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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Welcome to Xisto, and like everyone said this is the best place to be in looking for some great hosting, and in light of the recent problems we been having shouldn't scare you away as our admins are fixing the problems as fast as they can and what not. So enjoy your stay here and do some posting and then get some free web hosting.
  2. Well at least us platfromers don't have to worry about 3 install and thus a reason why I don't buy to many PC games because of stupid like that. So all us platformers we have to worry about EA producing bad video games and I think they don't care anymore since they know we will buy the game, play it, go to every gaming forum and complain about it. Of course, if people have been paying attention EA has been spending money to get Take-Two Interactive and so far they haven't.
  3. I would recommend that you delete your browser cache, cookies and then do a DNS Flush through the command prompt by typing in ipconfig /flushdns then wait a few hours for your DNS to be cleared and restarted and then try logging in again.
  4. Pretty much when the DB crashed, odds are the cpanel passwords were reset to some other value and in order to get this you need a new password to get in. There are two ways either pay the 10 credits and get a email with your new password or get a hold of Xisto - Support and get them to send you a cpanel password.
  5. Everyone who has had Cpanel problems, your passwords have been reset somehow and so you have to get a hold of support and tell them you need a new cpanel password, also for those running DB's odds are your db usernames have disappeared as well. So you either have to restore a back up once you get into cpanel or get a hold of support to restore your complete DB.Also is anyone have DNS cache problems? Because I cannot see any Xisto websites and I waited the 4-5 hours and nothing, did a DNS flush nothing again. Any other idea's besides that little ip number patch buff mention awhile back during the server migration?
  6. Yep someone else posted this little scam on here awhile back, and if I remember correctly what I mentioned in that topic. I told the guy to select the email and click on spam because that is all that is and most likely try to get your identity and other stuff like that and ruin your life.
  7. Mr dee. they didn't know what hte problem was until last night or rather this morning, and of course OpaQue provided the answer as to what happen. To be quite honest I wouldn't really rely on the live support with Xisto matters, yeah they are support Xisto websites, but I think they are quite clueless when it comes to Xisto problems, especially after I drop so many hints that it was obvious that Xisto was down, but the guy I talk to had no idea. So comparing the server migration with the database corruption incident are completely different based on the situations themselves. We all should be lucky and Xisto didn't lose everything, because that would be a lot of data loss and many man websites gone because of that corruption, and so making sure to back up your websites daily will always help to. ALSO TO HELP THINGS MOVE FASTER, if your website is still down I suggest that -List your cpanel login domain -Your url -and the problems with the account (Current list of website problems: Databases are down, Cpanel password change, cannot display website (that's after you go through a proxy site) ) Also before you say your website is down go to http://anonymouse.org/ and then enter your site there to see if it is up. If it is up then it is a IP and so just wait a few days for the cache's to clean, and also make sure to clean out your browser caches as well.
  8. No Metal Gear Solid 4 is worth it, on my second play through and working my way up to Big Boss Extreme, so far I am on goal of beating the game under 5 hours in my second play through. Of course its taken a few days to get that with a no alert no kill play through. I got most everything just need to build up on points and of course learn the layout of the land so as to be able to at least beat this game in Big Boss Extreme and that is no easy feat either. Of course if you download the MGS data through the playstation store you get the whole history and what not. Not to keen on the online mode and I feel MGS is rather slow in online mode.
  9. Isn't really necessary to do so, it would just be duplicating what is already know and for the most part is fixed minus the db problems here and there. Also just in case someone else is running into this problem, I can't see my site through normal means, and it is being worked on at the moment, but I think my situation is a bit unique because of what happen with mine . As for wolfpack post, rvalkass pretty much answered it, hese are very large databases with lots of data and so yeah hours would be correct.
