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Everything posted by brandice

  1. I've finally got a title for my forum, it's been going along fine for about a month now. I've put on all kinds of cool add-ons and I'm very happy with everything about it except for one little thing. The buttons. I made them yesterday and I really don't know about them. Are they as bad as I think? Nobody who actually posts there is going to tell me the truth. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. I do like the over all layout of the site, but the very light text color is much too hard to read on the white background.
  3. A few years back there was a contest at a web design BBS where people had to make the most horrible and annoying site they could. It's too bad that we could only make it a certain size because I would have loved to add a bunch of pop-up ads. Anyway, here's my (winning) entry- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Make sure you have your sound turned up loud.
  4. The most important thing is picking a topic that interests you and any friends that you plan on inviting to your site. I give that advice after I made a board about nothing I agree that Simple Machines is the best software to go with, I absolutly love it, and adding extra features is a piece of cake. Mine looks much different than Matt1eD's.
  5. My sister and brother-in-law are like that. They have tons of DVDs just so that they can have them. It looks impressive, and it's handy if I ever want to borrow one, but many of them aren't even opened. I ask my sister how a certain movie is and she tells me she's never seen it.I've got less than 10 DVDs personally. (I'll count my Law & Order: Criminal Intent, season 1 as one ) A couple of them I got as gifts- I like to stick to things that I am actually going to watch over and over.
  6. I understand about not liking when people try to convert you or trying to shove their beliefs down your throat. This horrendous thing happened to my niece a few years ago when she was 8 or 9 years old, one of those guys who goes door to door trying to convert people saw her playing outside with her friends on a Sunday and told them all that they were going to go to hell because they weren't at church. Little kids!
  7. We have a lot of icons on the desktop. LOL. There is a Green Day background that my little sister made. It's the one on the right on this page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. mine isn't slow. There have been times though, when I had ads on some of my pages that were coming from another site, that my pages were loading slow from trying to get the information from the other place. As soon as I took those off everything's been smooth sailing.
  9. They've added some new 'hip' people to the cast recently, I think. I haven't watched it this season, they change the times a lot so it's hard to find. One of my favorites was when they recreated the escape from Alcatraz and actually made it.
  10. Here's another warning about hooking up with someone you find on the internet. If things go bad, they can go bad for a lot of people. I know of this couple who met on the internet, their relationship was very public. the guy shipped this girl over and they got married. It turns out, the guy was nuts, and the girl went back to her home country without an explanation. Since then, the guy has been hacking forums and pretty much stalking anyone on the internet that he thinks may have had any contact with this girl. He's even following my actions, I think because he thinks I know somebody who might have talked to her! You never know how crazy people really are sometimes.
  11. I was in an internet relationship several years back. This fella and I emailed each other long letters that would take hours to write every day. it seemed we talked about everything, and after a year and a half we were "in love" and we made plans to meet. We would have a vacation, travelling up and down California and the west coast.It turned out to be a disaster. We just didn't... I don't know... click? in real life. I suppose it could have been worse, he could have been a psycho and killed me or something. When we met, I realized a few things that I think would be helpful to anyone in or thinking of being in this sort of relationship.- People are only going to try and show the best side of themselves online. It's easy to hide your annoying habits and odd personality traits. There are going to be a lot of gaps in the other person's life that you don't know, and you will generally fill them up with the most positive things you can think of. What I mean is- a lot of this "person" is going to be just in your own head.-You can't really tell if someone is joking or being serious, the tone of their voice, inflection... these things are important. This guy was much funnier in my head! He'd explain episodes of the love boat and make witty comments on them. I had no idea this was serious! It's very funny now, looking back. -This one is important. When a person complains about the names that their friends and co-workers call them, and how those people treat them- take note. These people really spend time with this person and they know what they are talking about.I've got lots more. I just don't want to bore you all. I hope I got the point across, at least, that the whole thing is usually not a very good idea.
  12. my gmail, and various message boards that I post at, including my own. My cpanel here, to check my stats and stuff. I am really stuck in an internet rut right now. I used to always go to all sorts of fun places.
  13. I'm always sort of teetering around 10 hosting credits and I don't want to get to low, so I usually check in to see if there is anything that I have to contribute at least twice a day. But then sometimes, when I have a busy work schedule, I have to go a few days without coming around.
  14. My best online friends have always been Australian, and I agree there are a lot of different slang terms. Sometimes I don't realize how rude something completely clean might be taken. :lol:Also, there are difference in the gun laws, they are stricter in Australia. There's difference in what sorts of medicine that you can buy over the counter- they are stricter in America.
  15. I know carbonation is a terrible thing but I can't help my love for coca-cola. I also like milk and chocolate milk.I've just recently started drinking alcohol, and I haven't really found anything that I really, really like in that department. There was something that my sister had me try the other day, it was cinnamon flavored and pretty yummy. I can't remember the name of it though.
  16. I just typed in the phone number of one of my old school friends and it's freaky. Apparently, it is someone else's number now. It gives the name and address the number belongs to along with links to Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, and MapQuest.So you can click and see exactly where the person lives. Kind of scary!
  17. Package 1 is the same as the old package 1. Everyone with anything higher was upgraded to what used to be package 4.
  18. I like to read textbooks and biographies, mostly. My favorite book is called I Was Right On Time by Buck O'Neil. If you've seen Ken Burns' "Baseball" you know who he is. This is a very entertaining and inspirational book about a man who played in baseball's old negro leagues, a great history of a part of baseball that people don't get to see all of the time.
  19. Ed Wood- So funny... and it has Johnny Depp. :lol:Rear Window- I am a big fan of Alfred Hitchcock and this one is so suspensful! It was made, like, 50 years ago but you can see parallels with the voyeuristic-ness of today. some things never change.The Whole Wide World- With Vincent D'onofrio and Renee Zellweger. It's about a relationship between a school teacher and the writer Robert E. Howard. The saddest movie ever.
  20. I haven't seen the documentary, but from what I've read and seen over the years, I would say "just plain tool"
  21. I see a lot of people worrying about whether they can get more bandwidth than what is alloted. And it got me to wondering, how much bandwidth do other people's sites use a month? In the 6 months I've had my site at Xisto (and the years at other places) I've never used more than 90mb in a month until this month, when i put up a (low activity!) forum, and I am at 191mb right now. Nowhere near going over the 5120 limit.Does anyone ever get close? Or is this worry just wishful thinking?
  22. there's another stereotypical view on a type of music. Metal really isn't all about satan. If someone doesn't listen to a type of music they tend to lump it all together with the crazyest thing they've seen.
  23. Nooo. Don't give anyone a wedgie. If you see no hope in ever getting to know this kid and becoming friends, you are going to have to do the old "growing apart" thing. What you need to do is be busy. Get yourself a book to read, or studying to do. "Oh, I am sorry I can't hang out. I have to finish my project." Always have to be going somewhere. you know what I mean? And maybe you need to try and seek out new friends.
  24. I've been using SMF for a couple of weeks now. (You can install it through Fantastico in the cpanel) The cool thing about the forum is you can download and install hacks and mods through the package manager in the admin panel at your forum.
  25. It's much faster now that it's on google. I like how you can switch between the satellite map and the street map so quickly. I made a little collage of my life with it, houses I've lived in, schools I've gone to. Hours of fun.
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