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Everything posted by brandice

  1. I've been a babysitter for years, annd before that I worked at a toy store, so I've seen a lot of the ways parents interact with their kids. I am truely of the school that there are no bad kids, just bad parents. That might be a little harsh. I think there is a delicate balancing act involved in being a good parent. Parents should be friends with their kids, yes. But if they become more of a friend than a parent the kids will learn to take advantage of that. And it also gets kind of annoying for the kids as well, when the parents want to be buddies, and it might make them want to act out.The three things kids need more than anything encouragment, consistency and a feeling of security. take out any of those things and you're headed for trouble.
  2. It's a bit of a neverending loop. It's like watching little kids fight over toys. The US has to keep their weapons to try and bully (maybe not the right word) the other countries into not having them. Then those countries say, "well, you have them. Why can't we?" "Well, we have to keep ours in case someone else has them too"
  3. gocubs80... Even though grown ups read the books, you have to remember that these are "children's books" put out by a children's book publisher. Got the RAB thing right away.
  4. oh yeah... You know, I've never thought about how he had so much money. His parents were quite young. Here's another thing- and if you are reading this thread you have to know that there may be spoilers Harry is going to wind up looking in the pensieve again. He's going to learn the real reason why dumbledore trusted snape. And why what happened at the end of book 6 happened- I believe that was planned.
  5. You have the best avatar here, wassie. So you are on my good list.It just hit me that I don't really "know" anyone here.
  6. Now that I think about it, the lady isn't insecure at all. I don't have a problem with her personally, she's sort of the "leader" if I can put it that way. The guy probably wanted to show her that he was "loyal"It's all so silly.
  7. It's good to see nice venting every once in a while! It's a little hard for me to think of things to say in forums, but there are so many topics that it makes it easy here. I've been at 3 other webhosting places that have gone away without warning and many more that were filled with ads. I really love this place, man. *group hug*
  8. Milk, It might be impossible to agree with someone who is trying to insult you, then he might think thatyou were one of those "weak" people. I agree with Damann here. This guy is so insecure about himself that he has to try and pick on people to try and impress the people he likes and to make himself feel better about himself. He's a bully. All bullies dislake themselves. The only thing that I could do to respond is laugh and tell him that this was an issue between two other people.
  9. I am sure searches would bring people to the iframe pages if you put meta tags into them. Having my site listed in my profile at boards that I visit has been the best promotion for my site so far. Pages from all of my sites are listed on almost every search engine because of those links and the ones in my signature. I wonder what would happen if I broke down and put meta tags on my pages.
  10. the strange thing about annoying loud neighbors who play music is that when you ask them to quiet down it usually has the opposite effect. With a dog though, I'm sure if you talked to them they would probably try to fix the problem. My sister saved a little dog from a shelter recently and he's been barking in the backyard at nights. None of the neighbors have complained, but I find it annoying. I try to do what I can to stop him and were trying to get him to not be so freaked out by every little noise. But what I am saying is the dog is probably bothering the owners as much as it's bothering you. Talking to them shouldn't make it worse.
  11. this thread has prompted me to check all of my old email addresses that I don't use anymore now that I have gmail. Thanks. :DI'm using 17 MB (1%) at gmail, mostly it's letters I've written to myself. There's so much space there I've decded that I would use some of it by typing journal entries to myself unstead of filling up notebooks.I'm using 0.4 mb at my old hotmail addy and 2% of my 125 MB at excite. At Go Mail, I have 3 accounts, and I am using 18%, 10%, 58% of the 6MB they offer. Tons of spam there.
  12. I switched over because I get less popup ads bothering me while using firefox.I've noticed that firefox might be a bit more strict than IE when it comes to css code. So, the EditCSS extension has really helped out.
  13. No offence to anyone in 6trh grade, but this is just so childish. Grown up people can sometimes act like little such kids. Someone I talk to sometimes said something 'mean' about some lady I don't really know. Then, one of her friends, a guy, starts going after me! Trying to get me all riled up, insulting me. It's great stick up for your friends and everything, but I have nothing to do with any of this. Some people always need some kind of drama in there lives.
