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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I would have to agree as well that it is a useless program really when all ou have to do is just set it up through power management, but sometimes people don't want to go through all that hassle and so a small program like this will make their lives easier. However, if your going to be gone for a few hours you might as well turn the computer off and save some energy as well no real need to have your computer running 365 non stop if your a home user.
  2. Just like the xbox and PS3 fanboys/girls at gamefaqs, quick to bash and yet don't give a reason except that there computer don't work. Dell has great systems and you just can't please everyone, I have a Dell XPS and its gaining in years, turns 2 in August . I been able to push it to the limits to what I had to do with it; schoolwork, graphic design, website design, and installing and uninstalling many different software on it as well. I also dual-booted this machine with ubuntu and I haven't had any problems with set up yet. I have abused this computer to its breaking point, both physically and mentally (the hardware). I would say I have a another couple years on this computer, but already I am looking at getting a new computer, not now but in the near future. I paid my money's worth which I was stupid in paying when I set this up, but it was well worth that price tag, Of course with all the Dell bashing I hear about all comes from tech support; to be quite honest it is not the tech support it is the user itself because you don't know your machine and not know what it needs. Then it is hard to for the tech support to help you and trust me if your a computer genius don't act so arrogant to the tech support and talk down to them because you do not know the stresses of Help Desk support and doing this non-stop. Yeah it sucks when the person is from another country and you can barely understand them, but that is why they have chat rooms. That has been my saving grace for getting support on my computer as I don't have to press all those numbers and blah blah blah.Of course, if yo uwant ot save yourself a headache then build your computer then that way you can only blame yourself for a crappy computer and no one else.
  3. I would have to agree with rayzor on part of his post in which building your own machine and put in the best parts and you can have a great gaming machine fore half the price of a name brand computer. On the other hand, I have to disagree on the fact that you be buying the name of Alienware, yeah they are expensive but the hardware is worth the price though. However, if you build your machine you can get the same parts for better prices.
  4. Yeah we been talking offline about this and talk ot a few friends of mine about this issue and the conclusion I came up with is nothing. Hardware is fine, all the wires are connected properly, we tried disabling various programs and Aero. We tried the various patches, updates, rollbacks and all that stuff but nothing and so it leads me into another conclusion in which there is a incompatibility issue somewhere that we are missing. Hopefully when kubi puts in the new hardware together that might fix the problem.
  5. Well I am getting a lot of websites saying they have the problem and not to many solutions, but I have soem results, I think. Download this patch and see if it fixes anything, of course with Vista SP1 out I don't know if this patch was included or not.
  6. I don't know, after two years of having a wireless connection I would have to say depending on your needs it could be either or and depending on how your set up your home networks as well. Of course if you were building a home or renovating one then maybe you be able to set it up to have the whole house networked with well placed routers and network hub. With today's internet use you need a fast connection dial up and DSL just don't cut it any more, but of course if people cut down on the downloading and uploading are large amounts of data and of course cut down on watching videos then having a wireless connection will suit your needs.
  7. Well inappropriate sarcasm aside I do like the forum skin as it has some god color choices and what not. Yeah there is challange to get as popular as some of the big sites, but if you provide lots of user content and other stuff to keep visitors coming back your site will grow over time.
  8. Yeah I would recommend blowing out your computer for dust as it seems to be a heating issue, and also when was hte last time you did a reinstallation of your operating system? If it has been a few years to never I recommend doing one and also it could be time to add some thermal paste to your processor as well because that is an old computer and after years of use the thermal paste will wear out and make your processor chip even harder. Of course it could be the fact that your hardware is breaking down as well so you might be looking into replacing that as well. However, I recommend doing a reinstallation of XP and cleaning out the dust in your computer first to see if that fixes your hang time and the lag as well. Also look into replacing your RAM as well as that is one of the more common pieces of hardware that helps in the lag time of a computer.
  9. Well to be quite honest, your better off using the hosting mail client and then customize it that way and the only way to prevent spam and all that nonsense is to use captcha. Of course, when it comes to php there are ways to prevent most spam getting sent to you. I would check out this article right here about ways to block some spam, and I would check this tutorials website out to see on what you can use to better safeguard your forms. Either way I stick with yahoo, and I would create a separate email account instead of using your normal one or yahoo will be picking it up as spam and you will never no if you got email from your site or not.
  10. Yeah I would have to agree that the 8000 series graphics cards are your best choice, but in then a high end 7000 series graphics card will be just as good to run that game. Check out the graphics cards here and here. The best way to determine a good graphics cards is price, number of reviews and a higher percentage in 5 and 4. Either way 8800ct 8800GTXXX are the best graphics cards money can buy.
  11. Well a simple search and I was able to find several websites that have various methods of getting rid of deep freeze. Method #1 Method #2 (I recommend trying this one) Here is the search string that I used to find these methods. So hopefully this will help you out in solving your problem, if that doesn't work you might have to do a reinstallation of your computer ot get rid of it.
