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Everything posted by wild20

  1. Hey Maturelamb! Welcome to Xisto. Also known as, "the trap"!The mods here are really nice. I believe you will also find the array of forums quite nice and entertaining. I can see you found the introduction. I would also suggest joining the army system if you haven't. I little challenge goes a long way Well, have a good day and enjoy the hosting and posting!
  2. You guys are forgetting something though, I didn't say that christian music or rock is okay. And biscuit, no, this is not something stating I am better, or have morals. Because I don't. But you also are forgetting that the devil will seek a hold where ever he can get one. The fact that it was used to call spirits alone should make you not want to listen to it. I believe even the athiest knows what demon possession is. Let me clarify it for you. My grandfather was a pastor, he saw demon possession. The horror of it is awful. He watched people nearly get killed before they were given up. And trust me, it was only because of jesus' saving power. To put it short, people were thrown against walls, and badly hurt. Now, all I can say, is that the reason I am doing this is because I will not, sit back and watch the subtle changes happen. Would it bother you to know that this could happen to you? I know it isn't a pretty topic, but if it did happen, and I hadn't told you about it, I would feel guilt on my part because I could have warned you. If you saw someone that was about to kill themselves doing something that they didn't know was stupid, would you sit back and watch them die, for something you could have tried to prevent? Of course, you can't make them not do something, but that is their mistake. If it has the trap set in it, I would listen to it. Thats all I am saying. Better safe than sorry!
  3. That is right! I was reading a religious book about how drums have gotten into the christian churches. This guy says that the one that is dangerous is the trap set. It originated out of west Africa. It was a type of style and beat that only the modern trap can make. It is used in rock and roll, and jazz. The people there used this beat to call up the "spirit". Get this, there are some really good drummers out there that say there are to sides or voices to the drum. One is the sound, the other the voice of the "spirit" that uses the drummer to make music. One previous drummer said that by drumming or listening to this kind of drum, it ultimately ends in demon possession. Let me also tell you what the terms rock and roll, and jazz came from.Rock and Roll= have sex in the back of a car. That is right. This should be very unattractive to anyone that has any morals I know this seems a little graphic, but it has to be included. I mean, who knew?Jazz= you want to have sex with someone. What is the matter with people? Who accepted this stuff? And we let kids listen to this stuff? I would highly advise anyone who listens to rock and roll and jazz to reconsider! It isn't okay to listen to it once a week, or once a month, it is wrong. I have stopped. Think about it.
  4. I can agree with you there Manofsteel. We have all sinned. Andthe bible tells us that we have fallen short, of the glory of God. So I guess we really have no right to quetion God's ways. We should be begging for forgiveness for the sins that we created. Not asking why there is sin in this world when we were the ones who ultimately helped create it. God is much more splendid then we are. I am thankful for a loving God though, and as a final question, I would ask im how such a great God, could love such little creatures as us.
  5. I actually keep them free range and have not had a problem since now. Like I said, it is a big risk. I keep them in a coop at night that has windows with fencing on them, so they feel like they are in a jail. I also catch any animals that ENTERS the coop. But I don't always catch an animals that is not in it. The important thing to remember is, that there is always the risk of losing animals. You can minimize the risk however. Does anyone know where I can get aviary netting by the way? I need some to build a new coop. Thanks.
  6. I was mad. I mean, it had all the other chickens to choose from? Right? No, just kidding. I felt awful. I won't trap the animal because, I know, that by moving into where I am and keeping chickens, I have invaded that animals area and assumed the risk of losing them. So it is kind of a toss up. I will scare it away if I ever see it stalking one of my chickens, but won't trap or kill it. I have already taken out 5 huge rats that were living in my coop. They are gone now. Dead. But the risk will always be there. Sometimes you have to take chances.Florisjuh: Please don't do one liners on the forums. The admins can get after you for that.
