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Everything posted by brandice

  1. I started with Tripod, (This thread has reminded me that I still have space over there) I never used their site builder. I just put up my own HTML pages. It was a good place to learn about how things were put together. But the ads drove me away. I remember they started putting some kind of weird sidebar on the pages to go along with the giant ad banner and occasional pop-up as I was leaving.
  2. I don't swear at all. It gets me strange looks in some situations, in school some people thought I was a nerd just because I wanted to be different. It's unoriginality. Kids think it's cool and they want to fit in and they don't want to take the time to actually think of using language that makes sense. I see grown-ups out of college and the drunken sex lifestyle (heehee) who swear a lot as well. Again, it just shows their lack of vocabulary skills.
  3. I happen to love baseball. Sure it's not constant action, but it has a lot of strategy. I love the little game. stealing bases, sacrifice bunts, the suicide squeeze, a straight steal of home. I like the part where people have to think. I also think a well turned double play is beautiful.You don't expect people to get up and jump up and down during a chess match, do you?
  4. It only takes ten seconds to open the closet and change the roll of toilet paper instead of leaving one square on the roll. I don't know why I always have to be the one to change it. And then, the wastebasket in the bathroom. my mom taught me to put an empty bag under the one that is open, so that when the one gets close to being full, you can just take it out and it will take two seconds to have a fresh bag. everyone here knows that. but no, they have to pile their tissues on top, I get up in the morning and see q-tips and kleenex oll over the floor. I won't get started on the dishes other than to say, stacking your dishes into a rickety tower as high as you can in the one side of the sink without taking any of the remnants of your meal off them first isn't really making my job easier. that felt good. maybe I should say it out loud now?
  5. okay. I've been in a situation before where I talked to someone online and over the phone for a year and a half and thought that they were the best person for me, passing up on guys who were around and perfectly fine because I had strong feelings for the one who was far away. There is only so much you are going to be able to know about this Texas guy without meeting him. Seeing pictures, talking on the phone, chatting and sending emails- even if you've poured out your souls- there are still bits of his personality you are not going to know about. The way he treats other people, the way he looks at you, how he flips the channels on the tv, how, when he eats it sounds like someone clipping their toenails, his overall demeanor... these are things that, since you can't know them, in your head you've made them out to be great. Sometimes I've found myself thinking about the ex-boyfriend that I had my longest relationship and most painful breakup with just around the time that I meet someone new. I've realized that maybe it's not him I am thinking about, but the thought of getting into another relationship. Going over the things that have gone wrong, wondering if that's going to happen again.
  6. this might seem like a weird question, I didn't see if it was addressed here, but have you met this guy in Texas and you're in a long distance relationship, or have you just been talking to him online and on the phone?
  7. I live in the middle of Texas. It doesn't really matter how high the gas prices are here. The gas stations have run out of gas! Scary!
  8. Well, the warning just made me think that you've got something on the site that is probably against the TOS here?
  9. brandice

    I Hate Greenday!

    green day is not really the sort of band I would listen to on my own but 15 year old sister loves them, and so I give them a chance. I can take them or leave them but I can tell you that I think the bass player is probably the most talented one in the band- whatever his name is. They've got a couple of songs with really good bass lines.
  10. whatever his desicion is, it's going to be overridden by mine.It's sad, all of my friends we're like, "oh, he'll come back to you" They don't understand that I really feel okay about him leaving. I will admit though, that the few times he's called in the last few days I have kind of brushed him off. I need to make it "final" and break up with him for good.It's sad that girls have to base their feelings on themselves on whether or not they have a boyfriend or how boys feel about them. after the first few days of shock, I actually feel relieved to be rid of him.
  11. Things had been going a little rocky for my (ex!)boyfriend Matt and I for a few weeks, he seemed to be picking fights over the tiniest things and he was getting on my nerves as well. Looking back, I can see that it was probably his cheap way of trying to get me to break up with him, since he was too chicken.About three weeks ago he comes to me with the idea of a "trial seperation" Now, I believe that "trial seperation" actually means, "I've been thinking of going out with some other girl but I know I'll go to hell or something if I cheat on you. so let's break up for a while and if it doesn't work out with her I'll come back to you."I agreed, it seemed less messy than that whole breaking up and crying in a room with the guy for hours thing. After the initial shock for a day or two I realized something. Every person has a meter, it has to do with your self esteem and self respect, everyone has this meter inside that tells you how much crap you can take from another person. A lot of people ignore this meter because they think it's better to be in a relationship than to not be. It's better to not be in a relationship than it is to be in one where all you do is try to ignore all the reasons why you shouldn't be together. So if at the end of this "trial" he comes back to me (I don't care if he stays away forever... I feel so free!) I'm just going to tell him to get lost. :)Has anyone ever actually got back together with someone after a break?
  12. hmm... I've never had a problem with my HP PC, printer or anything. Maybe it's because i didn't get the cheapest one? Someone made a thread here in the vent recently about how evil Dell was... IT's probably the same deal, you have to go up one or two notches in the line before you get something that's not going to fail on you or be a disappointment. That really stinks that they have to do that.
  13. brandice

    Which Way Is Up?

