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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well after doing a little money converting almost any computer or laptop in that price range will do what you want, but of course you won't see many XP computers out there without spending money downgrading to it. Of course, your better off building a computer because your get great hardware at a cheaper price. The computer I built awhile back, was about $1100 and so if you know how to build a computer or know someone who does, put your money into that and be set and if that isn't an option then any today's prebuilt computer is good for what you want it to do.
  2. Well from the article they will be testing nuclear weapon simulations and junk like that so basically instead of doing something practical with this power they are going to waste time and money on what kind of damage nuclear weapons will do.
  3. Cloud Computing: Is Midori Sour or Sweet? Well I thought I post a counter argument on this cloud computing. It is obvious the major concerns are security, downtime's, privacy and other stuff. Of course, this concept is so very early in terms of setting up the building blocks and getting it all organize to get everyone to go along with this concept. So it should be interesting what happens in the next 5 years on how this will take, especially the security and how the infrastructure of the internet will be able to handle this kind of load.
  4. I haven't had much time to design lately but I did this one up though
  5. Well it is a sad truth to the the Packer nation that Brett Favre has been traded to the New York Jets after a month long battle between this Hall a Fame QB and the Green Bay Packer staff. Everyone guess right that if these two sides couldn't come up with an game plan for Favre to stay with this team that he would be traded. Although I respect his career and what he has done for a franchise that hasn't seen greatness since Super Bowl II and of course knowing the fact that retirement doesn't take the first time I hope the Jets get cremated this season and make this is worse season ever. Then hopefully he will retire after getting beat around all season, but now we are in the Aaron Rodgers Era and I wish him the best of luck has he has a big hole to fill and the fact he hasn't played many football games in the last three seasons.
  6. I am from the land of milk, hay, and sounds of life.With the smells of butter, and home cook meals for that day.Being able to look at the sunset, and hear the sounds of a train, and that soon to come thunderstorm.I am from a land of family and friends who work day and night providing for their families. Who talk to each other during that Thanksgiving dinner of the football gamethat is about to be seen, and plans for that Christmas dayI am from the dream land where I look to the starsand wonder what is out there or where I could be.Or if I could be that guy who scores the game winning pointand hold the trophy up high.I am from the summers past in which the days wouldbe spent eating popcorn and drinking soda at a car race.Or swim in the cool, refreshing water in that very hotsummer sun.I am from the land of milk, hay, and sounds of life.
  7. This is an essay I written for a my linux class and I thought I would give my thoughts about how I compared XP with Ubuntu. copyright 2008 Michael A. No Reprinting is allowed.
  8. It is pretty much yahoo across the board as I pretty much get my news, email, movies and other stuff from there. **waits for gasps** Yes I know Xisto is not my home page thus the reason for bookmarks and what not .
  9. I am not saying that this will happen in two years, but I would say in maybe 5 years you will be hearing a lot more about this as to how this cloud computing is even done. Remember I am speculating on what or how this non windows operating system works, for all I know it would need a very basic installation disk just to connect you to the internet and stuff like that. Besides the hardware alone is going to take a few years to design because it would seem that hard drives would become obsolete or they would become online RAM or something like that. I think Vista alone and what I just said about the hard drives being obsolete would make it possible. Of course look at all the thinner laptops that are coming out, CD-ROMS are about to become obsolete in a few years now. Just have to wait and see what cloud computing is all about. If you look at the wikipedia article most of the technology is set up it is a matter of consolidating it into separate programs through an operating system or use those concepts and build them to be incorporated into that OS. Well we know they are supporting XP til 2014 and Vista and Windows 7 past that so maybe when XP is gone they will be pushing for this cloud computer's at that time. You do however, bring up a interesting question and that would be price, would it be a subscription based fee or can you just buy it and that be? Who knows, because of how unknown cloud computer technology is and how vague the term is as well. Well, we know Dell and Microsoft knows something or they wouldn't be putting their foot out like that, but as for lawsuits, I doubt it. As Dell would be designing the hardware for this technology and Microsoft designing the software for it as well. Of course, the race will be on for people to start buying the small companies who will be dealing with this. The problem is money and only the big names in the computer industry will be risking it and you bring out the next big question and that is security. I only can imagine the layers of security that will have to go into something like this and I have feeling the security suites will be done by scratch just to be able to work with those different layers.
