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Everything posted by brandice

  1. I've never said LOL out loud. But when I am writing in my journal I have to keep myself from drawing little smilies. They're good on the net but not very helpful when you are trying to express yourself in print. I may look back in several years and not know what i meant by
  2. I grew up in a rock family, so I can't get away from it. I like everything from straight ahead rock to thrash. But nothing whiny. I also like some weird music that probably doesn't have a catagory. And old Motown.
  3. 1. Self centered people who think that the world revolves around them and can never talk about anything other than themselves.2. Gossip, and people who try to get me to give up info on other people.3. Being "played". When people will say something to me just to try to get a reaction out of me... this is all starting to sound like a post that should be in 'the vent'. sorry.
  4. I think what you are looking for is a Content Management System, or "CMS". There are plenty of threads here comparing the different types.
  5. I really do laugh out loud when I read something funny- even though it annoys everyone. But, like snlildude, I usually type out ha's or sometimes hee's. Sometimes when I want to be sarcastic, I'll type something like, "LMBFBOWR(etc)!!!" and nobody ever calls me on it.
  6. who doesn't love bacon?I seem to go through phases where I can one thing for a month or so and then I'll never eat it again. At the moment I am on a spinach kick.
  7. I understand what you're talking about.the teen scene and bratz dolls with the crazy makeup with the lipliner that doesn't match the lipstick. Lots of animal prints... it's kind of trashy. It's all about making money. And these dolls cost three times as much as a regular barbie. Since Barbies first came out, people worried about what kind of thoughts that her "perfect" figure would give to young girls who weren't as perfect. But her clothes never really seemed 'racy'. They were big and fluffy and pink.
  8. I think I could only hit someone out of self defense. Every once in a while I do get angry enough to want to hit someone, but the people I get mad at are really big and they could probably do some damage to me. Self preservation is the way to go.
  9. I've been a full time babysitter for many years now (almost 15. yikes!), and I think I've learned how to deal with kids that are freaking out. You would hope that the teacher's and staff at a school would know how to as well. I think bringing in the police on a 5 year old is nuts and it's going way too far. I would not send my kid to a school that would have to resort to having the police come in over a tantrum. Whatever happened to being sent to the principal's office?
  10. Yao Ming.I don't really have a good reason, just that he is so gigantic.
  11. Fun quiz. I especially liked the last question about the jellyfish. I turned around to my sister and asked her that one and she seemed a little put-off about it. LOLI scored a 65, which I guess is medium.
  12. I remember that it was really hard to think of something to say (as it still is!) I never thought of copying and pasting though. In one of my first posts, I made a silly joke about the topic before I gave my answer. I came back later in the day to find that a moderator had just ripped me apart, "you're wasting all of our time and bandwidth..." I've tried to lay off the lame puns since then. I don't remember who the mod was, but I haven't seen them around in a while.
  13. On my site, I have poetry and stories I have written. Pretty soon I am going to put up some personality quizzes. I used to get all sorts of traffic at my old site by having surveys and tests on it.
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -crazy writing stuff. I don't know how else to explain it
  15. Okay, I see what you're talking about. I am guessing that the Admin probably doesn't have that function turned on for the board.
  16. I don't know if I am really fascinated by it, but Australia. The animals there are so interesting. and for some reason, every "friend" I make on the internet seems to be from Australia.I'd also like to go to the Brazilian rain forest because tamarins are my favorite animals.
  17. I woke up this morning to chainsaws in my backyard, and some man yelling at Pedro, alluding to an odd relationship he had with his own mother...These guys got the fence down and left for the day. Now, I have this big crazy dog that doesn't do well on a leash but I've taken her out a few times and she's not cooperating with me at all here. I know she has got to do some business by now. I think she's shy.
  18. This is a handy little thing that will help you make one of those online personality quizzes like "What kind of cheese are you?" on your own webspace. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Just just need to go in with an outline of what you want to do, fill in the form and it will output the code that you need to put on your site.
  19. This is one of those guys who only responds with post in all caps, and full of swearing. I usually just ignore him, but for some reason in this thread (that I wasn't even involved in) where he was getting ripped apart, he thought he'd try to bring me into it. Maybe to take the focus off himself.It was funny though, it backfired and everyone got 10x worse towards him. My response ended up being something like, "wait, you forgot to tell everyone that I have cooties."
  20. How would you respond to this? "I know you are but what am I?" There's really no way to argue and convince someone that you aren't stupid. By the way, the person who said this is about the most annoying and dumb person you could ever come into contact with.
  21. I've watched Law & Order SVU enough to know that that's what pedophiles say, they "love children". They don't go out and thinking, "I am going to hurt someone today". They really believe there isn't anything wrong with what they are doing.so messed up.
  22. Usually I get back into that creative mood and get ideas after I've looked at other people's work (good or bad) and read tutorials. If I take my mind off of what I need to do I will get distracted with other things and never come back!
  23. I've seen Fantomas live a couple of times (and I get to see them again in a couple of weeks ) and he is amazing. He's a show all by himself. Their music has to be one of the most difficult stuff to play ever, since nothing ever repeats.
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