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Everything posted by brandice

  1. Right, it's not something people are supposed to talk about out in the open. But my sister got it the same way that she gets most of her cds. wink wink.I've also heard of something called Gimp- I think that's the most comparable (really) free program of the sort out there.
  2. I just thought I would bring this thread back up because I am re-reading all of the books this week to have them fresh in my mind for when the new one comes out. (I know I am a geek!)Anyway, I've got a list in my head of all of the males that came in during the second book. And I think I've got it- and it would add all kinds of great twists to the whole story. Instead of just giving away what I think, Here's a list of suspects:Kids at school:Colin CreevyJustin Finch-Fletchly (or something like that) -he was one of the kids that was petrifiedErnie Mc Millian - Justin's friend who talked trash about Harry in the library.Adults:Gilderoy LockhartLucius MalfoyCornelius Fudge:unsure:
  3. I spent a lot of time around second hand smoke growing up. Pretty much everyone in my entire family tree smoked besides me. About 7 years ago, the second hand smoke really started getting to me. I wish my mom would just quit, but she's started going outside whenever she has to smoke.Some people try to be nice about it. But then you get people like my dad, who blow smoke in your face if you cough. (I don't hang out with that guy anymore)
  4. I turn off the computer when I stopp using it and there isn't anyone behind me waiting to use it next. Between my mom, my sister and me, this thing is almost on 24 hours a day.
  5. When I was a kid, there weren't many toys that talked or had sounds. When my youngest sister was little, there were a few more but it wasn't so crazy.As all of my nieces have come along it seems that each year there are more and more toys that talk or play music. My three year old niece lives with me and every stinkin' toy has to make noise. She pushes these buttons on all of her aquapets and they talk to each other and start squeaking whenever she walks away. It doesn't even seem like there's a stuffed animal out there that doesn't start dancing and singing when you touch it's foot. It's just driving me nuts today.
  6. my dad was disgusted when i mixed chocolate ice cream and eggnog together once. It actually made an awesome shake. How can anything be bad when you mix it with ice cream? :unsure:We usually have a lot of different kinds of juice in the fridge and I like to mix everything together- like carrot, cranberry, mango, tropical fruit. It never gets boring that way.
  7. This will show my age... The first cassette I ever bought for myself was the soundtrack from the movie ET. I don't really know why I bought it. It made my life seem more dramatic as I walked around playing it on my little tape recorder.The first cassette I ever owned though, was Cheap Trick's self titled first album. I stole it from some guy who came over to visit my dad. First LP- Kiss' Destroyer. When I was 3 years old my teenaged uncle didn't want it anymore and said whoever caught it got to keep it. Cds- I won a CD player in a radio contest along with the Def Leppard catalog.
  8. I think I got webhosting before I realized I even wanted to make a website. I had a few pictures to share and I got hosting for that. Then I used frontpage for a little "about me" page- very primitive. Once I wanted to add more I started messing around with Microsoft Publisher's page maker, but once I checked out sites like webmonkey.com I realized that program added a lot of extra code into the pages. I pretty much figured out how to do HTML on my own by looking at the source code on different webpages.
  9. Thanks! This reminds me, I 'd better start to rereading them all so when the new one comes out I will have them all fresh in my mind.They're all great, and they each get more and more in detail. The fifth one was fantastic but I won't say it was my favorite because a) it was sad and Harry Potter was in a bad mood in that book. I know it all works out why in the end but it just kind of bothered me. So I am going with the fourth book.
  10. the site is currently unavalible. But I do know what you are talking about. I saw a show on television once where they showed this guy who had figured out how to make all sorts of furniture out of cardboard boxes. He made a lounge chair- I don't even think he used tape.I believe he even started a company where you can buy some cardboard and the plans for various things.
  11. brandice

