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Everything posted by brandice

  1. Usually my sister is the sort of person that'll ham it up so everyone will feel sorry for her when she is sick. Like if you had a cold hers would be worse, if you had the flu she would tell you that she had pneumonia. But when I told her maybe she shouldn't cook, she tried to hold it all in. So she cooked and I put a little of everything on my plate, ate some of it and told her it was all good. I saved room for the pie that just came out of a box
  2. For the people not in the US, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Big feast and all that. My sister is intent on cooking up the meal alone, but she's got a nasty cold. She's been complaining, "I feel so horrible, I can hardly stand up. I'm so full of snot" (sorry) Now, I told her that if she didn't feel up to it I could do the cooking. But she said, "Oh, no thank you, I think I can handle it." Then I said, "It's really not a good idea to be cooking if you are sick." So now she's annoyed at me and saying "oh, you don't want my cooties" Well, no. I don't want her cooties. This is the one day of the year that the whole family will be sharing a meal and I really don't think it's a nice idea to know that we are all going to end up with the flu afterwards or something. If she does end up making everything, nobody is going to eat and that's extremely sad. It's a big waste of a lot of pie.
  3. Cluttered- that's true. Although I really like mmyspace, it's just kind of silly to see what people with no idea about web design or anything like that just stick a million things onto that one page. They put up videos and a song and a survey that stretches out the page all on top of a horrible background wit a font color that's unreadable.It's a bit like when I first got internet access and people had just discovered places like tripod where they'd make their own sites that were just tacky and full of blinking, animations and crazy fonts. Perhaps that sort of thing still goes on, I just don't see it over here.
  4. a little too competitive, yes, and also it would be pretty hard to have any sort of competition like that because from what I've seen many of the user websites here are completely different from one another and the content is very personal to their creator.I've been on forums before where we've had competitions on a brand new one to three page site following certain guidelines, those were pretty cool.
  5. They're here, they're everywhere at myspace, those ads where it's just a girls chest. Or sometimes I am seeing, like, the underwear region. lol. I'm not trying to be prude-y or anything. But these ads sometimes are for things that really have nothing to do with seeing girls in their underwear. Maybe it's because I am a girl, and that sort of stuff doesn't really grab my attention- but do they work? Maybe it's because it's everywhere all of the time now but I am totally desensitized to it by now. My mom will walk through sometimes and see the pictures on the screen and just laugh, "what on earth are you looking at?" "oh, I am just writing a letter to cousin so-and-so. Do you want me to say hello for you?" I was wondering though, for the boys, have you become desensitized? It just amazes me what people can get away with now. LIke I said, I'm not trying to come across at all like a prude or to go off saying all this stuff should stop and be taken off all the sites. I just find it to be an interesting change in society.
  6. Personally, I didn't really mean that anything was more important than something else. That word was in the title of the thread. "What news story affected your life the most in 2005?" might have been more correct? Maybe that's wrong too.
  7. It probably depends on where you live, and what's most important to you in your life. I live a few hundred miles from the hurricanes, and a lot of the evacuees are still in the area, so a lot of the news and focus around here is on the hurricanes.
  8. that was only an example. Much easier to calculate .5 in a theory than using the actual number whilch is probably .038 or something.
  9. Oh my! I just read this. I got up at four am (a few hours ago) and a girl at my forum told me that someone had hacked my board. paranoia and accusations ensued. it's kind of funny, actually.
  10. I've heard that at night time where I live, more than a quarter of the drivers on the road are drunk. It's best not to try to pass them when they are all swervy and stuff.
  11. As soon as I am ever able to get paid hosting I will definatly go with Xisto - Web Hosting. The packages there look awesome.I am so happy with Trap 17. After having my site unexplainably lost at 3 other free hosts that seemed to have picked up and left town overnight- where I just woke up one morning and everything was gone, not even an email to explain, it's very refreshng to have found an even better place.I've had my site up here for 14 months and it's still here! I love it! I think the longest any other place lasted was 5 months.
  12. That's a pretty cool idea. I usually write letters to myself to open in a year's time, but this is a bit different. I noticed they sent the text of the thing into my email for me to confirm. I suppose I should delete that so I'll be surprised in five years. (it was hard to decide how long I should wait)What did I write? I talked about several of my family members, and what they have been doing lately. I mentioned my dog. And I said talked about what I did this very morning. I am going to be so embarassed in the future. At least I hope so. It wouldn't be very good if I looked back and didn't think that I had changed at all.
  13. It seems the people who do this the most need to have the most reassurance for the littlest things. There's a certain age when it shoud stop, but sometimes it doesn't. I've found that happily congratulating someone right away for winning will usually know some of the wind out of their sails. It's funny though, sometimes when you are just joking, like when my sister and I are playing something dumb like connect four and we start shouting, "in your face!"
  14. If at any point you start thinking that she's got 'feelings' for you the one thing you need to remember, she has to be nice to you, she is your teacher. It's kind of like how a friend of mine is always falling in love with waitresses- they get paid to be helpful! My advice to you would be to enjoy your class and not expect for something to happen. And try not to stare too much. lol. And try to get good grades. She'll like that
  15. Abotion could be made illegal, but that won't stop them from being performed. Before Roe v Wade, woman had abortions but they were very unsafe. Sometimes the girls who didn't know who to turn to had to try and perform them on themselves.
  16. brandice

