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Everything posted by wild20

  1. Of course everyone commits adultery, but the key is not to. God says, if you love me, then keep my commandments. Are you saying that just because everyone does it, it is okay? there are a very few out there that are pure and holy, however you make it out to be nothing, which saddens me.Faith and grace without works is dead, and therefore the Ten Commandments are still as valid as ever, even if no one keeps all of them, which means they are sinning. Are you saying it is okay to steal and murder, just because a lot of people have? This is not a value statement, it boils down to whether or not you are going to keep God's commandments.
  2. jmb2006:Exactly! We have free will. And God cannot control us like little robots. And that is the point I try to make. Although not many people listen to me anyway. The war is something that happens without God. Sin, is actually the absence of God, kind of.Truefusion:You are basically saying the same thing. I think it is important to realize that we do have a choice, we do need Christ, and we can pick Him. But it is up to you to choose Him. But instead everyone turns and blames a god they can't see or believe in as their excuse to not believe in Him. It is up to you guys.
  3. Whoa guys! You are really taking this to the top! Hey, how about some clarifying? The Bible says what is going on. First, you can't earn your way to heaven. The Bible says it is a free gift. And not by works, lest one of us should decide to boast We are there for the same amount of time. And we do come back to Earth. God after the destruction of the world, will bring us back to this barren planet and heaven too! Then He will start anew, making everything all over again.On this other stuff, you are really talking about works. Explaining it works great, if you can do it right. It is simple. Believe on Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. But you see it goes a little farther. You are saved through faith and grace. But faith and grace without works is dead. It is like this. You promise your boss to straighten up and be good, but don't do anything after he tells you he forgives you. See? Hope this clears things up. A little.
  4. Want my Christian perspective? Too bad, I want to give it anyway. The Bible says that no Guile, or filthy language should come out of our mouths. I believe it. It profits you what? say it with me,... NOTHING! I find it repulsive. and frankly, when I find it on the forums, it makes me want to stop coming. I am admin on another forum, and if it happens, it is dealt with instantly. You get one warn period, then it's an IP ban. I don't tollerate it. Most people find it offensive anyway and it leads to fights, and misunderstandings.Swearing does nobody any good. Some think it makes them feel better, but really, it is just more fuel for the next time the find themselves in a predicement. Language is for immature people who think it makes them hip and makes them feel better. That is all there is about it. You use language, and you can't manage your emotions. It puts you down in society, and it makes people not want to be around you. Just my thought on it.
  5. wild20

    Hello ! Intro

    Welcome. I think I saw you the other day. Maybe ntw. Anyway, glad to have you aboard. We have been getting a lot of new members lately. So we have no lack of new topics to reply to. It can get pretty active here actually. And there is no lack to the activity in the shoutbox. There are some rules, but they are easy to follow, so don't sweat it.And as I always say, if you need help, just say so. The mods are friendly, and the members are too. So it is a win-win deal. Well hope you go for hosting. Have a great day, and enjoy posting!
  6. Well howdy. If I may put a Western accent in here As you can see, we like to welcome people. So,.. welcome! I see you like Video Games. Cool. I actually don't play much myself. But welcome to Xisto forums. I know the other members have heard this before. But I say that all your hosting and posting needs are taken care of here.If you need ANYTHING, just give me a holler, or a mod. And if you have questions, do the same. I am a Christian, so I write religious articles and post them. But that is me. This place does have great hosting though. I love it personally. I didn't know we did Flash too. Just goes to show I don't know everything. Well hey enjoy your stay!
  7. It is going to end how the Bible says. Sinful people will die as a result of the judgement, others, the righteous, will go to heaven. How will the world end? The Bible tells us that the world will end when God detroys it, from there, He will build it again. Not a new planet, a new Earth. Same place, but better. I believe God's word and his truth. I believe what God says. That is the way it will end.Not in the ways so many people think, but as a result of our sin, which we caused. God has to be fair. As a just God, He can't let sinners go unpunished. He wouldn't be fair then. We will, if we believe His word and accept His Son, go to heaven.The Bible says that after God creates the new world, He will bring Heaven down here. And we will spend an eternity with him. The end will be the beginning in a sense.