  14. I've got all sorts of theories, but it would be hard they'd be hard to explain without spoiling the sixth book for people who haven't read it. There is defenitly going to have to be a lot of explaining things to wrap up what happened in the 6th book, there were a lot of loose ends. I'll say this one thing though- Nothing (or almost everything) about the big surprises are what they seem to be and a large chunk of the last book will be Harry Potter trying to deal with that- realizing that what he thinks he knows to be true isn't. And there was a reason for certain people trusting certain people. He'll (and we will!) figure all of that out.I think that the reason he has to stay with his aunt was made clear in one of the earlier books- or if it wasn't I don't think it's be to horrible to say. It's part of the old magic protection, Aunt Petunia shares the same blood as Harry's mom, so he's safe around her.
  15. It's not just that. While getting to know someone online, there are going to be things you can't know about. Like, that noise the person makes when they are eating, or the way they flip the channels on the tv, how they answer everything with a grunt. or 'superficial' things like unruly nose and back hair... Online you can't get to know the whole person, there are going to be gaps in their personality that you can't find out in a chatroom, and most likely, you are going to fill those gaps with the qualities of your fantasy person. There are also other things that are hard to get across in writing. Inflection, sarcasm, certain sorts of humor. In talking to people before I met my "e-mail order boyfriend" I always worried about how my sense of humor came across, if people knew I was joking around. Then the funniest thing happened. I started talking to this guy and he was hilarious! It was shocking to find out when I met him that he actually was not funny at all. And that whole time I was laughing at him and not with him.
  16. I met my current boyfriend at on a boat. My uncle was having a party on his yacht for some of the people that worked for him. There was a lot of drinking and noise- I was having a great time but then I noticed this one guy, He was off away from everyone, I wasn't sure if he was seasick or just one of those people that gets nervous around commotion. But i went over to see if he was okay, that was sort of "my job" as a hostess... We started talking- it turns out that he was just trying to get away from one of his more annoying co-workers by pretending to feel queasy. At least that's what he told me at the time. we've been together 6 months now.
  17. It's good to know that they are on top of any problems that come up and put up fixes for them right away. You've got to update these things as they come out, as well. If you put it off people might exploit you.
  18. mine is a variation on brandy- an alcoholic beverage. My last name has something to do with the walking in a forest. I've never looked up the meaning of my middle name, but it was a name of a lot of preppy girls at my school. So, I've always thought that my whole name translated was "drunk cheerleader in the forest." Something to be proud of. LOL
  19. I suppose I would like to do something completely different from the life I lead now, just to see what that would be like. I'd be a spy, James Bond-like, with all kinds of cool gadgets and cars and fancy clothes. But if I could have a superpower, I would definitley pick invisibility.
  20. I guess you could say that I am one of those people that posts just enough to get by. Sometimes when I come here my brain just freezes and I can't think of a single thing to respond to any of the topics. I'd guess that I spend about 5 hours a week wandering aimlessly around here.
  21. Chatting with members of the opposite sex in a non-threatening environment is good practice for when you get out there in the "real world" Making friends online is fine but when it comes to thinking there is anything more... that's when problems can happen. There are so many things that you can't know about a person from chatting with someone- Even if you talk on the phone, too. There is something about being in the same room as someone- something I learned the hard way.
  22. The dog toy thing just reminded me. My niece threw one of her toys to my dog- you throw a toy to the dog, she gets to keep it- germs, you know... It's a little taco bell dog that says "how cool is this?" when you squeeze it. My dog figured this out and loves it. She'll sit in the backyard and turn it on over and over. I don't know what the neighbors must think. It's cool though, when you say "how cool is this?" she'll run out and get that toy.
  23. I use WS_FTP... 95, I think. I know there are newer versions, but this older one is easy to use and I've never had a problem with it in all my years of making sites.
  24. I just did a quick count- we've got 36 icons on the desktop. Two of them are for Internet Explorer and we've never even used that browser.I really don't mind having so many, it's just kind of tough when they get moved around to suit the ever-changing desktop wallpaper.
  25. oh yes, the furby. I like how they made this thing that is supposed to be able to learn how to talk and do all sorts of tricks and they never thought to put a stinkin' volume control on the thing. And those eyes... those scary eyes.
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