if your using both the forum and the website to display content. Then I think looking into a CMS like joomla in which you can install a forum within the CMS to help manage the website better.
  16. Slight correction, it doesn't average the ratings out, but rather display's the rating that you have the most on. Although, if you have a lot of ratings and they are all the same number then I believe it is the last one you got rated on will be displayed.
  17. Actually disabling System restore does have one benefit and that is if you got a nasty virus or trojan's installed on your computer in order to remove them completely. Disabling system restore before cleaning your system out will remove the trojan or virus completely without it hanging around if you happen do a system restore again. However, you can lower the amount of space System Restore takes by going to system properties and reducing it, and I believe system restore takes up at least 12% of your hard drive space if I remember correctly. Of course you can turn off system restore through System Properties as well instead of going through all those steps as well.
  18. Trust me when it comes to politics and leadership America is still pre-Civil war and now that Obama has got the Democatic nomination locked up he has a lot of work to do in order for millions to vote for him, especially all the racists and biggots that are in this country. We are only advance society because of once President who made a choice in the 19th century and if he didn't make that choice or if the North actually lost the war, America would be completely different. Of course, with what Bush did to this country and of course to the Republican I have a feeling people going vote Democratic as McCain has been flip flopping as well last few years and what not.
  19. For Joule, your best bet is to get a high end computer that matches Alienware or high end computer that is quadcore as what your studying for needs a lot of speed.For aditya, for you, a computer that prices ranges between $500-$700 as most dells are like that, also I recommend going to newegg as they have some good computers at good prices as well.
  20. Its a good idea in theory but there are several problems the major one being if a customer or designer get short changed on the price and the services. That can get pretty ugly and I don't think xisto or it staff have the time to figure out why a person got short changed on services or stuff like that. Of course, the next problem would be setting up all the scripts to incorporate in this forum in order to work properly and that will take even longer to code and debug, and on top of that the spamming that would happen as everyone would be posting about their services all over the place.Personally to me those kind of sites are not all cracked up what people claim to be, but like the person mentioned above design something with all the scripts that would be needed to set up something like that, and then find a way to incorporate them in a forum.
  21. Learning how to use the software doesn't help much if you don't know how to code and so the various websites mention above and one of my favorites, http://www.pixel2life.com/, is a good place to learn on coding websites. For me though I did it hte hard way and went through thousands of websites and went through their coding in order to learn, the benefits are there especially with all the free open source templates you can download and use now.
  22. Those were the good ole days of gaming when you had to complete the game in one sitting and couldn't save it . I still get a emulator and play from time to time, but one would wonder what these games would be like if they got a 21st century upgrade.
  23. No I don't think the PS3 is overrated, underrated by the gaming companies maybe, because of the fact you don't see the enhanced graphics and the fact the loading times are still there and so they are not using the hard ware effectively. Of course, it has been a year and some change and now the PS3 games are coming out of course I wish I could buy all of the games I want to get, but the budget is tight and I might have to wait till the prices are reduce.
  24. You want to go to https://xisto.com/, and now that I a Xisto - Web Hosting account now I can say you would be set as there are various packages depending on your budges, and of course different ways to pay; monthly, semi-annually, annually. I would recommend trying out the freedom packages as you get a domain included with the package. Setting it up maybe a bit tricky for first time users, but once you get everything filled in you are set. If you got any questions on setting up a Xisto - Web Hosting account I would talk to velma as she knows everything you need to know to set up an account with Xisto - Web Hosting.
  25. Yeah we need to see the CSS code and see how you set up the font sizes remember use either px or em to set up your font sizes, and if your having problems with px use em as you can do something like this:2em 2.3em 2.5emthat way you set the sizes more accurately.
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