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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Correction, it is a solid state flash drive, so $10,000 does sound about right as 50-60GB of solid state is a few hundred dollar by itself. Either way, my point still stands that anyone stupid enough to buy it; although, solid state data storage is quite a new idea especially the fact you could pack more into into these devices.
  2. Well I can see this in two ways, 1 a waste of money because there is no way you can max out a standard PC hard drive of that size, unless of course your Microsoft size. Of course, talk about misplacing that flash drive somwhere and can't find it for weeks and having your most important stuff on there. Of course I see a interesting thought, It will replace the 2.5" hard drives and make computers even smaller and all they would have to do is find a way to reduce the size of the motherboard to make it even smaller then it is now.Of course, the worse part is these flash drives are going to be like $700-$1000 when they first come out and so anyone stupid enough to buy one are as stupid as buying the Iphone on ebay for $4000.
  3. Let see as for technologies they include AJAX, Flex, javascript Java, XML, Flash, actionscript and server side technologies such as php and asp and ruby on rails to name a few. That is a lot of different languages to use and to make each one work together you not only have to know the original coding structure and they know about how to modify them in other languages as well. So if you looking into the whole web 2.0 craze, start with AJAX, flex, flash and actionscript to get you going in the right direction.
  4. Wow 8 Million downloads, that is just sad if you think about it, especially on the fact that Firefox in total has over 500,000,000 downloads to date. Granted if that bottleneck that happen in the first few hours didn't happen, maybe they got more. Personally I would think getting 50-100 million downloads would have been a lot better, but what really cracks me is that U.S. had the most downloads out out over everyone, especially the European Union who are practically the epicenter of non windows, open source software out there. I was expecting China and India thought to have at least a million or so by themselves, but alas, they are in 100,000-150,000 range in India, and 200,000-250,000 range in China.Now granted, 11 million downloads in two days is pretty impressive and right now I am at the spread firefox website and in writing this post, firefox has been downloaded over 12,000 time already in these 5-10 minutes.
  5. Sorry for the lack of updates, been rather busy and the fact the update format they choose was horrible and I hope people where visiting the site as well so they didn't have worry about these posts. Anyway, the race is over after a grueling 14 days in the dangerous ocean world for these turtles. Here are the spots these brave turtles came in: 1st (my pick) Saphira II 2nd Drexelina II 3rd Amban 4th Jk Turtling 5th Shelby 6th Billie II 7th Stinger 8th Mastodona (never finished) 9th JingJing (never finished) 10th Beibei (never finished) 11th Mama Tabitha (never finished) Although this race is over, the race to save these turtles from extinction is still going on, and so if you got a spare dollar or two go to their How Can I Help page and donate to these awesome turtles.
  6. I am on the 4 act after 6 days, after I did a restart and went for the ultimate chicken run to get most of the badges, and I have to say this game owns, I wish I could say that for the online mode, nothing like COD 4 which was better.
  7. Trying to convert someone is like the worse thing you can do, in my opinion, I hate all those door to door converters and junk and so if you want to really be a friend let him walk his own path and support him the best way you can. You have no right to force people to conform to your religion and so I wouldn't press the issue with him, just be a friend and not one of those religious nuts.
  8. Mich only 57GB? SHould have asked to see if they could bump up your hard drive as well, because you won't have much room to work with on 57 gigs, I sure didn't so I had to get a external hard drive to keep my stuff safe, and when I got the money, upgrade my computers hard drive to 200GB, nearly blown through that as well.
  9. WOOT M^E haven't seen you an ages, and ahahahaha people are going ot be downloading multiple copies just so they could help even though it won't. From the website though, only 1.5 million have pledge to download firefox, I like to down what download record they are trying to get as that seems to be a small number, but I wouldn't doubt al their employee's and their familes will be downloading it as well on top of all the google staff. It should be interesting to see what happens for this record, of course, it should be very interesting how the final product fares once everyone gets it as well.
  10. GASP!! , Glad that your doing well and that your safe Mich, and we been getting the aftermath of the storms from the mid west here as well, and I have to admit I haven't seen weather like this in years. It besgs the question who pissed off mother nature for her to act like this. Of course, it sucks to be in Iowa though, man they gotten the worse of all this weather, going to takes days for all that water to go down, but it is funny though, the goverment was sure to qucik to act on this one.
