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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Although this topic is old, I have a few links on various ways to set up a in house search engine in your website. PHP based search engines http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ JavaScript Based Search Engines http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Now if you don't want to code your own search engine script, then you can try out one of these many already built scripts and see how you like them http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. Heck the P2P software alone makes you want to install those updates, personally I don't see what the big deal is about these updates for home users. At the business level I could understand with software compatibility and what not, but if your a home user then just install the stupid things and get it over with. The whole Genuine Advantage being spyware is a poor excuse to not install these updates, heck you should have nothing to worry about if your windows is a legit copy. Of course in the world of illegal software, movie, music downloading people are afraid Microsoft is going to report them and stuff, especially when they are hacking and junk. If you don't like the way Micrsoft provides patching your computer Apple and linux have operating systems, use one of them.
  3. Hmmm, have you tried letting someone else delete them for you at all? If not and see if that works, however, it sounds like your account has a configuration problem, and also have you tried contact support and letting them know that your having file permission problems as well? They might be able to fix it on their end.
  4. Yes you can, you click on the award credits and then put in your name to receive the credits. Then it will transfer back to your account and there you go.
  5. Don't, because once you start dating her that friend will become a worse nightmare, especially after the fact that you help her to dump him so you could date her. That is what is line of thinking of it will be and regardless if he thinks that he is cool with it and stuff like that, he's lying to you. Basically she is forbidden territory to you and being sneaky about it will make it a whole lot worse, because then he will really think that you did it on purpose just so you can get some of her.I say stay friends with the girl and nothing more, unless the guy finds another girl and stuff then maybe you could date her, but that is mine opinion and it is totally up to you what you want to do.
  6. Well a wikipedia article helps in showing you the time line of the windows operating system that have came out including their SP's and other updates. So this should save your questions and what not and of course prove anyone wrong who said other wise.
  7. Some software I recommend are: Defraggler: Great draging program as it helps defrag your computer a lot deeper then the standard windows defrag program. SmartFTP: Awesome ftp client and very user friend and configurable RamDEF: Good program to have to help clean up your RAM if you have used a lot of it or have an old computer. Spybot: Need I say more about this software Glary Ultilities: Great program to have to help clean up your computer such as the registry, empty folders, temporary files and folders and other good stuff.
  8. Yeah, talk about the love, I swear if this was Medieval Europe, they would have burned me to the stake and called me a witch or warlock or something like that . I have to say though that it has bee awefully quiet when I came back, yeah it is the summer and everyone is outside soaking in the sun and what not, but I didn't get a welcome home cake or balloons j/k.
  9. Aah another gfx person, always good to get some new gfx people to post tutorials and sigs and stuff and as for hosting you should be able to set up your account rather quickly, once you get some good posting done and then apply. Like Bluebear mention, make sure to check out the the Xisto readme to know what this hosting and forums are about and you will have a good time here hosting and posting.
  10. Personally I think you should reconsider and I tell you why, first do you really know that other girl for all you know she could be some control freak or something like that. Next, your going to school, would you really want to stop the learning the process just because of soem family problems? Also consider the financial costs as well, do you think you oculd properly take care of yourself if you soloed it or had a room mate? Trust me some days I can't stand my parents and sadly I still live with them but for various reasons, I can't afford these high rents, don't have a car of my own, credit rating sucks, working when I can find it.What I suggest is help your mother look for a job and as for the mail incident, you should have done it anyway, you could have cleaned yourself up for work, but of course if did made mention about doing it on your way to work, you computer would be one piece instead of a few thousand pieces. It all about being considerate and helping out, and when it comes to family struggling you should be there for them and help them out regardless of how mundane and bad it could be.So I say find way to get your mother back on her feet and stuff like that and maybe the problems will go away because of doing simple things like mailing a letter or junk like that.
  11. Interesting conspiracy theory, but I rather see one of the best rivalries then anything else, but alas I don't watch basketball all that much. Either way though I won't be surprise if this goes to a game 7 wit hthe players that are on both teams but it would be good to see the Celtics put another notch on their belt with a championship title though.
  12. Bluebear you took the words right out of my mouth , but anyway welcome to Xisto the best place for some hosting and posting. So yeah, familiarize yourself with how the forums works and in no time you will have some good hosting to help you build your website.