  7. It was awful. I knew we had hawks, but I didn't think they could do this. It was late one afternoon, the sun was starting to set, I had just come back from town. The flock was in the field, somewhat upset. I noticed one was missing. It was my favorite.PROFILE:Breed: tophat black polishAge: Five monthesHeight: 7 inchesColor: Black body with white headOkay, this is what happened. I went to check on my chickens and found them wandering and scratching like they normally do. I went out to the field and saw a pile of feathers. That is when I realized what it was. Something had attacked one of my pullets, killed it, and ate everything but the shell. The feathers were plucked first so I concluded that it wasn't a hawk but more likely some kind of cat or dog. It wasn't a fox, because they pften leave no evidence. It may have also have been a raccoon. I was shocked. And that concludes this mystery.STATUS: Unsolved to this day!
  8. The answer was staring me in the face. And to think I gave all these dumb pathetic answers. Does anyone have a good website to go to for more mind bogglers. They are fun if they are not to hard. I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
  9. I can agree with you guys there. Our life here is dark andmiserable compared to our reward in heaven. I think at this point, I would like to ask another question without starting another topic. Would you guys feel ashamed or guilty in front of God, if you met Him right now? Or would you feel honored, innocent? I have also found out that about half of the replies are people saying they believe in God, and half that say the don't. Very interesting. Keep up the good posting.P.S. The reason I am doing this is to get info. Like a poll, about who believes in God, and to find out your guys' reaction if you did meet him. Thanks for your cooperation
  10. I use a yahoo email for signing up for anything. Then I have a seperate gmail for personal. I just want to let you guys know though, that somecompanies log your ip, and if the see you haven't put in valid information, they will contact you internet provider. So I don't do that because I don't want to lose my internet. Have you guys ever heard of anyone asking for your social security when getting hosting. I mentioned it above, but have any of you seen it? It is freaky. No one should ever ask for that. Keep it up guys
  11. I was at another topic about 100webspace and it reminded me of onformation that some webhosting sites require, and decided to start this topic. I was going to post it in real life experiences, but decided it is not really an experience, more of, what you do. So, here goes. When signing up for hosting, the hoster often asks for info like your email and such. Now, I have seen many hosting sites ask for various info. Some for just a email, and others for phone numbers. I even saw one once that asked for social security! I want to know how much info you are willing to give out to get hosting. Just a zip and email maybe, or will you be willing to give out a phone number. Thanks for your responses in advanced,-Wild20
  12. It is awful. I like gilligans island. It is wuite funny.Now I can't help that SOME of us don't know a good actor when we see one, but he was a good actor. I still watch that show now and then :)Let me know if they plan to do re-runs sometime. I haven't seen many of the shows.
  13. Again, the boggler had beaten me! :)I feel so ashamed. I like the ones where they give you so many details, and you have to find what went where or whom did what. This is a very complicated one.I also thought of a possible answer to the other riddle. Is it 15 1/2 pies? I tried to figure it out. I believe I am failing. It is driving me crazy. Reply soon!
  14. I GIVE UP! What is it? I though about maybe the answer three? I also thought maybe he sold all of them, but that doesn't really give the answer. Then I thought of a whole bunch of other ideas, but none seem plausible. Please tell.
  15. Ah ha! I found that answer to reply #13.Clive is the teacher and earns 25k.Sam is the scientist and earns 40kAnd Rob is the accountant and earns 50kThat was a fun one, does anyone have anymore? Thanks for the bogglers guys:)
  16. Here is how I look at it. A while ago I was told that I needed to start using quotes when using Bible texts. Why? It is someones else's writings. And although I am free to post about my view on them, and use them to discuss things, it doesn't give me the right to get credits from them. I didn't mean to, and I didn't get a warn on the warning system, just told to get better knowledge about how to post. So, in short, although you didn't do it on purpose, like me, by posting, you have a duty to properly post and read the TOS. So although I wouldn't say you are in the wrond completely, I will say that like me, you should have read the TOS carefully. And I am still learning. I try hard to post quality, but every once in a while, you make a mistake, that is what the friendly Mods are here for. It just happens to everyone. Keep up those "QUALITY" posts. Happy posting!