  11. To answer your first question no it doesn't, becauser your not even using like 5% of a quadcore processor with those specs. A quad core can handle 4+ gigs, a couple of Nvdia 9600 gfx cards, and whole bunch of other fun stuff. As for your other computer, you night as well buy yourself a new one as yo uwould have to stripped out all the hold hardware just to make everything compatible, and Core2 Duo computers are top of the line for what you need. To be quite honest, a quad core is a bit of an overkill for your needs as you will because wasting a lot unless you get some powerhourse game that is designed to run on a quad processor. Heck you might as well go with a Core 2 Duo extreme with 3GB RAM and 8800GTX XXX gfx card and your set. Also a friendly reminder stay on topic, take your petty fights somewhere else.
  12. I tell you now, don't even bother trying to date a co-worker those kind of relationships never go right and I want you to read every post on this topic about someone doing the same. Heck I recommend anyone who is trying to score with a co-worker to read this post.
  13. What is your kid watching or listening to that he has to worry about Armageddon? Trust me, the world has begun its end of days since Bush became President . Anyway, all that date represents is the end of the Mayan Calender and nothing more. All these stories and books about the apocalypse are used to scare people to conform to their religion or be damned to hell., the Spaniards were doing this to the natives of the American's since they first arrive in the 16th century. Tell you kid not to worry about it and go on with his life and junk like that.
  14. Its funny enough but I took a class last semester for HelpDesk support (computers), and surprisingly enough the reason for the bad customer support is the repetition, long hours, rude customers, stress of finishing calls as fast as possible, problems at home and like a myriad of other things. Of course, the big factor is stress, if you can't handle stress easily then customer support is not a job career for you.
  15. Well lets break down the two processors right quick and I will be using the following websites for reference: Site #1 Site #2 Site #3 Site #4 Well from these four websites it would seem that besdies the expensive price tag to these two processors it would seem that either processor would work, although, it would seem that the Phenom is not only faster in terms of speed, memory, performance and graphically more superior as well. However, the quad core does provide some competition to the Phenom, and so it is the matter of hardware that has to be either AMD or Intel based to get either or working, and it is a matter of preference but from the looks of it the Phenom is the better of the two.
  16. Well there are sever differences and some of them rather large, the big one is that most software companies do not design software for 64 bit processors. Another difference and this is somewhat huge depending if your a RAM person, is that 64 bit processors can read 4 gigs of RAM while 32 bit processors can only read 3 gigs of RAM. Of course, you would only need 4GB of RAM if your going all out in the hardware and set it up for Vista Ultimate that is set up with several hard drives that use RAID, getting a extreme dual or quad core processor chip and your computer is used for massive amounts of data transfers or developing multimedia like movies and what not. Another factor is of course price tag as 64-bit seem to be at the expensive end of things as well, but like I mention earlier its the software that makes the difference between the two processors.
  17. I was waiting for this topic to show up, since your wonderful posts about the PS3 and Wii. First it just not for adults, second it is not lazy to the extent your doing a lot more with a video game then just sitting in a chair all day. Although $150 is sad for a platform, that is unless it wasn't connected to the Wii in any wya, and since it is, the price is justifiable, especially since it just came out. Now the Wii Fit will not make you a supermodel overnight and if it does, hell, I am sold and there is $400 for them. Wii Fit is more about cardio and minor strength training and so you need to do a lot more on top of using the Wii Fit for it to be any sort of benefit to your health.