  8. Even if it was true. I wouldn't go using it. Wouldn't be fair to other people. Besides, I suspect it is just an error. I suppoe it could be true. Maybe OpaQue liked us all so much,.... What am I saying, he'd never do that. That's living in a dream Oh well. Hey just wait a few days. If it hasn't gone down within a week, I would contact the admin.
  9. What you are talking about, I have no idea. I can't tell if it is energy or what. Could you increase your post length and specify more details in your posts. I don't know what you are saying.God is not made up of "energy". He is spritual, it is somethong that no one can explain. Like electricity I suppose, you can see it sometimes,. but it is usually invisible. How god works. If you want me to make an parallel on what I think.
  10. How you found this, I have no idea, but yes, I know Pi. 3.14 is the mathematical equation commonly used to find the circumferance and diameter of various legnths and widths of circles. I use it often in Geometry actually. It is one of my favorites to work with because you use a formula to find another fo4rmula, and from taht you get a answer. But this isn't a math Geometry lesson, so happy Pi Day to you too
  11. Nike is the way to go. But I did have one bad experience with them. I bought shoes with them and the toe protector started to peel off in the front. I wasn't happy until I glued them back on. Everything else is holding up fine. Nike is nice because they are experienced sports equipment makers. They know what they are doing, something you can take comfort in when buying. Nike also makes good golfing stuff too I believe. Adidas? Well, lets say they are good too. But I think it boils down to opinion, and taste in style.
  12. Wow. google Mars. Probably not too informational though. I will have to check it out. It is hard to map a distant planet an dI am not sure how much you can actually "explore". But for would-be astronomers, this will be a great tool. Thanks for the find. I have heard of google earth, Google moon, but never Google Mars. I wonder who makes these. Must be a tech who knows what they are doing. I wonder if they had help. Well I have chatted long enough. Thanks again.
  13. Peace of Mind:May I give some words of advice. God is not merely something you try out because you have nothing to lose. It is because you love Him for what He did for you. May I emphasize you? You are one preson in a large world. One soul in a world of six billion, yet Jesus died for one person in the entire world. Although it is symbolic, you are the one He died for. For all men, not just a group, not just a steriotypical mold, but for you. Think of it that way. He loves you. It isn't something you try out. Church doesn't save you. Only one thing, Jesus Christ. With a "nothing to lose, just try to follow a few rules", you are not saved. You have to believe with ALL your heart, and believe that Jesus Christ actually came to this earth, died for a sinner like you, and then turn to Him. He is an ever present guide. He didn't leave you alone though. He gave you an amazing set of commanedments to mirror your actions. They are the Ten Commandments. Some things you will have to give up. If Jesus wouldn't do it, neither should you. Keep the faith guys, follow Christ, trust His Word. Need help? I'm here.Saga:Nice try, but it is a fact that when the Egyptians had the Israelites, they believed in multiple gods. But a nice thought anyway. Your theory nearly nocked me down to contemplate on the answer, because it was convincing, but I realized that the time era doesn't match.
  14. No of course a 2 year old would not be held accountable. I believe that God judges us on our knoweledge. It is the ONLY way to be fair. However I do know that we have governing laws prebuilt inside us. Such as murder. We all know it is wrong. But God can't judge us on hwat we don't know. If I don't know something is a sin, then it would be unfair for God to judge me on it.And although sometimes it is needed that we reflect oursleves on how to live our lives. The Bible is the word of God and will always be consistent on how we should. Whereas humans will interpret it to best fit their desires. Instances where people will claim God told them to kill someone. Although it seems like a nice way out, we know that in the Bible it says that we can't kill. So we know it wasn't from God.
