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Everything posted by wild20

  1. Nice but when it comes down, you can't see the top letters and words. Maybe move it so it pop down, down a little more? Just a suggestion sincew I can't really read the top line. But it looks nice and I will have to try that out. I know very little PHP and this will help me a lot when designing. I bet you could even change the color of the words to match the template.
  2. Icemarle, that is the point I was trying to make. Your clrifying opinion was greatly needed. Thank you. HoRuS: You are saying that we go to heaven instantly? Let me first ask for evidence. Because you need it to back your claim. Here is mine: Now it doesn't sound to me like you are instantly transported to heaven after you die. No, you remain in the ground. When the unjust and sinful die, they stay in the ground. A right and godly person does otherwise? No! Here is proof. And there you have it. We will rise first. When? When Jesus comes AGAIN. No this is not the Rapture, which doesn't exist anyway. and no this is not that instant thing we talked about earlier, this is down to earth, where the rubber hits the road, Christ coming again. Check it out for yourself. Now of this second coming. You say that he is already here. Are you denying a second coming? Because if that was so, then Revelation is nothing but a hoax. which it isn't, since the Bible says that the Word of God is valuable and worthy to be used for reproof, and for teaching all people. Now ytour evidence:....
  3. Yeah tried it, but it said I have to be put on a waiting list I wish there was some way I could try it now, but I have to wait Can you give out invites to it or something That would be nicew. But then again, the service would be flooded with people in no time.I think it will be a good service at min. Google always out does itself. It won't be the best, but still good. No other free service offer templates. And we all know that. I think it will be good.
  4. My first computer? It was a Windows 95 Toshiba that came out in the early 90's. Just kept updating the program. I just got a new one though. Just yesterday. After that laptop, I moved onto a windows 98 system. It was a gateway gotten in 96. So as you can imagine, I am quite happy with the new purchase I made usterday. A dell with 80GB and 512 Ram. All the new features. finally back in style after so many years
  5. I can't resist free books either Earth's Daughter. But why go to a library when you can read them online. I just don't like the fact that you can't red it all at once. So I have this here idea see? Why not take the book and lay it all out in one page, and then have a menu bar that floats along side so you can go to various chapters. It would take an adnvanced Javascript code to link to all the chapters in the page to jump to, but you would always have the menu with you. Anyway, only so much for free. I wouldn't go to a library now. Just need a way to extract it all. I wonder if I could put all the pages into a java or iframe and save it to a disk. If I succeed I will have to write a tutorial. sorry for the second post guys, just an update on thoughts and talking about your responses.
  6. I would put, because I want to contribute, but that isn't the real reason. It is only part. I want the free hosting, and the great hosting is worth the posting So yeah, mainly because of the hosting. But the forum is friendly too, which makes it better I come to chat and stuff too. That is why I come.
  7. HoRuS: You misunderstood me. I mean there is no instant life after death. That life comes again when Jesus once again returns. Not before. Yes we fight over religion. I believe it is wrong and that any religion taht fights, is wrong. It says in the Bible that we should not kill. That isn't a suggestion, it is a command. If we relied on God to take care of us, then we would be safe. In the bible, people only fought if directly commanded by God.ongnoai:A good way to take things. So let us discuss the first couple of items of discussion. Why do you believe in the fact that dead relatives stay in a place you can pray them out of, or is that a old belief. And why do you say that after you die, you go straight to heaven? The Bible says both in Job, in Psalms, and in Revelation, that you stay in the ground untill Christ comes. It says the dead in Christ shall rise first. Rise? That means they were dead for a time. And this is after Jesus is already coming, showing that these poeple have been dead until Christ is coming on the cloud. See a problem with taht theory? I look at truth here, and just find a lot of problems with your theories that have little or no biblical backing.
  8. Oh yeah. Hoax is stamped all over it. Stamped with spam left, right, up, and down. Just delete it. It is an easy way to get traffic. A lot of people will click. Maybe there is also a Trojan or Malware too. I would stay away from it and contact Gmail and google right away. they need to delete this email right away. If I owned google, I would weed out these emails. Make it so that email address like noreply and admin couldn't be created.
  9. Nice! I love it. I am reading several right now. I wonder if this is legal and if the writers said Google could do this? It truely is awesome. Probably a good thing. Now you can read a book from anywhere. want some problems though?You can't read or print out the whole book or save it to disk. Meaning you have to stay conected the whole time. Which is a pain. It would be nice if you could have the option to download it. but then that would be giving them away for free and you could get into legal trouble them.
