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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. thank you...i didn't notice that...so 500 posts in 5 months...WOW..proud of myself...

  2. HORRIBLE, these are the most horrible sites i've ever seen in my life. especially, this with the annoying BEEP i will keep them in my black list
  3. thank you for your reply, but i finished school long time ago and here i am talking about my blog, powered by wordpress. i have annoying spammers in my blog.
  4. I'm in the dark and you're my light... I'm going blind and you're my sight... I feel alive... You set me free I hold you tight... You're in my heart and I'm the knife... I feel alive... You belong to me...

  5. hahaa, i agree. in fact it is kind of kick craziness over there, everyone kick everyone, they even kicked me , CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT those guys have no idea on how to treat a lady, they kicked my four times, hmmmm, or maybe more. i can't remember clearly next time when i will enter the chat room, i will be holding a pan, to avoid kicks, haaaa. BE WARE TRAPPERS, OR YOU WILL BE KICKED SO HARD
  6. recently, i have a lot of spams in my blog. first i didn't care a lot but after that it getting so annoying. therefore a friend suggest me to use akismet plugin that will help me to avoiding spam.and it did, it works great. but after a while i noticed that it acting weird. the spams counter in my blog shows a different number of spams than it actually is. for example, the spam counter in my blog shows "45" spams where in wordpress dashboard it is only "23". and i couldn't see a lot of comments like before, i wonder if the plugin affect something. i tired to change the plugin configurations but there isn't much to do since the configuration is so limit.anyway, if there is anyone can suggest me a better way to avoid spams i will be appreciated for him. thanks in advance.
  7. hi trappers, so we got our chat room back again. and i think it is good and interesting comparing to the old shout box. but i really hope if it could be added in the top of every page so that i can follow what is going on in the forums. but i think it can't be done with the new theme of the forum.other than that, it is great, even it is freezing for me sometimes. THANK YOU OPAQUE, you did a great job. thank you for your hard working.so, what do you think trappers?
  8. i just hope if there's an emotion for birthday or a "happy birthday " that i could send it to my friends here in their birthdays. i love birthdays and i love to make my friends feel the spirit of birthdays in their special days by sending them something special. i know you can do it opaque, after all you are the mad scientist , you said that in your signature not me
  9. ok boss, i will pray for you."i hope you can find the most Vegetarian girl in the world, Fair enough, with a Good Vital Stats, Shorter than 5'' 8,Spiritual enough,Smarter than boss,Beautiful, Cook tasty meals for the boss, Sing, dance and playing music, Loves Trance,Very TALKATIVE, facebook addicted, Long Hair and any color of eyes" now i prayed for you opaque. but in fact, it doesn't make sense at all. you can't set specific qualities for the person you want to share you life with like this. if you did then you will have a bad time searching for her.i think you should first search for the main virtues that you really want it to be in your future wife, like she should be beautiful, good and smart. these virtues are important because this what will be passed for your children. if she can't cook, that's ok you can manage some way. if she can't dance, sing or play music. that's ok, if she loves you enough she will learn for you to share time with you. if she don't like the facebook, just show her the features of facebook and she will be interested. after all we all are different from each other we just could change for better or worse depending on our partner. i don't tell you here to not specify what you want your future wife qualities should be, but to minimize to the basis and important ones. good luck opaque,i hope you will fine your sole mate from all my heart.
  10. GOD..it is impressive, thanks for posting that deadmad. i really want to be there at night. i envy you.
  11. being a mental illness doesn't mean that you have to live alone and lock yourself away. as long as you have your family, your friends and people who care about you then you shouldn't worry at all. also, you can write here whatever you want but it should be within the forum rules . you are helping yourself now by knowing your problem and taking medicine to heal yourself, this is always a huge step. when you know what is your problem and admit it and do something about it. just do your best and i am sure you will heal very soon. speedy recovery.
  12. WOW, i like the "confederation bridge" it really looks tall . i would like to walk along this bridge and see if i can reach the end.
  13. he posted it first in one of categories where no post count, after that a mod transfered his topic. therefore i told him in my post to post in introduction category.
  14. these are the most amazing and interesting bridges i've ever seen. in fact, i think some of them are wired too, i don't know what the engineers were thinking of Fountain bridge, in Seoul , South Korea millau bridge, France sea crossing bridge, China Rolling bridge in England oliveira bridge, Brazil Wind and Rain Bridge, China Tower Bridge, UK Magdeburg Water Bridge, Germany Ponte Vecchio, Italy Henderson Waves, Singapore now, what do you think trappers. i think the most interesting bridges are: Henderson Waves , Rolling bridge , Wind and Rain Bridge and Ponte Vecchio. i really want to see them.
