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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. nirmaldaniel, pushing people like this won't lead you any way hahahaa and we all learn things from each other here, or else we would leave the forum. for example, i learn from you for not being so curious or people will misunderstand me more about opaque, he likes Chinese tea, he made a post about that. so if you invite him one day to your house make him a Chinese tea, even it will take you about an hour to be done
  2. my favorite team at all is BRAZIL, not because they are popular but because they are so cool, they play like crazy and i like their motivation to play till the last second. the only once i didn't cheer them is when they play with France in 1998, i love France more . so let's wait and see how things gonna be this year.
  3. never mind darling, we are always here to listen, to share and to help you with anything we can. believe me i can feel your pain, being alone after all these good times, dealing with your break up and your father issues. but in the same time I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU, feeling a little better today and you ate something, well done. that s only the beginning, you are on the right way, keep on going and you will make it. i am sure you will do.by the way, chocolate or hot chocolate, are very useful to fight depression. this is a scientific fact, just try it and you will see but don't eat them in the night because they contain caffeine and they will prevent you from sleeping. as i told you before, making a full time routine will help you a lot, good you started a one. being with your family is the best thing you can do. good luck and don't forget we are here for you.
  4. ok, you are right nirmaldaneil, a lot of us know much more than we wrote here, but we don't tell it not because we are afraid but because it is kind of breaking personal privacy and interfering with others personal life. we can't publish personal information about someone who choose to keep it hidden, this is against the rules, and you are looking for troubles here, hahaha .
  5. well, that's what i thought of long time ago, and here is what i believe is happening, since mycent stands on two things (quality of a topic and length of a topic) so i think there is a counter to collect post lines and for quality i think there is kind of quality rate for topics mostly be done by mods add to all these the rating of the post that made by members. the total will give a specific degree for every topic which will be related to the topic's poster by the member unique id to make sure every member will get only his own mycent. after that, this degree will be added to his mycent account in xisto and the result will be shown here in forums and in xisto account. so putting all this in a program is not that hard thing to do but using this program to synchronize with a forum needs more work because the data will be read from the forum values, since the old mycent was related to the old forum that means it is compatible with the old version which make this system not compatible with this version, therefore opaque has a lot of work to do to update the system or rewrite it again and make sure it works properly. maybe i am wrong but this what i came up with after trying to figure out how this system is running.
  6. i TOTALLY agree with you, just because they are living in a simple way doesn't make them poor. in fact they are very simple people even if they are rich. also India is a very beautiful and rich country, in so many ways, but maybe the increasing of population and lack of government support causes this difference of living style . nowadays, in the middle east indians are very known, in many fields. they are very known here in medicine and computer science, personally, once, i had a long conversation with an indian programmer and i really got impressed with his knowledge and abilities, therefore i didn't surprise at all when i knew that opaque is an indian.
  7. hahaha.. that's right nirmaldaniel, you are taking risks here. he maybe suspend you either and make you lose your hosting or your domain, and not posting here any more . just kidding trying to frighten you a little . i am sure the best he could do is not replying you at all, and according to your curiousity THIS IS WORSE hahaha
  8. thank you buffelohelp for you apology and you declaration. i am sure that even members are complaining but they still very supportive and faithful to the forum. after all we are all trappers and trappers support each other. waiting for more news and thank you.
  9. well, i thought the same. i thought that maybe one of the mods will delete it since it effect the personal information but between me and myself i hoped not, because it seems interesting . so now it passes from anwiii's fingers let's hope the same for others mods. and i am sure if opaque reply then things will heat up more .
  10. well i said before that i didn't see anything weird in twitter. but now yes, i received notifications on my email that a new people are following me now, but when i checked my twitter account, i found that my following counter doesn't change whereas the followers counter changes when i follow new people.
  11. I heard him promise you forever... But forever's come and gone... Baby, he would say whatever... It takes to keep you blind...To the truth between the lines, oh

    1. deadmad7


      ....is this a song? and is it the same one posted last time?

    2. web_designer


      yes it is a song to BSB...and no it is a different one...that was for westlife...