  10. I give a unofficial timeline of events now that the forums are back up and pople can log in normally. Around 5-6 PM (-5:00 GMT) There was a IPS Drive failure on the forums, about 30 minutes -to hour later the forums came back up and that is where the problems begin. The forums could not accept login in for for all active accounts before Saturday and the Xisto hosting was down in two ways: People who visited ther own site got the Cpanel splash screen, anyone visiting another Xisto was got a 404 error. Through out hte day their were many IPS Driver errors through the forums, however, like me and a few hours, we discovered we could make a new logins and see what was going on. So I was poking around just to see what was affect and came to the conclusion that every single account disappeared. So I quickly figured out that something happen to the MySQL tables so most Xisto services were completely down. So I went through the tech support and sadly they never new what was going on, because they reset my account to "try and fix the problem", which never worked. SO WHATEVER YOU DO PEOPLE, DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT CONTACT SUPPORT ABOUT YOUR DOWN WEBSITE and I tell you why. I was able to get a hold of OpaQue and was starting to re upload the back up of all the account, and this was at 0030 GMT and so it will take awhile, and as for the reason what happen, I was correct. One of the Big MySQL databases got corrupted and it pretty much had everything in it. That is as much as I know and that he has told me about this and so most likely he will make a response to what has happen. So I beg everyone to have patience and pray that you also have backups of your websites as a secondary precaution.
  11. Well out of 76 extensions 23 are not working:lol:. However, I do have a interesting problem with Firefox 3 and that is it doesn't fully close on me for some reason, I have to go into task manager to close it fully, and for some reason I keep having problems loading Xisto as well . Other then that no real other "Major" Problems myself.
  12. Welcome back Imtay and you better remember me or I will spam your PM box so much that you will go crazy from it . Either way it is always good to have old members come back and get some free hosting and maybe do some fresh perspective hosting as well.
  13. Just like the previous posters, there is no way we could understand what your going through right now and I don't want to sound harsh but your friend is more to blame on this she should have taken care of herself earlier instead of letting the cancer grow in her. Sad to say, but it could be to late for her and she should look into getting the family ready for her passing, but I could be wrong though and stranger things could happen with Chemo, but it is a long shot for her. I know you wouldn't dare leave now because of what your friend is going through, but I think the only way you can get through this is talking about it and what not. That is the only good advice I can offer to help you get through this and of course being able to support her as well and making sure your kids and her kids support each other and both of you as well.Try to hang in there and just pray for positive stuff to happen as you try to understand and deal with the tasks that are in front of you.
  14. Well your problem could a myriad of things, it could be your boot process, the computer could be over heating, Operating system could be corupted, could be lack of memory, could be viruses, could be a corrupted registry. Need more detail in order to help you with your problem. I would start with a system restore that goes as far back as possible before the freezing started and if that doesn't work do a boot to last known good configuration. I would say do a complete re-installation of your operating system to fix your problem. No disrespect, but you uncle doesn't know anything on computers if he can't find out the problem.
  15. I say RMA the hard drive and get yourself a new one, sounds like it got damage in someway, most likely some bad sectors or something. However, the hard drive maybe corrupted and so you might have to reinstall the operating system as that could be the culprit in all of this.
  16. #1 when it comes to defragging you could go a few months without doing anything with it, because if you defrag every week your not going to see any change. You would have to have your computer sit for a year without a defrag to see any change. Software I recommend besides the windows defrag program is defraggler, it is more diverse and it is free.#2 Same thing with your registry, but be warned these registry cleaning programs don't do all that much and you need to know what your doing if you manually clean the registry yourself As usual you would have to have your registry sit for awhile before you can notice any changes. However, one program I recommend is Glary Utilities, excellent registry clean among other cleaning utilities as well.#3. I would agree somewhat that you wanted to delete old and junk files and unused software, but again if yo uhave a large hard drive you can let your recycle bin get mighty full for awhile before deleting anything.#4 Well I think a few thousand people have to disagree with you on deleting hte contents from that folder, heck most sites don't even recommend and besides it doesn't do anything in performance if you delete the contents. Rather it makes your computer worse off.#5 RamDEF XT will soft that problem, but of course closing programs that your are not using or closing the processes in the Task Manager will help as well.#6-#7 Thats a given.#8 this is for those computers that are really old and that you RAM can no longer handle, however, once a year you want to reinstall your computer to give it a fresh slate and that would solve most problems. On the other hand, you could just replace certain hardware to get your machine going again.#9. Heck disable all programs that boot on the start up and it will cut off quite a few seconds in loading your computer up.#10 Just like the registry, you need to know what your doing in order to not cripple your computer to the point of a re-installation.
