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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Wow someone who uses those Iomega zip drives, I am surprise, and Mich as for what you can do with your USB check this link out from newegg, I bet you will find lots of stuff to use your USB now. As for networking that is easy just as long as your computer are able compatible with the right router and stuff like that. I can understand about time consuming as I had to install XP on my new hard drive and that took a couple of days, but don't fret Mich, you master the computer and not the other way around, because that won't happen for a couple hundred more years .
  2. Depending on your classes, your better off getting a notebook, although I never have used a tablet PC, your very limited to what you can do with it, and so search for a laptop that fits your budget. I would check out Dell, Acer, or a HP and you would be set. Anything between $500-$1000 will be good enough for your 4 years of college and what not, I recommend getting a external hard drive though for back up, especially for research papers and essay's and junk.
  3. Well I found out the hard way, but becareful with Ntune, because my laptop gfx card crapped out on me, but I doubt it was really Ntune and just the fact I abuse the hell out of it . Of course, I was told my a tech person that Ntunes screws around with the drivers and if it does, you want to uninstall ntunes and replace the drivers and what not.
  4. I would suggest marriage counseling and not bashing anyone here in the forums, but I highly doubt any of us can fix your problems. The best suggestion that was mention is having a serious discussion with her, but I would do in front of a therapist and see what is going with her. It is obvious that she has lost interest in you, but how and why well you have to find that out for yourself as we can't guess what she is thinking about.
  5. If you all remember last year about a interactive turtle race in which live turtles were trace to the their breeding grounds? In case you didn't check out the topic here, and if you have well the race is on and because I didn't check my email in time and the second race is already on into day two. Well to give a small update on whats going on here are the turtle in this years race: Masterdonia Mama Tabitha Beibei JingJing JK Turtling Stinger Billie II Drexelina II Amban Saphira II Shelby What is interesting to note that the turtles are starting from three locations, the US, New Guinea and Indonesia and they will be racing somewhere towards the Pacific Ocean and after the first day Billie II is in the lead, and so I be keeping everyone updated for the next 14 days on these turtles as they race to build a future for the leatherback turtles. Also if you want to check out the site, maybe sponsor a turtle or two then go here http://www.greatturtlerace.com/. I have to go with Saphira II although Saphira I did not win, GO BABY GO!!
  6. Well on top of the RAM issue, 3 gigs need to run Vista Ultimate properly, it could be your connection to the internet as well, and so you might want to get something faster if you haven't done so already, regardless of the IE haters and all that stuff any browser will do it is a matter of preference. Also IE 8 is not even close to be like IE7 unless you change the rendering engine to IE7 then yah, and remember IE8 is still early in beta testing and so it will be awhile before IE8 goes final and what not.
  7. For what your asking you just need basic html to set everything up, however, if you want ot make your site more dynamic then php will help you along the way. On the other hand, if you want to really get creative with your website, implement ajax to make your site interactive and what not. Of course, there is like thousands of scripts out there and so you have to be careful which ones to choose so not to leave your site open for attacks; usually you don't want to build your site around scripts made from tutorials. Since all the code is out in the open and thus vunerable to script kiddies, but again knowing how to properly secure your scripts will cut down on the attacks to your site.
  8. I love Defraggler, after finding it on pcworld.com I have used it ever since, about two months now as it gives you a lot of information about your computer and how fragmented it is. Well worth the free download and stuff and a lot better then the Microsoft version that is for sure.
  9. You be surprise how how many people use their real names, I know every major news outlet uses their real name and a lot of people use their real names in portfolios and what not. It is the matter of how much information you put on your website as many people place their phone numbers and stuff like that on their site. It is a matter of caution as it don't take much these days to find out who you are, and so the question becomes difficult to answer because of the situation that would require to have your name listed, but of course who says it has to be a real name, as it is not hard to make up a fake one, like Marion Jefferies or Bobby McCool.
  10. Interesting, never gave much thought about where to change those keys, of course back when I had a keyboard like that I didn't want to screw around and break it and get yelled at by my parents .
  11. As I mentioned in my first post, Inhuman, it has to do with being able to install different versions of the soft and not run into any compatibility issues. sometimes programs require older versions of files in order to run, if you remember in XP and you uninstall a program and a pop message saying something along the lines that a file existed for this program and if you uninstall it, other program might not work? It may not be the exact words but you might have an idea what I am getting at, but that is what vista is doing and so you won't get that error through vista, I believe. Check out this link and it might give a better explanation about the winsxs folder
  12. Welcome to the Xisto and like bluebear mention make sure to check out the Xisto read me and from the looks of it you should be be already hosted, haven't check your posts. Whatever the reason you will be hosted soon enough and enjoy your time here on Xisto.
