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Everything posted by brandice

  1. I mostly watch children's shows, because I am a full time babysitter. I don't watch too much television otherwise.I never miss Law & Order: Criminal Intent though. And I like Without a Trace, too.
  2. Here's the latest update: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They are investigating the woman who found the finger. She has a history of suing people. How would she get the finger in the first place? I read in an article the other day (it doesn't say in the one in the link above) that the lady's aunt died recently and it could have been from her. yick!
  3. Thanks everyone. The forum isn't really connected to my site, it's an entirley new place where people from a music forum that shut down can go. Except it's all of the people who never talked about music kind of a general or misc. forum.In the last week, things picked up- "Word Association" and "what kind of pirate are you?" type threads seemed to help. Now I have a new question. How do you deal with new people coming in just to complain about the features on the board? "I don't like it here, it's not like that other place" -that kind of thing.
  4. It's to the point now where all of the major email places are giving you enough space to never run out of room. It's down to which service is the best. I'd pick gmail even if it only had 25mb of space.
  5. I've never submitted my site to google- or any other search engine, yet their robots go through my site all of the time. It's all in other sites linking to you. And the only place that I know where my site has a link is at some of the forums I go to.So if you frequent a BBS, be sure to fill out the "website" part of your profile.
  6. Something like that could scar a person for life They have to put some kind of filter on school computers.
  7. For some reason, when a celebrity is pregnant all the magazines and tv go nuts. When Madonna had a baby, it was the most important thing ever... and when she had her second one, it was like she was the first woman ever to give birth.
  8. most people will go with the one that they are used to, I think. And I am used to phpbb.I have troubles when visiting IPB sites, a lot of times when I try to view a member profile or a link to a thread I will get an error message. I wanted to try something different so I recently installed SMF. It's alright. It's nothing fancy, but it's getting the job done.
  9. The Holy Grail is a classic. It's what got me into MP in the first place waaay back when my dad would rent the video and the VCR! But I think I might like Life of Brian a little more, even if I haven't seen it quite as many times.
  10. If you are new to computers or to making websites, or new to a particular BBS, you are a "newbie" and you may ask questions that everyone already knows the answers to.
  11. I called my little sister a brat years ago. She's never forgiven me. Probably because she knows it was true I usually keep most things that I want to say about people to myself.
  12. Recently, a forum that I spend a lot of time on went down. There are a lot of rumors about when it will be coming back but nobody knows for sure. So what I did was, I made a new forum, a sort of waiting room, and I invited a few of my friends. They signed up, but they don't have much to say! I know that if there were more interesting conversations going on the word would spread and the place would be a success.What are some good topics to get people to open up and start chatting?
  13. In movies, I can handle the crazy guys chasing the people with knives or the blood and gore. But I've never been able to handle suspense. In my whole life, I've never been able to handle not knowing what was going to happen. Until I was a teenager, I could never watch an entire cop or mystery show all the way through. 15 minutes from the end they always have that scene where, you know, Rockford or whoever, is at a corner- in the dark- with his gun out, and then they cut to a commercial. I'd always have to leave the room.
  14. Two of my favorite bands ever have broken up. Mr. Bungle and Faith No More. But I don't think that they shouldn't have broken up... I think the time was up on both of them and they would have started to put out junk if they'd stayed together, maybe.
  15. I think I got my site here last October. There have only been a couple of short sql outages... and those were early on. It's been smooth sailing so far this year.
  16. I've become hooked on myspace lately, I don't really know why. I don't know how "real" it all is though... I'm still waiting on "Taco Bell" to accept me as a friend. I've found a few people that I went to high school with, that's kind of cool.I originally got my profile there to have a place to put up my joke weblog (that my real friends have now discovered and believe... ) and to put a link to my website, because you can never have enough links to your site out there.
  17. I can't say I am a bass player, but I do own basses. I sort of gave the whole thing up a few years ago. Now that my little sister has started playing guitar and printing out bass tabs for me I might have to get my case from under my bed.
  18. Welcome! How refreshing it is that the host that you've had your site at has given you some warning that they were going to close. I've lost three hosts with no warning. I've been at Trap 17 for probably 6 moths now and I have nothing to complain about. I don't think you will either.
  19. I'd have to say throwing around the terms "gay" and "retarded" for anything you don't like is more annoying and overused on the internet than crazy capitalization and mispeLlinG to be KewL.
  20. I would only go with index 1 if the right margin was straight.text-align:justify ... is that the .css for that?
  21. The only thing I like at Olive Garden is the soup, salad and breadsticks. The rest of the food isn't much better than what you can get in a lean cuisine. But it's better than Mc Donald's or KFC I like those little 99 cent sandwiches they have at KFC now (they used to have something similar many years ago called 'chicken littles')At McDonald's, I only order the happy meal. It's all about the toys.
  22. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/421-how-old-is-everybody-here-age-group/ there have been a few age polls around, this is the one with the most replies. Just as you might suspect, most of the people here are probably between 14-17, so you'll have to stay away from anything "racy"
  23. You get a lot of space with gmail, yes. And that's what lures people in. I've had mine a year and have only used 8mb without ever throwing anything away. So it's not just for sex crazed porn surfers, it's for packrats as well. Something that i don't see people talking about too much with gmail is it's ease of use. I love the ability give messages more than one label. And the text searching is pretty cool too.
  24. I can get up to about 65 wpm on a typing test. When I am typing out stories or things that are just coming from my head I can go much faster. If I am typing out code I go pretty slow though, because making a mistake there will lead to taking three times as long to figure out where I went wrong.
  25. I've been searching around for the past couple of days for a good php chatroom and I think I found one here: http://www.x7chat.com/ It's pretty simple, nothing fancy, but I think it's better than the Java chat I've been using on my site.
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