  15. good work opaque. having to domains is so cool. but i wonder why you choose "knowledge2.us" in specific, not "sutra2.us" or "knowledgesutra2.us"??
  16. today the forum is in a mess. the " view new content" is not working, i should check the categories to follow the news and "my content" to check the new posts. thanks god you added the "the latest discussions" tab guys. it is so useful now. also html code keeps showing from time to time when i post soemthing, thank you for your hard work.
  17. welcome here liyulianyanyu with us in Xisto community. most of use are foreigner and we have fun talking and writing to each other. we are so helpful and supportive to each other, so just wait the upgrading of the forum completes and the shoutbox returns and talk there, this will help you a lot. about your English never mind, just keep on posting, sharing ideas and eventually you could talk smoothly. just an advice, listening for English song will improve your language a lot. good luck.
  18. GOD, thank you a million, i didn't know about that even i installed "microsoft visual studio 2008" 3 months ago and didn't see anything like that. what are they microsoft, they come up with new software every month or what!! thank you for sharing fougilang.
  19. so you have a domain name and you want to get a free hosting from here. as i can see you have a 0 post. so, let's start. first by reading the rules of the forums, from "Xisto guidelines" in the right upper side. second start posting good quality posts, by opening a discussion or replying to topics. after 5 or 6 posts your mycent counter will appear in your cpanal and under your avatar in the forrum but no one can see it but you. in the same time you should sign up in xisto and make an account WITH EXACTLY the same email you signed up with here, from xisto you can get your free hosting and from there you will see how much your mycent accumulation. when you reached the $2 in your mycent (aftr 15-20) posts usually. you could get the logic plan hosting, of course there is more options but you should post more cause they cost more, you can check the options from xisto. to choose which one is suitable to you but the logic plan is the minimum. when you order your hosting you will get an option asking for you domain name and if you have a one or not,then simply add yours. that's all. but for now even you post you won't see your mycent because the forum is under upgrading, but keep on posting so that when they finished, about the end of the month as they said you will have enough mycent to earn your hosting, because all the posts now are count but will show after the upgrade finish, so as you see we all waiting for our mycent. so, post, contribute in the discussions, have fun and finally you will get a hosting and friends in the forum. and there are many useful links i will point you to them http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and there is more, here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ check and you will understand everything, and how about talk a little about yourself in the introduction category so that we can welcome you. have fun and good luck.
  20. GRANTED, but to get to that level you should training 24 hours in 24 hours, and finally you could play like Oscar Peterson but you lost all your friends and lived alone in a big house that nobody hear your music but you. and became like "noterdam hanchback' but you know that this is the price of glory i wish to become a fairy and annoy all trappers around the world p.s bani we were typing in the same time here, sorry for that.
  21. GRANTED, and they make a huge success that draw all the attention including a big company decided to be their sponsors. the bad news is the head of this company is a WOMAN who make them change their custom to pink and bleach their hair, hahahaaaaand they look even more pretty now, that anwiii couldn't hold himself from broken his tv when he saw his dear team looks so cute, hahaaa now i wish when i talk to the moon, he answers me.
  22. Granted, but this time he is concentrating a LOT of writing the capital letters in the appropriate places that he messed up all the other small letters. and the result you couldn't understand anything from his writing, just the capital letters, hahahaa now my wish is i wish bani couldn't eat any pizza again his whole life, and if he did he would chock till he turns GREEN hahahaaa, that's a revenge bani for messing with my ice- cream
  23. COMMON, anwiii. i just sugested her a few pieces or chocolate or a cup of hot chocolate. not big deal since she hardly eat anything, and now even doctors suggest these things. i will suggest you another thing, if you felt angry and you want to do something, go to exercise even for a walk. especially in the dawn, when the breeze is so fresh. this will relax you a lot. at night if you can't sleep, just read an iteresting book and listen to soft music. i hope you like reading,it is the best. watching a funny movie is good too, just don't stay n bed thinking. and if you start feeling angry at him and you want revenge just pm me and i have a great way hahahaaa, not evil but funny and useful waiting more from you, hopping you will be fine soon.
  24. according to what happened i think the problem is in your video card, i remember once i was checking my pc and when i opened it i got an error message about video card performance so after a while i figured it out, it's the dust. i only cleaned it and made sure that it was pluged in correctly and everything worked fine. maybe u should check it on another computer. and this could be part of the problem, i suggest you to buy a new ide and replaced it with yours. and since you got error when you changed the port then the problem is in your ide, sometimes it breaks and stop transferring data correctly.
  25. hay, this is a great topic i didn't see it before, i read it in a harry, even anwiii's wishes came true so i will wish too, hope it will be granted. i wish the winter is finally over so i could eat the big ice-cream ever
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