  17. Just like the first Iphone I won't be getting the other one, to me they are impractical and a waste of money. of course I saw an article in which htey compared the new Iphone to the old one and your paying more for the new version of the Iphone by $100, give or take. Maybe these phones make sense at a business level but for an average phone user I don't see a person using all the features that the Iphone has to offer.
  18. I think you need to check your sources again as SP3 is the last service pack that Microsoft Will be developing for the XP operating system. Although, major support will be continuing for a few more years XP is going to be stop being sold at the end of this month. Of course, the big question will be will Windows 7 fix what went wrong with Vista in a couple of years because so far Vista's track record has not been the greatest.
  19. Welcome to Xisto and yes Xisto is very reliable and with the thousands of topics to chose from, keeping up with credits shouldn't that be hard to do. Like Bluebear mention above make sure to check out the Xisto readme to get an understanding of how the forums work and how to get hosting here as well. so enjoy your stay and your posting and soon to be hosting here on Xisto.com
  20. I heard about this somewhat, however, I think a major problem is being able to make a call quickly on instant replay. If you look at the NFL instant replay it could take up to 5 minutes to make a call, and on that note how long would you think a baseball game would last for? Most games last about 3 hours and in the last few years players have been hitting out homers left and right and so these games will last even longer if every homerun or foul ball is instant replayed. I would say limit the use of instant replay and only use it on very close calls or all baseball will need is one umpire and all he will be doing is calling balls or strikes.
  21. Mikey hit the big point who created God? Religion says God has always existed, and if so then their has to be an alternate universe or dimension or maybe God came into existence seconds after the Big Bang. Of course, the real big question is how did the big bang start since there was nothing in this universe, There are so many unknowns in this universe that I don't think they will ever be answered, and if the scientist are right we got about 5 billion years to figure it out. As there will be one of two cosmic events that will happen, the sun exploding or the Andromeda-Milky Way collision; however, who is to say that a very large asteroid or comet will crash into the planet. These collisions have happen and most of us know what happen to Jupiter when a comet it at full force.Of course, I have odds that humans will destroy this world before any of those things will happen as we are a destructive species with no remorse or compassion for anything else. That is a major reason why science ad religion can't get along as there are too many opinions and arguments about who is right and who is wrong.
  22. Although I am a big believer of the theory of evolution, I don't think all questions have been answered, although we have traced human origins as far back as five million years ago. The biggest question is how did life on Earth really begin and if that question is ever answered then everything we now know could be absolutely false. OF course, most people, especially the religious nuts would bury that answer so far into the ground that they think you were crazy or something. All we can do is research, hypothesize and explore the Earth and Universe to find the origins of existence.
  23. firefox 3 has its pros and cons, some people didn't like the way the nav bar is now and how it is incorporated with the bookmarks. Of course, I think it is a lot better because now you just type a copy of words in and it auto searches the bookmarks or sites you been to. The biggest thing that everyone likes is the memory that doesn't get sucked up by Firefox and everyone likes that. Of course if your a plug in nut, you have to wait for plug ins to get updated, a good chunk of them been updated during the beta's and updates been popping up left and right since Tuesday. As for the reason you didn't get a notice through ff2 because they are two different browsers, strange as that may seem, and so you would have to had installed one of the beta's to get those updates and what not.
  24. It comes out today and yes I will be seeing it, a huge fan of the original TV series and so it should be interesting how well Steve Carell does as Maxwell Smart a role Don Adams (Voice of Inspector Gadget) excelled at. Of course, should be interesting how Dwayne "The rock" Johnson does as a supporting character and not as a lead role this time.
  25. Just wear guy boxers or briefs, why bother designer boxers for women when they are already there. As for the thongs and the ultra thing panties, guys are designing them, although there are a few women who design them. So yeah, just hit up a clothing store and try to find size close to yours, although size sero is impossible to find these days . and your set.
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