  15. Wonderful! Simply wonderful! You are taking the Bible literally. Otherwise, you would not be using this story as your backing. But the question is I want to ask, does a two story in Genesis really matter? Might I also imply that your argument on the fact that there is no soil for man to till, is not completely correct. Why? Because you see there was no soil for man to till, though not in the manner in which you expected. Rather, there was no soil that NEEDED to be tilled. Although your interpretation could be quite convincing, God did in fact create soil for plants, and not because He decided to make us fall. But nice thought anyway. Next, the Bible may not have mentioned that Adam and Eve had daughters, but does this mean that they didn't? It doesn't say whether there were large birds and small but we know that there were MOST LIKELY, both. That is quite the theory about evolution. Actually could learn something from it except for several things. Here are the problems I see: 1. No human records of the "missing" link have been found. But we can see hundreds of fossils of Rhino's all over the place, a creature said to be older then us. As the dinosaurs are said to be too. But it seems strange that we can't find the elusive link between us and some other animal. Coincidence? Hardly. 2. Your theory about common looks and maybe even dna wouldn't convince me for two reasons. Common frame structure, and uncommon plant life. You see we are complex in the fact that we can eat various substances with no ill effects. You say we came from little tiny bacteria, or organisms. Yet you cam't tell me where a little plant came from, that is not even a thouasand time less complex as we are. But yet you expect me to believe that slowly over time, we learned to eat these things. And we slowly adjusted. But in reality, we couldn't have evolved with those plants. We would have starved to death. I can really knock down evolution with one argument. No food. When the first cell appeared, it had to of started by some proteins or chemicals in the ground or whatever. What is more, hundreds of different species of these organisms didn't pop up at once. Only one at a time. A problem? Yes. There was nothing for them to eat. There was nothing on the earth excpet rocks. In order for this thing to live, it had to have eaten something. But it had to evolve to eat what was in it's environment. Could it have done this in a timely manner? No. It had to evolve from something, then eat something that it's body had no idea how to use. It couldn't have happened. Now back to the Bible. I see your point about inspired, but I still think God wouldn't let millions led astray by one book. I believe that He guided every last move in the translation of the Bible, and in it being put together. And yes although the writers made different viewpoints when writing the Gospels, they are accurate to every detail and never meet any conflict with each other. Your theories are wonderful, but they lack everything, and are therefore a theory. They cannot be proven. There is evidence for both sides. But I find more evidence for the Bible then any else. The Bible has theories and scientific facts that were never proven until years later. That is why I believe tha word of God.
  16. Perfect thanks. I read this on w3schools. But they didn't put it in very easy terms. Thanks for making it clearer. Where did you find this. Or did you just simplify this? You should make your own tutorial site. I didn't know what you put to link to, now I know and this will be a lot easier to link now since I am putting a WHOLE Bible on my site. Which I know, is quite a feat. Hey thanks a bunch.
  17. Thanks so much for this topic. I have been searching for this, all my life No just kidding. Hey thanks. I didn't know that it was board wrapper. I looked all over for how to do this and I couldn't find it. Does this work on headers and footers too? That is where I would like to put them on mine. And does it work in between posts too? I will have to see and find out. Thanks again guys.
  18. There is only one creation story. But it is a nice thought. The two are almost identical. The second just goes into to detail. Whether there was two, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. As to Cain's wife, it is very possible that brothers married sisters during this time. Is it wrong? No, not till Leviticus does God put an end to the intermarriage.Evolution. Yes that always looming figure. I believe in evolution. But micro. Not Macro. There is one thing that stands out in my mind. You believe that we came from nothing. That we are related to trees that must have mutated to living things, and who knows what else. You can't even find a link between humans and other animals. You will spend you years looking for that fossil and find nothing.On taking the Bible literally, are you saying that God did not inspire the creation of the Bible? What is your belief? What is your point? I believe the Bible is literal. Why else would it be here?I see that you believe in Evolution, but look at the facts. all these little stories of the Bible mean nothing except for the account of how God decided to make a creation and love it to the point of giving His Son up for it. Evolution has more holes in it then the Bible.Yes it it true taht man did no manual labor. Everything was perfect. What is your point? On the fact that there were only a few sons, who says there weren't more. The evidnce you give is all circumstanstial, which doesn't help you case because there are so many other opions and answers.Carbon dating, might I add, is found by many scientists to be in-accurate over a period of three to four thousand years. What does this mean? Most fossils are dated inaccurately. Even if those scrolls were written years apart, that doesn't mean they weren't:1. copies2. by the same person over that period.The Bible however, is all in one stride. It doesn't contridict itself, and if it seems it does, there is always an explanation. What it is with this Genesis story, I have no idea why it is so important, but it is all you are holding onto. Give it a rest. some things have to be taken on faith, and as long as the stories don't contridict each other, which they don't, you have to reason to base the Bible inaccurate. Some things will and will not be revealed to us.