  10. Nice. A little simple, but but still good. I don't like using Iframes because you have to use two files to make one webpage. The only advantage is so that you don't have to edit the whole file when editing the content. But then you have to scroll, and besides, when you have WYSIWYG editors, I don't think Iframes are needed.Now concerning the actual template. It looks nice, but like I said, simple. I prefer something with sidebars. And a little more color contrast then what you have going. You could make a tamplate like that is on a WY editor. But again, not bad. Nice job on your first template.
  11. Well, don't push it too hard against yourself. We all get a little lower grade every once in a while. People won't shun you. As a matter a fact, most people don't like smart people because they thing they are stuck up or too good to hang out with other people. You didn't win the science fair, so what. There will be others. And if your friends laugh or make fun of you, it just goes to show how good of friends they are. And I let people know if they are not acting in a kind way. So lighten up.
  12. I see you buy into lies easy enough. I don't know where you heard this stuff. And the post that you made has almost nothing to do with the topic. I don't know why you posted it. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, but please keep it clean next time. Thanks.Now I believe that religion is here because god created us out of love and because he wanted to make something and had a plan for us. That is my opinion.
  13. Sounds like not more than a asteriod No, but they are small. Get from one side to the other in about 30 minutes. No wonder they couldn't find it. Pluto is so far away too. I mean, you won't see it with a regular telescope. You would need something like a Hubble to find them. Hopefully they can varify in a few years. Thanks for the post.
  14. It doesn't depict any unclean content (underdressed people), so it automatically gets placed high on my scale. It is a little strange. The face is too much staring at you I would have made something else. But it looks okay. Here is how I would rate it.Family Friendly: 8/10Uniqueness: 10/10Color and graphics quality: 3/10Overall graphic design: 4/10It isn't bad, just too much. But then again, like I said, it is clean. Try something a little more traditional next time that has a better color contrast. That is about it for this sig. Again, not bad, but could do a little beter
  15. Finally one thing we agree with. Yes, I am man, and cannot expect or even be, as good as God. But I think people hear what they want to hear. This life after death issue is a hoax. Many people say it because they feel secure knowing that their relatives are in heaven. The point of the matter is, there isn't enough evidence to support it. I you like, I could do a full research on it using my Bible program. It willgive me all the texts, but I already have in the past and have been in enough debates on the subject to know that, in the end, everyone realizes that there is no evidence for that theory, even if they don't except mine.I don't look at anything as a religion, but as what the Bible says. Religions all have their flaws, so I feel safer not going by anything if it cannot be backed up with scripture, the Bible says it is the Word of God suitable for teaching and reproving people, that is all you need. Hey thanks for discussing, if you want to talk more about it, feel free. the topic is still open.
  16. Yes Server, the Bible was translated many times. But the facts remina the same. You have to understand that when the Bible was translated, it was done from Hebrew and Greek, to English. The problem? Our punctuation is not the same, and words were chosen that best fit. does it mean we lost stuff or the Bible is inaccurate? No, it just means that we have to look at two sides of a situation. ie, the fact that Christi may have said one of two things taht mean different things. How do we know what is right? We have to look at the other facts of the Bible.It says in Psalm that the dead know nothing, and in Job that those who pass away are gone forever, or until christ comes again. See? This means that we have more evidence for one side, than the other. As far as you quoting me with God is the God of the living and how only christ can raise people from the dead, you really just confirmed that fact. that only Christ can raise people from the dead, it doesn't mean we go to heaven instantly when we die. Cause we don't. If you look in Revelation, it shows how the judgement will be at the end for ALL people. This is contrary to a popular belief that you stand in front of God as soon as you die. You don't. Lazarus died in the end too, and when Christ comes again, he will awaken him. You will also note in Revelation that the dead in Christ shall rise first. Does it say, the dead weren't really dead but in heaven? No. We die, we stay there till Christ's second coming. Ending these statements, I will still stand with my original statement, there is ONLY ONE CORRECT interpretation.