    Honest Opinion

    So, to get this clear- Does the guy believe you plagerized someone else? Or is he just saying that it sounds as though someone whose first language isn't english (yes, it's stereotypical to say he's from China) wrote it? If you want my honest opinion I'd have to say that is does seem a little over-the-top adjective-wise and that might give someone the impression that it was written by someone who doesn't usually write in english.
  12. So my house isn't the only one witrh a room full of computers! I think it's important when you are young to not have a computer in your room. It's good to see parents who take an active interest in what their kids are doing and try to keep them away from the bad stuff.
  13. Rocky and Bullwinkle. Tom Slick. And of course Looney Tunes. I just love Pepe Le Pew.
  14. The first thing I would do if I got a billion dollars- or any large sum of money- is split it 5 ways. I'd share with my mom and 3 sisters. Then I would donate a lot to women's shelters and food banks.... there are so many wothwhile charities out there that I'd probably give away most of my money. I would travel. And buy an island. Yes, you can buy islands- I picked out an island with monkeys on this website a long time ago: http://www.privateislandsonline.com/index.html Some of them are less that a million dollars, even.
  15. In high school, I had this math teacher who might have been on steroids (he was huge and prone to fits of anger) anyway, he would call me Holly. Nowhere near my name. I would ignore him. The other kids in the class were pretty scared that I would do that while the veins were popping out in his head. I've had my name pronounced so many different ways. Brandeece, bran-dice (it's like bran-dis) I've been called Bernice and even Beatrice. Nickname wise, even though I don't mind that most people call me Bran, it kind of bothers me when I am bran flakes or oat bran or any other food product.
  16. That's the worst, when you can't sleep and all you can do is sort of countdown to when you are supposed to be waking up. They say that if you can't sleep, you should get out of bed and do something else for a while, just to train yourself not to worry while you are in bed. I read an article years ago about how the best way to fall asleep is to let yourself start to dream. I know that sounds crazy, and it's sort of hard to do if you have a lot on your mind. But what you do is you close your eyes and think of what you'd like to have a dream about. Let your mind go with it and don't let any other thoughts creep in there. I like to imagine something that's not too exciting, like a house- I walk from room to room and just look at everything. 90% of the time I'll get to sleep before I get to the kitchen.
  17. I watched the first three seasons, but then, it just takes too much time. It's something that you have to watch every moment of and you won't understand it if you just catch it here and there. I'd watch a 24 movie. They might have to call the movie "2" or something though.
  18. brandice

    Sponge Bob

    Joshthegreat had the best idea there. Spongebob is alright, but sometimes when you have a friend that has gone so overboard in liking something it makes it to where it's impossible for you to like. You keep thinking of how dumb it is that your friend is so crazy about it that you can't enjoy it. You know, if it wasn't Sponge Bob it would be something else, right?
  19. I'm guessing that since you are new, you've got package 1 (that gives you 20mb), right? phpbb (which takes up about 16mb) plus 1 mb worth of files would take out about 80% of that.Don't sweat it, just keep posting and upgrade to the next package. It really shouldn't take very long.
  20. I love South Park, it's absolutly brilliant how they work in a message and a meaning into nearly every episode. That's the thing that a lot of younger people don't get when they talk about the show- you hear kids going, "and then Cartman said, '@#$@#'" That's not the point- there a moral in the story. LOLI like the old school cartoons like Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry and the old Goofy sports cartoons.I was into Ren and Stimpy back in the day. And now I watch a lot of cartoon network with my niece. I'd have to say that the best of the new bunch, and the one you'd like the most if you like Ren and Stimpy is The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. They can get pretty bizarre on that show. Ed, Edd and Eddy also cracks me up, especially Rolf.
  21. People just want to interact with their friends with that sort of thing- at least they give some nice choices for their layouts.If you want to see some of the horrors of people with no experience in web design trying to customize a page, check out Myspace. The only way to make your profile look different is to go to a place somewhere off site and fill out a form, some of these people try to get so fancy and it turns out to be such a mess with the crzy fonts and backgrounds and the horrible side to side scrolling.
  22. I don't know what my brother-in-law is thinking. Has he looked in the mirror? Lately, he's decided to walk around shirtlessand it is really disgusting. He's a very large guy (probably 300lbs?) I don't think he's noticed that he gained a lot of weight while my sister was pregnant. The other night I was really hungry. My mom sister and I didn't have any food in the house besides rice for about 5 days (it's a two family house, and we don't share food, obviously) My mom had gone to the store so I made myself a sandwich and as I was walking out to the dining room, he was there without his shirt, walking in my direction. It made me gag! It took me the longest time to even think about eating.
  23. Have alexa crawl your site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. I hope there's a way for Sirius to come back. He's a great character and I have a crazy Gary Oldman crush, so I'd like to see him in more movies. LOL.If someone is going to die it wont be one of the main kids, it's probably going to be Ron's dad. That would give Ron a reason to cross over to the dark side, or something.
  25. I try to keep my mind open and listen to a lot of things. I like Queen, Soundgarden, Blur, Ben Folds 5, Anthrax, Foo Fighters. More than anything though, I am a total Mike Patton fangirl. He's been in/ is in so many bands and done so many projects- Mr. Bungle, Faith No More, Fantomas, Tomahawk, General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners. He just has a beautiful voice that he can do anything with.
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