  10. When you create your hosting account you were supposed to put in a cpanel user name and password and for security purposes it is not wise to user your forum account user name and password.
  11. 27GB will not get you anywhere these days but in order to figure out what you computer has for a hard drive, you right click on MY Computer > click properties > click the hardware tab > device drivers > then click Disk Drive and it will tell you the name of the hard drive. If it is a name brand laptop then get a hold of them and see what they recommend for it as well.
  12. I would have to say that is completely false because if someone basing your eyes on either modeling, acting or anything else that is just as messed up as judging you if you have big breasts and a tight butt and junk like that. Of course, a person can tell a lot from your eyes though such as confidence or determination stuff like that. I would say that getting eye just to change your eye color is as stupid as getting your breast enlarge by like 10 cup sizes or something like that as it is not necessary.
  13. Wow and I thought this one website was joking around that Microsoft plans to do one more Windows Operating. I don't know if Windows 7 will be the last one or not but the project goes by the code name Midori and it is based on the Cloud computing concept, which by the way Dell is trying to copyright this name for. All I know about cloud computer is that it will be internet based operating system meaning that buying CD's based software could end. Heck we are already seeing it in which yo ucan download full license software without hte use of a CD (legally). Right now Microsoft is in the talking phase of this project however, with Bill Gates leaving Microsoft in June, his legacy Windows, will go with him as the 21st century really kicks off with technology. SOURCES http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing
  14. Hmmm... I can feel your fustration on this problem since it seems to be a repeat offender for the Xisto hosting accounts, I sent in another support ticket as well and going to talk to OpaQue about this and see if he can fix it and keep it fixed.
  15. In this book you are taught the various aspects of using/coding/implementing asp based applications. This book goes into detail on how to set up and install your own ASP server on your computer, or if you already have windows based hosting then you have ASP already and you can begin building asp applications or websites. You get to learn about database management, security, and this book has a few tutorials as well for specific ASP applications as well. Also at the end you learn about all the asp properties, methods and events that make asp a great programming language. You can purchase the book here
  16. This book is very useful for beginning web designers and web developers as it helps make you a better designer and how to create stylish and effective designs that have easy website navigation and easy on the eyes. Although it doesn't go into detail about the various aspects of design, it gives you a brief idea where to begin and help a person become a better designer in each aspect of a website. You could say t his book is used to encourage you on becoming a better web designer. Which I think is pretty useful because of how difficult it can be sometimes designing a website for clients. It is worth a good read. You can purchase the book here
  17. Just like the other Visual Quickstart Guides, this book goes over the basics for Photoshop CS3, and teaches you how to use Photoshop and give you a basic understanding on how Photoshop works as well. Very easy to understand as they give these mini tutorials in each section that they cover, such as filters, brushes, layers, layer effects and gradients to name a few. This is a good book to learn the beginnings on how to use Photoshop, but once you understand the basic concepts from this book you will be able to move on to other books that go into more detail in the sections that this book covers. It also includes a companion website as well to download the images that this book uses as well. Can purchase the book here
  18. If you have read the QuickStart guide to HTML, XHTML & CSS 6th edition, the concept is the same as you will learn how to begin to code in JavaScript and in AJAX with the help of mini tutorials and also being able to download these fully functional scripts from the companion website as well. This book also includes every single JavaScript function as well in the form of a flowchart in order for a JavaScript coder to understand how to write effective JavaScript and AJAX code. Can purchase the book here
  19. HTML, XHTML & CSS then this book is a must as this book will teach you how to build basic websites and learn what each tag does and how and where to use it. When you finish this book you will have saved yourself a whole bunch of time trying to learn from tutorials and other websites as you will be able to build a fully functional website in no time. Also what is best with this book as it comes with a companion website in which you can download all the mini tutorials that this book as to offer so you can see what their examples look like and learn from how the coding is set up as well. With CSS they list ever current tag that CSS uses to help design great websites without the need to hand code each individual page as CSS is used to help globally design your website and save you many hours of work as well. This book also discusses some HTML editors that person can use, both commercially or free. Can purchase the book here
