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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Your English skills are fine. You will not have any trouble posting here. We have seen much worse from Members who use English as their first language. I would be pleased to have you post some html/css tutorials. That would be great. Look around, post to Topics you can provide good replies to, and please read the Xisto readme file. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=help And register at the Support centre with the same email as you used for Forum Registration. https://support.xisto.com/
  2. Welcome lakster. Hope you enjoy the Xisto experience. As noted above, please follow the guidelines found at http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=help and also make sure you register here: https://support.xisto.com/ to receive your MyCents amounts for posting. Hope to see you around.
  3. An aspect of this Forum which has been lightly mentioned is the 'self-policing' which occurs here by the Members themselves voicing their opinions. This thread is an example, but a still better method is to use the Report button on Posts which YOU think are spamming posts. The Moderation team does not go scouring the Forum looking for bad guys to issue warnings to or Ban. We aren't that type of people. the Moderation Team has been selected based on their ability to deal with situations in a cool, level-headed manner. The Community as a whole has a responsibility to keep the Forum in shape, too.Having said that, yes, Ash has been noticed and although not exactly Spam by definition, many of their posts are 'light-weight' for sure, and it would be good to have them improve their posting. No doubt. On the other hand, some of our best members started out that way and the Moderation Team has been able to swing them around and shaped their direction by verbal or PM warnings only. Such is the case here. As you might also notice, the member's posting IS improving, but still has a ways to go. They are working on it, so let's be patient to see what will become of it.I should also mention that there are others around (no names, please) who might step back and review their posts to make sure they are leading by example. This Community is member-policed and will only get better by the membership maintaining the standards in place.
  4. What are you talking about when you are asking about "batch scripts" so we understand what your needs are?
  5. As noted via the shoutbox, there is an Email section in the Xisto - Support Client Service Area. Use the link below to see the Emails which have been sent to you from Billing. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. And if you need a hand with the HTML code, or the CSS, ask a question in the CSS or HTML Section of the Programming Forum here. Lots of knowledge about Web Designing around here.
  7. Please read the Xisto Readme / help information found in this link. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=help It is available from the pink nav bar above the shoutbox. Moving to another sub-forum.
  8. Actually, I should follow Opaque's advise and do a sudo rm -galexcd instead... :DIt was nothing I did (maybe) but the machine had a Partition issue this morning on start-up and would not repair it. At first, I tried to do a re-install from a Live CD, and it appeared to be working until the partition issue popped back up and failed, but a Live CD would work. The final answer was to install as an OEM. Worked first time.Just updating from the Repository now. I'll be busy all night doing updates to the system, adding back all the toys and junk. I have a backup which I will likely restore all the personal stuff from, pictures and junk, so I should be in okay shape.
  9. My computer is broken. Linux Ubuntu 8.10 has a bad disk error and it will not let me re-install the Operating System due to a Partition error.Neither can the Partitions be altered.Several attempts and various methods have failed.Any ideas?
  10. which editor are you thinking about adding? There are several. Have you been to the Joomla site to ask which ones have been ported to Joomla already? No sense in re-inventing the wheel.what editor does the Joomla currently have installed?
  11. I had a look at using this script once upon a time. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=w0CbRepJURwxswkw It deals with Soccer, but I was looking for something that worked for Hockey. As I recall, player stats were a part of the system. Might need to rip it apart and have a look at the coding.
  12. Welcome to Xisto.Hosting is great. Details on the Hosting process have been supplied, and so have the links to Help and assistance, so I am done here... see you around.Ask anything you want, and there is a Search feature, too. Enjoy, have fun.
  13. One thing you might be able to speed up your response time here on the Xisto is to go to your profile (My controls) and edit your settings ( left-hand side column, Options > Board Settings ) and answer no to viewing Avatars, signatures, and posted images.It might help by reducing the overall load when you call the pages. Having less to deliver, the response time should be faster in all Browsers. Also, increase your Cache ot temporary Internet Folder size so you have more room to collect cached images and CSS files, etc.
  14. Attached is a Screenshot of the Link List you would be seeing with a CSS2.1 or CSS3 compliant browser.Those arrows are not images, but UTF-8 symbols. a 'print' character what gets added to the URL string in the Anchor tag. No Images required, but a Standards Compliant Browser will display them based on the href in the anchor matching (or not) the defined http string in the anchor.
