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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Good Ole trialware, yeah I stop running those CD's the moment I realize all the useless junk that is on there and of course a CD loaded with a nice liitle virus surprise if were fortunate enough to get one of those as well. Of course don't you think a computer as old as that is ready to be brought out back and put a bullet through it or used for simple tasks such as writing documents or emailing?
  2. wow I did a little googling and the dude got a nice package deal for giving up that domain. Although, in the end that was pretty stupid of them to do something like they just because it sounded like it (can't think of the word for what I just described. Anyway the domain name is one of those fine on what can be used and what won't get you in trouble, I did a google on NYPD and there is a pizza service that uses those initials.
  3. I nearly died after seeing this article after laughing so hard and they list quite a few of them but I pick my favorite ones. That one really got me going, but odds are that there is a counter law about that kind of exposure unless they do it in private somewhere. Either way I would dare someone to take that law seriously and turns a cop's hat into a potty . Just stupid but as a law biding citizen I will make sure people are not doing it , although talk about making serious money in changing light bulbs though . After all these years the Irish, English and the Scottish still hate each other, thus the reason this rule is still in effect . Only a stupid criminal would do that and think they wouldn't get busted afterwords for it. That means most of Iowa could go to jail for that one. Now is that because they are on duty or the fact this can't be done while rushing someone to a hospital, a bit confuse That means I can get away with murder, terrorism, billions in destruction, thanks Why would you want to unless you live in Washington and a guy can get freaky with anything under 40 pounds (animal wise). I hope the government is following that rule. I think haslip said he was in jail for a while .
  4. Um welcome I guess, , just make sure to read the Xisto read me, and I would suspect that you two will be heavily using the edit button, but I could be wrong. Either way welcome to Xisto and see you in the forums.
  5. I would have to agree that 29th Olympiad has become the most political and full of lies that all these medals won and records broken quickly disappear from the news when the bad stuff has happen. Personally I think the Olympics hurt China more then they realize, to many sting operations to get protesters and thrown them in jail, possible cheating with underage athletes and even I believe that those girls are underage, but only a lie detector and some scientific stuff will get the truth out on that. Thus one of many reasons I stay away from politics to much BS with no resolution in site. Of course the media doesn't help the situation either, but I would say if China were to start a war right now, I bet they could conquer half the world because of the size of their army and what not. Either way the Olympics is nothing then some athletes cheating and heck I am surprise that China hasn't accused Phelps the USA basketball Team, USA baseball and soft teams of cheating and stuff.Of course I am with the people who think Nastia Liukin got robbed, and I wouldn't be surprise if China hasn't bribed some of the judges either.
  6. As Nabb has posted and haslip reinforcing, you have more then enough for your needs, but want to send out a small caution though as there having been some minor hosting account incidents (bugs) in the last couple of weeks. However, the admin having been making sure to find them and cut them off to prevent them from happening again. So don't be to hastily in leaving for another host if you run into some problems, but if you do https://support.xisto.com/ should be the first place to go and send in a support ticket to get it fix as quickly as possible, and after that check the forums out and see if topics have been made already before posting a new one. However, since your account is brand new you shouldn't be affected to much in down time and stuff like that. either way this is a reliable host and usually when people start breaking the free hosting packages here they usually move on to paid hosting by Xisto - Web Hosting.com.
  7. There are two things that would hurt the most for an Olympian, get busted for cheating and then banned for life and getting your medal stripped from you. He took the latter and who knows how long it will before that sets in the back of his mind. Speaking of cheating 3 other athelets got busted and one of them losing a gold and silver medal, I believe, for doping and what not.
  8. **gives travstatesmen a big hug** there there. you don't have to worry about going to crappy hosting service ever again and let uncle Xisto take care of you and all your hosting needs.Wow this is got to be the weirdest post I ever made .
  9. Wow 1000 posts!! I remember when I got my 1000th, I believe it was somewhere in 2005 and 2006 that I got it, I think, now you be shooting up to 2000 in no time.
  10. I would ask if your hard up on credits but I am not to sure , besides that there is real challenge or difficulty for it at an Olympic level. Color guard is most artsy and so it would be mostly be used in opening and closing events then an actual event. It is about competition and if you heard they are getting rid of softball, and of course I doubt it is because USA is the dominate country . Of course, you don't have to convince me you just have to convince the IOC and that is no easy task.
  11. Yeah you either got them very used and someone lied to you that they were new or you got lucky and got some crappy PS2's. Thus the reason for the warranty and take it to the store and let them know that the systems are defective.
  12. Heck I was in total shocked when I first saw this article, and then when I went to the Olympics website and watch the video of both the match and medal ceremony I was stunned. Although the video didn't show him actually putting it down you know he did it from the various pictures and him walking away from the medal. Sure it was bad taste on his part for even doing that, but you would have to watch the match and know greco-roman wrestling to see if it was justified or not. I don't know the time table to make a formal protest but I doubt it is very long and I doubt it could be made up either since there would be a lot of matches that would have to be redone or push him to silver, which I doubt. Either way this single event will be talked about for days to come. Of course lets not forget about who age controversy either, I say slap a lie detector on them and that will tell the truth.
