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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. It can take 12 hours (or so) to process the Domain name purchase. Once your application and payment is completed, the Registrar does a search and all the other stuff they do, then you will actually own the Domain, however, it can take up to 72 hours for the Domain name to be propagated around the web. The propagation involves making the Domain name available to the entire Interwebs so that others can find you.Once you have purchased the Domain, you will simply need to point your Domain to the Domain Name Server of the Hosting Account. A DNS would be something like ns1.computinghost.com or ns2.computinghost.com. Simply insert the DNS into your Domain DNS record. Most Domain Registrars allow you to change the records, but it does take time for the entire Interwebs to see the change.Xisto allows you to purchase the Domain from them and point it to whichever Hosting service you like it to be pointed to.
  2. Support has been notified by PM/Email.I'm sure they will handle it ASAP.Sorry about any inconvenience.
  3. When you "Add-on" a Domain name, a "sub-domain" is created on your Hosting account. It is invisible to the user. They continue to see the TLD in their Browser address.
  4. If you want each domain to lead to a different CMS and different data/html pages, then use the Add-on Domain to have each domain pointing to a different sub-domain of your Hosting account.Parking a Domain will point it to your Domain Root files.
  5. I think I like the second one better. Not sure why.And nice colours there. Blue is my favourite colour and is very professional looking.Is this coded into html yet? or photoshopped?
  6. do you have a link or an image posted somewhere? we can't see what you are talking about.
  7. But we are more fun!!!Xisto is more 'technical' in its Topics (generally) and the usual posters there are much more knowledgeable about the workings of the InterWebs and stuff. It is a good forum for programming and coding information. More so than here, but we have a few 'wizards' amongst the Xisto users, too.
  8. Submit a ticket to https://support.xisto.com/ to resolve this Hosting issue. There is nothing Mods or Admins can do about it. Support is your only solution.
  9. view source the following link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. Reseller Hosting is available and requires that you simply go to the Xisto site and select the Order page after you log-in. Use the Drop-down at the top of the Order page to select the Reseller information. Pick the one you need.
  11. Fantastico tells me that a new installation of Wordpress requires 5.6 megs of space. The Logic Plan will definitely allow enough space for that. Bandwidth will depend on the number of users, how often they visit, and which pages they view. Suffice it to say that the Logic Plan allows for quite a bit of Bandwidth. In addition, the Database needs a little space, too. The size depends on the content of your Blog, comments made, etc. It takes a good amount of Blogging to build up the DB. Again, the Logic Plan allows for adequate DB usage. As for the "managing of Domain names", *I think* you are able to "park" or "add-on" domain names to the basic Logic package. Can't recall how many. As for "sharing" the Hosting, it would be as simple as creating a new folder in your account for each of your friends to use, however, they would also need an FTP user created since they need to upload files. Alternately, you could do that for them using Cpanel. Installing software can be done via Softaculous (like Fantastico, but newer versions are available). IT WOULD NOT BE SUGGESTED THAT YOU GIVE THEM YOUR CPANEL ACCESS. The security of your account (and possibly the Server) would be in jeopardy. Summary: start with the Logic Plan and upgrade as you require more space or bandwidth.
  12. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  13. "nofollow/dofollow" would tell the Search Bots that discover your site to behave according to your wishes.NO follow would stop them from indexing the links they find on your Blog.
  14. Sorry to be the one that needs to tell you this, but it likely is not a fault of the Xisto software. What sort of connection are you using to connect to the iternet? Do you have a static IP number? If you are on a dynamic ISP, then the IPB software checks to confirm your IP. This is a security feature to avoid cross-site scripting and other forms of high-jacking.
  15. Break the process down to smaller steps, like:1. Upload script2. Crop script3. CSS for adding pictureAnd then tackle the scripts in that order. There are a ton of file uplload scripts around. The Cropping script might be harder to find, but until you try looking, you'll never know for sure.The last bit is something the Xisto Forum would be able to assist you with.Good luck.
  16. What version of Linux are you running?I am on Ubuntu 9.04 and there is a module that starts up on my machine daily (I think) that monitors the status of the Updates. But I don't think that it uses all that bandwidth.Look under System > Administration > Update ManagerYou can turn on the System Resource Manager > Resources to get a visual of the activity as you run the Update Manager to see how much bandwidth it is using.
  17. Does your Forum offer an RSS feed? There are scripts around that use the RSS feed to produce web site material. Check to see if there is a Mod for the Forum you use.
  18. I responded. Hope it goes well for you. God luck with the course and I would encourage any and all the members to assist with this short research project SM needs to complete. But as he mentions, honest answers are important.
  19. Opening post was editted to remove mention of questionable material.The Xisto does not promote, condone, or allow "hacking, cracking, non-copyrighted" materials to be promoted here.
  20. Paid versus Free hosting? Good question.The Plans and services are the same, only the manner of payment differ. When you think about it, actually, they are the same, too, really.The only difference is that my bank account doesn't go down when using MyCents to supply my hosting.Also, I think the Paid accounts might be on a different server(s) than the 'free' accounts, but I am only guessing at that. That would make sense to me, but since I can't access the Data Center. It is only a guess on my part.
  21. You may need to actually add the .htaccess file yourself. Add it to the Account root folder and the " . " is supposed to be there in the file name.For more recent versions of the Wordpress software, try using the Softaculous package. They supply version 2.7.1 of Wordpress. Find Softaculous in the Cpanel section where Fantastico is found. The two packages are similar. Both are auto-installers, but softaculous is newer and they seem to maintain more recent versioning.
  22. Posting on the Xisto Forums earns the same MyCents as posting here on the Xisto.In fact, if you use the same email address on the Xisto Forum, the MyCents accrue to the same pplace (your account), so, sure thing. Register at both and take advantage of an even larger pool of resources. Saint Michael, Galexcd, Truefusion, myself and others also post there from time to time. Good place to hang-out on a slow day at the Xisto.
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