  20. Even though this book covered the basics of ActionScript 3.0, I felt that this book is above a beginner’s level in programming for ActionScript. The reason I say that is that this book guide you through building a prebuilt set of scripts. Which is all fine and dandy, but for someone who has a hard time trying to learn programming languages to be able to code from scratch. I want to be able to learn of which I attempted to do so before my computer crashed on me and lost everything. In my opinion, unless you understand ActionScript and know how to use it then this book is ok. Of course you also need the time to be able to sit down and try to understand this book, which I didn't have much of and of course I am a copy and paste type of programmer. However, if your a programmer who is able to remember beyond the basics and can grasp programming languages like ActionScript, JavaScript and even PHP then you will be able to enjoy this book and learn more effectively from it. Of course with ActionScript the core for flash and flex being able to work with these two programs will help make you a stronger developer in the web 2.0 world. I would recommend checking out ActionScript 3 Bible or any other ActionScript books by the same publisher. Can purchase this book here or at the O'Reilly website
  21. If you’re a web design both beginner and advance and have a hard time remembering all the various html tags, then this book is for you as Ian Lloyd covers every tag from html 1 to XHTML. Each tag is broken down about what is is supposed to do and gives you an example of what it looks like and what other HTML’s can be used with that tag as well. This book also provides DOCTYPES which includes the early version of html up to the current XHTML. So I highly recommend getting this book and adding it to your collection as you will never have to buy those bulky html bibles that are out there. Also if you plan on getting this book make sure that you get the Ultimate CSS Reference by Tommy Olsson & Paul O'Brien to complete your collection on every single tag that is currently used today. As for keeping up with standards, this book is current with a 2008 publishing date and so once you go through this book or want to look up a specific tag. They will mention if it is depreciated and can be done with CSS or if you can still use it. With XHTML 2 and HTML 5 still in the early stages of being accepted as the new standard in web design, you will need this book to consolidate everything until HTML 5 is covered in future books. Can purchase the book here or at the Sitepoint website. [hr=noshade] [/hr] Just like the book The Ultimate HTML Reference, this book covers to everything related to CSS and how to set them up and what each CSS tag main roll is. So if your one of those designers who hates trying to remember everything then this book is for you as well, since you can look up a CSS tag and learn how to properly set it up and of course learn what else you can do within that tag as well. As for standard CSS this book is current as it came out in 2008 so you don't have to worry about what CSS styles are still used are not use not used anymore. So if you want to keep yourself up to date on what you can do with CSS then this book is for you. Also when Internet Explorer 8 getting ready for its second alpha release, because able to design in CSS universally using browser hacks might become obsolete soon. Of course with strong knowledge of CSS1 and CSS2, CSS3 should be easy to grasp once it is accepted by all browsers at 80-100% instead of partial use of CSS3 tags. Can purchase the book here or at the Sitepoint website Notice from truefusion: Merged topics.
  22. I had gotten my latest issue of playstation magazine and happen to stumble across an interesting article about the worlds fastest computer and I have ot say that computer is fast. This computer can do a petaflop or to break it down in simpler terms it can do over a quadrillion calculations per second. Here is the kicker, hardware from the Playstation 3 system made this possible; includes 6,949 dual core AMD Opteron chips and 12,960 cell engines (heart of the PS3). As for cost I would say including $400 for a PS3 that this computer cost at least or over $10 million dollars just on those two pieces of hardwar by itself and odds are at least a few million more on the racks fans and everything else.
  23. I chime in right quick, basically you just need one page in English that mentions whats your site is about. The best way to do this is to create a page in english and provide a link in the index file of the language your buildings the site for and way you don't have to burn the index page in English and lose on on viewership and what not.
  24. Hmm its funny I had this happen to two days ago while working a clients website and odds are you somehow change the permissions on your account and so the only way to fix that would be for the admin to change the permissions on your index file and see if that works.
  25. I can agree somewhat that any new computer today could handle vista on 1gig of RAM and thats if the computer is nothing more then sending emails and surfing the net and using the built in problems to type documes or **cough** design graphics. However, coolcat makes two good points; first one being that Vista is taking half the RAM and then some already and of course that leads into point two about running multiple programs you need the RAM to cover the slow downs. Of course I will mention this that if you use the usb flash stick method for helping speed up your computer, it is not adding RAM but it will help free up some room and speed programs up.
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