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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. my first entries were 465*100 but after you mentioned that i should use sky's background they became 465*93, because sky's background dimensions are 465*93 so what now should i edit them or not??
  2. well, networker. i don't know why you feel like that, you know that the whole forum is under update so consider yourself you are testing the forum and cheer up. for me i like it a lot, the color and features are great but need more work of course but anything good takes time to be good. so we should be more patient and wait for the best. in fact i think the number of new visitors increased the last three days in spite of all the errors and bugs here, also a lot of members have been much more active than before. although i agree with you that pages load so slow but i remember that buffalohelp said it is just a matter of time until the upgrade completes. about posting, maybe you should check your browser. because right now i use three browsers (firefox, internet explorer and opera) and i have no problem when writing a post at all. nothing jumping or moving, and you can see that from the number of posts here in one day.
  3. you were right k_nithin_r, i could log in to the forum using facebook account (facebook email and facebook password) and i am posting now after logging in to the forum using facebook account, WOW, i am very impressed great work guys. the second great thing about connected facebook with the forum that i could open my facebook account directly without typing user name and password. but if mycents will still work or not, i think it should be but i am not sure, since it is stopped now, so we will wait and see.
  4. ok, i tested the reputation thing and it works like magic with one click on "+" sign under post and found the reputation changed in a profile, i like it. and you can't use it twice, just once for each member but maybe there's a timer or something so i will try it later. but what about the RSS button in the main page, all the links in RSS navigate to the main page, maybe someone should check it. another thing, i tested live chat in many browsers, it gives this error " the application failed to run" in firefox 3.5.9 and internet explorer 6 and gives this error "applet not found" in opera 10.10. also, i noticed that the log in time expired after half an hour or more with no action in the forum, and i should sign in again.
  5. i wonder what the "SHORT LINKS" tab is for?? i remembered someone mentioned that to me, but i didn't figure it out. but now i noticed that , i thought the "most" topics are for the most topics viewed but i think there are topics viewed more than 10? and "latest" topics aren't the latest topics they are about 2-3 years ago. so anyone can explain that? also, i want to test the Reputation UP. but i didn't know from where to start, in the profile there is something like this but it is not active, any way seems i lost in this new theme but i like it.
  6. i agree with you ash bash, seems like the forum turns alive again and all the members are enthusiastic again to post and participate, that's really great.
  7. if you want, tell me what server do you want to install and i am ready to help i can point you to some good tutorials or you can post the errors here and we are ready to help. i still thinking that testing your files directly on the hosting is a bad idea. most of hosting websites show your files as plain text and there is no undo, so if you delete anything by accident or missed anything you will get a series of errors that never ends. another point, you mentioned "PHPMYADMIN" and "using asp" you know they are completely different things RIGHT? phpmyadmin used with php pages and XAMPP sever , IIS used with asp pages and you can get it from your windows cd. it is one of the windows features. after installing it you should make a default web site from control panal> administrative tools> internet information services. this should point to your asp files to make it works. anyway, about what should you put instead of localhost in the hosting website, you should put your hosting server name. good luck.
  8. well, i never used it before but may i will give it a try. thank you for mentioning that. that's right facebook and twitter are the best. it seems like everyone now using them.
  9. thank you kira, assumed that too because i tested many status and all had "is" before them, but i decided to post it here because it really looks confusing on facebook wall. it should be fixed in a way or another. i didn't test that but i think it can't be since we are using our information here for updating mycents so it shouldn't be able to log on with another user name. after all this facebook online connect is kind of an application that synchronizing between the forum and facebook so it shouldn't take an effect on the forum database.
  10. sorry seems i missed it anyway, i fixed it now, and the logo looks even much more better. entry *1 entry *2
  11. another report, "portal" tab shows nothing at all only the header and footer. and of course chat still not working.
  12. i made two logos, have a lot of options and don't know from where to start. anyway hope you will like them. entry 1: entry 2: both of the are in png, and the same size as the current logo. share me your opinions.
  13. these are what i got after synchronizing my profile with facebook acount: i tested "Update my Forum Status with my Facebook status (Import a status)" i updated my status in forum and checked my facebook wall and the status showed there but with more than i wrote, for example: i wrote in my forum profile "graphic design is so cool" but what showed on facebook wall is "is graphis design is so cool". i tested "Update my Facebook Status with my Forum status (Export your status)" but nothing changed either here or in facebook. i tested "about me" and it works, it changed "my about me" in forum with "about me" in facebook. i tested "Update my Profile Picture with my Facebook picture" and worked great. and still only "Update my Avatar with my Facebook picture" but i won't tested, in case i can't edit my avatar any more and i get the ugly avatar of my facebook about reputation thing i will tested them soon. hope i could help.
  14. graphic design is so cool...

  15. hayyy slim, i read all you wrote assuming i will finally reach the words when you said" i told her", or "i decided " or "take any actions". FOR THE GOD SAKE, do something, decide what you want to do, decide if you want to be just friends or take a further steps. you really make things interesting to me, it 's like i am watching a tv drama series, but i want to see the end you can't let things hanging like this. think, decide and take steps forward. if you want to be just friends hold back to return your relationship to the normal friends, if you want to be more than friends do something. you should do something because you really both of you acting like boyfriend and girlfriend where you are not. about her she is really looks insecure and confused and things seems getting worse. i can't take a decision about her because i judge her only from what you told us but i am sure she is not sure what she wants to do, maybe if you sit and talk like friends more, this will make both of you more understand each other. good luck.
  16. i don't know if someone other me report that or not, but i will report anyway. the link for Xisto guidline "kknowledgeSutra Guidelines" has double k. hopping more from you, you are doing a great job here.
  17. i suggest you to do a full scan system but in SAFE MOOD, restart your computer and enter the safe mood and start full system scan. this trick will catch viruses or spyware within system files. i tried it myself and got viruses not showing in my normal scan.or delete both of your browsers and installed them again, it is easy for firefox but for internet explorer reinstall it from your system cd. i don't use windows 7 yet so i can't give you specific information about that.
  18. GOD, i never thought they have that's much of domains. that means their profits from ads are at least double than the domains fee every year, or else why do they buy too many domains. however, GOOGLE will always still be my favorite search engine.
  19. i want to know if we can make more than one logo to choose from. i started of making one already but got a lot of ideas and without answering deadmad questions, there are a lot of options. so please somebody answers these questions and if we can make more than one entry or not.
  20. well, kira i really hate cook, or let's say not kind of persons that good in cooking. but your recipes looks very delicious. i am sure that i will try it as soon as i can and post a feedback here , only if it works for me .what i like in your recipes that they are very detailed, you even mentioned how much salt we should add and that look great for me, since most of recipes don't mention that, they only write "a little bit of salt, huh, like i know how much this little bit should be so i end up with either a very salty food or with no salt at all . anyway, i will give it a try and thank you for sharing.
  21. great, i will try to do my best. and good questions deadmad, same things passed in my mind i hope someone answered these questions to know how to do it the perfect way.
  22. i love changeing...

  23. not all the time deadmad but from15-19 hours a day hahaha

  24. thank you k_nithin_r for these useful information. even i don't use phpcake, but i heard that it has a lot of good features. and i know there are a lot of developers use it despite of its disadvantages. thank you for sharing.
  25. yuk, the characters are so ugly, my frogs are much more better. but i tried it, it tooks me about five minutes to solve it, and it was fun too.
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