  12. how you define our natural resources as SHE or HE??i think this is interesting topic to discuss about. i was talking with a friend about that and this make me curious so i google it, and found there are many debates about that. defining the natural resources depending on many issues like languages, religions and what is common in a certain area. so what do you think or how do you name ( SUN, MOON, CLOUD, WIND, STAR, SKY, RAIN, earth )??to me, SUN is she, MOON is he, CLOUD is she, WIND is he, STAR is she, SKY is he, RAIN is he, and EARTH is she. maybe it sounds funny but i used to named them this way. i am looking for your replies.
  13. ok nirmaldaniel, you want to know what i know about opaque then here it is. i don't care where he is from or either he acts like indian or not because i know he is a talent and smart enough to do all these by his own, i say this not as a compliment but this is the fact, i saw people who have a PHD degree and can't do half what he did. as a person, from reading his posts he is funny sometimes and serious sometimes and mostly he replies in short words, which i hope he could change it because being the administrator of this forums he should participate more in the discussions but still say everyone has its own duties and as human we can't do everything. about the 5 years thing, i didn't noticed this before but it is kind of funny. and since buffalohelp is 5 years old too then that's make the classmates in kindergarten hahaaa, no offense. about his study, i think really it doesn't matter since he is up to date with the new software development. in fact all of us like that in this forum, there are a lot that not related to web design or web development at all but the are pro in web designing and development. even me, i supposed to study everything about computer science for four years in college but i still study till now to continue learning the new programming languages and websites techniques. and if you are complaining about his name in the forum then you should complain about 95% of us here who are using fake names, let's say you have the gut to use your real name but not everyone do, especially me my name in the forum is so general that it doesn't related for being a female which make most of the members her thought that i am a guy haha. as you said it is common for people to use such names in forums. and why he named the forums as trap first, i think that there's a topic about trap history but can't find the link, but Xisto is obvious what it means and since you are indian too you should knew it, i know the meaning because i google it so BTW your topic looks like you are stalking opaque so be careful maybe he won't like it.
  14. i am really sorry for your pain and suffering. i can feel from your words that you are suffering a lot and still, but in the same time i can see that you are a strong and worm heart person by trying to support your family in this critical condition, in spite of your pain. even if your are thinking that you are not, but believe me YES you are a strong person, maybe much more than you think. i won't tell you to stop thinking of him, because i know you can't and this is completely natural. loving him, hating him, miss him, it is natural feelings for someone who you've been with for entirely three years. so i 'd rather tell you to do other things in your life so that you can distract yourself from thinking about these feelings all the time. and believe me step by step you will feel better. you can start by making a routine for your life, being with your family is the first thing you would do but add more things to do, meet your friends regularly will help a lot, here i don't mean staying at home, go out, go to cinema to watch a movie but stay away from the romantic movies or go to shopping, do girls stuff...ect. but don't stay at home, force yourself to see things from a different angle. for example, if you are walking in a street you've been there before with him, it's ok remember him FOR SEVERAL MINUTES but after that say to yourself " whatever, it is in the past and now i am here with my friends, having fun, i don't need him" and believe me, even you said these not from your heart but you will after a while. because this is the human nature. we get hurt, we take our time feeling hurt, letting our heart controlling things but after a while the mind start controlling again and then we will be healed.another important way to feel better, lock away all his gifts and photos or anything reminds you of him, keep it a way until the day you get rid of all the pain and then you can decide what you want to do with them. also, you didn't mentioned if you have a job or not, having a job is the best way to forget every problem in your life, especially if you love your job. so if you have a job, put your heart in it, if you don't get a job and you will have a better life.your inability of eating, this is kind of your body reaction for what you've been through, but here you need a doctor, and YOU SHOULD DO THIS. just think you won't do anything by being sick, just hurt your family and make him pitied you, and i don't think you need that RIGHT? so take more care of your health, to get through this and be more closer to your mom. mothers are always the most amazing persons in the family, they can handle anything no matter what they feel. if you think your mother is busy with your father issue and she isn't capable to do something for you, then you are wrong, just try to talk to her about what you feel and you will see. in fact maybe you are making her more worry about you when you still silent like this because she can feel you. as anwiii said before, we all have our own pain in life, and we all have to deal with it. either give up and loose our faith and our dreams or fight and do something about it. life is about experiences, we should take the good part of bad situations. maybe you think there's no good of what happened to you but believe me there is. you experienced the feeling of love with someone who felt the same, whereas there are people couldn't experience that their whole life, then why you couldn't continue? this depend on how strong is your love is "both of you", according to what you said your love is strong but he is not, so it is better to know this now not after your marriage, or when you have children then you would be wasting your life, and bringing misery for everyone. so you should respect his being honest with you and cut it off before you continue without love at least from his side. and i am sure you don't want to be with someone who don't love you or deserve your love, it is unfair for both of you. maybe he broke up with you in the wrong time, but according to your life situation i mean your father situation, i think he was trying o do this after your engagement but he was considering what you've been through, but he couldn't handle it any more, and i think this break up is meant to be and it happens now better than in the future, maybe then you will have more problems to deal with and if the break up thing happen then you will feel worse.being friends issues is a joke, you know you can't be his friend any more and he knows that too. especially now, maybe you could but after you healed and consider him as any other person in your life. what you need now is being away from him and continue of your life and he needs that too. and forget the friends thing because friends should be open and honest towards each other and obviously you can't do this any more, at least for now.so what i want you to do now is concentrating on other things in your life other than him, visit a doctor, be more active with your social life, get a job if you don't have any, talk to your mother, and write whatever you feel here. we are always ready to help even with words. and i am sure you can make it and eventually you will be happy again.
  15. me too deadmad, i couldn't see it because a permission error or something. but i think that maybe saint_michael uploaded in a wrong way or a forum error.
  16. you guys make me interested, so i tried to play it yesterday, but unfortunately these days i have a bad connection speed so i couldn't do anything. i didn't move a pace yet and got the game over
  17. as little asterisk said you should post a screen shoot or a link if you uploaded your site so that we can help you more. it is really odd to get such bugs in internet explorer 8 because usually bugs are the most in internet explorer 6 and 7.anyway, to reduce browsers bugs, you should reset your browsers to default style, for me i use this one https://www.crucialhosting.com/knowledgebase also there are many ways to fix browsers bugs, i use css hacks, check these links:- http://positioniseverything.net/index.phphttp://www.quirksmode.org/compatibility.html http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/cc.shtml http://www.javascriptkit.com/dhtmltutors/csshacks.shtml https://css-tricks.com/ie-css-bugs-thatll-get-you-every-time/ hope it will work for you, good luck and feel free to ask anything you want.
  18. i agree simpleton if we want to be secure on the social networking sites then we shouldn't put our private photos there. but the fact is we know that and we do it, i do it we just want the easiest way to connect to our friends and families, and it is absolutely more fun to do this on facebook or my sapace than calling them. but i think what we should do is not uploading a private photos that could put us in troubles, i know with photoshop anything can be done but uploading general photo that isn't related to our private issues is better than nothing.
  19. the dog shoots are very good. you did a great job by concentrating on the dog this way, and it looks really cute for the flowers shoots, you need more practicing. in general for flowers, you must either concentrate on a certain flower by taking a closer shoot or take a far view shoot for a certain area or the whole garden. same thing for the snow shoot, you didn't focus on what you want to show, if you want to show the house covered with snow then you should take a far view shoot to the whole house, if you want to show the whole area "many houses" covered with snow, you should take a far view shoot for the whole area, if you want to show the trees covered with snow then you should take photo showing the whole tree, not clipped from any side. so just with more training, you could take much better shoots. good luck, waiting for more.
  20. hay, you seem wandering taking photos everywhere. i like them, you have an eye of photographer but you need more practice. my digital camera is FUJIFILM FINEPIX S5800 with 8 pixel zooming. digital cameras are so fun even i always think that paper photos are the best but i love taking photos for everything around me using my digital camera. any way, i think that the photos of the duck, the stream, the squirrel, the close view of flowers and the fountain are very good, the others need more concentrating. you should work on the angles and dimensions of your photo, specially when you want to take a photo for a building or something specific.for example, the shoot of the " redvers buller's hat" is kind of confusing. it didn't show what you want to show, if you want to show the statue then you should took a more closer shoot to show the details, and absolutely you took it from the wrong angle because the traffic lights block part of the statue. also in "squirrel stunts" shoot, you took a random shoot, you didn't concentrate on the squirrel, you should use zooming and concentrate only on squirrel. same thing to other building and statues photos. in "goodbye shops" shoot, you totally messed up the dimensions, your photo seems diagonal. however, you did a great job in "university exeter crest" shoot.i know that you may took most of these photos in a haste, but i just want to make you more focus on details. so have fun and good luck. waiting for more.
  21. BACK again...miss you forum...