  13. I haven't had to many problems with imagefilez, but I have had a few photos get delete back accident because of some DB issues, but that was awhile go when imagefilez was first picked up. There have been some down times as well, but they don't last long if they do happen, but stil la great service regardless if your hosted here or not.
  14. Ronak, Your best bet is to contact Compaq support to help you out with your problem as they will provide better support since I doubt anyone has the same computer as you on this forum.
  15. Well when it comes to long time members here we get a bit defensive when it comes to this host, and the problem at time and a quick rush to judge was you didn't describe your problem into greater detail, and of course after some checking your website wasn't configured properly. That being the case send a pm to the admin about the misconfiguration and also go to https://support.xisto.com/ and drop a support ticket, expect some time to get a response to your ticket, but if your in a rush use the chat services at Xisto - Support to help get your hosting fix quicker. Like I mentioned above use the Xisto - Support chat services to fix your misconfiguration problem and you should be able to see your site.
  16. You know what I think Mermaid wants to have dictatorship with a side of Communism here , thank god she is not running for President or the whole world would go to war against us or we have a Civil War II on that kind of thinking. However, there are so many flaws with your idea of a government that I don't even know where to begin. Either way the above posts really help destroy your idea of a government Mermaid, maybe if you brought this idea to China or Cuba maybe they will listen.
  17. To be honest if your running a website that requires a lot of databases then your not implementing your internet resources enough. Such as installing a photo gallery, running a forum, hosting videos and what not, but of course if you have the space to do this all in your hosting account then go right ahead. However, with these websites like awardspace, they are selling overkill web hosting, really, unless your upload movies and music to your website then there is no way a profession website would use 30 gigs of hosting, unless your doing a reseller and what not. Of course, thats what makes trap so great because you get what you need and if you need more then Xisto - Web Hosting's paid plans are right up your alley as they don't oversell their hosting space.
  18. Aah the greatest debate of all time, but I have to side with Darwin just because of the fact there are so many variations to one species, like the monkey, cow, human, spider, rabbit. On top of that, scientists have made so many connections to the evolution of man thanks to the remains of Lucy and of course the commonalities between dinosaurs and birds and other reptiles alike. However, another theory has been coming up in the years and has garnered huge support.That theory is called Intelligent design, in which scientists believe that there was a intelligent cause for why we are the way we are and not because of natural selection. You could say it uses a combination of both theories, but removing the word God altogether in this theory. I found about this theory in my English class when we had to read stories on this debate. Of course, when "God" does show up and tell us everything, fat chance, all the questions we want to be answered will. In the mean time though I believe the science is more accurate the the religion and that's after taking a semester of mythology in high school, those creation stories are pretty wild.
  19. Well here are the updates for the big race and I have to say that I am happy my girl is winning: DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 Day 5 Status To say the least the American Team is going all out in reaching their destination and my girl Saphira II has been holding her own, although I have a feeling thought she will lose steam by the weekend and hang out at the Hawaiian islands for awhile, but who knows.
  20. You been Spammed, so enjoy it XD

  21. Got to love stupid criminals and stuff, ROFL, but yeah you have to admit it was nice of them to leave a note, I bet it sucked for them when they got caught to .
  22. Yah I saw something about this, I bet mozilla crew will have download bots to help download firefox 3 as I will only be downloading it once on each of my two computers, wow 2 downloads YIPEE!! Of course the question is what the hell would GWR even allow this? I tell you GWR has lost some respect letting any break a record, oooh I just ate 5000 hot dogs put me in your book . It is just a browser, I bet if they added a $5 dollar download fee I bet firefox wouldn't be as popular, but of course P2P would solve that problem unless they used serial keys or something.
  23. Heck any card in the 8600, 8800, or 9xxx series are great cards, expensive as heck but great cards none the less. I had installed a 8600GT XXX on to my desktop and it has been doing some good stuff to my computer.
  24. Yah!! I didn't suffer any downtime, well I wouldn't have notice since I was on vacation and not on a computer , but at least no problems were reported or posted about this though and that is a good thing too, good job.
  25. Yep Dwolters is correct it points to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and not Xisto - Web Hosting.com, and as for imagefilez it suffers its down times and so just have to be patient and wait for it to come back up, but if you see a mod or admin in the shoutbox you can let them know or drop a pm to them, or go to https://support.xisto.com/ and drop a support ticket to let them know of the downtime as well.
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