  12. I came across this browser by a fluke chance when I was checking out articles at PC World, and from what I remember from the article this is a very big name browser in Japan and they wanted to expand it to the international market. What really caught my eye is that they want to get 5% of the international market in the browser wars in the next couple of years. To give a background story to this browser, it was developed in 2005 in both English and Japanese and after 3 years it gain some popularity in the international community and so now they are trying to enter themselves into the browser wars. So I went to the website, installed the browser and begin to check it out, well I see they took a page out of internet explorer, to an extent, and that is being able to change the render engine and right now they have some problems with gecko engine running properly or at least for me I am having problems displaying it correctly. Anyways basically what they did was combine firefox and internet explorer together in terms of features, look, security and some other typical browser stuff. The default engine of course is internet explorer, but I can get past that if you can. It supports plug-ins which there are few of and some skins as well, which there are few of. However, y major concern is security since they are using a mixture of two of the biggest browsers I am curious to know what kind of security holes they opened up since it seems that they patched this browser together. Sad to say though with all these features and tons of customization, I can't really spend the time setting up this browser the way I want and the fact that firefox and internet explorer are years ahead of them. I suggest that they build their own engine and not make it gekko or IE based, something original. Also I think they should go over there features and combine them or remove some of them as there are far to many and that doesn't work for me. PC World Article Sleipnir Browser
  13. If the credit rate was like that everyone wouldn't be have to post for quite awhile or be struggling to get credits and besides that is not how the credit system works. Your credit posting rate is based on two things, the number of posts you have and what group you’re in when you’re posting as well. Like everyone else said you don't have to post as there are other ways to get hosting, but if you can't get past the posting and earning credits you will have a hard time trying to get hosting. Besides you already broke two rules already in this topic one liner spam and swearing and if you haven't got warned about that already you should and means you will have to wait even longer to get hosted.
  14. Yeah I signed up for this as well with my real name, Saint Michael and Evil Spammer . That last one I could resist, anyway, to think that part of me will be able to leave this planet is good enough, who knows maybe I opt for a cremation and then get my ashes sent into orbit. Of course now there are some delays in the actual flight to the moon so who knows it might not happen at all, but it should be interesting to know how many names have been listed so far.
  15. Well, maybe it can be updated, because there are some non English sites being hosted, just as long as one page is in English that describes in some way what the website is about then that person is fine. However, people are turned off by the prospect of setting up a multi-language website, meaning that people don't want to create a websites that is entirely in English and then set up the same website in another language.
  16. Yeah there is no way to stop the ugly looks from happening, just have to reassure her that ignoring what other people think about the relationship when they see you together. Of course to remain as unbiased as possible, who do you think is benefiting from this relationship more you or her? Yeah the age gap has plenty to do with it and I maybe jumping the gun here quite a bit, I don't think she could wait 40-50 years to date again. To be honest you have to do whats right for her and not as a couple, because if she can't get over the wierd looks because of your relationship then you will always have problems in your relationship. So I think really hard and if you plan on continuing this relationship you need to help her get over those looks, don't force her to get over it just help her get more comfortable with it.
  17. What I recommend that you do is first delete your cookies, history and other browser cache's, then do a DNS flush through commands prompt by typing in C:\>ipconfig /flushdns. then wait about 4 hours for the automatic DNS flush to happen and check to see if your site shows up. If that doesn't work contact support and ask them to see if your IP is banned because it sounds like you made several attempts at logging in and failed. Remember you need to use your cpanel username password and not your forum name and login, and no you don't get your credits back for changing your password.
  18. I beef up the processor to at least 2.0Ghz to help utilize the 3GB of RAM and I have to disagree with with the wireless N card as I been hearing to many problems on that wireless band. Also that HP is a x64 that alone will limit the software you can have installed on that computer. So your better off with the Dell, and find how much it would cost to downgrade to XP from vista as well unless you want to have a Vista laptop.
  19. Well, would you want a person to have 100 chances to figure out your password or 1000? I doubt it, besides it only takes one attempt for you to log in, but because of what happen with this database crash people were trying to log in more then 3 times. I think I did like 6-7 failed log in attempts on top of the 2 or 3 failed ftp access attempts as well. So yeah the less chances a person has to acessing your account the higher chance they won't get in successfully.
  20. I say that is a somewhat fair assessment of the browsers, but alas everyone pretty much hates Internet Explorer and with obvious reasons of course. However, most of the problems with Internet Explorer are user based and ignorance of making sure the computer is properly secured and protected., granted that in the last ten years has seen some radical changes in computer hacking and security so you can put some of the blame on the creators of the software for not staying ahead of the game and wait for the problems to show up. Nonetheless, people can't be blaming the browsers for web design flaws, everyone can blame each other for rushing all these new standards without thoroughly testing them and providing alternatives for fix the problems. Yeah there area few websites out there that provide quick fixes and patches on how to fix some problems, but again people complain about web standards and yet most don't even follow them. Internet Explorer has seen some great improvements of course with Internet Explorer 8 coming out soon, hopefully it will reclaim back some of its glory lost by firefox and Opera.
  21. For David I recommend checking out the Dell website to see what hard drives they provide for the Dell Latitude D600 as they have a lot of different hard drives to go with this computer and quite expensive as well.
  22. After you put in ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com you have to wait up to 72 hours for your website to fully integrate onto the internet. S oyou have to wait patiently for your website to show up and just to make sure I check out your website by the domain you gave and I saw this flash template is that what it should show on your domain or no?
  23. Well to be quite honest I found it rather semi-difficult and I tell you why because of 3 and 6 down. The reason I picked those chose because I was thinking IPB modfication and not moderators and don't ask me how I figure that galexc was talking about hte forum moderators because I have no clue XD. Oooh only one m, well I had your old name on gtalk so that is where my error came from . Of course I also thought it was your qwertyiscool name as well because that is your first name that you used . Well the clues you gave were pretty darn obvious, but thanks for the credits BWHAHAHAHA!!
  24. I will do you one better, here is the actual link to the banner's themselves. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/125-user-contributions/
  25. YAH I first 1000th post topic and I scored it WHOOT!!.Anyway, I have to disagree with you just a bit samlockart, Norton has pretty much the same thing all the other antivirus software have in there suites. I think they just pump more source code into the software so as to provide double security fron there software getting hacked and reversed engineered. Of course, odds are that they don't try and clean up their coding to slim it down some either and that really surprises me because of the fact the free ones are fast and do just as good. Norton is a resource hog, but people will pay the $70 for it anyway.
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