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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well after hearing about the date of how long Microsoft will support XP, who knows and maybe SP4 might get pushed out. Six years worth of updates and patches is a long time and SP3 came out 4 years after SP2 and with the way hackers and crackers are getting into computers these days Microsoft might have it on the drawing board but just need to wait for the right support from their customers in order for them to get going on it.
  2. They do back up databases as, might lose a few days worth of stuff but it is possible to bring them back, just make sure you remember the user name and password you used for the database when you created it and you should be set. Of course this incident does prove a point that you need to do backups of your websites on a daily basis, especially if your storing lots of data in MySQ databases and what not. Also have you tried posting in the topic about getting your cpanel password change so you can log back into it?
  3. Ever since this whole oil crises started, I been paying attention to the news and I tell you this it took take much to make oil skyrocket. Just mention War, Iran, Middle East, Stock Pile, Oil Rig fires to the stock market and they will will that price as high as they can, and right now oil has lost a little over $9 in the last two days, but we all remember the last time that happen, oil gained $12 just like that in two days. Right now I am watching MSNBC and my prediction is coming true that its on the rise again.
  4. Well for your number one that question is unanswerable because who knows how human's will evolve in the next 4.5 billion years. It is possible that someone, one day, might hit the 9 seconds flat mark, but who knows. With music it is a matter of taste but I have to say with the way Rap as evolved in the last 20 years is rather sad and pitiful. Yeah I listen to it, but with today's rap its all about banging that hoe, or making that money or ganking some fool for looking at him or his woman. Personally I think the late 70's and 80's was the best era for music, yeah the 90's have produced some good stuff, but with MTV showing all this reality show crap and rap music that's what they think we the viewers want to see.
  5. Well I heard those converters are like $400, but again if your living in the US and have a Rabbit Ears TV set then your either really poor or live deep in the woods somewhere. Giselle they have been advertising this whole conversion since it was first announce as there are TV ad's about this like every 5 minutes and what not. Of course, its just of the TV makers labeling their TV properly as there was a big deal about it a few months ago when the government starting going after them with lawsuits and junk like that. Of course, it will be interesting what happens when they do flip the switch as that will determine how many people are really affected regardless if your TV is old school or new school.
  6. Impossible as those fast food salads are worse off in calories then salads that you make at home, he had to be doing some else like exercising and what. I swear ever since that whole Jared and subway thing people are trying to find ways to create these miracle diets and stuff. Odds are that he did more like exercising and cut down on all the unhealthy stuff or his calorie intake and what not. I am no health expert and I can verify that with the 30 pounds I have gain in the last 3 years, but food is a very Evil temptation so trying to cut back on some food is a tricky business and fast food should be taken in small doses and what not.
  7. Yeah its healthy, for the most part, but like giselle mention it don't help you meet people and develop a healthy sexual relationship and stuff like that. I definitely agree with etycto that you need to back up your sources because there are other ways to relieve the sexual frustration then whipping it out or using devices as it is all about self control and maturity. Of course, some people have other reasons why they do it and they usually end up in Jail or some sex offender program, either way if you can't control your bodies needs then you might need to talk to someone about it on how to control it.
  8. To be honest it don't really matter what browser your using because its all about clean code and if have valid code it shouldn't matter how your website looks. Of course now that HTML 5 is coming out or rather the rough draft of the coding it should be interesting how every starts adapting to html 5. I recommend boning up on what HTML 5 and find out what to expect in the next couple of years. https://w3c.github.io/html/ http://www.w3.org/TR/html5-diff/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_5 For now coding in firefox is the best way to go although I feel otherwise as I mentioned earlier; however, once IE8 comes out I bet it won't matter which browser you will code in. Since they are working on web standards finally and with word of Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 showing good promise for its August release, I believe, the browser wars will become a bit more interesting.
  9. I would say find a way to get rid of the registry and the use of DLL's especially now that the winsxs folder in vista is talking up most of the hard drive space. I would say that they need to optimize every file that runs windows in order to optimize on sucking up all the resources windows is running so there be no need to run 4GB of RAM in order to run an operating system. I would say another one would be to add more windows applications that can be turned on and off through the add/remove folder or maybe set up a way to do partitions like linux does, I think that would really help out in trying to save documents from getting lost and what not.
  10. 1. No one ever likes taking pictures, but they must be done I guess, try not to worry about it.2. What I recommend that you pick several outfits that fit the following themes; causal, fancy, respectable, fun, natural. smart, sporty Yeah I know the fashion in California is way out there and stuff but work your wardrobe around that and you should be ok.3. Refer to number #2 and lets hope not.4. I say work the hair styles with the different outfits that might help you out, although then it would be a long photo shoot since the hair has to look perfect.5. Smile Yes, I would say depending on your surrounds you want to try to pose with them. For an example if your outside I would say lean on a tree or something like that, but most likely whoever takes the photos will help you out with that. My sister in law did that for me with my Senior photos.6. Don't you remember the name of the place I bet they have a phone number or maybe cal la friend who might have made an appointment with the same place.7. Refer to number one about the relaxing part.