  18. I love wannabe gamers I really do sarcasm aside, the Wii was developed for the motion sensor technology, graphics has never been Nintendo's big thing and that is true throughout all their consoles. As for the motion technology the Wii and PS3 are using two different set ups, in which the Wii is using for 3-d Motion sensor and the PS3 does not and so the patents are completely different. I have tried both systems and both have their pro's and cons and if I had the time and money I would have gotten a Wii myself because of the exercise one gets from using the Wii, and that is a huge marketing tool and if anyone has been paying attention to sales, which I doubt any of the posters are, Wii has been successful over both the 360 and PS3 to the point that stores are having a hard time keeping them in stock.I like to comment on amirborna if I may,#1 The way the Wii is set up for online play is simplicity in itself, you don't need all these chat rooms and lounges and junk like that, just get to the game and get over with, Of course, the Wii is more of a home/party interaction then online play and so I doubt they wanted to emphasize in online gaming as much as the 360 and the PS3 have.#2 Again refer to my comments on the graphics, every gamer knows that Wii lacks the graphics engine, but that is not what Nintendo is about. Any true gamer knows that it is more about the graphics and if you play games based on their graphics then you have some problems.#3 If you think about it video games are completely childish, and yet you see adults in their 30-40's still playing these childish games. Your perspective on gaming is base on misconception and any gamer would rip your posts apart because of that misconception.#4 Then why is the Nintendo outselling the 360 and PS3? Answer me that and maybe I retract my statement.#5. And yet, Wii does more with technology then anyone else has, ooh point and shoot not hard to figure out there.#6 It is, especially in the American and European Markets, Japanese game and console makers are not stupid and Nintendo took a huge risk and it has paid off for them.As for your last statement, I blame it on online gamers for ruining the gaming market by taking the joy out of gaming by making them short and go crazy with online content and junk like that. Your views, though opinionated, are completely wrong when it comes to gaming.Now for the original question of this topic, it don't matter which console you get, if you got the cash to sink in a Ps3 and its games go right on a head, but if you want to do more then just site and twist your wrists then get a Wii.I partially agree with kobra about the motion technology, gaming companies are not stupid for designing games using that sixaxis motion sensor, because the games would become horrible because sony's motion sensor technology sucks and very buggy. Besides, Sony's motion is more damaging to your wrists then the Wii is because of how limited it is.Again I agree with with kobra, the PSP sucks, I don't see how people could play games with such a small screen. Back in the day when Sega and Nintendo were dominating the console market, I got the sega game gear, what a waste of $150 right there, as I only bought two games and they came with the game gear. Talk about damaging your eyes with such a small screen.
  19. We have a Winner and my girl Saphira II has won with Drexelina taking second and with Amabn most likely taking third place as that turtle has about 146 miles left on its journey. Sorry for the lack of updates since this site never sent them out daily like they did last time. Of course, if you been visiting the website daily, unlike I did, then you been keeping tabs on this turtle race. Weekend Update Day 8 Day 10
  20. Our boy is a one year older now.

  21. WOOT!! What can I say about Xisto as the stats of this site say it all, hmmm maybe a gig of hosting and double the bw We all know what Xisto is about and we see members come and go as we have 4 generations of Xisto member representing this little hosting company out of India, started by a computer nerd like most of us. So let the week long celebration begin with a roll call: Member No.: 1,218 Class of 2004 I GOT NACHOS!!
  22. To answer your first question yes you can make money, however, depending on how you got those stocks you could lose money as well. To answer your second question, no it is not easy, even if you had help investing your money in the stock market it still isn't easy. As for your third question, the answer depends on what stock you pick, some are like $5-$10 a share and other stocks like gold, which last I knew was at $830 a share. OF course, there are ways to invest in which you put in so much money in and your investor takes care of the rest. I think you have to be at least 18 years of age, of course maybe younger and your parent or guardian will sign in their with your money or something like that.That's all I know, there are safe ways to invest and theor are more dangerous/risky ways to invest, but either way you make a profit.
  23. I know you don't want to spend much, but instead of upgrading the computer that most likely won't be upgradable with adding new hardware to the system, I would say bite the bullet and get a new computer. I know cost is the issue and so I would suggest checking out newegg.com and check out the computers that they sell. Most of them require a monitor and if you got an extra monitor laying around or something then you be set. That is the thing about computers, when they want them to work they don't and when you don't want want them to work they do.
  24. Wow I can't believe I missed this topic, wonder what I was doing that week, anyway on to the site. After reading the comments and checking out the site and the code I have to say it needs a lot of work. Splash page isn't really necessary, as you already have the links needed on the other website, besides you have 13 errors are stemming from the meta tags . Also if your going to put the validation stamp on the website, might as well put the CSS stamp as well. Also I would think a clientele page would be good to have, just so you could generate more business that way. However, overall the website is way to plain regardless how valid the coding is. for a company to show off their work a plain website like that is not going to help them. Also I think a contact form would help generate more emails, just have to deal with the spam issue, but you get more emails from real people that way. Needs a web 2.0 look to it to help spice things up.
  25. Should have read the fine print about what happens to your credits once your hosting account is created. Basically once your hosting account has been credits your credits get reduced down to 2-4, depending on how lucky you are, and so if you have more then 10 or 30 credits, depending which package you get. All extra credits will be reduce and so you want to immediately start posting and bring yourself up to at least 10+ credits to put a little buffer zone to check out your hosting account or upload any of your web pages. However, once you become hosted, you will lose one credit a day so make sure to post during the week when you get a chance, and if your site gets suspended then all you need to do is build up to 4+ credits, wait an hour and your website is back up and running.
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