  13. I say this, if your reinstalling windows on a monthly basis you have some serious hardware issues because that is not necessary. As for a slow down issues, it is a matter of cleaning out the registry the hard way or getting a registry cleaner that works (glary utilities). Also it not just the software that causes slow downs it is the hardware as well and so replacing at the minimum, RAM, Processor, will help speed the computer up. Of course at the other end of things, replacing the hard drive and the motherboard will help increase the speed. However, I do understand that with the really old computers that a weekly to month reinstallation is necessary, either because the hardware cannot be replace or the operating systems are no longer supported.
  14. Well China is going to win the overall gold medal count because they have been pretty dominate in most of the events that have taken place so far. Such as weightlifting(shockingly), air pistol/rifle, gymnastics (not shocked), diving. Of course, USA might have won a few more golds if not for the problems in gymnastics and Australia taking our gold in swimming . I already see gold in basketball, just need to win most of the track and field events but of course I don't see that happening because I won't be surprise if those people get caught doping. Either way I believe USA will win the overall medal count up until the drug tests are done and after that China will win that as well.
  15. Well I found out why phpmyadmin been having so many problems and that it was some sort of accelerator being used for the accounts and so it was going so fast the accounts couldn't catch up and so phpmyadmin and some other various parts of the cpanel kept shutting down. So it was disable until a solution was found to get it back running again and so hopefully phpmyadmin and other affected parts of the system should be stable now.
  16. bishoujo surprise is not the word I would use since people do fall for theses Nigerian scams. The sad part usually it is the older computer users that have turned on a computer for the first time that usually fall for this scam or those money transfer scams. Its funny though, I am being told that these are getting more sophisticated and that they are not using obvious locations, but I guess they are wrong.
  17. That is why we have the Xisto - Support website because you will be able let them know quicker that something is not working correctly so it can be fixed.
  18. Not much of a history mind, a guy had a dream, paid some cash for a reseller hosting account, did some advertising here and there and the rest is history. Of course, you can read more about here. As fr the staff of volunteers well check this link out.
  19. Well the script kiddes have been getting smart on the captcha, meaning they have found ways to bypass that aspect of the sign up process and get in on the system. I would recommend upgrading to phpbb 3 to see if they were able to stop that, which I doubt since even IPB is having problems with that. I would say try out SMF, AEF to see if that will help you out in that area. Other then that the only way to really prevent most of the spam is to start IP banning through admin section of the forum, or through the cpanel of your website.
  20. Lets see I have 3 1GB flash drives and 2 250MB flash drives of which I don't use much, yet, but once the fall semester starts most likely I be using those flash drives.
  21. Yeah getting a silent graphics card is a bit tricky, although they do exist juust being able to find the right one that balances out the power and the silence is a bit tricky. I did find an article at Tom's Hardware website about some silent graphics and the technology helping to make graphics run silent. I checked out the discussion forum on this particular article at it seems that the ATI Radeon X1300 makes that balances for power and silence, but if oyur going to go with Nvidia your better off getting a fanlass card and bulk up on the fans in your computer case to keep it as cool as possible. Also I checked out this website that list a few graphics cards that run silent so I check them out and see what users say about them on either newegg or tiger direct.
  22. Heck if they lose to China later today, I will give all my credits away (not really) USA has no competition when it comes to basketball, but of tell that to the 2004 team. Of course, I know the women will win because lets face it the womens division around the world are the weakest. Of course I hope they cream Russia though because of that American who is playing for them even though she has no ties to them whatsoever.
  23. Well you can watch the Olympics on the internet, I had firefox and IE running while watching the day one events, and its funny I was watching stuff that I wouldn't normally watch like soccer and fencing. Which was crazy as heck as the women would scream every time they get or point or if their opponent scored a point on them (fencing). Of course all that peace and harmony that usually comes with the games is pretty much gone, brutal murder of tourist, the war between Russia and Georgia.
  24. I did the blur for the whole reason because the logo itself was pixelated and so I had to blur that as well and used the gaussian blur to cover that up.
  25. I suggest you see a marriage councilor ASAP solider, because if you get shipped to Iraq or Afghanistan, odds are your marriage will end with you being cheated on or she will divorce you outright. As the divorce rating and the cheating have been at high levels in the last couple of years and that statistical truth.I recommend seeing chaplain ASAP in order to get help or at least tell you who to get in contact with and what not. It is obvious that the relationship was rocky to begin with and with you in the military it will get a lot worse before it gets any better. Makes me wonder why she even agreed to the marriage to begin with because of the problems you two been having.With it being the weekend I would visit the base chapel or in fact get your battalion chaplain's number and talk to him or her. The next part is going to be difficult but you need to have the wife there as well when talking with the chaplain or nothing will get solve if your talking to the chaplain one on one.
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