    Hosting Credits

    I've been here over a year now (my sites been up since september 2004) and I haven't had a problem with credits yet- I usually hover between 14 and 8 days by coming in only two or three times a week and hoping to make one or two really good posts a time. Like someone said, find a topic that interests you and write about that. The new "similar topics" feature that I've noticed in the past week or so is handy for that, too. Now, instead of coming in and hoping to make one good post I can sometimes make five.
  17. Black Hawk Down just seemed like blood just to have blood. I had to watch half of it at a time. Platoon is one of my favorite war movies, The Deer Hunter and Full Metal Jacket are two other good ones. Those show the bad parts of war- although they had some gnarly bloody moments they are more psychological than just showing people with their guts blown out.
  18. I've talked about it a few times before here, but I had a really bad experience with this sort of thing in the past and now I look at the whole thing with a bit of caution. The thing is, you can talk to someone and care a lot about them and like them a whole lot, but I really don't believe that you can be "in love" without meeting. There are too many variables to fill in. It's too easy to hide flaws, it's too easy to play games. But with that said...I don't think it's such a bad idea anymore, since I've realized that I can't practice what I preach and I've fallen back into the whole thing in the past few months, spending hours chatting with a new guy (I mean, a different guy, but one I've known online for several years). LOL. The bad situation happened five years ago and hopefully I can use what I learned from all that to not make the same mistakes again. Right now, I'm going very, very slowly and I am not going to fall into any traps. Plus, I am not going to look deeper into things than what they are. As with any sort of dating, if you just look at it as something fun to do instead of the end of the world- it should be okay. I hope.
  19. and here's something really important that I didn't realize, that threw me off when I took my test and made me fail. The person giving you the test is going to be jotting things down the entire time. And they aren't just marking off the things you've done wrong. They write about the good things you are doing too! So if you see that the pen is moving, don't think you've done something wrong. Pay attention and be confident. Good luck.
  20. Since baseball is biggest in America, the best people from all over the world come to play here. But I don't really know why they call it the "world series" Some guys back in 1899 or something thought it would be cool. I've heard a lot of people talking about how boring the post season was this year. I don't understand why! I love these close games and pitcher's duels, it makes for more dramatic moments. There were plenty of dramatic moments this year. Great baseball. People just like to see tons of homeruns, I guess.
  21. I would of liked PoA a little more if I hadn't read the book, they left quite a bit out. I'm really looking forward to the next one. It's going to be rated PG-13 so maybe, possibly, they will be able to make it as scary as it was in the book. The underwater part looks pretty cool as well.
  22. yeah, it's such an open place and there are so many people that you have to be aware that there is more potentail for creeps. My older sister recently found that out, she got a page there and she was happy to accept any person who wanted to be her friend. She started chatting with some dude who won't leave her alone now.The cool thing is that I found out that I've got a ton of cousins on there. It's a good way to keep in touch.
  23. There's a tutorial for hiding your whole page at mygen: http://www.mygen.co.uk/index.php?page=tutoion=profilehide I'm getting ideas now.
  24. brandice

    Men! WHY?

    dontmaimyourself, was that just a "get back in the kitchen!" post? LOLWe all go through times in our lives (and if you haven't yet, just wait, you will) when we get so frustrated that we can't express ourselves clearly and just have to end up generalizing the opposite sex as a bunch of good-for-nothing idiots out to ruin the world. Most of the time when I feel the need to vent, it all comes out as a jumble of things that only make sense to me. I hope Emma can post back and tell us what's going on.
  25. I've recently found myself writing more in my myspace weblog than the blogger one that I have on my website, just because there's a chance of more people reading the one at myspace. But I don't like the navigation in the myspace blog. With just the "newer" and "older" links there is no way of knowing how many pages it goes on.
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