  17. Thanks brainless I actually forgot to mention that about matches, but I do cover them in wax. It is not needed if you have a water prrof container, but is a lifesaver if you only have a plastic bag, or nothing at all. Another thing I forgot to include to mention, but just now remembered, is if you are trying to attract rescuers attention:If you are trapped, don't yell umtil they are really close, it wastes tons of energy and oxygen, and it can literally cost you your life. If you are in the wilderness, you should build something that attracts the rescuers attention. One thing that is really popular among the stranded, is a fire. It works great if you have a lot of dry and wet wood. To start one, you just start a normal fire, and then pile on partially wet wood after it is going good. If it has been dry for a while and you are in the forest, dig under the moss or needles for wet or moist branches. You can also pull off living limbs too. Also, there are other things that also work well. A overturned boat, a bunch of rocks aranged to spell SOS or HELP, also work as a good way to let rescuers know you are out there. In a survival situation, it pays to be creative and use whatever you can to stay alive, and get rescued! If there are any other things I am forgeting, just mention it and I will research and dig up more info for you guys.
  18. eAfter Katrina, the Tsunami, and countless earthquakes that happen each year, I believe, now would be a good time to discuss this subject. Buffalohelp said this could be moved to tutorials too, depending on the subject and content. You guys just move it to where you see fit. Thanks! In an emergency, there are always things you wish you had, IF you would have been prepared. This is where I come in. I like being prepared for EVERYTHING. I have read countless books on all sorts of distasters. I will tell you all I have learned, and to the best of my knowledge, try to recall the bests ways to survive. I will discuss three different natural disaster and emergencies and than give some wilderness advice. Whether it is just a short hike, or camping, I always have a survival kit with the following things: Two knives, fishing line and several hooks, a magnesium block for shavings (You ignite the shavings with flint and it will burn even when wet and will start small tender), a mirror for signaling, a mini rain pancho, a solar blanket, a small first aid kit, a special cutting dveice that is a piece of wire that you pull back and forth for cutting trees and limbs, a candle, a compass, a water tight survival kit that can store extra matches, a survival kit that has a temp reading, and countless others that I store in ONE *BLEEP* pack. I believe you should always have something like this on hand. You can get all these supplies at wallmart or a sporting goods place for under forty dollars. In my backpack, I carry dried foods, enough to feed threepeople, 5 days, or 5 people three days. I also carry water filters and iodine tabs with taste removal to help in making water drinkable. I carry more knives and a saw for cutting twelve inch logs. I carry soap and rope, and special para-cord. It all halps in a survival situation. If every one had a kit like this, we would all be prepared. But this only covers what to have. Here is what to do. I will discuss what to do in a hurricane first. It seems appropriate: Before: Board up windows and doors, as well as other exits. If there is might be flooding, you should move your valuables up to the upstairs or even a attic if you can. Some place high. I was also reading that pets are not allowed at evacuation shelters, so lock them inside the house with food and water, or take them somewhere else safe. If you must stay, ride out the hurricane in a cellar, or other room with NO windows. I would also put enough food and water in this to last you and your family 3-4 days minimum. Okay, this is as much as I learned on this topic. Now to move onto the next phase, During a hurricane: Of course, you will want to stay indoors. It reallu is quite simple, things that normally wouldn't go airborn, fly in a hurricane. If the power goes out Use either candles or flashlights to light your house. NEVER use a kerosene lantern, or propane lantern or stove. These emit carbon monoxide and will kill you! Also remember there is a lot of noise during a hurricane and never go outside when the "eye" passes over. This calm can last only a few minutes and you don't want to get caught outside when the other side hits. A EARTHQUAKE: Talk about serious. I m sure not many people alive remember the huge earhquake back in the early 1900s that rocked much of California. Most people were not prepared. So I will fill you in on earthquakes. Being prepared is simple, you should have most of the things that I mentioned above in a survival pack, plus these: Water. This is important because after a earthquake, there is usually no water. You should have a five gallon jug for each person. This will last you at least 2-3 days. You should also have warm clothing because after a severe earthquake, power will be out and you will most likely not have heat. Remember to never use propane or kerosene lanterns or heaters unless they specify that it is for indoor heating. You should also have a flashlight. And if there is a gas break in your home, it would be bad if you lit a match and the whole house is gone (It probably wouldn't happen though). During: STAY CALM! As usual, take cover under a doorway or table. Stay away from glass, chimneys, and bookcases. If you are at schoolor an office building, get under a desk. And whatever you do, I would NOT suggest using an elevator. If you are outside, saty outside, but stay away from buildings. If one comes down, it WILL hurt. Same goes for