    Left and right...tricky.But you see, this is an ancient thing, the first cartographers were from the northern hemisphere and they didn't anything but to put themselves at the top and work their way out once they figured out that there were more lands.It's the short-sighted cartographers you should be angry with. And Men at Work for putting out that "land down under" song.
  14. I just automatically wake up at the same time everyday- about 6:30 am. Earlier than everyone else in the house, I like having that little bit of time to myself. I walk out of my room, turn on the computer and then go in the bathroom to brush my teeth and 'stuff' (Too much info!) then when I get out I sit down at the computer and check out my email. Most days I will go in the chatroom on my message board and talk to my favorite person on the internet. He lives in Australia, so it's night time there. We talk until he has to go to bed, which is about the time I have to get up and do chores and "real life" things.
  15. I think the last book has been written for a while now. I saw the A&E biography of J.K. Rowling and she was showing the sealed envelope that contained the final chapter of the last book. All she said about it was that it contained the information about what the people who survived went on to do with their lives. About RAB and horcruxes... the locket made an appearance in book 5 while they were cleaning out Sirius' house, they found a locket and nobody could open it. I do believe that Dumbledore had Snape kill him. But I think that he had Snape keeping him alive as well, if you remember in the very first book some of the first words that Snape said in his potions class were something about "botling fame... and putting a stopper on death" Dumbledore was dying, he was mortally injured in the battle with voldermort- his hand decaying was proof of that- but Snape was keeping him alive long enough to teach Harry as much as he could about what he needed to do in the next book.
  16. I have a pet tarantula, so I don't really have the spider fear... but I do have this weird phobia about eyes that I have made progress with. I've seen shows about desensitizing yourself from your fear. Tiny steps, leading up to not being as afraid.Like, your first step could be to go to a pet store and just look at the tarantula section. Once you are 'comfortable' you move closer, or look right at one. Go outside and look at a spider web. Tiny steps.
  17. I don't eat peanut butter very often but sometimes I just crave it. I think it's because I rarely eat meat and my body is telling me I need some protein. The only peanut butter that I really like is Laura Scudder's crunchy. My grandpa used to work at that company when I was small and he always had a huge jar of it in his fridge. I don't like any kind of jeely though, I put honey on my sandwiches.
  18. For the main section of my site, I did all of the work myself. I do have a Blogger weblog hooked into it and an SMF message board, both of which I tried to customize as much as I could to get away from the " default template" look.
  19. There are five all together here. Two are so old and slow that they are out in the garage gathering dust. There's the first one I ever had, a gateway- it's not hooked to the internet- it's sort of my mom's now. There's the one I am using, an HP something or other. And my sister just got a laptop and hooked this wireless thing to this one. (I'm so technical) I'd love to get one of those, but then I would probably never leave my room!
  20. My favorite sport to watch is baseball. I love the history and strategy in the game. But I've never been real good at playing sports. I think it comes from starting school early and being the smallest in my class. Dodgeball scarred me permenantly. As I got taller, I like badminton and track. I don't really do any sports now.
  21. looking at the question from the angle of an "old person" the younger generation always thinks that they are more intelligent! I remember at 15, 16 thinking that I knew everything that I needed to know in life. And adults would say, "when you are my age you will know that... blah blah blah" and it would just go in one ear and out the other. Now I am a grown up and I want to say things like that to kids everyday.
  22. horrible, horrible stuff. this is music that parents who only let their kids listen to children's songs and won't let their kids listen to 'regular' music to buy for their kids to make them feel like they are hip or something. I've only seen the commercials, have never heard a whole song, So I was wondering- they must edit some of these songs for content, right?
  23. It's funny, I try a little harder to get my spelling right. that extra apostrophe can make a difference in your credits. And putting a 'yo' on your 'u' can add days to your hosting!
  24. so Kati wants this guy Eric now but she's sending you pictures and flirting with you? Here's my old lady opinion. She's thinking of getting invovled with someone else, and at the same time she's thinking of you, what she did to end your relationship, trying to figure out in her head if she's good girlfriend material, you know. You showing interest in her is giving her a boost of self esteem. She might not actually be intersted in really getting back with you, it is a mind game, even if she really doesn't realize what she is doing.
  25. You should wait until you are 18, if you really want them you have time to be sure of what you really want. My older sister figured out what she wanted and waited a year to see if that was what she really wanted. You can't just go in and pick something off of the wall. You need to put thought into it. When my dad, who is what they call "sleeved" (his arms are entirely covered in tattoos from his shoulders to the wrist) got his done, they would have to go in shifts. You can only sit there for so long at a time, so I don't know how many you could get all at once. They'd work on him for about four hours at a time, once every week or two. It took 6 months! I think it all depends on what sort of tattoos you are getting, and where you are getting them on your body and how well you are going to take care of yourself if you are going to go along with that "old and saggy" arguement.
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