  13. Well although you don't provide to much details on the how and why you two broke, but when I talk to on msn I got that info of which I won't mention here, but yeah depending on how you broke determines what you should do next, if it was a bad break, then take a few days to cool down and then talk to each other to see what happen and attempt to fix it, or if it was a good break up then you don't have much to worry about and just move on, Also knowing how old you are, you be going through this a lot in high school relationships, but if you know what you want and let the person know what you expect if they want to have in order to have relationship with you.
  14. I agree with the banner needs to be blended more and I would recommend added a bit in the guest top so as to encourage people to join your site. Not to fond of that scroll bar within the topic itself I hope that is a tag of some sorts, but other then that I can't really say what your forum looks like in terms of organization without signing up which I won't, nothing against you of course, but like I mention need to entice people to join your website.
  15. Could use some work in the design area as the light gray on black doesn't look well and most. I also recommend incorporating the flash games within the website instead of setting it up externally like you did and of course fix the games page so it actually uses the same set up as well.
  16. Got some good stuff, little rought around the blending and text but keep working at it and you will get better. I would say a 5/10 but that can improve look at some tutorials and fine tune everything and you get better.
  17. I have to say my favorite episode is the Civil War Reenactment as that is to funny with the Schnopps and of course my favorite character is Kenny as he gets killed a lot and keeps on coming back .
  18. Saint_Michael


    Welcome to Xisto as this is the place to be for some posting and some hosting, make sure to check out the Xisto and of course say hi to your fellow Canadians who are aboot this forum somewhere .
  19. I think I do have control over my dreams, because sometimes my dreams put me in the worse positions and I somehow come out on top. Especially when I have these battle.invasion type dreams were I am fighting the enemy and stuff like that.
  20. True, the Packers had their moments, I was was going crazy with the record they had at the beginning of the season, and with grant he is injury prone. I think he was out ofr like 4-5 weeks because of an ankle injury, I believe. The packers running games has always been sub par, look at Green, age caught up to him and he slowed down in the last few season. Of course you can blame the lackluster O-line for the running game and passion protection as well. I been following the Packers for years and I know what they are capable of, especially the great coaching staff they have now.
  21. Well odds are the passenger was drunk to and if not then maybe it was wrong, of course I hate crooked cops or cops start shooting or tasering or spraying for no reason at all. Yeah I could blame stress but when it comes to veterans officers who been in for 10-15 years then it has to be something else to make them do crazy things like that. I think it was in 2006 when a Officer shot a soldier multiple times after he was told to get up, I call that a dirty tactic by an officer. Of course I really hate corrupted cops because some gang members bribes them so they could can get drugs on to the streets or stuff like that.
  22. I say a weekend at a beach would be good, just to get away from things, and if it was fall or winter I would have recommended a weekend at a log cabin to get things going **wink wink**. Of course, you oculd make her something as usually making a gift is more important then buying it, thats unless you can't produce a 100 carat diamond j/k.Or doing some very unexpecting, like something that she likes and you hate, like going to opera or ball room dancing or something like that.
  23. Well I thinking it is going to be awhile before Greenbay will get back to the 2007-2008 team, especially with a new QB, young offense and defense. Hopefully though the cheese nation won't suffer to badly though but I have my doubts though in the QB position and I know our running game is horrible. Again that is what hte pregames are for just to see where we stand in the coming season.
  24. Are you using your cpanel login information, as your forum login info will not work, also passwords are case sensitive and using special characters for your cpanel login is ill advise and if you forgot your password, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to change your password, it will cost you 15 credits to do so.Anything beyond those tips contact support at https://support.xisto.com/ about your login problems or send a pm to the admin to see what is wrong with your account.
  25. No she is crazy j/k #1. We buys are not hard to figure out, just do some dirty talking and throw a porn our way and we are all figured out #2. True, but so is everyone#3. Glad I am a guy #4. So true#5. Would not know#6. Got a point#7. Especially the ones you get for the holidays #8. Lay off the sugar#9. I wish#10. Heck Make is the Devil, just ask the religious cults#11. Been there done that#12. Well tell that to people who are homophobic.#13. Heck I could have told you that #14. Would not know, thankfully#15. Hugs#15. THANK GOD I AM DUDE #16. Just sounds wrong#17. Every 5 minutes Mermaid BWHAHAHAHAHA#18. ROFL#19. Please don't j/k
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