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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I love good ole fights so much to watch people argue back and forth and keep beating the dead horse. Anyway I been a webmaster going on 13 years and I tell you this all these websites that are being named guess where they got there ideas from, other websites. Websites are all a beginning and besides why pay for free information or become a paid member for information you can get for free. Heck I only become aware of sitepoint after finding a link for a free Ruby on Rails book, but it doesn't make me ignorant that they don't exist. Of course that is one of the major reasons why I don't design for myself because there are no original websites anymore because someone is always copying someone else ideas and content and stuff like that. Besides if they were so good and making tons of money they be doing a lot more advertising and word of mouth type stuff.Also to correct you bsdpowa, both showcase and Website Review are pretty much the same thing, however, website showcase is for sites people have designed while website review are websites that other people have seen and come across. Either both forums are the same so it don't matter where someone puts there site to get reviewed just as long as people can comment on how a person can improve there websites.To answer anwii's question on which website is the biggest here are the resultssitepoint 343.00 pages indexDigitalPoint 806,000 pages indexWebmaster talk inconclusive has the are many different domains so I don't know which one bsdpowa is talking aboutV7N only 72,000 pages indexSo there you go those are the results of anwii's question. Now let me ask this question bsdpowa, why haven't you review these sites or post about them on the forums and let other people know. Don't you think people will have an easier time finding sites to help them out if people post about them? I think it would be important for you to make a Topic or post about these websites and provide information on what these websites are about, I would do it since I brought it up but you know a lot more about them then I.And being the coolness know as S&M, this fight is over and I think I will let the mods know to keep an eye on this topic so there would be less off topic spam in topics that shouldn't even have it to begin with.
  2. Well there is a lot more to it then just names, especially if your in the stock mark, but that is going into another direction. As for keeping the name like that I believe they will be able to mix both game crews together and of course do there own separate projects as well. Besides what change your name to something different and unrecognizable to gamers instead of doing some combination. Squaresoft and Enix went with square-enix and become a even bigger power house in the gaming industry.
  3. Aah good ole nose bleeds had they quite a lot because of dry weather, rubbing (not picking). I haven't had one in quite a few years, but sometimes I do get a bit panicky when they happen, but I quickly put my head up rush to the bathroom and shove toilet paper and wait a few minutes till it stops. Of course, my father gets them because of his blood pressure and he sometimes doesn't realize it so I tell him his nose is bleeding.
  4. A word of caution on those sitemap generators as some of them usually do something wrong and google usually pulls some errors on them. Of course, don't be suckered into paying a ton of money for them either as there are some free ones that do work. This is one of them http://www.auditmypc.com/xml-sitemap.asp, it does a great search of your website for every single link and google accepts the xml document as well.
  5. I would say you want a combination of unix, linux distro, windows would provide the best security along with firewalls for each system on top of the various network firewalls will help provide a very good level of security. Provided the users on those computer use proper passwords and do not do anything bad on the computer, your systems would be set.
  6. This movie is awesome saw it twice and I saw an article today that people believe this movie is going to hit the 400 million dollar mark with the numbers that is has produce in the last 3 weeks. Of course I haven't seen to many articles or discussions about if Heath Ledger was still alive would have made as much money because his role as the Joker. Of course, you can't really say no because of how awesome he did in this movie. My next comment is a movie related spolier
  7. Like kubi mention anything bot or spam related cannot be hosted of course IRC is not allow on the hosting period. Also most web applications comes with a form of gzip so make sure to check out the software in fantastico and of course the link haslip provided should be able to set up your own gzip for the hosting. Don't forget though that using file hosting and image hosting to help save on bw and space for your hosting account will help.
  8. Well welcome back to Xisto, make sure to bookmark the website so not to lose it again . As for the name change drop a Pm to BuffaloHELP to change your name and since it has been awhile since oyu been here reread the Xisto readme.
  9. Lets keep the I hate vista and the switch to XP posts to 0 and give actual support here. Anyway, I did a few google searches and of course it is a coming problem two of the solutions would be to install Vista SP 1 and see if that fixes the problem, if you haven't already installed it. If you have it installed I check out this Microsoft document and download the patch they provide.
  10. Yeah I heard about this through the rotten website and just wow and odds are he will be locked in a psyche ward and not an actual prison. I highly doubt he give a true reason why he did bet he will say something like the guy looked at me or something.
  11. Think Positive and remember that you are you and no one else.

  12. It is a good suggestion and all but missed a major factor, a gaming server takes a huge load and it would be big enough to keep having websites go offline. Also bandwidth is getting very expensive and you can give that much for free on a gaming server and so the closes you could get with a decent gaming server is through the Xisto - Web Hosting VPN package or something similar that has a lot of space and bw to be able to run a gaming server.