  19. Nice one Ebula. Now let me show you some things. First off, god lives in universe level "1". There is no level two. We are here, just us, God, and anything else He may have created. No you consider the vast expanse of life. Consider everything around you. This computer that you type on was once something out in a rainforest, that ultimately came from a little organism?! Now wait. The theory states that we all came from a speck of protein. Ah ha! But wait, where did plants come from? Am I related to a tree? Maybe that hemlock out my window. Now you see the problem. One scientist says this, and another says that. We came from the Big Bang, no, aliens created us, still others say we have been around forever. Take a watch. Just curious, but would you say that the human body, and all the workings, and even all the world and it's wonders. Now, let me ask you, if you take a metal slab, and set it on the ground, you tell me, will it ever be a watch? I know the answer, and so do you. It is impossible. Now let me ask you this, if evolution is true, why can't metal evolve too? Why can trees evolve? But why if the world can be created by a simple act of nature, why aren't watches or technical things rolling out too? You think I am crazy huh? Take a look at evolution, and see whether it is any better, then the theories I just stated.There is a Creator, and I know His name, His son, and I know He created us. There is no way on this earth that evolution is true because just as you are sitting here today, something made all of use, the earth, and everything in it. I know it wasn't evolution.
  20. Wow. Thy better come up with a nother code or make it fool proof. That is dangerous and does place google at some liability. Of course, I don't keep anything important in my account anyway, but still, the thought of it will irk me now. Thanks a lot Delivi. Oh well.What they need is a way to filter out the dangerous code. Maybe re-write gmail's code that it uses. I don't know, just so they get it fixed.
  21. May I ask, are you a Christian? What religion are you. Here is my take on your opinion. I can say the Bible is true. I actually proved that in my last topic on Evidence for god. Here, read it: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31359-evidence-for-god-the-real-evidence-for-a-living-god/ Don't respond to it there, we can discus it here. It is an old topic, unless you want to bring it back. But my point is, the Bible can prove itself. And it has done so. Meaning that even though human hands wrote it, it was inspired by God, and IS accurate. If God didn't want it in there, He would have removed it somehow, even if it was an act of nature, it wouldn't be in there. So you don't believe in a second coming? And you don't believe in the Bible, but you believe in Jesus and His death? I am not getting what your beliefs are. Let me target what you said. You say that He is among us. The Bible says that Jesus, besides His life here around AD will never touch the ground again until His second coming, and even then His feet won't touch are filthy, sinful soil. May I ask where you got all those opinions? I see no evidence for your claims and therefore I can neither believe them, or even think of your explanations as even comprehendable until you produce some proof. I have given mine, which you can't deny because you don't believe in it anyway. So you need something to stand on now. If you could, that would be great.
  22. Yes, we are to do more then not break the law, but it is important to remember that all, including the fourth it still valid. Thank you for your input. I realize that not all faiths accept the Ten Commandments, but that doesn't make them not valid. On your saying I believe that may be true in other instances, but no where in the Bible does it say there are other Commandments, nor does it give any. By this law of deduction, if and then, if there are no others, then we have logical evidence to support my theory and say, The Ten Commandments are not only valid and true, they are the only thing left standing by which we can mirror our actions, and know whether we are following God's will and not sinning.
  23. Works fine in 6.0 Jim. Sorry it took so long to find it. Anyway. I like it. I could use it with a change in background colors. It needs to be better though with the text highlight. Is that easily changable? I didn't look the code over a lot. I know very little PHP and even less CSS, but enough to see how it works. And I give it a rating of 4:5. Thre are better ones out there, but it is amazing how you did it with CSS only. Very cool, thanks for sharing.
  24. Awesome. Tabbed browsing? Never heard of it. Hey can you download it and still use Internet Explorer 6? I wouldn't want to download it and lose the 6.0 version. That would be bad. It sounds cool but I would be worried about security. It is still in testing and the interface or browsing may not be secure enough to keep out hackers and/or viruses. So I will stick with the good old fashioned version 6.0 for now. Thanks for the news though, I may have to at least test it.
  25. Well welcome back. I think I have seen you before. Just not sure though Hey if you need anything, which I am sure you don't being an experienced member, just give me or someone a holler. Although really you can now help people out. Enjoy your second stay
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