  15. Likely a Browser issue. This technique requires the Browser to be CSS Spec 2.1 capable. The specification for this feature is discussed here at the W3C site. Quoted from 456bereastreet dot com : I will track down another reference for the issues relating to this technique. *edit* Here is a very extensive chart of the CSS Specifications and how they apply/don't apply to IE products form IE4 to IE8 and the attributes that work/don't work. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/).aspx#intro It will give you a very good idea about the availability of Selectors and Attributes when targeting IE Browsers.
  16. Identify External Links Using Cascading Style Sheets Accessibility on the Web includes making the client aware of the links which open a new window (or tab). Here is a method to do that by simply adding one line of Cascading Style Sheet code. By adding this rule, and changing the Domain name (of course), we ask the Browser to "tag on" a symbol at the end of the link text. a[href^="http://"]:not([href*="your.domain.com"])::after {content: "\27A0";} There are many symbols available in UTF-8 and the one I have chosen for this Demonstration is not the final answer. Feel free to choose the one you want. Chose the symbol of your choice from the many symbols available in the utf-8 list. There is a link on the Demo for a full list of your choices. As a demonstration, here is a link to a page that has the rule applied to it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Enjoy.
  17. Not sure if anyone else might want this thing, but if you use Ubuntu and Skype, you might want to snag it as an Avatar. I took the Ubuntu logo and merged the Skype logo into the circle of friends. Not hard, really, once you grasp Layers and how they work. It was simply a matter of starting with the Ubuntu logo, selecting the bottom-right third and cutting it into another layer, adding a transparent layer between them and pasting the Skype logo into that. a small bit of scaling was required to increase the Skype logo, but not difficult using the GIMP. Ya gotta love the Open Source Software movement. Merge the layers down et voila! ... another talent for the toolbox. Look out Saint_Michael... I smell a Sig War coming...
  18. Thanks, sonesay... glad you like it.Any chance anyone can do a screenie in IE7 for me, please. I have heard the right side bar is escaping on the page.... and I am working on a new set of background images that will tone down the green a bit.
  19. And then there is ARMY time... Oh-Six_Hundred hours is 06:00, 6 AM, or just plain early in the morning. Actually, the Time Zone system we use was instituted by a Canadian to co-ordinate Train travel.http://www.enchantedlearning.com/nosuchfile.html
  20. The CSS for making a site centred is to add margin: 0 auto; to the containing block.And giving the div a width is required.Older browsers will need text-align: center as well. Add text-align: left; after the centring is complete.
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Comments, please. Still working on it. Going to make a modular php script to run it once the Design is nailed down. Needs a few touch-ups yet. The colour scheme on the Navbar is bothering me. I'd like to keep the colour count to around 6, but this design might be over that limit. Two columns, centred main column, right hand sidebar, they can both extend as required to match the longest column. The effect that displays on the Blockquotes and Unordered lists is a visual design feature to highlight them, so that isn't broken... Three part Header with Skip links for accessibility. Site is W3C valid and CSS valid. We'll be adding some more features before I check the 508 standards, but it should come in okay for level AA, I think. Possibly AAA. And the design willl be using a CSS file on the finished site. Including a Print CSS file. Made the top and side background images in GIMP. Might do a tutorial on that some day soon. Oh! Forgot to mention, this is for a University Professor, so the design needed to be 'tame', but not boring. Minimal Images. I'll be messing with them a bit to optimize the download sizes and such. If I can drop the total image size to around 50Kb, I'll be happy. They are around 63Kb now. Should be able to do that...
  22. Well, that would really suck to be without Email Service for a few days. what would you do with no Spam coming in to read? Sounds like the Sales people will have to wait until the DNS propagates before sending out the Newsletter UNLESS the new Hosting company could arrange for a temporary Mail Service for you. That would be the first thing I would try. It will also give you some insight as to how their Customer Service Department deals with a request. You may need to have their Sales Rep go to bat for you in order to get this special favour. This is not a major issue to them. Email Hosting is cheap, cheap, cheap. Incidently, did you get a price from Xisto - Web Hosting for your new Hosting services? They are a sister company to the Xisto operating the Paid Hosting service for the Xisto Companies. After this Account move, the first thing I would consider is seeing about a Mail service script that will 'level off' the demand on the Mail Server. Sending out 1,000 emails all at once will stress the Server and impact the service for others using the same Server and network. Check out the availability of a script that will break the Bulk mailing into smaller packages. Maybe a Crontab job that works when the Server is slower than regular business hours. Best of luck with this issue.
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