    1. web_designer


      yeah i wish that too...but i didn't be far away for a long time...just about 3 days...hardly bear it...

    2. anwiii


      were you gone? :)

    3. web_designer


      yes i am anwiii...but seems i am invisible to u coz...

    4. Show next comments  150 more
  22. if you want your image slide showcase with the same effect that the website shows then it can't be helped, mostly you can't get such an effect only using flash or jquery. but if you want it like image slideshow there is much easier way, just a simple script in ajax or any other language could do it. see these links http://www.agilegallery.com/ajax-photo-gallery.html http://www.zenphoto.org/ this one in css http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ luck.
  23. well soviet i would suggest you to close it now and restart your contest again the next month or more. because i am sure that you didn't get entries not because no one interested but because there's no one to be interested as you can see most of the members are not active now because the exams, the forum upgrade,...ect. so i think you need a good time to post your contest. unfortunately, you post it just a few days before the forum upgrade, so it was just a bad luck. don't be disappointed.
  24. i agree with you deadmad 100%the theme looks fine to me and after all it is the default theme we will get a much better one as i hope. also the older one was completely awful, the color was old fashioned and so boring. the increasing of guests now prove that. and cut the posts more!! ABSOLUTELY NO i would suggest to increase it to forty or fifty a day, hardly be enough for me like anyone could prevent me from posting more than 25 a day HUH.
  25. i use frefox all the time but with windows xp. so i don't know anything about windows 7 but after a quick search on the net, seems it is normal to firefox to run as administrator.therefor i think you got another error that causing all these mess, see this link https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-wont-start-find-solutions?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=Firefox+will+not+startso i suggest you to reinstall firefox again. once i remember that i received the same error suddenly that my firefox is crashed and need to...ect. so i just reinstall it and everything return running perfectly again. good luck.
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