  11. go With 4 and you should get the following:43694Dubaiinch wormMango yeah I am in the two percent as well. However, the trick is at the name of the country because which ever number you choose will always be 4. So, as long as you don't choose Denmark you won't fall under the 98%.
  12. Also if people been paying attention there are some posts in the forum stating the fact that accepting hosting account will be suspended until the crash we had is 100% repaired. I don't know how many more account there are that have to be check before hosting accounts will be activated again.
  13. Wow I don't know Ubuntu was stable for me when I installed it of course after the 209 updates that install should make it a lot more stable then that. Besides Ubuntu is based off of Debian and so most likely most of the updates are based off any updates they made.OOh thanks haslip that is quite interesting, now I know why they have those odd version numbers
  14. I give Internet Explorer about two more years, depending on how well Internet Explorer 8 is received, and with Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 coming out in August. Everyone should get a better idea what to expect with the full release since it seems Microsoft is serious with standards this time. You all have to remember if Internet Explorer 7 didn't bomb and mess up the standards like it did, then Internet Explorer would have been gone long ago. So it is all up to Internet Explorer 8 team to see how long Internet Explorer 6 lasts.
  15. I don't feel sorry one bit, people know the laws of uploading illegal music, disgusting videos, such as someone getting blown up. Heck there are videos about computer hacking as well, but of course the funny thing is though, that when they start throwing people into jail because of this the prisons will fill up quicker then a glass of water. So the government will be to blame for the millions spent in prisons and wasting peoples time in court because the serious crimes are being put aside because a music company wants its money for someone stealing their music and blah blah.Everyone is to blame and but it is hte users fault for doing these illegal activities and of course getting caught as well.
  16. I found the movie to be good and somewhat stick with the old ways of Max Smart doing something stupid on purpose. I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel for this movie so I would check it out if you have some free time on your hands and what not.
  17. Its amazing when mother nature brings her wrath down she likes to skip houses or make your house the only damage one while everyone else is safe. Of course Helping those out who were not fortune enough should be on the list of things to do in order for them to get back on their feet. I hope you are Mich .
  18. Unlike some of the linux nuts here I have not converted, yet (rval and electriv) and so as long as XP works for me I don't think I be going to linux any time soon although I am putting in hours into it just to check it out and what not.
  19. I would like to know what internet your talking about because with the help of the internet treating people like crap has made the problem worse, because you can't get in trouble for it. The worse that will happen is that you will get banned from the site in terms of hate, but of course hacking, child porn, soliciting sex with a minor will get you arrested. The internet is more of a dictatorship then a democracy as everyone has their own rules and don't have to listen to everyone else. Of course knowing how to cover your tracks people can can upload all the hate they want and never be found, and with all the illegal downloading going on people are getting into more trouble and going to jail for it. So the internet is not about being equal its about passing information and displaying data.
  20. Its funny the two times I have tried this transformation pack, it keeps on erroring out me for some reason, that pre and post Sp3 installation as well. So odds are this transformation package doesn't work on all computers and what not.
  21. Well from my understanding you would need to set up a WIFI access point on your end, and your brother who lives a mile away would have to set up a series of routers or a mile long RJ-45 cord in order for him to connect. Since most routers got about 25-30 feet. Or he could get one of those WIFI antennae to extend the range, but either way you need a lot equipment to connect someone that far out.
  22. Yeah I saw the artcile too, it is possible to grow plant life on there, but since Mar's is to far away from the sun, plant life that needs a lot of heat to grow won't and that won't happen. Of course even with that little shocker on Mars, colonizing the planet doesn't seem that to far fetch just need to be able to heat the planet up to sustainable levels for life to exist.
  23. Its not hte matter of hating the Patriots, its the matter of them being stupid in getting caught, I know they are not the only team who has done this, but rather they are the first ones to get caught cheating. Ot be honest the SuperBowl is the game you need to win regardless how you go there and what not. Yeah I bet they felt so sick they didn't even want to talk to anyone after getting a slap in the face like that. Of course I am not obsessed in football like some people are but I am glad they did win because I like so many others were sick of them winning .
  24. Video games are a form of entertainment that all it is and to be quite honest I think if they did away with video games people would be a lot healthier as they won't be stuck inside all day playing games to the wee hours of the morning. Besides there are other forms of entertainment for people to enjoy, but the world has become dependent on this technology and so most people aree getting fatter and lazier then they were 30 years ago. Don't get me wrong I love video games but I could be better off without them sometimes besides there are no good games anymore and I don't have the time like I used to have to play them either.
  25. Like I mentioned in my first post, in order to even reach the sun those nukes would have to withstand thousands of degree's of the suns temperature, plus they would have to reach the suns core in order to blow it up. On top of that I wouldn't worry about being in complete darkness because you won't get to enjoy that because when the sun explodes, everything between the Sun and at least Jupiter will be wiped out and so not being able to see blue sky is the lease of your problem and using solar power is pretty much useless since most batteries last a few days give or take.
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