stuff like power lines. After: Help others, but do not go into buildings. Some may be unstable. Check gas lines and do not light matches. Be prepared for aftershocks. If you are walking around, bring something to protect you head with. Like a suitcase, or piece of board. Again, stay away from power lines. FLOOD: Be prepared: If you have a canoe, I would keep it someplace you can use it if there is going to be a heavy rain. It will be very useful to you. Fill bags with sand or get some. Keep canned food that doesn't have to be cooked. Pick a good place on high ground to get to in case of a flood and map the route. Again, if you know it is coming, move valuables upstairs. During: It is pretty simple, don't enter the water if you don't have to and don't drive through flooded streets. Never cross a stream that is over your knees. If you are swept away in a flood, grab all the material you can find and hold on. Get to the nearest piece of land. After: When you return home, don't flip the switches! The wiring may be bad and it would be bad to be fried. Also, don't drink water unless you know it is safe to drink. That about covers it. WILDERNESS SURVIVAL: There is nothing like getting caught in the woods. I have taken multiple classes on wolderness survival because I enjoy being out in the "bush". Shelter can be a tree or a shelter that you make out of branches. If you have the supplies above, you should have no problem surviving. Keep warm and if you have matches, use them. If you have to, fish in streams for food. Fish are generally safe to eat way out there. That about does it. I know th wilderness survival was a little small, ut there is so much to knwo, it would take 5 posts. So have a great day guys. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Moving post from General Talk to Life Talk > Real Life Experiences
  19. May I ask then, why you all watch them? May I also ask as to how it really helps you in your daily lives. If a three year old can't watch it, than neither should adults. I don't know, I just think it is wrong to watch someone else being intimate. These days, sex sells. And many campanies use it against the moral teachings of America and many other countries. It makes money. So I can say that I would not be embarassed to watch TV with my parents because I know that what I watch, is clean!
  20. I know your not religious, but my prayers will be with you. I will ask that God will give you strength during your stay. I have been through surgery many time sin my life. A broken leg, a ear tube, my wisdom teeth out. And a couple more. Tell us all about it when you feel better. Good luck,-Wild20
  21. The biggest end time issues. Does anyone know? I have many concerns about the end of the world issues and problems. I have searched and read and studied. After some time, I found what may be, the TWO biggest end time issues. Spiritualism and false prophet and christs. That is right. Devil (excuse the term) worship, and people claiming to be, or have power equal to, God or Jesus. I will explain one, then the other. Spiritualism: The term is simple, but it holds a darker secret. Many people are envolved in spritualism. It is really devil worship. Many people have actually become possesed because of it. It opens your very mind to let the devil or his evil angels (demons) in. It is extremely dangerous and situations like that should be avoided at ALL costs. The fight between God and satan goes way back to a war that broke out in heaven because lucifer or satan, thought he was as good as God. From there, he took one third of the angels with him. That means there are plenty of evil angels to go around. There is one very big problem with the devil and his angels. They can come as a dead relative. It tricks many people. They come saying something like, I am in heaven. Everything is fine and dander and return later maybe claiming to have a message from God. It is not so, and they will lead many astray. I am not trying to scare anyone. Christians, calling on Jesus' name, can make them leave. But the main point is the fact that it will lead many people into believing that there is a relative that is dead and now alive again and bringing them messages from God. Luckily though, we have some instructions in the bible. It says in Right there, proof. The dead know nothing. But, you might say, "well, what if they are mindless spirits?" Nope, I got anoth text to back it up. So there is no way possible for a dead relative to visit you if he/she is dead until the second coming of Christ. The texts are key because they are vital to the statement that there is NO life after death. The first of the issues in the end time is taken care of. False prophets/christs: The subject is a broad one. A false prophet is known simply as a deciever that leads people astray with false teachings. A false christ is the same thing pretty much, but instead, they claim to be in place of, or equal to, God. There are texts in the bible warning of us false prophets and christs. The teachings they will teach will be so believable, that it could even decieve the very elect. There is almost nothing else besides these two subjects that is going to be as important. God gave us instructions. I have had many debates in my short life so far. Many more will come and go. Discussions will come and go. But two subjects will always stand out. One reflects on the spiritualistic nature of the battle, the other physical. they stand out as the two most important topics of the end time. God bless all,-Wild20 Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited to enter QUOTE tags. Even the Bible verses have to be quoted since YOU are not the author. Remember if you did not write it and it already exists AND when in doubt ALWAYS USE quote tags!!!