  13. I would say the first 3 seasons of both shows were good as they had idea's to work with but not it seems they are having problems trying to create new stuff. Although, South Park usually goes afters people fads and events that happen in the world but either way I just don't find it as funny anymore. Sure, I watch it but that is if there is nothing else on at the time. I give Family guy a few more seasons before it is canceled because there is no way they could last as long as the Simpsons have, which in itself is a Miracle since trying to create a new and unique story gets harder and harder each time.
  14. Its up for me, and just a reminder if something is down in cpanel send a email to Xisto - Support instead of posting it as the problem will get fix a lot quicker then posting it.
  15. Ok so your saying that if people use less ice there be more water in the world? Possibly, but very unlikely since billions of gallons are used every year to the extent that more ocean water is being used for those $25 bottle waters. I think bottled water should be stop and I tell you why, its cuts down on the waste of plastic and trash, and less water is taken from the ocean. Of course, you could say that if they shut down the soda industry there would a lot more water and that it could used in places where water barely reaches. Heck farmers need more water then we do, however, because of pollution and use of pesticides the land that is used to growing crops on is getting worse and worse and so it is a matter of priority especially for people who get the dirtiest water in the world and have to pay hundreds of dollars just to get that water.Which leads into my next point, which is the fact that these companies are not spending enough money to actually purify water. Sure they do it, but they don't do it effectively enough because town water is like the worse water in the world and people know that but chose to ignore it. It occurred to me that at least 1000 years ago I would water was at its purest and that you could literally drink it right out of the rivers, but now I can't look at river water because it is so dirty and toxic that drinking from it might kill you. Water is needed, but this profiteers are making millions on something that was free to begin with and should stay that way.
  16. Since your using a old processor I would suggest to see if you have any more thermal paste between the processor and the motherboard. If you don't, that will cause your computer to over heat rather quickly and so run down to the PC store and get some for that. If that isn't the case, then I would say it is time to get a new motherboard and processor because graphic heavy games will work the hardware past its breaking point. Also if yo uhaven't done a fresh installation of your computer I would suggest looking into that and makign sure to save all the stuff that needs to be saving before reinstalling windows.
  17. Vista x32 can handle 3.5Gbs while Vista x64 can handle 4gb. Well if you get Vista Home basic and strip it down to just a basic operating system then yeah it will run smoothly. Other then that you want at least 2 gigs to handle the vista load after you install it. If your smart I sink your money into the laptop and then build your desktop to save money if your looking for the right parts I start out with my topic that I created when I build my computer, a slight warning they may not be listed on newegg anymore.
  18. I am with anwii, go see jerry and then go seek some professional help or you two get a divorce and ruin everyone's lives because you two can't keep your hormones in check.
  19. on the bug site, but with all the different linux distro's out there I think what would we bring Microsoft down is Linux building the ultimate Linux operating system taking bits and pieces from all the major distro's and make it feature rich. I say combine Red Hat, Buntu series, Mandrake, Mint and few other big name linux flavors and just combine them together as most likley that install will be at least the size of windows XP but with a lot more stuff in it.
  20. YAH another bragging topic, well mine is in my sig block, thinking about boosting up to either 6-8 through comcast, although at $53 and $70 a month still trying to decide on that one. Of course I could go for their business plan and get myself a nice 50Mbps connection, which is quite a waste for one user and I don't think I could afford that monthly price tag either.
  21. I mean that instead of using your email account you use every day you want to set up another email account just to keep the emails separated and prevent them from going into your spam folder and getting mixed up with your other spam.
  22. I saw a few articles on this but your url is a giant keyword database as well, because odds are there will be a combination of those words in your content which will really help out in getting your website index quicker. You can say that google has pretty much rewritten the rules on search engine results because the programming they did, but some argue that google has ruin search industry because of what a person must do in order to get to the top of the search results. However, I do like the dash method because when I do research papers the urls alone tell me what I need to know and if it is usable or not when written my papers.
  23. Welcome to Xisto Accure and like haslip mention hit up the Xisto read me right quick and you will be able to enjoy this hosting quite well. We have a great gaming forums so you will be right at home in posting there and of course if you know other stuff check out the other forums. That way you can get some hosting credits and then get some hosting.
  24. Welcome to Xisto, I love it when we snag someone from another hosting website, although we been hitting the rough spots last few weeks. Xisto hosting is still the best and all you need is a little bit of patience and time to use this hosting effectively. If you haven't already check out the Xisto readme so yo uwon't get caught off guard in anything and enjoy your stay here.
  25. Well at least he was sorry, sorry for getting caught, but odds are if cheated on your once he will do it again, maybe not with the ex but with someone else. I would keep the grapevine open on his activities and see if he is hanging out with any others outside his circle of friends, of course I wouldn't be surprise if he is seeing the ex under your nose either. Just remember, he can't use the same line twice if he does it again because then he knows all he has to do is repeat it over and over again and you cave in. Either way, if the relationship got better because of this at least you know he is a one girl guy and wants to be with you and stuff .
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