  17. Hey you guys. Nice devotional Larry. Yeah if you copied it from a site, you should place it in qoutes. Yeah I am a Christian, glad to see you here. This is a religious post guys, athiests can still post their opinion since this is a public forum, but you also don't have to be critical. He wasn't trying to convert you in the first place anyhow. As to his response, it could have been handled with a little more tact, but he is basically saying you are posting for no reason other then to voice an opinion that has nothing to do with this post. All you said is you don't know why he posted this. And it was also a oneliner.But on to the post. Yes we all have different ways to worship God. As you said, some may sing their praises, and others don't. Some shout for joy, and others are content to sit. However the pure and true heart of worship is the one he knows that God is Lord, and seeks Him with all their heart, knowing taht He alone is the Creator of all things. Nice post buddy. Thanks for posting it. Remember to use qoutes next time
  18. The point is Server, to take the Bible literally. Kasm. Ah, you joined. this will get interesting. Let me show you a few things here my friend. You don't need Priests for confession. where in the Bible does it back it up? It doesn't. You don't need a priest. A Priest is the same a Pastor. They are needed for Baptism, and marriage, and to give some advice and spritual guidance along your way, but nothing more. They are ministers of God. Not needed to spill you life sin out to and confess. The dead is a very interesting issue. People have twisted it up to the breaking point. You gave a common verse. Let me show you something. It says, If you read through Matthew, you will find Christ often say: "I say to you today". See that. It appears to be a spelling error. Remember that the Bible was translated many times. If nothing else, because it is circumstansial, it should at least be omitted from the discussion for the double possibility. Either one is possible. Never the less, it is possible that Christ chose to bring him as Enoch was brang, straight to God. But that doesn't mean that all are in heaven instantly. If you read, it syas that the dead know not anything. Meaning they are dead, and that they pass away, they don't come back, only Christ can do that. Concerning the verse with God the god of the living, He can't very well be the God of the dead, that is the devil. Why you put that, I don't know. I know, a tough subject. But the evidence isn't plentful for the fact that poeple say that you go to heaven right away. As a matter a fact, it is opposite so. There is more scripture against it. Would you like to see it?
  19. May I correct you? I know someone who has Live mail. It is nothing more than an extension of hotmail. Added on to make it look a little different. It won't replace it, just make it look different. But yes, it is cool. I got to look it all over. It is like gmail, but more classy. And of course, takes a little longer to load. But not by much. It will make for some nice competition for google.
  20. Very good Kasm. I wil be sending you a PM. I too blieve in God and that Evolution doesn't work. Some people say that evolution and creationists can co-exist. But it just doesn't happen. You either believe in god, or evolution, which I always say doesn't hold the water. Too many holes Hey nice article. It was great. I heard most of them before, and even use a few of those arguments in my debates. Keep up the good work.
  21. And your point is? What do you want. Mental help? Help with your grades? Support? You didn't really say what you want. I am also a student that almost NEVER goes below a B. But it happens. I think you are putting to much strain on yourself and saying you have to achieve so high when you don't. Not that you want to be a bad student. continue what you are doing, but don't kick yourself if you are not "The Best" all of the time. It happens. Good luck with it.
  22. If you don't mind using Javascript, there is also a way to make it so the user is directed toward a certain page when a certain button is clicked. You could set this up by a link and give the user the key commands. Javascriptkit.com or javascriptsource.com I think those two are the best ones. Look under navigation. Hope it helps.
  23. Well welcome to Trap KuBi. Never seen you before Well hey, if you need anything, both mods and members will be glad to help. So just ask No just kidding. I have been here for about, well,.. I don't know. Anyway, glad to see you. I am not sure if I posted an intro either ;)Oh well, welcome to Trap, enjoy your stay, and have a good day and don't forget to be a good poster, which you always are. Up with Trap! (And another undisclosed forum) Nice to see you KuBi finally posting a belated introduction. Welcome aboard.Note: I didn't know what to say to someone who has already been on the forums for so long. So excuse my ramblings.
  24. The point is Server, that only ONe interpretation is correct. All others are null and void. Unless you agree that God speaks out of two sides of His mouth. Which we know He doesn't. And another thing. Jesus Christ didn't come down here to die, just so a Priest could help you with your sins and do so many Hail Mary's and count your Rosary bead. I guess the point is, you don't earn your way to heaven. It is a free gift. You don't need to pray or worship to Saints. You don't need to count Rosary beads and do Hail Mary's, you need to accept God, follow Him with faith and a pure heart, and then trust He will do something with you and forgive your sin. And even though you may fail, you pick yourself back up, and try harder asking God to help you do better next time and to send His guidance. Sure a Pastor or Priest can help you, but not with sins. This is where I see a problem with the catholic faith. Sure people like it because they feel secure. They think they can pray their relatives to heaven, or do things to forgive their sins. It just isn't needed and I know no one could find scripture to back these up. It doesn't exist.
  25. But the saints are dead. It says in the Bible the dead know not anything. You are in the ground until Christ comes again. And you don't need a Priest to even relate to the Bible. The Bible was made for all. Anyone can read it. And back to the Saints. We are to pray to God alone for guidance. You don't pray to your mother, even though she may have been a very good person. That is where the problem comes in.And with Mary, that is nbot actually what movies made by the Ctholic people are saying. I just saw one that was created in honor of Bernadette. And it was VERY clear, that they meant to say that Mary was born without sin.
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