  22. You guys got it exactly right,and it sounds like most of you care a little more about the earth than most people do. And I don't recall a twister in Los Angeles. However, it may just happen, the day after tommorow
  23. Ummm, lets start with UFO's. The main problem I see with this, is that we had UFO technology back in the 40s. Hitler, believe it or not, had plans for some and also was using round balls about 2 feet across to distract pilots. They looks like glass with fire in them. Maybe the glowing lights people see? The second, is that people working in area 51, said that the government was making UFO technology. If they are real, great, they are curious as to how we got he too and want to know what we are doing. But right now, I say no. I believe the government is making spy or attack technology using spacecraft like ships. I mean, think about it. They would never be detected if they needed to go in and get rid of someone. They go in, blow something up, and leave, and no one can blame a country. They can just say, UFOs did it.Now, ghosts are a different matter. For a Christian, we need not fear ghosts, they don't exist. Many sightings are probably the devil or one of his sidekicks (evil angels) trying to scare someone who isn't quite sure of his faith. Same with dead people coming and visiting relatives. The bible makes it clear by stating that the dead know nothing; and they cannot return, that once you are dead, there is no coming back AT ALL until Christ returns. Now we move on to the subject of aliens. It is a really touchy subject because people swear that they have been taken by one. Really?! Well maube they can explain what they were drinking or what drugs they were taking. After all, drugs cause people to go lopy and lose sense of their brain. So the way I feel about it, we should do a study and find what is in their body at the time of "kidnapping".
  24. Thanks elevenmil. I however do have a solution to this problem. If we cut gas out of the world economy, we would, with out a doubt, save this planet. The change would be massive, nothing like we have ever seen before, we would have to construct solar, natural gas, and hydrogen cell cars faster than we make gas ones. We would have to construct more mines for natural gas, build wind mills to harness electricity, and change our very life style. But it could be done within a matter of 20 years. But as you said, the problem lies with the people. It is now going to be the younger population that will have to start dealing with it. They will have to watch animals disappear of the face of the earth, watch as weather takes dramatic changes, and deal with it. Yes, we are making a big mistake, here. I am an extreme conservationist. I realize that the future of tommorow, isn't looking up.
  25. I was told it was okay to post this topic here. So I am going to tell you guys some stuff about the weather . I was looking at the predicted weather for this winter here in the U.S., and found that it is supposed to be colder and harder than normal. It means more snow. I believe this is from a little problem called global warming. As the ozone is depleted and destroyed from the CFC's containing carbon dioxide (which, by the way, destroy ozone at a ratio 1:100,000), the sun's rays are allowed to come in more, this, in turn creates a warmer climate as well as creating more temp extremes. The cherry blossoms at Washington D.C. now bloom 7 days earlier from it. Scientists now believe we may plunge ourselves into a ice age or permanently damage the envirionment if we don't stop soon. Just some thoughts.
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